DDA Chapter 15

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So I got a call from the nurse. Alyssa isn't feeling well and was spitting into a trash can. Not vomiting, just spitting. They gave her crackers and ginger ale, no fever, but said she looked sick. I have a packed day plus a retirement party this evening for a very close friend. I called her dad and he went and got her. It took him an hour and a half :rolleyes:, but he got her. He said she's quiet and acting lethargic, but no vomiting and no fever. Hopefully she'll just need some rest and be okay to go tomorrow. They only have a half day, plus it's pajama day!

Poor Alyssa. Mary was acting lethargic this morning, but I think it's because she stayed up late last night. I haven't received a call to come get her, so I have my fingers crossed that she's ok. She was complaining of a headache, so I gave her some children's Advil, and off she went to catch the bus.
Went grocery shopping (we are hosting Christmas Eve) $300 later!!!:eek:

Then I come home & realize I have forgotten some things. SO I run over to Target...$174 later!!:scared: Of course I found some last minute gifts too.:rolleyes1 I swore I was done shopping but I couldn't help myself! And I bought myself a present. It's a Christmas collection CD set that has Frosty, Rudolph, & Santa's Coming to Town. No, not for my kids, me!:laughing:

One more gift to wrap!:yay:

The weathermen are saying that we are going to get hit with a big snowstorm tomorrow morning, so school may be cancelled or delayed. Makes me happy knowing everything is done. I am supposed to go out with my girlfriends in the evening & it may get cancelled. Too bad, we haven't seen each other in awhile.

Yikes, your bill has me :scared1:

Of course, that's only because I haven't done any grocery shopping for Christmas breakfast. That's the meal I am in charge of. I'm going to do 3 large trays of overnight french toast, eggs, ham, sausage and brown sugar bacon. The meat I don't have to buy, as my dad has a ton in his freezer. I will need to get the stuff for the french toast, and maybe some fruit to go along with it. I picked up 4 cans of cocoa from Costco, so that should be enough (I hope!)

Isn't it nice to be done with the Christmas shopping? I still have 4 gifts to wrap, but Alan will be home tomorrow and can help with that. It never fails that I start a project and Timothy cries to be held.

I did get another batch of fudge made this morning, and a batch of pumpkin spice thumbprint cookies. Hopefully, Timothy will nap well this afternoon, and I can get some more stuff accomplished! I need to write out our packing lists, and bring the suitcases up from the basement.
I did get another batch of fudge made this morning, and a batch of pumpkin spice thumbprint cookies. Hopefully, Timothy will nap well this afternoon, and I can get some more stuff accomplished! I need to write out our packing lists, and bring the suitcases up from the basement.

You are amazing that you can get all that done with a newborn & 4 other kiddies!!!:worship:
Elin - I'm trying like mad to finish my book and then let you take it on your trip. I can't make any promises but I'll do my best. Are you leaving Sunday now?

Bless your heart!! :love:

We don't leave until Sunday morning, but if you don't get it done I completely understand. I have the 2 Kingdom Keepers to take with me too!
Off to work and three more recitals!! See you all tonight.
Tammi - I hope Alyssa feels better! :wizard:

Anne Marie - Yay for being finished shopping! :confused3

It was very foggy this morning, but the temps were supposed to go into the 60's. Well, the fog somehow turned into rain and it is COLD! :scared:
You are amazing that you can get all that done with a newborn & 4 other kiddies!!!:worship:

not amazing at all! Just desperate to make this Christmas as "normal" as possible without my mom.

Besides, I've never been the kind of person that could just sit still.
I'll join the club, it drives my family nuts that I don't sit still for long periods.

I'm always working on some project. Alan hates it when we sit down to watch a movie and I'm working on something. He just doesn't get that I can do 2 things at once.
Mom met with the radiation oncologist today. She has to go back Monday for some additional preliminary stuff, then she will start radiation. I am a little confused because she said they will start next week. It seems very odd that they would start Christmas week since she won't have radiation on X-mas day. And probably not on New Year's day, either. Strange, strange. I guess she'll find out more on Monday.
Well, Timothy finally decided to take a nap without me holding him!!! While he's been asleep, I've done a load of laundry, dishes, started my lists for next week, and made some "hot chocolate cones" to give to some neighbors. I still have to type up the instructions for the cones, but that should be easy enough.

The other kids are due home in about 5 minutes, and I need to get them to work cleaning the playroom in the basement. We are having our house appraised tomorrow, and I want things to look nice. Wish me luck. My kids figure that after a full day at school they should be able to relax and watch Spongebob! Not today!!!
Have fun tonight, Deb. Meatloaf sounds good to me too. Can I come?

It was yummy. I'm afraid that it is all gone though.

Does anyone here have a Kindle or know someone who does? Is it worth it? Do you like it?

What is a Kindle? I guess I don't have one

Oprah has some free Christmas song downloads on her website. They are only available for 48 hours though. we are getting ready to head off to the concert.
not amazing at all! Just desperate to make this Christmas as "normal" as possible without my mom.

Besides, I've never been the kind of person that could just sit still.

I know this first hand:goodvibes It helps that I am similar so it was interesting on our weekend....neither of us could sit still for more than 10 minutes.

P.S. I found a local place that has Hires on tap....I am thrilled!!
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