Deb's (solar) - Babysteps to Big Changes


DIS Veteran
Sep 16, 2006
Is there where I say something clever? ;)

Hi there - let me explain something. I've done this before -- I've gotten into the mindset that "I can do this"...I've exercised, I've changed my habits...but it just didn't pay off. I never got the reward.

I was deflated - seriously frustrated. The cool part is I got back up again, dusted off and am trying again. That's the thing about me...I'm the eternally hopeful - and each and every time will give it a go and push myself.

Know what's different? The scale is actually moving. THAT'S Rewarding!

Here's my quick bio:

Been there - done that...tried them all. Went for bypass consultation...sorry, no go - you have malabsorption issues? Yeah, whatever....

Cry, cry, cry...

Visit trainer, visit dietitian - go that route for an entire year. Weight will NOT come off...cry, cry, cry...dwell on it for a YEAR - all that time and hard work...

thyroid meds 20 years - numbers still fluctuate like crazy
insulin resistance - on meds now, hope to get off

...and here i go.

Pick myself up, dust off - try something else. :cheer2:

Doing a doctor (internist/family doctor) supervised liquid diet (go 1x a week) - right now 5 shakes, 1 meal (veggies and protein) -- will slowly add in more meals as I go. BTW, was never a veggie person, but now having them and loving them every day...

It's like my taste buds woke up since i only eat one regular meal a day. Very weird to me...

Anyway, you'll notice I often talk in thoughts and phrases (...'s), etc, but yes, in real life - I do talk in full sentences, hahaha

Started needing to lose 107 pounds. OUCH - it's okay, I've got to start somewhere.

Lost 12 during the last 4 weeks - 95 to go. (Not 100 anymore!!!)

Happy, motivated, moving my body and a big Dis fan. I am down there about 2-3x a year. Happy to find WISH - and after bouncing around trying to figure out where to go - what felt like a good place/fit for guys were here all along on my fave DISboards!

Cheers, Deb (solar)
Exercise: Currently doing C25K - contemplating the Princess 1/2 to keep me motivated....may run/walk/limp/gallop/drag myself while whining to the end - but it may be just the thing to keep me super motivated and moving.

Me: Deb, 42, Jersey, crazy in love with my husband (22, ha, just kidding, 44 this month!), 2 boys (15/19), 3 dogs, 1 cat
How far can I go? That's the question I'm asking myself....

I've decided to sign up for the Princess 1/2 after spending a lot of time thinking about it this weekend.

Is it too much? Am I crazy? Is it silly for me to even contemplate it?

Here's what's been going on in my head....

I mentioned it to my husband - maybe Thursday night? He goes - ya thinK?

HEY! Why can't I have big goals and dreams? :confused3

He goes - why don't you start with a 5k or something...

Hmmm, could - but WHAT IF I COULD GO FARTHER THAN THAT? Don't I want to know how far I can go? :thumbsup2

If I work hard, and train myself....what if i could go 6 miles, or even 10 miles, and imagine if i make it the full 13 - what an incredible feeling. I don't want to be capped at 3+ miles.

I had to ask myself some serious questions - and it came down to this....

Would it be hard for me to go and not finish? Actually - no it wouldn't. I would be proud for putting forth the effort to train and try. That's where the courage starts...

if i'm swept - i'm swept and I can know i tried. No shame in that....

...and if i'm not swept- WOW, ya know? :banana:


So here's my answer - I'm going to sign up -- and do the best I can - and maybe even a little more. If I finish, awesome...if I don't...i know that the place that I stopped-- that's the place to beat the following year.

It's a great way to keep motivated, keep moving, and it's tied into something I love - Disney.

When I do the official sign-up - I'll have my name added to the list - and looking forward to meeting so many people along the journey.

BTW, comments are welcome - :love:

Side note: just ordered Marathoning for Mortals, and in the midst of doing c25k, and as mentioned above - i'm always hopeful - so this optimistic chickie is happy to work towards a goal with a smile. :cloud9:

Cheers, Deb
good for you deb. I am signed up to do my first also for princess half. I will be walking. I was training and then my dad got sick and I can't get from the couch to the training. my goal is to start my training tomorrow. Monday fresh start and all that. good luck
Thanks for stopping by THmama...and get up off that couch tomorrow!!! Get moving - you've got a couple months to go :) You can do this
It's a done deal, I've gone and officially signed up for the Princess this morning. I wanted to really sit and contemplate it for a few days before jumping into it. princess:

I'm glad I put thought into it, because now I know why I want to do it...and I know THAT I want to do it!

I woke up to another pound gone and another 1/2 inch off my hips and tummy. It's a good day to smile all around.

Now it's time to do the day at a time, one step at a time, one choice at a time...

Feeling good - I like that. :)
Man, i felt like a champion this morning - nothing is or was going to stop me. I did it...I worked up the courage, signed up for this Princess thing, and I'm ready to take on the world....

...and then I got on my treadmill to do the next day of my C25K -- and realized how incredibly far I have to go! :rotfl2:

I know I can only take it one day at a time, but it was a good wake up call. It's fine and dandy to want to do something - but doing it is entirely different.

It really gave me chance to think --

I truly do want a healthier lifestyle, and I do want to make this change. It's okay if I'm a little winded today - because I kept moving. Knocked one more day off my program, and I'm on to the next on Wednesday.

I don't have to win - I just have to try. I just have to give it a go, I mean -- really dig into myself to make the necessary changes, do the time, put the work in, keep losing weight.

Man - I will be stronger by March, I'll be better trained, and I'll be lighter and healthier. My lungs, my body and my mind will thank me for not giving up.

I'm really glad I have a goal in front of me, and I'm sure i'll be doing the self-analysis thing quite a bit in the process, but it's going to be a great journey of discovery - so that's cool.

Cool beans <----said this little expression to my teenage son today, and he cringed...reminded me how uncool I am! :rotfl:

Ya know what? I'm okay with that. I'm over 40 - I don't need to be hip or fact, I just want my hips to work at this point in time! :thumbsup2
I went to my doctor this week - weekly appointments during this program - and was pleased that the weight loss this week was all body fat. I was happy to hear that. I like to relate to a pound of fat as 4 sticks of butter to give me a visual.

So far - losing 13 pounds - it's like I melted 52 sticks of butter off of my body. (A pound of butter = 4 sticks of butter)

Hearing it like that puts a big grin on my face.

While I have a long way to go, I'm not feeling overwhelmed right now, because I feel like something positive is happening to me right now...I'm making changes, and my tastes are changing. I'm wanting to get more active, and I'm absolutely visualizing a healthier lifestyle while I make these changes.
Duck feet...yes, duck feet. I am seeing that my feet point out just a bit when I run. Yeah...about that...

I hope to get a gait analysis done sooner than later, as I all ready know i run on the outside of my feet, but hopefully we can look at that also, and address it.

I did Day 1 of Week 3 of my c25k workouts. I was surprised that the jump to 3 mins didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Don't get me wrong, I was a bit winded -- but not like I anticipated.

My nutrition is spot on right now, and I feel good. I love when I'm in the zone and doing the things I'm supposed to...and I think that this Princess 1/2 Marathon is just the motivation to keep me on track for awhile longer.

Moving along - one day at a time.
I lost another pound, which puts me at 14 pound lost now. I'm thrilled that I'm not only losing the weight, but instilling new habits into my life.

I'm excited to love my salads and stir fries - I'm happy to have set a goal for myself with my upcoming run - and I'm just giddy that I'm feeling good.

I feel hopeful that I'll be able to shed this extra layer I'm carrying, and for the first time in a very long time, I BELIEVE I WILL do it...and that just keeps me moving forward day by day, one step at a time. :woohoo:
Welcome to WISH Deb!:welcome:

You are off to a great start on your journey!:thumbsup2 You've already lost 14 pounds, plus you signed up for the Princess 1/2!!! Way to go!:cheer2:

Have a wonderful day today! :wizard:

I am not sure how it happened, but I'm down 4 pounds this week.

I've lost 15 pounds, and the first mini goal I'd set for myself is sitting at 17 pounds. It means I'm almost there!

I am thrilled about that...and it was a nice treat to see the scale moved again this morning after yesterday.

Let's just say --- I went sports bra shopping - not a great experience! ha

I move onto Day 2 of Week 3 of my C25K..I'm also currently reading "Marathoning for Mortals"...thanks to everyone who suggested it. It's a great book, and think will make a great transition for me.
I am not sure how it happened, but I'm down 4 pounds this week.

I've lost 15 pounds, and the first mini goal I'd set for myself is sitting at 17 pounds. It means I'm almost there!

I am thrilled about that...and it was a nice treat to see the scale moved again this morning after yesterday.

Let's just say --- I went sports bra shopping - not a great experience! ha

I move onto Day 2 of Week 3 of my C25K..I'm also currently reading "Marathoning for Mortals"...thanks to everyone who suggested it. It's a great book, and think will make a great transition for me.

Congrads on your weight loss and for signing up. Best of luck! Enjoying reading your journal.
Thank you so much...I appreciate you stopping by. Writing things helps me want to stay on track!
Tomorrow is an important day for me. It's TOM and tomorrow will be a heavy day....and I am scheduled to do my next day for my's the thing...

The old me would make an excuse - ick, I feel crappy - I'm just not going to do it today...but the new me needs to get up, and get it done. It's these tiny things that really are what can make or break patterns. Suck it up - keep moving, or whine and use an excuse not to. I think I'll be just fine - because my mind is really in the zone right now.

Today, I'm heading to a running store to get my gait analyzed and get good shoes. I've got a couple good pairs of sneaks, but I want to make sure I have shoes that are for running -- I'm a supinator (running on the outsides of my feet) - so I'll want to address that.

Otherwise, just hanging in there doing my thing. I'd say...hey, feeling great - but eh, if you're a woman, you understand TOM, hahahah

How's this...mentally - feeling strong! :thumbsup2
Good for you for starting over again! I am starting over, too . . . I had lost about 70 pounds 5 years ago but, somehow, they came back and brought 20 of their friends with them! LOL! :lmao:

But, I am back on track now, too. So far, I have lost 20 pounds in about 2 months. I am watching what I eat and running on the treadmill about 5 days a week (sometimes, I'll throw the elliptical in there to mix things up). I'm up to running 2 miles straight now . . . but it's not fast and it's usually not too pretty by the end. :rotfl:

Keep up the great work! :thumbsup2 You ARE worth it!
Thanks for the encouragement and stopping by. :) Congratulations on 20 pounds lost so far....great job! :thumbsup2

We decided to go to the running store today instead of yesterday -- street parking will be easier earlier on Sunday than on a Saturday afternoon. It's a busy little shopping district we're headed to...

I'm on plan, feeling great and ready to take on another week - one day at a time!

One of the things I do besides weigh myself is to take my measurements - it's a great motivator to see the tape measure going down too!


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