December 4,2004 !!!

Maybe you could work on the proposal and present it via the internet?
I would tell him the trip cost 20,000 and you would like reimbursement up front ;)
Ann - that's pretty much my only hope. I know I can get to my e-mail from our web interface in the Internet Cafe. I figure it probably would be close to that amount anyway if I were to add the "premium" I'll have to pay to schedule a replacement cruise in February or so - no good deals this close! I have a briefing scheduled with my sector leadership tomorrow and my goal is to convince them that we are so far along with this that my physical absence isn't a big deal, particularly with the internet and phone (if they're willing to refund me ten grand, they should foot the bill willingly for $6/minute daily phone calls to check up!) The irony is that my whole group lives in Virginia and my boss and her boss live in New England, so it's not like they normally think people have to be right next to each other to work! Keep your fingers crossed for me. I really want to just mentally know one way or another if I'm packing for three or four.....:(
I will be praying for you! That would totally stink if you had to send the family without you - do not let that happen! I am a teacher by profession and currently a stay at home mom, so I am not in the business world, but I still think that if you are that valuable they should let you go on vacation without any major career fallout. You seem as though you would be a great asset to any company - keep us posted! Shawn
How devistating!!! :( :( :( Will they cover the therapy that you & your family will need if they screw this trip up for you? ACK!!! :mad: I will say a prayer tomorrow that when you talk to them they will see the light. Yes, things do happen but you gave them more than enough notice for this trip & this is totally inconsiderate. :mad: Good luck!!!
When you are old, you will remember the days with your family, not the days you spent at work!

Apparently you are valuable to your workplace - they need to treat you as such! Hang tough!

Even the president gets a vacation. Hang tough!

They'd get along without you if you had a heart attack tomorrow! HANG TOUGH!

I know, you need the job to pay the rent, etc. We all do. But there are times when it's necessary to draw a line in the sand. 16 people, months of planning, and thousands of dollars constitutes, to me, one of those times.

If they compell you, by fair means or foul, to stay home, you will never look at that company the same way again, so it will have cost them far more, in the long run, than if they 'let' you go.
....and my husband wonders why I spend time on these boards!
It's because I have a lot of friends here - even if we've never met in person! Thank you - everyone. I needed both a kick in the #$*& and the boost to stick to what is in my heart about my family being first! It's good to know that there are a lot of people who feel the same way, too.

I'll check in tomorrow night - hopefully with good news, or at least a better indication of some sort of resolution!

What am I doing playing on this computer instead of packing?!?!? :p I think that I just finished up our door sign for this cruise. I just need to get a new color ink cartridge to print it out. I mainly cleaned out the garage today...not very cruise productive but that much less to do when we get back & it has been in the 70s this weekend so it is better to be out there now than in the 50s when we return...right??? :) I did have DD try on her Cinderella dress tonight. Just perfect!

Oh this is so not good! It is almost midnight here & I am still wide awake. Hmmm...I can't pack my clothes because DH & DD are sleeping in there & DS is in his room. That leaves DD's room open & available for packing! I had a nap this afternoon, which was greatly needed at the time, but now I can't go to sleep. The Christmas cards went out yesterday after DS put the stamps & stickers on. He did try to get creative with the stamps until I explained the basic layout of an envelope. LOL! YUP! I need to pack! Does anyone else have a pile starting in some room in their home. I have in our bedroom & one in the dining room.

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:

Oh, the excitement has definantly set in here. LOL! If this keeps up I will be crashing early the first night on the ship. :earseek:
Sorry I have not posted on this thread in a while. The last two months have been rather hard. In addition to my MIL passing away suddenly, my brother's (he and his family are traveling with us) MIL also died about two weeks later. Needless to say, it has been two months of ups and downs.

All the children are extremely excited about the trip. We adults are just looking foward to getting away. We asked both newly widowed FIL to join us, but only my brother's FIL said yes. Sue Ellen from Dreams was absolutely wonderful in getting the extra cabin, room at AKL, MVMCP, and all of our priority seatings for him.

I was also on the Z-Pack last week. My children have been to the doctors 4 times in the last five weeks. My son is still on medication. I might not send them to swim next week if it is cold just to play it safe.

Lisa: We actually call our guest bedroom the "Disney Room" because that is where we have been piling up stuff all summer long. Right now I have all the suitcases laid open on the floor and am in the process of organizing. I am taking your tip regarding the zip lock bags. Your cabin poster is absolutely beautiful--great job. I wanted to do one, but do not think I will have the time.

Flexsmom: I really hope it works out for you. I agree with Ann that there are many ways to work from the ship if need be. I know every situation is different, but there is no way I would cancel my trip for my firm. It has been planned for 19 months. However, I know that I would not be permitted to travel during tax season.

smw71: Welcome to the boards.

I am almost done with Christmas shopping. We do not get back until the 15th so I wanted to be done before we leave. I plan on having Christmas cards done on the ship. I just want to do the labels (I know less personalized, should be written) before we leave.

My children had been looking more forward to the WDW part of our vacation until a couple of weeks ago. They informed me that now they are more excited about the cruise. I said why and they replied "because of the free ice cream".

Instead of losing 20 pounds this fall, with all of the stress I have been under, I gained 20. Back to back pregnancies did me in but it has been five years!!!

Will check in soon.

I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving. I am sure we all have a lot to be grateful for.
Gloria, I would be happy to edit the door sign for you if you want to just send me the info. I can email it to you to print out. JLMK!
Is it time to start worrying....we leave next Monday morning for the world and we do not have our documents yet....anybody else in the same boat so to speak.....

So when is our Dismeet on the ship?

Tom & Marilou

P.S. They started work on our house today! YAY!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Lisa: Thank you so much for offering. Last night I spent about 4 hours doing two--one for us and one for my brother's family. The only thing I had a problem with was downloading the Disney fonts. Today at work I am going to see if our computer person can help me.

I have so much to do with work, home, children activities, Christmas preparations, packing for the trip and Thanksgiving Dinner for 21 and I am playing with Disney fonts!!!!
Tom & Marilou -

We got our documents from the TA last week. I'd suggest calling DCL asap!

I'm also interested in when the official DIS meet is - let us know!

Well, my call went great and everyone said we are a "well oiled machine" - my boss didn't even bring up to the others the fact that I am leaving and she told me in another e-mail "not to worry about it" and that I wouldn't be letting her down. Yes, I'll be an Internet Cafe freak for an hour a day or so, but hey, at least I'll be floating on the ocean and with my family! YEA!!!!

DCL called this morning to cancel my Grand Cayman excursion. We were doing the Atlantis Submarine and she said they all were beat up pretty badly. We switched to the Nautilus half-submerged sub so DD can still see some sea-life since she's not quite up to snorkeling yet.

Now it's time to get energized to pack. I'm also printing labels for Christmas cards from the ship, and I think my "admin" list of documents, tickets, and stuff like that is actually longer than the clothes list! Let's see.....this weekend is it "pack".....or is it "decorate"? I think we may have to defer decorate until we get home on the 16th!

There is nothing set up. I know that alot of us will be on deck 9 for the sail away at 4:30. Someone mentioned 3 pm but no location. We will probably be at the Mickey pool with the kids then. It would give the kids a chance to meet each other too. I know that I will be running to the room to check on the luggage & unpack & get our clothes ready for dinner before the safety drill. Maybe a meet on Sunday morning would be good before we get to Key West. There is always an afternoon when we are at sea. I know that I have seen several people posting on the cruise board that they will be on this cruise but have not posted once on this thread. I was going to make small DIS door magnets for everyone but have NO idea where anyone will be.

I have pulled clothes for DD and am trying to reassure myself that we really do need to pack summer clothes for the cruise & even for our WDW trip before. Looks like it will be nice the week before in Orlando. DS's closet is next. I think that I have matched up dinner dresses for DD & I too.

Well, time to get back to work. I will have to run & pick up DD soon. I wish that the kids weren't going to be out of school the rest of the much to do!!!
YEAH CAROL!!!! That is great news!!!! Did you offer your stateroom for a wine & cheese meet? I can't remember & there are too many pages to scroll thru. If so, let us know the afternoon and time that would work for you and we can post it as an official meet time. We could always move to the deck 7 secret deck after having the cheese trays delivered or set it up there to begin with.
flexmom: Good for you!!! I am sure that it is a relief that she told you now instead of making you wait it out. I forgot where you were staying after the cruise. We are staying at AKL until the 15th. Are you going to go to a MVMCP? We are going on the 14th and have also alot of priority seatings and two grand magical gatherings scheduled.

Lisa: I got my friend at work to fix my Disney Font problem. We will also be at the Mickey pool in the early afternoon (weather permitting) and then the deck party on Deck 9 for the sail-a-way.

Tom & Marilou: I agree with everyone else, you have to call DCL now. By the way, what hotel did the insurance company put you up in? As a fellow Long Islander, I am interested.
Lisa - Yes, it was me who offered up the room. How about Monday at sea in the early afternoon? I think that is formal night, and we are doing brunch that morning. DS can nap in the bedroom while we enjoy some munchies? Let me know - the 7th deck thing sounds cool, too - I'm easy.

We are at BCV after the cruise - first time home! And we're doing MVMCP on the 12th - I can't wait! DS is going to get his first haircut at MK, too, while we're there.
Tom you really should give them a call,,Just incase they are lost in the mail or something, I know they had a printer problem but it is cutting it close now!

I am feeling like I am getting depressed.... I guess overwhelmed I don't know, I just finished the report cards finally but have not even started one thing for the trip, I hope I am not getting sick, it just does not seem like we are going away in ten days. I can't seem to get it in gear. There is not enough hours in the day to do everything. I told Jay that we will just skip the icicles etc on the outside of the house, we can decorate when we get home inside. I don't even feel like doing that. Hopefully this trip will pull me out of my funk...

Glad to hear things worked out with your work. It is great when bosses can appreciate family time!


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