Cancelled Reservation

This is so much worse than when I got scammed 4 years ago (I'm the OP in the thread referenced in Doc's sticky on renting...the "sad story" author)...I do remember very clearly, to this day, how much all the sympathy from other DIS'ers helped my I'll chime in w/massive gobs of sympathy for you...

It does look like you did everything "right" (in my case, I was pretty stupid so had to place a lot of the blame on myself)...that makes it so much worse...

If it helps any, I've found the world's best renter so if you decide to try again, let me know and I"ll PM you his address...he's unbelievably terrific...easy to work with, always accessible and provides fun little extra's like a calendar to mark off the days before your trip...I totally trust if you want to try again w/an utterly reliable renter, I'll be glad to refer you...

Lots and lots and LOTS of sympathy to you...I hope that there turns out to be an explanation and a fix...and that you get to go to Disney after all...


PS: Aren't the DIS Boards mods terrific? Webmaster Doc was SO good to me when I was the scammed one...sounds like they're being just as helpful to you...JimMIA was also aces...he'll be my hero forever for all the help he gave me during my "times of trial"...

I'm so sorry for you. What a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week! Your attitude really is wonderful, however, and I applaud you!

While I realize Disney won't get involved in mediating the issue, it does seem like a very straightforward case of fraud, however, and it seems like the police should be able to trace the paper trail to the owner pretty easily. Do any longtime DVCers know if this ever happens? It just seems like it should be so easy to trace, but perhaps I'm being naive?

Either way, hopefully you'll receive your money back and, assuming something nefarious did happen, the person is brought to account.

Good luck!
Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:
Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:

:cool1: Fantastic news!! Enjoy your vacation!!
Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:

That is wonderful and here is pixie dust that she can get you your reservation back for you!!! pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:
Sadly, no news yet. No response back via email, phone, or Paypal. DIS moderators were kind enough to help me in trying to reach the member, but it turns out the DVC member hasn't logged into DIS boards since she received my payment, and the email address she has on file with the boards isn't valid anymore. :sad2:
Last time i heard from her was April 21st, so I don't have my hopes up. I plan on escalating my Paypal dispute to a Paypal claim tomorrow evening if she doesn't contact me by then. At this point, I am hoping for a chance at getting my money back... I start working on my graduate degree on Monday and DH starts law school in August. $610 is a lot of money to us right now! This incident may mean no vacation this year for us if Paypal doesn't come through for me. Its all good... I can control only my own attitude, so I'm choosing to think happy thoughts! :hippie:

Your attitude has been really great throughout this whole experience. :hug:

Rachel - so sorry this is happening to you, but I'm in awe of your attitude!

We are always (ALWAYS) trying to explain to my son that he can't control what other people do, he can only control his own reactions to it and you are a shining example of that.

Amazing news! :dance3: The DVC member just called me. She had to leave a message... didn't make it to the phone on time, but I called back and spoke with her. She has been out of town for the past 2 weeks due to a family emergency. The email I had sent her prior to that (in April) was either overlooked or never got through. The reservation we made with her was mistakenly cancelled by her husband, who was trying to cancel the reservation of someone else who rented points but never paid. She was extremely apologetic and assured us that she would re-book the vacation first thing tomorrow morning.

I am BEYOND relieved... its so comforting to know that its still okay to trust people. I am going to cancel my pending claim with Paypal right away. Her family situation is serious and very sad right now... I feel guilty that she has to weed through all my emails and disputes during such a time!

Thank you ALL for your support and advice for the past few days. I'm so happy that the worry was for nothing, and that we still get to party it up in WDW for Christmas!! YAHOO!! :cheer2:

:banana: Yay, glad it worked out for you!! Hopefully you still get the reservation you originally wanted and she and her dh work out some sort of system. :headache:

Also, I'd wait until everything is ironed out before cancelling the PayPal dispute. The fact that her e-mail is no longer valid seems a little fishy. Hoping that's just the New Yorker in me and that everything works out for the best. Sounds like you definitely need it. :hug: :woohoo:
I'd wait until everything is ironed out before cancelling the PayPal dispute. The fact that her e-mail is no longer valid seems a little fishy. Hoping that's just the New Yorker in me and that everything works out for the best. Sounds like you definitely need it. :hug: :woohoo:

DH just said the same thing. The Paypal case stays open until we get a valid confirmation in our hands. Although technically that doesn't mean this can't happen again... but the fact that she called makes me believe her intentions are good. And ibela, some of my favorite people in the world happen to be New Yorkers, so I take that as a good thing :thumbsup2
Okay, I don't want to be a Negative Nelly, but I wouldn't cancel your Paypal dispute until I knew for sure they weren't scamming you. People do horrible things, to include make up "Sad Stories" to take advantage of other people. Why had there been no log-in to Disboards after you made the payment? Why had the email address they gave no longer valid. They could have easily been monitoring this thread through another login and thought "I need to do something before Paypal contacts me", playing on your obvious generous nature.

Again, I'm really not trying to be negative....I really hope that they are trustworthy people....but working in a law enforcement for the last 18 years has shown me what lengths people go to, not caring who they hurt with their schemes.

Please just be careful.
Okay, I don't want to be a Negative Nelly, but I wouldn't cancel your Paypal dispute until I knew for sure they weren't scamming you. People do horrible things, to include make up "Sad Stories" to take advantage of other people. Why had there been no log-in to Disboards after you made the payment? Why had the email address they gave no longer valid. They could have easily been monitoring this thread through another login and thought "I need to do something before Paypal contacts me", playing on your obvious generous nature.

Again, I'm really not trying to be negative....I really hope that they are trustworthy people....but working in a law enforcement for the last 18 years has shown me what lengths people go to, not caring who they hurt with their schemes.

Please just be careful.

These are my thoughts exactly.

I am glad she contacted you Rachel, but I think you should keep your dispute until either you have a good confirmation number or your money has been returned.
Okay, I don't want to be a Negative Nelly, but I wouldn't cancel your Paypal dispute until I knew for sure they weren't scamming you. People do horrible things, to include make up "Sad Stories" to take advantage of other people. Why had there been no log-in to Disboards after you made the payment? Why had the email address they gave no longer valid. They could have easily been monitoring this thread through another login and thought "I need to do something before Paypal contacts me", playing on your obvious generous nature.

Again, I'm really not trying to be negative....I really hope that they are trustworthy people....but working in a law enforcement for the last 18 years has shown me what lengths people go to, not caring who they hurt with their schemes.

Please just be careful.

Unfortunately, I agree. You can't be too careful.

I wish you luck and hope everything works out.
Rachel, I have been reading your thread at different parts during the day and although I am very happy they called you, please don't cancel your dispute right away.
Like you said, your ressie period is not exactly value season and I do feel badly saying this, but there is a good chance they may no longer get you what you originally requested. It is a very busy time at Disney.
Please let us know what happens in the morning and I'll be checking in from work.
Good luck and pixie dust to you!:wizard:
Chalk me up as another who recommends keeping the dispute open until you have a better handle on things. Hopefully she's being honest, but since I seem to recall you mentioning that today was the deadline for filing a dispute, it seems like you may want to keep that leverage available just a bit longer. As a PP said, she could have been monitoring this post and seen that, if she could get through today, the deadline for disputing the charge would have passed.

In the meantime, I'd get a contract written and as much information about her as possible in case this does happen again.

Assuming that my pessimistic thoughts are proven wrong, and I hope and expect they will be, this is great news and a huge relief that is well deserved by you and your husband.
Great advice, all. Keeping the Paypal case open... turns out that if i cancel the case, i won't be able to re-open one if something else like this happens. Much safer to keep the existing case open until I either get a full refund or a confirmation + some more leverage. I may ask her for half the funds back, payable upon arrival at Disney... something to give us peace of mind that she has skin in the game too.

Any thoughts on what kind of leverage we can maintain so that we don't have any more... 'glitches'? :)
I've been following this thread and I'm glad for your new development. Do you trust her enough to go forward? Will she agree to simply giving your money back? Can you rest easy until December?

I'm making ressies myself for AKV for 12/19 to 12/22 (and some dates prior to that). I'm super flexible basically asked for studio savannah view, 1BR savannah view, 2BR savannah view, and not much is currently available. (We're traveling w/5 to 7 people and we don't care if we stay apart or together.) As of last Friday, there was only 1 BR value available for my dates. I know availability changes, but it's going faster and faster.

I know it seems extreme to *start all over*, but perhaps you and the renter can part ways and you can find a *safer* way to rent without committing (like through Dave's or something).

Good luck ! :goodvibes
Hmmm, it's only a little over 6 months to your Christmas ressie, which is now cancelled. With the possibility that she may not be able to get you anything at all for that time period, I would personally ask for my money back at this point in time.

Keep emotions out of this business deal, and consider that even with extenuating circumstances, to cancel your reservation, though inadvertently, with $610 already paid to them, is disturbing.
Hmmm, it's only a little over 6 months to your Christmas ressie, which is now cancelled. With the possibility that she may not be able to get you anything at all for that time period, I would personally ask for my money back at this point in time.

Keep emotions out of this business deal, and consider that even with extenuating circumstances, to cancel your reservation, though inadvertently, with $610 already paid to them, is disturbing.

I had the same thoughts regarding availability at 6 months out for a December vacation in a DVC resort. I would be willing to bet that there is no availabilty this close to the highest DVC demand season of the year.
Ok so I looked up your 61 pt stay--I guess you were trying to get a Standard View studio? The last time I checked (and I could be wrong), there weren't studios available all in a row for those dates (but I was checking for my own dates). Of course that could be totally different by the time she calls (sometimes availability opens up while you're on the phone, which is how I happened to book 2 studios for my dates). If she asks to keep your money for a Waitlist, I would NOT do it. I vote for trying to get your money back. I really hope it works out for you. :goodvibes
thanks for sharing. i hope it does work out but since security is
important to me, i don't think i could stand the odds. :scared:

gosh, i do hope if the renter is for real, they don't read here.
still, i can see why others are very made no
sense to me, that the husband would do that without
checking with his wife first? :rolleyes1

however, we were recently looking @ the best/safest way to
rent points, & the lady @ member services told me a few
scary stories. she made it clear that disney won't get involved,
no matter if there is contacts or not. so in either case [ renters
or those paying for points], there are going to be real losses.
she expressed that with what been going on, sooner than
later, there are going to be some major problems. ( she talked
about cc , then that one story broke a couple of weeks later.)

contacts do not offer the protection some think. we are not going
to rent our points unless we have previous relationship with the
person. my suggestion, is for you to seek someone you know,
& can depend on.

as for buying. we have been disappointed with all the inaccuracies
& the poor-quality of services. the dvc's business practices has way
to many manipulations going on 's. there's a poster here named
bill. his observations about dvc are more accurate then i first
gave credit. i think in the future, there are going to be alot
more ripoffs like the cc story. based on what we experienced alone,
[ & we have not used it yet ], i like to get out & go back to the
old way we used to go disney. as for yourself, i have seen much
better service from the timeshares store than disney & would
recommend them over disney.

whatever you decide , i hope you have magical vacation.


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