Deb's (solar) - Babysteps to Big Changes

Hi friends...I hope to get caught up on everyone's journals this week. Sorry I've been a slacker the last week or two...finally feeling like myself again.


I did it. I completed my second 1/2 marathon. :thumbsup2

It had a heck of a lot of big ole hills and they gave me a workout like crazy, but I stuck in there. Blisters like crazy on the bottom of my one foot, the other is fine....but it's done. Another one under my belt. :woohoo:

ummmm, will be doing 1 more in May. :rolleyes1

Not going to be doing them "every month" -- but I'd like to get this third one done within 90 days of the first one I did. Then my schedule clears until October - so it will be a nice breather through summer.

Thank you for thinking of me. I'm happy to say "I did it....again!"
Deb great job! You really have me wondering if I should try to find maybe a 5K in my area and start with that. I think having a firm goal in mind would be good. You inspire me!

I have been a horrible Wisher lately so I understand how life just happens sometimes. We'll be here when things slow down, the most important thing is you have made your dreams and goals reality!:thumbsup2
Hi Amy,

Absolutely find something local and smaller that will motivate you to go....if you aren't motivated, you won't get done those training runs.


I'm been a slacking Dis-er lately. Just mentally went inside of myself for awhile. I go through cycles, and think I'm back to myself again.

While the scale went up, it was a good thing...weird, right? I lost 4 pounds of fat, but gained 9 pounds of lean number up, but body visually smaller. It's weird how it happens like this, but i'm learning not to focus on a "number" on the scale and that it comes down to this:

make more good choices than bad choices -- on a steady, ongoing process and you'll get there

that's my big secret, haaa..or my plan...just keep trying to make more good decisions than bad. no pressure, just life in moderation - and move my body to help the process
Congrats on completing another 1/2 marathon, Deb!:cheer2: You are such an inspiration!:hug:

I love your plan: life in moderation and moving your body to help the process :thumbsup2 What a great way to look at your healthy living journey!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
I signed up for a 5k next week. Since it's a shorter distance, I'm going to try to push myself just a little more and see if I can maintain my pace just a tiny faster. I'll need to push a little more for my May half, so this will be a good experience to see what I can maintain in an organized running event.

I'll let you know how it goes. :thumbsup2

We're going to hit the movies today - other than that - a quiet weekend is on deck.
Great job on signing up for the 5K!:thumbsup2 You are becoming quite the runner, I am impressed!

Quite weekends are the best kind.

I took your advice and ran it by Dan and the kids to do a trip to WDW without the parks and they liked it! I am curious to know what all you and your dh did during your no parks trip.

- choose a place with a great pool area, and maybe a nice path to walk around. We chose Caribbean Beach so lots of walking, and great pools

- miniature golf is fun

- we hit Beaches and Cream for ice cream and walked around the hotel a bit

- we hit Animal Kingdom Lodge and explored little nooks and crannies, along with Wilderness Lodge

- downtown Disney - we made our own treats at Goofy's Confection Company

- we hit ESPN club for lunch and enjoyed walking along the boardwalk area

- what about a picture scavenger hunt? hidden mickeys, up, one child with one parent at Downtown Disney maybe and a camera and see who can take a picture of XXX amount of characters first, etc...a stuffed mickey, a tinkerbell pin, a pooh bear shirt, etc...

- take the monorail around and check out the hotels on the monorail area - polynesian, grand floridian, contemporary -- make it an adventure with a purpose at each place -- finding a new snack you've never tried, or a picture at each pool or something

those are just a couple of ideas for you...make it about exploring the details you usually many new places can you try eating at - it's not about costly, it's about trying something different than what you would usually do.

part of the fun is coming up with ideas you wouldn't normally think of...brainstorming...what can YOU come up with? right? list the alphabet - and do something that starts with the letter A, something with B, etc...however...make it a game, see who can come up with more ideas...
Way to go on finishing another 1/2! Congrats! 9 lbs of muscle! Wow!
Congrats on signing up for a 5K!!!:cheer2:

Those are some great ideas, Deb!!! :cheer2: I love the A-B-C idea!:thumbsup2 We're only going to be in the parks one day in September. We may have to give that a try!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a nice Monday!:hug:
Great ideas Deb, I copied that and put it my pending WDW trips file! Funny thing, when Dan and I did a 5 mile hike on Sunday, we sort of came up with some of those things but others I hand't even thought of. Thanks for the input!

And keep up all this good work you are doing you will be at your goal weight in no time with all this running.:goodvibes
my 5k is this morning...i leave in about 1/2 hour - and oy! my tummy is starting with race jitters. It's funny - it's just a run, not like rocket science....but my mind/body know it's not a regular training run.

anyway, just checking in. these last few weeks, I've sort of been detached - i go through cycles...chatty, then not. I'll be back to my regular pattern soon enough
back from my 5k

I did it in 50 mins flat. A little over a 16+ min pace. I'll take it...trying to get a tiny bit faster, a little bit at a time. While I can move faster for say A mile, it's holding it for multiple miles.

My next half marathon I need to hold a 16 min pace for all 13 miles, sooooo - this was a good training run for me to see i can push just a little harder, and to get my training in check. I slacked a lot this past week or so, and I felt it
I want to offer words of wisdom, or some witty comment on all that is going on...but truth be told, I just do the same thing day to day - not feeling chatty.

I go through cycles like this...write a lot, talk a lot, then just sort of settle into the pattern.

I'm here, I'm still plugging along, and will report in more regularly soon enough.

Just wanted to check in.
Deb, I think we are all like that. I have been erratic with my posting lately too.

WISH isn't going anywhere and I am glad to know you are doing okay!:goodvibes


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