December 4,2004 !!!

just in case you did not know for sure...
I love ya rae,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
hang in there darling..............
Sorry to hear Rae......I haven't been in this thread for a while and like you told me once before Rae "enjoy each and every moment with those you never know when it could all be over." As I read what has happened to these young people I sit back and think.......My oldest (Jessica 14 in March), is my "popular" one. She goes to ALL the school dances, football games, wrestling meets, basketball games etc. Yes, we (myself or wife) ends up driving at least 1 way. And living here in the middle of corn country the local Homedepot is 15 miles away. So, her friend one of our neighbor boys' buddy just got his liscence. You know it doesn't hit you until you see this strange (beeter car) car in your driveway and out walk the two boys I have known for the last 9 years get in and leave!!! Now, I consider myself on the liberal side.......I feel that I give DD's enough rope to go places and do things that I never would have been allowed to do. But then again, I did it anyways......I just told my parents I was doing something else. BUT, I just can't allow her into a car with a 16 year old!! She hasn't asked yet because they are older and she doesn't "hang out" with them on a regular basis. She still into hanging with her "possie" about 6 girls her age. They are all good kids and we know ALL the parents and all the parents have each others cell #'s. But, there is going to come a time that they are ALL driving.......I don't know how I'd handle that.......yet.
For a few days anyhow!!
Jay booked today for Ft. Lauderdale for Mike's bday, 2/15-2/19 right on the beach at the sheraton! god I love that man!
Now how to make a bday surprise for mike, I wonder if they would have a cake waiting in the room?
Well, the funerals are over and things are getting back to normal in our lives. We start back homeschooling today after that week hiatus - guess Michael needs lessons in life and living as much as math and science and reading.

Thanks for all your warm wishes, prayers, etc. You are wonderful people and God has blessed me with your friendship.

Lampie - yes, I needed to hear my own words - you know I am great to give advise, lousy to take my own!!!

Ann - hugs to you too - Ohhh, lucky Mike! What day is Mike's big day and how old?

LIsa - thanks, you are always there!!

Phyllis - Can't say I would know how you felt, but pain is always pain and 15 years seems like a lot of time, until you start to dwell on it and then it's like it was today. She is honored by your remembering her and her unborn son. You must have been a very good friend to keep her so close to your heart.

Too cold to do much of anything except complain about the cold and stay inside!!!

Rae my dear I am so glad things are falling back into place, I know how hard that can be, sometimes routines are welcome. Hugs to you and know that kayla now has her friend back in heaven , that should be a comfort. They are up there having a ball together :)
Mike's bday is 2/16 he will be 11. We fly out on the 15th but don't get in until LATE the one bad part we don't land until 11:19 so by the time we get to the hotel it probably will be his bday. He is thrilled we are going, it will be only three days at the beach as even though it is four nights the first night is so late and then thurs our flight out is at 9:15am but three days is better than none!
He will be so glad to get there, nothing else will matter! What a great present!

So how are you and plowman doing? Ready to exchange snow for sand?!

I am just glad that the cold is killing the mold spores so that many of us can get back to doing something other than blowing our noses!!

Glad you're back "in the saddle" Rae!!!'s my turn to drive Jessica (DD13) to school (we car pool to school with two of her friends) and one of her friends says "Ron, my Dad saw the Disney Cruise commercial and picked up a pamphlet at the travel agent, he told me to tell you that if you are going again this year to let him know because we would like to go with!" If they go....look out!! BIG party people!! That would probably mean the other family we "pool" with would go. Do you know what that means.....???? I'm "off the hook" for paying for friends!!! Hehehehehehe
Originally posted by LAMPSKIES
I'm "off the hook" for paying for friends!!! Hehehehehehe

As long as you don't utter those famous words, "Drink are on me!" when we get to the bar!

Good to be back into the rut of homeschooling and homework - with the cold temps I don't mind being inside at all, so we are working diligently and waiting for the warm weather to come so we can really "get back into the saddle" again!

Looking at the picture of my "sons" always makes me wish I could be there and not be inside looking out. Plus the added benefit of having multiple horses is multiple work and sweat that helps take off the unwanted pounds and inches! You can't believe how loud a horse can GROAN! (tee hee hee!)

Looks like we are going to book "the Hyatt" the night before. I'm not going to chance "Chicago weather" in December. It's more $$$ but seems to be more, they tell me we will get to the ship earlier. Know what that means??? I can beat Rae to the shrimp!!!

If you'd like to.....

check out of the Hyatt about 0800....

walk down to the first toll booth.....

we'll pick you up as we FLY through......

that way you could get to the shrimp even earlier...

that will be 4 adults and 3 children.....

and probably 47 pieces of luggage.....

may not have room.......

our little Imelda Marcos has to have a bag just for shoes....

Just a thought...

Originally posted by LAMPSKIES
plus, they tell me we will get to the ship earlier. Know what that means??? I can beat Rae to the shrimp!!!

Wanna make a bet?
I know the security guards and can just put a little "bug" in their ear about some "shrimp thief" trying to board the Magic.......

I can stoop very low when it comes to guarding my "precious"!

OK, be patient with me. This is taking alot longer than I thought it would but I think that I am tackling the site. :) I have emailed the link and password to those who have sent me their information. Please send the following information to to be included in the group along with a picture of those cruising.

Family Information:
Last Disney Cruise:
Special Occasion:
Deck / Stateroom:
Dinner Seating:
DIS User ID:
Will send you the info tonight when Computer Expert is home!
Lisa, thank you soooo much for doing this!

Thanks, Ann! I'm pleased with it but am not sure when I will be doing one of these again. LOL! There HAS to be an easier way but I don't know the HTMP code.

I sent you my information(minus the picture..don't have one)
and I haven't received anything back from you.....did you get
the info???? At least I think I sent it.....will you check and let
me know.

::MinnieMo ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo
Phyllis, I just did the site last night and sent out an email as a reply to your aol address. LMK if you want it sent somewhere else.
Lisa...I got it....thank you.

Some I get at work because of the way my email is set up...and some I get here at home....and it was here at home.

I'll send a pix when I can......

Again, thanks

::MinnieMo ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo have a Imelda too? Alli DD11 took 13 pair for our three day land/seven night Eastern!! Rae check out the nomination thread!!!! Lbgraves.....looking for a digital pic of all 4 of us.......someone had to take the pics!!!
Good morning everybody! We are stuck at home today. Ice storm yesturday has closed the schools. :( I actually think that the 2 hour delay turned into a closing because it is suppose to start raining after 12 & it wont be going above freezing today. Oh well, the kids hadn't gotten out of their PJs yet anyway. No shopping for me this morning. :(


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