Deb's (solar) - Babysteps to Big Changes

Woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo!! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :cool1: :thumbsup2

I am so impressed! You should be very, very proud of yourself. That is a major accomplishment. I can't even imagine going that hard unless I was on my horse's back letting him do all the work, hee hee.
Deb, that is awesome you did the 10 miles! I am proud of you and seriously impressed.:thumbsup2

I know how you did it. You set your goal, you stuck to it and you made it happen. You are one strong lady mentally and physcially!
You are one strong lady mentally and physcially!

The funny thing is - I didn't know this about myself...

Thank you to everyone... :love:

will write more later, have to do some stuff - but will do journals later today
Of course you are strong! But of course, none of us ever think that about ourselves. ;):hug:
I couldn't log in yesterday...when i logged in, it brought me back to my log in!

Anyway -getting excited, less than a week until we leave. Today my DH decided he wants to extend our trip by a couple of days, so we'll do a stop over around Hilton Head on the way back - we're road tripping, he isn't a fan of flying

Not much else going on...just sticking to my eating, adding in a few extra calories for the running, and now that i'm in my taper (cut back to prevent injury or overuse of muscles) - I'm doing shorter distances. I'm looking at a 5 mile today, then maybe a 3 miler on Fri or last run will be Monday- since we leave Tues....probably do about 4 on Monday...

I am in vacation brain mode so i just want the time to pass quickly...and alas we have another big snow storm coming our way tomorrow. My goal is to be aware of my posture doing any shoveling so i don't do any damage to my legs, etc

Cheers, Deb
Hoping you get rain, but not flooding, instead of snow. It's raining here, but we supposed to get a rain/snow mix through Friday. Good luck shoveling-stay safe!

Enjoy your last few runs! You'll be great at the 1/2!
The good thing about driving is that you can easily extend a trip. That sounds great to stop off at Hilton Head!

Good job keeping on top of your runs and calories. :thumbsup2

Not much longer to wait!
Woohoo!:woohoo: Your trip is right around the corner!!! I bet you are getting so excited!:cool1: That's wonderful that you were able to add a couple of days to your vacation too. :goodvibes

That snowstorm is supposed to hit us too. :( I am so ready for spring! :sunny:

Sending some :wizard::wizard: your way for your final runs before the Princess 1/2. You are going to do a WONDERFUL job, Deb! :cheer2: We'll be cheering you on from Ohio!:cheer2:

Have a great day tomorrow!:hug:
Hi Deb, Just wanted to wish you luck on the 1l2, I know you will do great, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Slow and Steady wins the race, just like you tell me.

Way to Go Girl!!!! :banana::cool1::thumbsup2
This will be the last time I check into my journal for awhile. I'll be on vaca for about 2 weeks, and am unsure of where I will and won't have internet. I am READY to get to FL...tired of Jersey's snow! We got a foot of it on Friday.

I ran 5 miles last night and my legs feel great. My goal for this Princess 1/2 was to - see what I can that's what I plan on doing.

Whether I go half way, all the way, or whatever...I can honestly say I've come farther than I ever imagined. I had setbacks (colds, flu, fall down stairs/tailbone injury) but I just kept going...and that is so unlike what I used to do. In the past, it would have been excuses - reasons I could quit...and I didn't. To me that's a win.

Thank you for your continued support and means a lot to me. I've got the endurance thing down...speed, we'll see if I've got enough of it, long enough! Either way, I'm really glad I'm taking on this challenge and happy that I'm not pressuring myself either. I just want it to be a joyful event that is about a celebration.

I'm here to celebrate what I can do, not what I can't. :thumbsup2

It will be awhile before I write again, but I'll be smiling in sunshine!
We'll be cheering you on from Ohio, Deb!!!!:cheer2: You are going to do a WONDERFUL job at the Princess 1/2!!!!!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful time on your vacation!:cloud9: Safe travels to you and your family!:grouphug:
:cheer2: Good Luck Deb!

Congratulations on your 10-mile run! I hope you have a wonderful time in Florida. Can't wait to hear all about it!


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