Cigarettes,Ice & Stroller News

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Is this a ban on push wagons too?

I'd love to see strollers/coolers separated at the security lines too.

Oh, that’s a brilliant idea!

The parents should stick a patch on for the day. I used to do it - I never smoked in my house or in front of my kids. I know it's not the same, but it'll take the edge off for the several hours in the park.

I agree. Or take nicotine gum. It’s one day. And lots of people take midday breaks, so you’re going maybe 4-5 hours? I think it will be a good change, as long as they actual provide consequences for breaking the rules.
From Disney Parks Blog comments section:

What is “loose ice”? Can I still bring ice inside water bottles? What about those bags of ice?

Michael on March 28, 2019 at 7:55 am
  • Yes, you may continue to bring ice inside water bottles or resealable bags. The new rule applies to ice that is loose within a container such as a cooler.

    Lisa Mendillo on March 28, 2019 at 8:56 am
Right. Mentioned above too. Sadly, they are not officially official. As odd as that is. They are not much more different than a message board that Disney hired, they still don't "speak for Disney in an official capacity". You can get there and still be told no. In order to know for certain you will need to see this added to the rule/guidelines. Until then, I would consider it in question.

Sadly for Disney, they leave most of the policies up to interpretation. You speak to 2 Guest Services Cast Members you get 3 answers.
Keenz wagons
I've never heard of those before, looked them up online. Yikes!

My boyfriend is a smoker and he does not go long periods of time without smoking. He smokes before he goes in to work at 7, he "steps out" for a cigarette around 830, takes his regular break around 1015 for a cigarette, he chain smokes on his hour lunch 12-1, "steps out" again around 2, takes his second regular break around 315, and then smokes a few on the way home at 4.
So that's at least 5 smoke breaks in a 9 hour park day for us. 5 times going in and out of security. Possibly all the way back to our resort or car if they ban them in the parks altogether. That is a huge blow for smokers. It will be very inconvenient for our family, and I guarantee for many others. Especially European guests.

A very gracious employer. Do non smokers get the extra breaks also?

Very happy to hear of the new smoking rules.
Makes you wonder if they have got some special workaround through Disney. I mean, if you ask me, those are wagons, no two ways around it.
But, is there going to be some wording in this that allows these to be used? They had to have known something was up for them to have issued this
No, they seemed to just go with the size restrictions. They also posted the original rules that didn't mention stroller wagons specifically. Those commenting on their FB page are posting pics of the banned items that show stroller wagons specifically.

Keenz (or maybe it's the stroller rental company in the Disney area) is now looking into it. People posting on Keenz Facebook aren't very happy right now. With Keenz for issuing that statement without first checking, and with Disney for the ban.
Am I the only cynic who suspects this vague ice ban is a way of encouraging guests to throw up their hands and say "It's not worth the hassle of packing lunch since we'll have to stop for ice, let's just get lunch there!"

I don't feel that way. We pack all of our own food, but don't use bagged ice (it melts too fast anyway), we use ice packs. We stay offsite, so we have the ability to keep things like ice packs frozen.
LOVE the banning of cigarettes. Kudos Disney!!!! I always hated walking past those smoking spots. For some reason the one at AK always reeked the worst and you could see all this poor kids in there sucking down everyone's second hand smoke.

Now ban sodas too! :duck:
I wonder what she would do. That's the unfortunate thing about all of this. Some families have a genuine need for larger strollers, but because everyone had to push it, the families that need it most will suffer.

Each parent (or anyone else in their party) will now need to push a double stroller. I don't see her going to Disney World alone with 4 young children the same exact age, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Going out 5 times just to smoke is a lot of time wasted. Especially if you're going to drag all the kids with you each and every time. Good luck!
But if you are actually addicted to something, there is not much you can do about it. We go weekly. We have FP+ for Sunday. It's not a once a year thing where he can make a goal to quit. So yes, it will be inconvenient for us. Whether we all sit and wait inside for him or go out with him, that is a LOT of time just waiting for him to go in and out of the parks for a 2 min cigarette. He has always followed to rules and used the DSA's so this really stinks.
I am not a smoker and dislike the smell of smoke. However, I totally disagree with this rule. I don't care if a person is smoking and they are in the designated area. It is not that hard to avoid those areas and for those instances where you have to walk by one, just walk fast and get over it! What I hate is when I am walking in the park and someone in front of me is smoking and just blowing it back at the rest of us. THAT is rude. Thankfully that is few and far between and most smokers are very respectful of non-smokers. Now, the DRUNKS are a total pain in the butt. Nothing like walking with my kids through EPCOT with drunks all over yelling and using completely foul language and groping each other.
Each parent (or anyone else in their party) will now need to push a double stroller. I don't see her going to Disney World alone with 4 young children the same exact age, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Why not? We know nothing of her situation. I have a classmate who moved to FL recently. She often takes her twin 1 year olds and DS3 alone while her oldest is in school & DH is at work.
I was thinking the same thing and feeling sort of sorry for her. I guess if she has another adult she would have to do 2 doubles instead of the single but that actually takes up more park/bus space so seems counterproductive.
Not really, it's the maneuvering and possibly parking of the one large stroller that is the issue, I think. Imagine one of those in a tight spot, or crowds. For the person pushing it, as well as other guests trying to get around it. Also, if they take the Disney buses to and from resorts, that would take up the whole bus. lol.
I guess now you keep on touring and let him go for smoke breaks by himself. At least with most everyone having cell phones it is easy to catch up. Maybe you shop while he smokes.
lol, we go weekly and there is no way I need to shop as much as he needs to smoke. He's been addicted for 20 years - I don't see him quitting but who knows
Thank God the last trip I took my parents on (last May) was their last one as it's getting to be too much on them. My parents grumbled enough about how little and how spread out the smoking areas are. I told them the solution was to not smoke, but they weren't impressed with me :confused3

:rolleyes1I laughed a little bit to myself when I read this. Thanks. I needed that.
But if you are actually addicted to something, there is not much you can do about it. We go weekly. We have FP+ for Sunday. It's not a once a year thing where he can make a goal to quit. So yes, it will be inconvenient for us. Whether we all sit and wait inside for him or go out with him, that is a LOT of time just waiting for him to go in and out of the parks for a 2 min cigarette. He has always followed to rules and used the DSA's so this really stinks.

If it were me, I'd keep riding rides while he smoked. He gets to have his fun, you should have fun too.
But if you are actually addicted to something, there is not much you can do about it. We go weekly. We have FP+ for Sunday. It's not a once a year thing where he can make a goal to quit. So yes, it will be inconvenient for us. Whether we all sit and wait inside for him or go out with him, that is a LOT of time just waiting for him to go in and out of the parks for a 2 min cigarette. He has always followed to rules and used the DSA's so this really stinks.

That's not true....there are many options for smokers to quit. If he doesn't want to quit than that's different. Smoking is a choice and a dangerous one at that. It affects everyone around him and his loved ones even more. I survived lung cancer, there are many who have not.
LOVE the banning of cigarettes. Kudos Disney!!!! I always hated walking past those smoking spots. For some reason the one at AK always reeked the worst and you could see all this poor kids in there sucking down everyone's second hand smoke.

Now ban sodas too! :duck:
Sodas?!?!?!? Why soda?

I only drink soda (with ice!) when I'm out and about. I don't keep it in the home.

Although if they banned soda for the good of all people everywhere I guess I would live.
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