Dangers of VMK Friendships


Earning My Ears
Oct 15, 2006
Be careful in building relationships/friendships with “virtual” characters. Within Virtual Magic Kingdom (VMK) players exchange visual interactions and written communications indirectly with “people” though their "character". Both are stimuli and things “external” that influences an activity. However, limited visual and written interactions can lead to “fantasy” relationships without additional components.

In “virtual” relationship, only two (2) components of a “real” relationship can develop and cause one to believe such relationship exists outside of their intended boundaries. One of the missing components in these relationships is the same component missing in a mathematical process known as, “Statistical Asynchronous Regression”. This is a process which is used to determine the relationship between two varying quantities (“people”, in this reference) WITHOUT simultaneous (“real-time”) measurements of the true quantities (“people”).

One of the many quantities missing from “virtual” relationships is “touch” (physical touch). When “role-playing” with characters during your asynchronous interactions online you must maintain a level of “self-control” as your actions can begin to build “fantasy” relationships with “real” people behind their characters. Such is the case when you are unable to provide for the various needs of another player.

When VMK established their rules about not attempting to communicate with players outside of the game, they do this for your protection. Attempting to build relationships with certain individuals seeking to fulfill the missing components from a “virtual interaction” is dangerous. These players will attach without true synchronous interactions and will measure their relationship based only on very limited stimuli.

Respect your friends; maintain “self-control” when playing. If you are on the other side seeking the missing components of these interactions, please speak “in real” (face-to-face) with a mature adult and/or support group. “Virtual” interactions do not replace “Real” interactions.

Until next time, be safe and I will see your “player” in the game.
Huh? I don't understand, are you saying people are insane if they want to meet their VMK friends in real life?
Shaymojack said:
Huh? I don't understand, are you saying people are insane if they want to meet their VMK friends in real life?
Um kinda sounds like that too me also. Though I think this is only true to an extent. Yes a person should be very careful wanting to meet someone they only know through a game like vmk. It is difficult to tell what the person is truely like and what their intentions are (this goes especially for kids). On the other side of the coin, friendships created in VMK can turn into real friendships. One of my best friends I met through VMK and managed to find a way to talk outside of VMK also. We have not met in person, but I would like to some day (I am an adult so not recommending this to the DIS/VMK kids without parental consent)

Now I realize that others may have differing opinions than I do and I agree that friendships without "face to face" interation do need to be considered carefully, but to say that they cannot be true or real friendships is going a bit far to me.
Of course, these relationships can become “in-person” (face-to-face) relationship. However, kids and some adults suffer healthy and unhealthy levels co-dependency. As a child, co-dependency is healthy when seeking connection with parents as their support. If the are not receiving the “attention” (that is, praise, support, correction, and so forth) from their parents they will seek out what is missing in healthy childhood dependency from people outside of their safety zone (home). When unable to obtain the items the child feels abandoned or alienated from their support (family) they will attempt to seek this from others. This includes online “virtual” friends.

It is a reminder to those attempting to be a “real” friend to others to make sure not to place a “fantasy” within your friend’s life. This causes the child to seek to make those “fantasy” items real and could lead to further harm to someone you are trying to help.

If you are on the other end seeking “online” friends to “escape” from real world problems (that is, abusive families, and so forth), please seek an offline support group and/or speak in person to a mature adult (face-to-face). These people include, teachers, counselors, church pastors and people within your own family.

Thanks everyone for reading this topic and being good “online” friends to others, just remember “self-control” is a character of a caring friend.
Have you been spending too much time in your psych class lately?
LOL - sorry everyone

i was reminded yesterday (thanks ciao your the greatest) that i do use big words when i go into my "college" teaching/lecturing mode - sorry everyone - is it summer yet

in simple words:

control your interactions online in order to prevent others from entering a "fantasy" - that is "self-control"
bowlofcereal said:
LOL - sorry everyone

i was reminded yesterday (thanks ciao your the greatest) that i do use big words when i go into my "college" teaching/lecturing mode - sorry everyone - is it summer yet

in simple words:

control your interactions online in order to prevent others from entering a "fantasy" - that is "self-control"
Nevermind, I think I get it. Still confuzzled though.
Eww gross! You are using too many big words(i say this as a 14 yr old) and too many ' of those and it reminds me of Austin Powers, and frankly it's kind of creeping me out
Those were some of the biggest words i've ever seen :faint: Well, the ingredients on shampoo bottles are bigger :teeth:
It's not so much the big words, (none of them are "big", imo), but his feeling the need to put every other word in quotes and his to formalish wording. That, not the words, made his writing incredibly confusing to me.
I agree with the spirit of the original poster. I am a middle aged man who has been online since the early days of BBS systems. It can be very dangerous for ADULTS to turn online friendships into real meetings. I personally know someone who was murdered after setting up a meet with an online friend. She only gave this person her phone number. 3 days later (2 days before they were supposed to meet) he entered her house and murdered her. He found out where she lived by ONLY her phone number.

I also, have experienced difficulty with persons I have become "friends" with in a chat room. One woman, who I did meet face to face, became completely obsessed with me to the point that I had to move and change my phone number. Another person threatened to kill me because I did some ONLINE flirting with his ONLINE girlfriend. If I had not been protective of my information, he very well could have made good on his promise. I have also known of several others who were assaulted or accosted when meeting an online friend. The KEY is to be knowledgable and smart. And to NEVER give out any personal information until you are 100% sure that the person is who they say they are and can be trusted with that information. I would say, 80% of the people who post or chat are NOT who/what they say they are. Which is also why that whole "Real Pics of Disers" thread makes me so uncomfortable. There are SO MANY children posting their pics there and you have no idea how dangerous that is.

all that being said, I met my wife in a chat room nine years ago - we were both in our 20s at the time and we met for the first time in a VERY public place and we both brought friends with us.
while i do say you have a VERY valid point for adults meeting younger kids and whatnot, but teens and their parents meeting other teens and their parents is what im talking about.

good point!
AvastPirateBen said:
while i do say you have a VERY valid point for adults meeting younger kids and whatnot, but teens and their parents meeting other teens and their parents is what im talking about.

good point!

How do you know who you are meeting?
That is my point. I can go online all day and pretend to be a 14 year old boy and noone would know the difference. Read my post above. Just giving your PHONE NUMBER can be DEADLY. My points have nothing to do with Afddults meeting children (which should NEVER happen) - it is about ANYBODY meeting ANYBODY. Male, female, adult, child - we are ALL in danger.
mtlhddoc2 said:
I agree with the spirit of the original poster. I am a middle aged man who has been online since the early days of BBS systems. It can be very dangerous for ADULTS to turn online friendships into real meetings. I personally know someone who was murdered after setting up a meet with an online friend. She only gave this person her phone number. 3 days later (2 days before they were supposed to meet) he entered her house and murdered her. He found out where she lived by ONLY her phone number.

I also, have experienced difficulty with persons I have become "friends" with in a chat room. One woman, who I did meet face to face, became completely obsessed with me to the point that I had to move and change my phone number. Another person threatened to kill me because I did some ONLINE flirting with his ONLINE girlfriend. If I had not been protective of my information, he very well could have made good on his promise. I have also known of several others who were assaulted or accosted when meeting an online friend. The KEY is to be knowledgable and smart. And to NEVER give out any personal information until you are 100% sure that the person is who they say they are and can be trusted with that information. I would say, 80% of the people who post or chat are NOT who/what they say they are. Which is also why that whole "Real Pics of Disers" thread makes me so uncomfortable. There are SO MANY children posting their pics there and you have no idea how dangerous that is.

All I can say to that is WOW!


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