Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

7/26/05 #1

ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!!!!!! Can you feel it now - bdump bump bump bump - Another one bites the dust... :D :D :D

Yup - another one bit the dust - I'm down a pound today!!!!!! I'm so excited - 2 more to go to hit 10 :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Thanks Mike - I think that was an impulsory comment I made last night about the popcorn - although I could eat popcorn I think I'll be good now that I'm oh so close. So it will probably be some chicken with salad tonight, we'll see. I'll see where I am on Thursday with my weight and if I'm down, then I'll have the mexican I've been craving. If I'm not, then it WILL wait because I want to hit 10 by Sunday!!!! (edited popcorn sentence because I read it and it made no sense to me - don't know what I was saying but it appeared to be two different things at once ROFL)

I'll check in later today - got lots of work to do today to get ready for the new intern class and before boss returns from vacation!!!! :) Everyone have a good day.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
OK, I'll admit it...I've done popcorn for dinner before when it's just me. I just made sure to balance it the next day. I *love* popcorn, and I figure at least the stuff at home is better than what I'd get at the movies. But, if you can add some protein in some form, that would help.

Congrats on the loss!!! That's fantastic. It's so motivating to see results like that.

Have a great day!!!
Way to go on that lb lost - you will have 10 gone in no time. You are doing a great job staying within your calorie and fat goals. I'm sure you'll do fine eating while your DH is away. You've got your eye on the prize and you'll get there.
Hey Chris, thanks for stopping by my journal and giving me all those kind words of encouragement! :lovestruc

WTG on another pound biting the dust! Looks like you're making amazing progress. Keep it up!!
Hey, Chris! Congratulations on another pound lost! WHEW! Your DD won't even recognize you, will she?

Keep up the great work! Don't put too much pressure on yourself -- 2 pounds is a lot in 4 days. I hope you are basking in the happiness of your progress so far!

Have a great day! :)
I was reading your journal, and now I'm craving POPCORN for some reason!! You seem to be a lot like hit a slump and pick right back up. The "down" days are kind of rough, but it makes my "good" days even better! Keep up the great work!!
Congrats on the loss! I used to live on popcorn for dinner when I was in college. I probably still would, but I don't want my kids to think I'm too weird!! Keep it up, you are doing great!
Way to go Chris!!!! Down another pound. :jumping1: :jumping1:

You made great food choices today.....You are really doing great.

Your daughter is going to be so proud!

Keep up the good work!
Hi Chris!!!

HUGE CONGRATS on the pound gone!!!
That is awesome!!!

I hope that you have a great night! (with or without popcorn! hahaha)
Mike :sunny:
7/26/05 #2

Confession time..... :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Okay - so not so bad. So I didn't have popcorn for dinner but....I did have mexican. Did you ever realize how many calories are in mexican food??? WOW -

Anyway, I had dinner from a very good local mexican restaurant and got my usual - Nachitos Ole: Tortilla chips, beans, ground chuck, two cheeses, diced tomatoes, diced green onions, sliced black olives. OMG is it so good. I started out with changing the chips to baked instead of fried chips - BRAVO there for me. There is probably about 5 ounces of ground chuck on this thing, maybe 4 but I don't know; about 2 ounces of cheese, about 1/4 cup of diced tomatoes, about 1/8 cup of diced green onions, and about 3 sliced black olives (they really skimp on the black olives). I started out only going to eat half of it but it was so good and I was so hungry I ate the whole thing :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

Okay - so how to count it. I went to Taco Bell's site and this is about the size of the Nacho Belle Grande and has all the similar stuff except it's shredded cheese instead of the cheese sauce that they use at TB. So I was erring on the side of caution and added 100 more calories, 5 more grams of fat, and about 10 more carbs.

And my totals for today:
1565 calories, 30.4 fat grams, and 197.4 carbs - ALL UNDER MY GOALS!!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!! I was so totally blown away. I have room for a snack tonight - but no way am I having one. This really messed up my stomach because my stomach is now not use to eating this stuff and the big D came back. Sign that I really need to be careful of what I eat. And I got on the scale after I ate because I was curious - I could really feel my stomach bloating from the food - and I had only gained .5 pounds from this morning. But I probably had lost another pound up to that point LOL.

So here's what I ate today:
breakfast very berry fruit and oatmeal bar
1 cup cantelope

snack cheese stick

lunch ham sandwich on Wonder light wheat
1 TBSP fat free mayo
1 ounce doritos
fat free yogurt
small plum

snack 9 carrots
1 celery stick
1 TBSP dip

dinner Nachitos Ole w/baked chips

And I'm done for the day. I'm feeling really stuffed and icky. I was all set to go to Jazzercise tonight but after I got home I decided I wasn't going to workout because it was raining pretty good and I didn't want to go back out. So I forced myself to get on the treadmill and I did 30 minutes - 1 mile. I hate the treadmill because I get so bored.

So all in all I'm pretty pleased with myself. I didn't go nuts having just popcorn for dinner, I ate something that wasn't great for me but at least had protein and veggies on it, and I worked out instead of planting my big butt in front of the TV. I have the house all to myself tonight so I think I'm going to read some journals and then go to bed and watch tv and just snuggle under the covers - oh and open the windows - it's currently 67 degrees!!!!!!!

Oh and I almost forgot to tell you guys. I got an email from a GS leader in a town adjacent to us and our GS camp has the opportunity for parents (mainly moms) and their daughters to go up to our resident camp, which is 7 hours north of us, for a weekend so they can check out camp and the girls can see what camp is like in case they'd like to go next year alone, and she and her daughter went. This is the same camp that my daughters is at training to be a counselor. She said my dd was having a lot of fun and the girls really liked her. My dd was with her group the whole weekend and she was just such a joy to have with her group. They really had fun with her. There were some pictures taken by one of the council staff and she is going to send them to me as soon as she gets them. So it was nice to get an actual report of how my dd is doing based on someone that saw her!!!! It was so nice to get that email today - I really missed her last night.

And I did drink 70 ounces of water today.

Thanks for all of your support - it really means the world to me! Everyone have a good night and I'll talk to you all tomorrow!!!! (and some tonight as I go through some journals)

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Congrats, Chris! You've worked so hard - great job! Even eating out you stayed within your goals. Hang in there! We're almost thru with July's challenges.
Thanks Jane E.

Someone made a comment in their journals about liking the Hellmann's Light Mayo. I really like Hellmann's period and really like the Light but I don't like their Fat Free. But if you are interested in trying a Fat Free I've been using Kraft. I really like their Fat Free - it has flavor too it so you don't feel like you are eating Fat Free mayo. And I can't eat a dry sandwich so that's why I went with the fat free mayo - gotta have some on my sandwiches!!!!
Chris you should be very proud of yourself for today. You switched from regular chips to baked and you got out the treadmill. I'm sorry the mexican made your tummy upset but also there is nothing wrong with eating the foods you like - just in moderation. I'm sure you won't go out and have another one tomorrow. Plus you stayed within your nutritional goals for the day. Way to go =) Your popcorn craving made me pop a bag at work and it was really yummy =)
LOL - I'll probably have some tomorrow at work too, just couldn't do it today once I had my heart set on the Nachitos. And of course it's 94% fat free small bag so it will be good for me to snack on!!!!

I'll bet that everyone who reads your journal tonight ends up eating some popcorn!! Great job on sticking to your guns and being an example to the rest of us. We can all learn a lot from you!
7/27/05 #1

Well, I got on the scale this morning and it had not moved. So I didn't gain and I didn't lose from yesterday, which I'm very proud of. I was so bloated and full last night when I went to bed that I was hoping that I wouldn't have a gain. So I guess it was worth getting up 3 times to go to the bathroom last night!!!! :)

Hey, the smilies moved again!!!! LOL just noticed that.

Anyway, I'm back on track today. Put a roast in the crockpot this morning for dinner because dh is out of town and might be home tonight or might not (he's testifying at a trial regarding a TIF district case and he doesn't know when he goes on the stand today so if it's late afternoon, he probably will have to go back on tomorrow and won't be home; if it's early afternoon he might be home) and I didn't want to be cooking dinner at 7:30 when I get home from working out. I'm so ready for these long hours to be over at work, getting off at 5:30 and flying to go workout at 6 and then not getting home until 7:30 is getting old. At least when we go back to regular hours (ending work at 4:30) I'll be able to eat before I go workout, possibly. Or at least cook dinner before I go. They are looking at starting a class up at 4:45 but then I have to figure out how to approach my boss about leaving at 4:15 (just 15 minutes early) so I can go workout. I'm sure she'll let me but we'll see.

Okay, need to get some serious work done today as I'm off tomorrow (if I can get everything done). Everyone have a good day, might not get to journals until later today, at lunch, or tonight. Tomorrow my plans are to clean my house, some, and read some Harry Potter in the sun. It got down to 57 last night and was actually cold sleeping with the windows open. High today is suppose to be 78 - MUCH BETTER than it has been!!!!! I LOVE this kind of weather. Currently it's 64.

I'll check back in later tonight with totals and what I've eaten today.

HUGS to all and keep up the good work!!!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
You had to mention popcorn, didn't you?!! :teeth: Seriously, it used to be one of my favorite snacks--I've munched through many a bag at dinner time! :p Now I try to "block" it, so it's a treat I ONLY have at the movies--that way it's rare and a special treat I don't feel guilty about.

Chris, you're doing so well. You're inspiring me to keep my butt in gear and to stay OP. Thanks for your encouragement.

Hey, girl, before you know it, you're going to be sporting a BEAUTIFUL new clippie! Keep up the good work!

Erin :wave2:
Hi Chris!

Stopping by to WISH you a wonderful day today! :flower: That roast sounds yummy! Can you send me any leftovers you might have? :goodvibes ;)
Hi Chris!

Good luck getting everything done today so you can have tomorrow off!!! and I am very happy you showed no gain this morning as you wanted. Very cool! :cool1:

Have a great day!
Mike :sunny:
Good luck getting everything done today that you need to finish, Chris! And definitely enjoy your day off tomorrow! And I am jealous of your weather. We are still in the lower 90s temperature-wise today and that's our normal weather this time of year. The heatwave had us up to 105 degrees, 111 counting the heat index!


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