Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)


Hi all - thanks for all that checked in. I'm home for a bit today as my husband had to meet with a client here to go over some stuff he's doing next week (some consultation work he does which brings in some extra moulah for our Disney trip!!!! :) ).

I've been doing pretty well since Wednesday. Got on the scale on Thursday and had gained 2 pounds. I was assuming a lot of it was water as I hadn't gone much during Wednesday but drank more than usual. Got on the scale today and had lost 1.5 pounds so now I've only gained .5 pound back. Which I was very happy to see since we went out to eat last night at the campground and the only option for me was chicken fingers or burgers so I chose the chicken fingers - and you know what, they didn't even taste that great. So I can definitely tell my food changes are affecting me.

Camping has been going well - it's suppose to get really hot tomorrow so we will be coming home early. I made sure and took lots of veggies to snack on and have kept making good eating decisions - helps to have a camper now with a fridge so I could take yogurt and my low fat cheese sticks.

Diarrhea had subsided on Thursday and Friday and now it's back. I think I'm going to take and anti-d drug and see how that helps. Thank goodness we are home when this hit again - we are a little of a distance from a bathroom at the campground (we aren't using the bathroom in the camper yet).

Off to update my food log from what I've eaten so far the last couple of days and read some journals. Finally getting a little bit more rain - had some hard rain on Wednesday for a bit and Thursday for a bit, it's now raining and nice soft little rain but getting to the ground. Still not enough though.

Worked out on Wednesday night and my husband and I took a nice 1 mile walk around the campground yesterday in 30 minutes which is very good time for me - on the treadmill I was going 1/4 of a mile in 15 minutes. I have very short legs and thus a short walking distance between steps so I was very proud of that.

Take care and everyone have a good rest of the weekend!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Chris, great job on getting that exercise even while camping! Its funny how your tastes start changing once you start watching your food intake. When my kids were small I loved chicken fingers too & now I can't stand them. Enjoy the rest of your camping weekend & get feeling better. :flower:
Thanks for stopping by my journal! :wave2:

Hope you had a nice last night camping. I used to love to camp, but I haven't been in years!

Happy Sunday! Have a safe trip home... :sunny:
Hi Chris,
Make sure you drink that water especially until you can get the diarrhea under control.
Thanks for stopping by my journal and asking about my good ol' Lorelei.

Keep on keep on exercising!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Chris! Glad you are doing well even while camping! I don't blame you for wanting to come home early b/c of the heat. It has been over 100 degrees here the past couple of days. It's too hot to do anything except swim and we aren't doing that either since Kylie's still too young for sunblock! Hope you enjoy the remainder of your camping trip though!
Hi Chris!

Figured I should pop my head in here and say howdy! Great job on getting all of your exercise in and finding ways to make sure you have your healthy food choices around. I hope that you are feeling better and that the big D stops soon! ;)
enjoy the rest of your camping!!!

Mike :goodvibes

Just checking in for today. Ended up coming home around 10am this morning. To our surprise we got some more rain yesterday and by the time we got back to the campground things were pretty wet down there. So we had to let some things dry out this morning before we could pack the camper back up. My dad came over (he lives just 10 minutes from the campground) and while we were waiting we ended up going to the restaurant for breakfast. Not much good choices to have for me so I had ham, scrambled eggs, english muffin and hash browns. Little did I know that everything appeared to have been cooked in some kind of grease. So I overdid my amounts for today, not by much though. And because they didn't have a nutritional guide I had to take a good guess on everything - but I think I guessed high.

After we got home and got unloaded I did get on the scale before getting in the shower and I didn't gain or lose (and that was after eating breakfast) so I think that I probably did pretty good.

I'll tell ya - the lifesaver has been those 100 calorie snacks that I had read on someone's journal. Those are awesome and have saved me from not going overboard on snacks. I did make a nice dinner last night that was topped with a huge salad (well about 2 cups but it seemed large). I can tell I am beginning to get fuller faster - I had 5 ounces of lean filet mignon, 5 ounces of baked potato, 1 cup of green beans, and 2 cups of salad and I couldn't finish my salad. Normally I would have eaten all of that plus more. I was very proud of myself.

Here's where I stood from Thursday to today:
Thursday - 1700 cal, 93 fat grams, 206 carbs - we went out for chinese buffet for dinner and that killed me but it was good
Friday - 1880 cal, 86.65 fat grams, 208.2 carbs (that was the chicken finger night)
Saturday - 1541 cal, 62.8 fat grams, 194.2 carbs (and this was with a Subway Steak and Cheese sub for lunch)
Sunday - 1835 cal, 73.3 fat grams, 185.5 carbs (this is with the fattening breakfast and the dinner we will have tonight)

So I'm hanging in there with what I'm eating. I'm still very satisfied with how I'm doing. Was hard to drink a lot of water yesterday so I didn't even get in 64 ounces. I think I might have figured out the diarrhea - I have been fighting something in my head (either a sinus infection or a good cold) and on Wednesday I had run to Walgreen's and gotten some decongestant syrup. Each day that I took that I had the D. Friday and today I didn't take it and no D. So I guess my body can't handle that right now so staying away from that. I'm starting to feel a bit better in my throat but under my left eye I feel like someone beat me up - telling me it's probably a sinus infection.

Back to Jazzercise tomorrow. DH will be gone a couple of nights/days this next week so I'll see how I do on food - it's so hard to eat when just one person, and I tend not to eat good when it's just me but I have to make myself do it this time. Got a postcard yesterday from dd - sounds like she's having fun. She's home in 6 days!!!! Can't wait to see her. Hot Hot Hot here today so everyone stay cool!!!!!

Thanks for your continued support - Chris
I agree about those 100 calorie snacks....they are the best....

here's to a great week!!
Sounds like you did a really good job this weekend! Congrats to you!

I hope you feel better soon--sinus problems are no fun!

Keep up the great work! You can do it!
Hi Chris!

Sounds like you did a great job this weekend! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I hope you start feeling better soon. ::yes::

Take care and have a great week ahead! :sunny:
Hi Chris,

You did really well this weekend! You should be very proud of how you are doing.

Ya know, I have seen those 100 calorie snacks and always wondered if they were any good. I think when I go grocey shopping this weekend I may have to pick up some. You are the second or third person that really likes them......Thanks!

Keep up the good work and I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Have a great day
7/25/05 Check-in #1

Just popping in quickly while I take a break at work. Gonna be a long fast week as I have lots to do - new interns coming in on the 8th and gotta get everything ready (I hate this time of year - old ones go out, new ones come in).

This has been weighing on my mind since I went to bed and I have to journal it out - I was going nuts last night. I was so hungry and there wasn't much I could eat because I had gone over what my goals were. But I broke down and had a half cup of fat free frozen yogurt and that cut it a bit for me. I can tell TOM is on it's way because my cravings have kicked in. But I also can tell that I can't eat another breakfast like I did yesterday for a long time. That really hit me hard with what it took out of my balance for the day and what it left me as far as calories, fats, and carbs left to have for the day. UGH - I was so upset with myself.

I did get on the scale this morning because I had to see what yesterday did to me and it did nothing. So I felt a little better. On to a new day.

One nice thing - I got some new bras this weekend and I was able to go down a cup size already and not have any binding feeling or tightness. I was so happy!!!!! (Sorry for the TMI to the men). I have been a very large size in that area all my life and it's one area I tend to notice goes quickly on me also. Also, I put on an outfit that I haven't worn for a few weeks and I'm happy to report the pants are a bit loose. I would sit and could feel them digging into my stomach - not today!!!! Also the way the shirt hangs on me you can tell the stomach has toned down a bit when you look at me from the side.

3 more pounds to go to 10 and I'm gonna make this week!!!!!!

I'll check in tonight after I've worked out and have eaten. Everyone have a good day!
Chris-- Congrats on doing so well while you were camping. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well and that the rain forced an early return.
Every once in a while we need to have a meal like your heavy breakfast to satisfy an urge and it reminds us of how much we have changed our bodies and our eating habits. Glad to hear it didn't sabotage your scale. Great job on seeing sizes dropping and clothes becoming loose. Sometimes that tells us so much more than the scale does.

Keep up the great work! :)
Hi Chris! Sounds like you made the best of what you could while camping! And don't worry, 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt is better than 1/2 pack of oreos or something else! You are making some really good choices, and it shows in your clothes! And maybe you could send me that cup size you lost? Thanks! :rotfl: :laughing: :rotfl: :laughing:

Keep it up, your DD will be so proud of you!
I think you did really well while you were camping. Sometimes life throws you some curveballs but I think you did just fine. That's great news about the bras and your outfit. Isn't wonderful to actually see those results in a truly tangible fashion.
Chris, congrats on the loose pants!! Thats a great feeling. I went thru the same thing. Same as you, I hated wearing my jeans at home because they'd dig into my stomach - last week I noticed they weren't bothering me at all. It totally amazed me. Now, if I could just get into a lower size!! Way to go on the almost 10lbs!!! :cool1: It won't be long!
Hi Chris,

Sounds like you have done some great thinking and know what you need to keep doing. You learned a lesson from that breakfast and are moving on to a new day! Glad it didn't hot you at the scale too! :goodvibes Congrats on your new undergarment size! Not TMI hehe. I would like to shrink a few cup sizes myself!! hahahahaha! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

You're definitely on your way to 10lbs and that new clippie!!! SO happy for you! Keep up the great work!

Mike :goodvibes
OMG Mike - you crack me up!!!!!! Thanks for your awesome sense of humor - I hope to meet you someday as you have become one of my many inspirations - I hope to meet you all someday!!!!!! You all rock!!!!!!

Post #2 for the day to update on my day.

I was feeling a bit down today, I know why and I just needed to get through it. And I did. I still am not feeling quite up to par but I told myself that I HAD to go workout tonight and I'm glad I did. Several people told me they missed me and that made me feel good. I'm beginning to get some pre-TOM bloat, I can feel it. But I'm not gonna let it get the best of me. I've already figured out when I'm working out the rest of this week to work around TOM (I have really bad couple of days and I don't want to miss working out if possible so I'll miss just one day).

I did pretty good on the food end today - sitting with lots of cal and fat left to eat so I'm going to have 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt with cool whip and choco syrup on it!!!!! It will be my treat for getting back in the game today.

Here's what I did today:
breakfast strawberry fruit and oatmeal bar
1 cup cantelope

lunch 1 cup white rice
1/2 cup italian sausage, peppers, onions
fat free yogurt
string cheese

snack 15 baby carrots
1 celery stick
2 TBSP dip
100 cal wheat thins snack

dinner lemon chicken breast
1/2 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup corn

snack 1/2 c frozen yogurt w/choc syrup and cool whip

My totals for today will be:
1435.5 calories, 30.7 fat grams, 245.3 carbs

A bit high on the carbs but I'm not going to worry about that. My focus again is to keep the calories and fat grams down and I did. I'm finding that if I do stay below 1500 that I have a bigger loss than at 1800. But 1800 is still my goal each day. Only got in 72 ounces of water but I was feeling so water logged that I didn't want to do the last 30 today.

Now here's my big debate - tomorrow night dh won't be home. I'm all alone. I'm going to go workout but I've been so hungry for popcorn that I think I'm going to come home and have popcorn for dinner after I workout. But I'm not totally sure about that yet. I'm also very hungry for mexican but I might save that for Thursday night and see if he'll take me out. He's gone tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. The hard part will be I'm off on Thursday but I think I'll keep busy by trying to catch up on some scrapbooking. Either that or I'm gonna sit outside and read all day - it's suppose to be nice here.

Okay - off to finish a few things before eating my yogurt. I love the Blue Bunny fat free frozen yogurt - it is so yummy - don't miss the fat at all.

Oh, got a second postcard from dd today (I think they actually were both mailed on the same day). The one we got today said they were going hiking and she fell and skinned her knee and ankle pretty bad and that it hurt a lot but she thinks she'll survive. They are going to get to go horseback riding - one of her favorite activities to do at camp, she loves horses and wants to be a Vet with a specialty in horses. Thank goodness we don't have one cause guess who'd be taking care of it this week in this heat!!!!! :scared1: :scared1:

Have a good night and I'll check in on you all sometime tomorrow.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hey Chris!!

Thank you!! You are so sweet for saying those nice words! I am glad to bring a smile to your day. And don't worry, i am still convinced I will be able to convince Oprah to have us all on her show when we get close to our goals so we call meet... and of course then I assume she will give us cars to drive to WDW or trips to WDW or just some money! ;) LOL

Your fro-yo treat sounds yummy! My treat with dinner tonight was one of those kiddie boxes of Frosted Flakes (Bought those to help me with portion control!) with about 1/4 banana sliced over it and a 1/2 cup (well less, like 1/3, I like crispy cereal!) of milk. Was soo tasty! hehe

Popcorn for dinner? hehe! What about adding some protein so you get a full meal after a good workout? You're craving mexican, so maybe some grilled or baked chicken with salsa over it? Just an idea!! I love the idea of popcorn as a side dish! hehe! It is corn after all! LOL Whatever you have, enjoy it! :goodvibes

I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
Mike :flower:
HI Chris.

Hope everthing is doing ok. Just wanted to pop by to say, hello!!
Don't worry about those down days as you will be feeling them probably hormonal. Exercise is the key as one of my 8th grade students once said to me. It does help to combat the bluies.

Hang in there, Chris.



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