Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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I afraid come August and into the fall, we will still be posting in this thread and seeing how naive we were in April regarding the parks opening, Unless they can come up with good anti-virals to treat. It realistically is not viable to have the parks with large crowds being open, even with virtual queues, everyone wearing a mask etc. It would start everything back over again, having to go back into safer at home and be disaster to the economy. The government at whatever level will not allow that to happen.

The Asian parks aren't even near talking about opening and they are at least two months ahead of the US. That already puts us into June.

This. Quite honestly, I think any trip in 2020 is wash out, unless we get a firm treatment available. Don't get me wrong - I think Disney will re-open sometime in 2020 (not before summer), and I know people will go, but I don't think they'll be running at full capacity. There'll be a lot of stuff closed/reduced. I'm honestly worried about our June 2021 trip, if Disney will be fully recovered by then with all entertainment and rides up and running. It sounds a long way off and inconceivable, but it's only 14 months away, and all experts are predicting 18+ months for a vaccine, and almost all are predicting a second wave with the next flu season (which runs Oct-May, with the peak being Dec-March) - so, that will definitely affect them, as well.
I afraid come August and into the fall, we will still be posting in this thread and seeing how naive we were in April regarding the parks opening, Unless they can come up with good anti-virals to treat. It realistically is not viable to have the parks with large crowds being open, even with virtual queues, everyone wearing a mask etc. It would start everything back over again, having to go back into safer at home and be disaster to the economy. The government at whatever level will not allow that to happen.

The Asian parks aren't even near talking about opening and they are at least two months ahead of the US. That already puts us into June.

Well we won't have a vaccine until maybe late next year. (And that's assuming the vaccine actually works, no guarantee of that.) Can businesses afford to stay closed that long? Not just Disney, but everything else? Airlines? Cruise lines? What about schools? Sports leagues? Movie theaters? Countless workplaces and places of business. I think you are vastly underestimating the economic damage that would cause. It'd be catastrophic. It won't be just unemployment. Political systems will start to falter. The supply chains that move food and supplies will start to suffer. The United States had to pass a $2 trillion stimulus just to get us through April. They are already talking about needing another one. These are being added directly our national debt. The money isn't unlimited. It will eventually damage the currency.

Eventually things have to reopen. And people will have to weigh the risks for themselves.
Well we won't have a vaccine until maybe late next year. (And that's assuming the vaccine actually works, no guarantee of that.) Can businesses afford to stay closed that long? Not just Disney, but everything else? Airlines? Cruise lines? What about schools? Sports leagues? Movie theaters? Countless workplaces and places of business. I think you are vastly underestimating the economic damage that would cause. It'd be catastrophic. It won't be just unemployment. Political systems will start to falter. The supply chains that move food and supplies will start to suffer. The United States had to pass a $2 trillion stimulus just to get us through April. They are already talking about needing another one. These are being added directly our national debt. The money isn't unlimited. It will eventually damage the currency.

Eventually things have to reopen. And people will have to weigh the risks for themselves.

Things will reopen, but not in April, not in May, possibly/probably not even in June. I'm sure some non-essential things won't reopen for several months (and while this will be shocking to many, sports, entertainment, theme parks, movie theatres... aren't essential). Things will open slowly. Not all at once. And there'll be various restrictions in place, some that probably come and go depending on case load, yes, until a vaccine arrives, or this thing really slows down etc... Not sure why people are talking like this, like no one is aware of the economic costs - all officials have already acknowledged that this is going to be extremely damaging. That it's going to take the entire world YEARS to get over. That yes, a depression is likely. So... no one is underestimating anything. We are already well aware of what's going to happen. In fact, it seems to be the other way around - people are surprised we're not just rushing to open things back up. Believe it or not, the world has decided lives matter more than money.
Thinking out loud.. Next year is WDWs 50th anniversary - between that and all the rebooked trips postponed by the virus... it’s going to be a madhouse 🙄.
That’s If we can still afford the cost once the parks reopen. The optimist in me is really pulling for the best. The little devil on my other shoulder has me wondering how disney will make up the financial shortfall caused by a prolonged closure.. that devil says they’ll pass along a good portion of that shortfall to the guests. Canceling projects makes sense - but a 50th Anniversary isn’t a likely time to take it all away..
Well we won't have a vaccine until maybe late next year. (And that's assuming the vaccine actually works, no guarantee of that.) Can businesses afford to stay closed that long? Not just Disney, but everything else? Airlines? Cruise lines? What about schools? Sports leagues? Movie theaters? Countless workplaces and places of business. I think you are vastly underestimating the economic damage that would cause. It'd be catastrophic. It won't be just unemployment. Political systems will start to falter. The supply chains that move food and supplies will start to suffer. The United States had to pass a $2 trillion stimulus just to get us through April. They are already talking about needing another one. These are being added directly our national debt. The money isn't unlimited. It will eventually damage the currency.

Eventually things have to reopen. And people will have to weigh the risks for themselves.

I was addressing the parks not being open in the fall.

Safer at home will be lifted, once the curves pass in the area , meaning stay home will be about 6-8 weeks from when they were put in place. At that point restaurants will open with social distancing etc. , workers will be able to go back to offices, with medical checks and temperature checks. Schools probably open in the fall, but with much stricter rules as far as illnesses.

The concert and large gatherings will be out for a long time, too big of a risk to even put on those shows. Imagine if an outbreak is traced to the event/park/game that spreads to kill thousands and cause a safer at home rule to be put in place, which would be likely without any effective treatment. No company will be willing to take that risk.

Edit to add , airlines will start picking up more capacity (primarily freight now), but travel from zones still in peak will be limited, we will see in other regions what Florida is doing currently within the NY tri-state area.

Also another thing that could speed this up and perhaprs the biggest is a valid anitboides test to detmine immunity for people that already had it. It is the biggest unknown right now and hopefully great strides can be made with one.
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Thinking out loud.. Next year is WDWs 50th anniversary - between that and all the rebooked trips postponed by the virus... it’s going to be a madhouse 🙄.
That’s If we can still afford the cost once the parks reopen. The optimist in me is really pulling for the best. The little devil on my other shoulder has me wondering how disney will make up the financial shortfall caused by a prolonged closure.. that devil says they’ll pass along a good portion of that shortfall to the guests. Canceling projects makes sense - but a 50th Anniversary isn’t a likely time to take it all away..

My cynical self thinks that the free dining bone Disney threw at those of us with cancelled trips was because they weren’t seeing the majority rescheduling, rather cancelling.

I don’t know if I’d be so quick to believe Disney is going to be a madhouse next year, not relative to the very high crowd levels we had become used to seeing in the months before this at least. A lot of people are going to be hit really hard by this, and day to day expenses are going to have to come first.
Okay so there's a move right out of left field....what the heck??? 1. Why now? 2. What for?
They do it all the time. Occasionally they'll sell off land in certain areas as well. They're dedicated to maintaining a certain proportion of land for environmental conservation, so they may have purchased this for additional offsets.
I know. strange timing. looks like it is 26.3 acres near magic kingdom on SE shore of reedy lake. interesting move right now.
It’s near land they already own. News sites often make a bigger deal out of this kind of stuff than need too. Disney is always buying and selling pieces of land like said above.
Some of the rumors are that whenever they do reopen, not everything will open and return to normal at once. Speculating here but I would imagine things like parades, firework shows, and certain shows will be put off for awhile due to the large crowds they attract and people being very close together.

We may see a lot more virtual queues too. And quick service restaurants may emphasize the mobile ordering they already started to do.

I still do not fully get why parades and fireworks would be any worse than just going through a ride ... Think about it: on rides, people are screaming and likely emitting fluids that will land on the railings, vehicles and any other objects that are part of the attraction. They are also sneezing on the queues, etc. And thousands of people will go through that same confined area, even it there is a virtual queue. On parades and fireworks, yes, you are packed with the crowd, but it is not like there will be different people next to you all the time (sometime it is only that one very annoying person LOL). So unless they are coughing directly at you or something similar, I honestly do not see how that is different from the rides.

I am on the camp that when it reopens, be it in June, October, or 2021, it will be up to each one to measure the risks.

I also think the vaccine, while necessary, could be a fake illusion. Nothing prevents a mutation to appear next year. Similar to a number of other illnesses like SARS, MERS, etc. Me and my family get all available vaccines to protect ourselves. Yet, I contracted H1N1 in the U.S and happened to develop the illness while in Japan, where I stayed in quarantine for a week.

Things happen, and you need to balance which risks you are willing to take.
So with the stay at home order, does that officially close Disney until May 2nd, at the earliest? Since I know Disney hasn't said anything "official" yet..
So with the stay at home order, does that officially close Disney until May 2nd, at the earliest? Since I know Disney hasn't said anything "official" yet..

It hasn't been signed by DeSantis yet (the executive order) but this means there is no way Disney could possibly open before this time.
So with the stay at home order, does that officially close Disney until May 2nd, at the earliest? Since I know Disney hasn't said anything "official" yet..

Should be and same goes for Universal which said previously they were closed until April 19th.
So with the stay at home order, does that officially close Disney until May 2nd, at the earliest? Since I know Disney hasn't said anything "official" yet..

This order means, Disney will be 'officially' closed into to June at least IMHO.

There is no way on this earth that Disney would open May 3rd. It is a folly to even entertain the month of May at this point.

First, non essential offices, stores and restaurants will be opened with very strict social distancing in place and that is at best, with groups probably no larger than 10, Once that is in place for a few weeks then you might see that ease some up to 50 people etc in June.
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