Book it. Buy it. BELIEVE it! - TR is started! link posted 8/11

How sweet for Jeff to do that for you guys. Where are you going?

Oregon and Washington coast, it won't be warm but it's kind of wild and cool at this time of year and the kids haven't been to any of the locations we are going to.
There were times when we were thinking about this trip that I felt like Kevin Costner. “If you build it, they will come”. Or in our case, “If you book it, she will come”. It’s kind of a crummy situation when you feel you have to “sell” your child on a family trip to help her deal with another parent that might try to talk such a trip down. We are not a fan of putting anyone in the middle and as a general rule, try to avoid it at all costs. One thing we do know to be true though is that IF Kendall states a strong opinion about wanting to do something; her mom will almost always go for it without much pushback. As I mentioned though, Kendall is amazingly drama free. Which means she is pretty quiet about stuff. With a mom who does like to control her every move, she doesn’t end up with much say much of the time about what she does with her time. As a result it is rare for her to push for something that her mom hasn’t organized, beyond the typical teen stuff like a sleepover or going to the mall, movie etc. Confrontation is way out side her comfort zone so if she senses her mom disapproves; she will generally remain silent or non committal. Which we get (or at least I do), it’s a icky spot to be in. Jeff more often than not will give up, not wanting to push K or make mountains out of molehills. It does add up and take a toll though. I can’t count how many of “our” weekends have been commandeered by her mom not bringing her back on time, letting her go with a friend, or agreeing to other events without checking with us first. All little silly things that by themselves aren’t a big deal. But it adds up and can seriously bum us out at times. As you might imagine, this makes planning hard. If we want to equip K with the tools to feel strongly enough to stand up to her mom and state clearly that she wants to do something…it needs to be something she really wants to do! And honestly, we had no idea what K would think of a cruise. None at all.

The boys of course went on and on and on about Alaska. We tried to downplay it, after all we felt pretty crummy that she hadn’t been with us. It didn’t seem to bother her but then again, it didn’t seem to interest her either. Over the holidays we talked some more and while the Med seemed very likely for 2013, it also seemed best as a trip for 4 when we could extedn the trip and visit my brother in Germany. That wouldn’t be high on her list despite it being Europe as his kids are 1, 5 and 9, not a teen’s dream vacation! Given the likelihood of a big family trip that same year, it just didn’t line up. And, while there was a lovely November 2013 Fantasy cruise…it was too much time out of school, and mid soccer season, it just couldn’t work.

Top 3 choices all non starters.
  1. Magic and Key West, not on any itinerary after the spring for 2012.
  2. Magic and the Med too far away and conflicting with other things
  3. Fantasy…during school.
So we decided to forge on, and stick with our August Dream booking even though we hadn’t seen the Magic and Wonder 2013 itineraries yet, basically deciding they were irrelevant as that was just too far away.

Pro: On Kendall’s actual 16th Birthday! Castaway Cay!

Con: Is the icky itinerary where CC is last which means a small chance that we can’t dock and we miss it (we will ALL be devastated if that happens…Why they make that itinerary at all is beyond me!). This is of course what made it less expensive than the ones on either side of it. Grr.

Now it got a bit sticky. What else would we do? Crazy to go that far for just that. I admit, when we first discussed a Canaveral based cruise, I’d tossed out the idea of a condo on the beach. The E’s have NEVER had a beach vacation. Jeff and I ran away to Hawaii last year and have had other beach “date” vacations over the years. Kendall was lucky enough to go to Hawaii for soccer a few years back and last summer, to SoCal with her mom on vacation. The E’s though..never. Not a warm beach anyway. Sure, they go to the beach here all the time. Mostly lake but occasionally the Sound. Puget Sound is cold. They’ve been to the Pacific Ocean, in WA, but were too little to remember it. The closest they’ve come was one hour in Santa Cruz, jumping into the ocean in their JEANS after visiting the boardwalk and it was chilly. They also walked on the beach at Seal Beach in CA in the spring of 2010 but it was far too cold to go in. Laying by the ocean, listening to the surf, playing in the surf, sandcastles on an ocean beach…no, they’d never had any of that. True, as of yesterday Jeff put together a spur of the moment Oregon/Washington coast road trip for President’s weekend but it is Feb. It will be cold. Gorgeous in a wild kind of way but…not lay in the sun and reapply sunscreen every hour kind of beach time. I am a sun person. BIG time. It might be horrible for me but I could give up WDW and the parks…for a drink with an umbrella, sun and beach. And, maybe, just maybe, it would make the July and August weather less miserable that way!

The beaches I’d tossed out were Vero, Key West and Clearwater. Key West, we decided was just too much time in the car. Clearwater, same thing. Most of the other “great” FL beaches were simply farther than we wanted to drive or in the opposite direction of Cape Canaveral. Vero, or somewhere around there was really the only feasible beach option. I admit, I had my heart set on Vero. It seemed easy. Gorgeous. Known. Still some driving but not unbearable. We could possibly even fly into Palm Beach and shave a little of the driving time and bypass Orlando completely which might make things a little easier in a few respects.

Borrowed picture

All huge bonus points to me! The prices however were rather alarming. I remember a few years ago when it seemed like I would get PIN codes for Vero on a fairly regular basis with the Disney Visa. Sadly that discount seemed to have dried up and wasn’t being offered anymore (according to my research), at any time of year. While we like to stay deluxe at WDW or elsewhere when we can (and have been lucky enough to do it) we’ve always had a PIN or free dining. Rack rate just wasn’t in the plan. I checked out other options. The best options, resort wise, would mean 2 rooms. Hotels and resorts just don’t sleep 5 unless you rent a condo anymore and frankly, the kids are bit big to sleep on the floor for more than one night. The condo’s…it was hard to tell. I’ve had great luck, and just ok luck, through VBRO. I’ve also had great luck with my TA. She wasn’t really moving on looking for anything though, or at least not as quickly as I might have liked (patience is NOT my strong suit). I looked, quite a bit at VBRO and some other rental sites for Vero, Cocoa and other areas nearby and found some things. Many things actually. Too many…major sensory overload and without enough direction to point me any one way. Did I want a condo or house on or near the beach that didn’t have its own amenities with it like dining and rentals? That may or may not have a lot of families with kdis potentially the same age as ours? That could be great. OR it could mean a tween and teen bored out of their mind. It seemed risky, though potentially less $$. Eric would just play in the sand and not really care either way. Either way, we wanted a condo. The ability to just cook dinner, make lunch, grab a fresh adult breakfast, drink coffee and eat breakfast on the balcony, ...hop in and out from the beach and chill on a balcony or cool off in a more spacious living space, well...a hotel room just didn't have the same appeal. Not even close.

We started plotting out dates, looking both before and after. Our targeted date range became 7/26-8/6…ish. I’d check the Vero website and sometimes it would show availability, sometimes not. The data seemed to conflict on what kind of room actually slept 5. Originally I’d hoped for 3 beach nights. That I could afford if we flew in on a Sunday.
Sunday flight prices were INSANE. The more “reasonable” flights left on Wednesday. Our cruise left on a Wednesday. Flying in a full week before the cruise wasn’t financially an option either. Our cruise got back on a Sunday. Sunday flight prices were INSANE. The more we looked, the more we realized similar to our trip in 2010, we would be better off with a longer trip. The overall cost might be the same that way but the money would go to room nights, instead of flights, which always sounds good to me (in my Fuzzy Disney math way). But…5 nights at the beach, unless flights came way down, were not exactly in the budget. Flights did not look like they’d be going down. Only up. :scared1:

I needed to find a way to get our room cost down without sacrificing what I was looking for.
Humm.... I think the problem is there are too many choices! :rotfl2:

I can't wait to see what you do. I'm thinking there might be a Disney day or 2 thrown in....:confused3
So many options! Your head must be spinning. Why is making a decision when it comes to planning any sort of a Disney vacation so difficult?

I can't wait to see what you finally decided on. And I'm wondering if you tossed in some time in the theme parks.
Wow, you left us with a real cliffhanger there!! It's good that we all know that it ended well because otherwise there would be no PTR!!

I love reading all your planning thoughts! :thumbsup2
It's like reading a suspense novel what will happen next!


Around here, anything can happen! Which can be both a good, and a bad thing.

Humm.... I think the problem is there are too many choices! :rotfl2:

That's what happens when you over think things to death!

I can't wait to see what you do. I'm thinking there might be a Disney day or 2 thrown in....:confused3

:rotfl: Well the the "No WDW" mantra from my husband might complicate that a little.

So many options! Your head must be spinning. Why is making a decision when it comes to planning any sort of a Disney vacation so difficult?

Too many options I guess, just contemplating all the possibilites can be intoxicating, and a hobby in it's own right. You have been busy with lots of changes that's for sure! I swore I'd never do 3 resorts in a trip again but I love your plans right now, it might make me change my mind! LOL. Although technically you are 2 resorts right, just different rooms. I like your changes by the way, with the ages of the nephews as fabulous as staying on property is at IOA, I can see where the points make more sense. I will say though Universal doesn't release it's packages until much later so I'd still keep an eye out as you might find a great deal and the actual dates make a huge difference (after 8/15 or 8/21 they went down substantially when we went). Of course if your heart is set on Portofino or no...that will still be very pricey.

I can't wait to see what you finally decided on. And I'm wondering if you tossed in some time in the theme parks.

Well you know I'd do the parks in a heartbeat, as would the E's. Jeff however is on the 2-3 year plan with the parks and with a big trip on the table for 2013 and feeling with the cruise alone I'm getting my "Disney" (not that he wants to cruise with anyone else mind you, it's Disney or nothing for him on that) ...wasn't interested and really didn't think K would be (though he didn't actually ask her lol). To him, we were there in 2009, 2010 twice (DCA trip) and then DCL 2011/2012 so parks in 2013 felt soon enough in his mind. He was of course aware that Vero is Disney so counts that against his tally as well. :rotfl: Thankfully I have my girls trip in the fall so I don't have to stress about not going and the E's are so infatuated with cruising (and know 2013 is probably on the books) that it might be ok not to go. We will see!

Wow, you left us with a real cliffhanger there!! It's good that we all know that it ended well because otherwise there would be no PTR!!

I love reading all your planning thoughts! :thumbsup2

There were some interesting developments to say the least! It's funny, I've realized that Jan/Feb I get a major planning bug and go a little nutty. The good news is, Jeff is now conditioned and just kind of goes along with it instead of looking at me like I'm insane for talking about something that is 6 months away! It's actually become contagious, 3 years now that he's kind of done the same thing for some kind of mid winter or spring trip.

I do overthink. But at least once we do decide something, I can put it to rest and move on. Usually. And be prepared to answer the kids questions, unfortunately they have picked up on the overthinking and planning and definitely have their own ideas of what we should do. Which is actually kind of cool but occasionally surprises me with what they remember and then ask for.
Hi Cynthia! I don't know where I've been, but better late than never, right?;)

I see I'm not too late to follow along with the ever changing drama of your booking!:lmao: I have to tell you I woke up way too early after only 3 hrs sleep this morning and I was reading your TR for awhile before falling back asleep - I dreamed that I was at the excursion desk at a hotel somewhere at the coast, trying to give them your name to see if you had checked in yet. :rotfl2: Sadly, we never found each other.:sad2:

I'm looking forward to your adventure:cool1:
Hi Cynthia! I don't know where I've been, but better late than never, right?;)

Oh I don't know...planning for HAWAII maybe?


:welcome: Tammie!

I see I'm not too late to follow along with the ever changing drama of your booking!:lmao:


not at all, just getting started!

I have to tell you I woke up way too early after only 3 hrs sleep this morning and I was reading your TR for awhile before falling back asleep - I dreamed that I was at the excursion desk at a hotel somewhere at the coast, trying to give them your name to see if you had checked in yet. :rotfl2: Sadly, we never found each other.:sad2:

I'm looking forward to your adventure:cool1:

That is so funny! We will be in Lincoln City for one night, you must have ESP.
Hey...the coast over Pres. Weekend sounds cool. I love going to the beach in the off-season. It makes for a very different experience.

I can't believe the boys have never been to the beach in the summer. :goodvibes But that will all change this summer. Again, its too bad that Kendall's mom makes things so difficult.

I love the fuzzy Disney math...that's how I ended up with an AP this year. :rotfl: And it is a bit like "Field of Dreams," isn't it? I hadn't planned on going so often this year, but once I had that was like the trips starting coming to me. :rotfl:

Can't wait to read all about how you arrived at your final decision. I keep trying to figure out if there's some way to go in July and stay for a slightly longer period of time. Am I crazy?? Of course. :rotfl:
I don't think I've ever seen a cliffhanger in a PTR before! Can't wait to see what happens.
Hey...the coast over Pres. Weekend sounds cool. I love going to the beach in the off-season. It makes for a very different experience.

It will be fun. The really really cool part is before the beach, I'll probably to a little mini TR in here on that trip. I always meant to last year on the various other trips but for some reason they fit better in a PTR than a TR to me, not sure why!

I can't believe the boys have never been to the beach in the summer. :goodvibes But that will all change this summer. Again, its too bad that Kendall's mom makes things so difficult.

Well, we go to the lake a LOT, we are lucky enough to have a little civic club that we belong to for our town, right on the lake with a private beach and we live there in the summer. So they do plan in the sand and swim all summer long. Although it wasn't all that nice here last summer so we weren't there as much as usual. But it's not remotely the same as a warm weather ocean beach. I'll have an update on the situation with K's mom coming up but yes, it sucks that we even have to factor it in to the planning.

I love the fuzzy Disney math...that's how I ended up with an AP this year. :rotfl: And it is a bit like "Field of Dreams," isn't it? I hadn't planned on going so often this year, but once I had that was like the trips starting coming to me. :rotfl:

There is more fuzzy disney math coming, just wait!

Can't wait to read all about how you arrived at your final decision. I keep trying to figure out if there's some way to go in July and stay for a slightly longer period of time. Am I crazy?? Of course. :rotfl:

Are you going in July? I now about Feb, April and Oct.....:rotfl: You are working that AP!

I don't think I've ever seen a cliffhanger in a PTR before! Can't wait to see what happens.


Really? I would think I'd had one or two in the treehouse PTR but maybe not. Or maybe I just spared you all the ramblings of my mind and let everyone know after the fact, I know they felt like cliffhangers on our end...all related to the in-laws and then one small soccer one.

Oh my I am really going to flunk the quiz at the end.....and I really want slushie credits!!! :rotfl2: I still have no idea where you are cruising and staying :laughing: Just kidding ;) On that note I will just wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!


Oh my I am really going to flunk the quiz at the end.....and I really want slushie credits!!! :rotfl2: I still have no idea where you are cruising and staying :laughing: Just kidding ;) On that note I will just wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!



:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::worship: OMG Tracy. I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts.

I think I know where there is going. I could be wrong though.

I have been looking at places to stay for a few nights near cape canaveral, daytona, and possibly st. augustine (if we drive) and everything just seems to fall totally flat. Everything gets such mixed reviews it scary. When did I become a resort snob? Oh yeah - when I joined DVC. :rotfl:

I hope you do find a way to stay at Vero. It's beautiful and I can't believe your kids have never been to a summer beach. That is SO wrong. You just fly those boys right up to my house and I will take them to a summer beach complete with a boardwalk, beach fries, cotton candy, fudge, a haunted house, and skee ball. Poor deprived children. :sad2::laughing:
Oh, I almost forgot.......

....................Happy Birthday! :cool1:
party::bday:party: Happy Birthday!!!

It will be fun. The really really cool part is before the beach, I'll probably to a little mini TR in here on that trip. I always meant to last year on the various other trips but for some reason they fit better in a PTR than a TR to me, not sure why!

Yes, please! I love hearing and seeing about places all over the country I've never been. Yep...I've never been anywhere on the west coast.

Well, we go to the lake a LOT, we are lucky enough to have a little civic club that we belong to for our town, right on the lake with a private beach and we live there in the summer. So they do plan in the sand and swim all summer long. Although it wasn't all that nice here last summer so we weren't there as much as usual. But it's not remotely the same as a warm weather ocean beach. I'll have an update on the situation with K's mom coming up but yes, it sucks that we even have to factor it in to the planning.

That sounds like fun. I'm hoping we join a local pool club this summer, but we'll see.

There is more fuzzy disney math coming, just wait!

Are you going in July? I now about Feb, April and Oct.....:rotfl: You are working that AP!

Well...we'll see. April and October are going to be pretty cheap, so if I can get cheaper plane tickets, we'll probably go for it. As Mark says, you've already decided in your brain that we're going so... Yeah, we're probably going.
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::worship: OMG Tracy. I am laughing so hard my stomach hurts.


Just wait.

I think I know where there is going. I could be wrong though.

we shall see!

I have been looking at places to stay for a few nights near cape canaveral, daytona, and possibly st. augustine (if we drive) and everything just seems to fall totally flat. Everything gets such mixed reviews it scary. When did I become a resort snob? Oh yeah - when I joined DVC. :rotfl:

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who had a hard time, it was crazy! The Kimpton looks lovely, for a hotel, but doesn't really meet my needs and 2 rooms there was nutso.

I hope you do find a way to stay at Vero. It's beautiful and I can't believe your kids have never been to a summer beach. That is SO wrong. You just fly those boys right up to my house and I will take them to a summer beach complete with a boardwalk, beach fries, cotton candy, fudge, a haunted house, and skee ball. Poor deprived children. :sad2::laughing:

Well they HAVE been to Santa Cruz, CA for an afternoon. And to Seal Beach, CA for about an hour. But it was COLD both times! They did get to do the boardwalk at Santa Cruz though, although Eric was too little to go on much. They do remember playing in their surf in jeans and then freezing and then the crazy italian restaurant we ended up at.

Oh, I almost forgot.......

....................Happy Birthday! :cool1:



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