Don't Hate Me for Knowing More


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
There's been a lot of discussion on dealing with rude people, but what about the flipside? Have you ever had people hating on you because they thought you were being rude, but you simply knew more about the ins and outs of Disney? I'm talking about the comments you might hear while traipsing through the FP line while others sweat in standby or asking for the front of the monorail and being glared at by others who didn't know such a thing was possible until they overheard you.

I ran into one of these situations at Epcot one morning. I got there early, but the turnstyle lines were already building. They have one turnstyle open early for the princess breakfast people, which they open up for everyone at the same time as they open the others. People often don't realize that, so my usual procedure is to get in line for that turnstyle because it tends to be the shortest.

On that particular morning there was no one waiting at the princess turnstyle but there was a line waiting to get in the one on the other side. I walked up to "my" turnstyle to wait. A big family was first in line for the other side, and one of the guys said to me, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Uh, okay," not knowing what he meant. He repeated, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Yes, okay, that's nice" or somesuch thing. Then he said, "You have to get in line behind us." I realized he thought I was cutting and explained, "You're waiting in line for that turnstyle, and I'm waiting in line for this one." He said, "No, you can't go in there," and I said, "Yes, they will open it when they open the park." He was getting pretty agitated at this point and kept repeating, "You have to get behind us! You have to get behind us!" Finally I said, "I'm done discussing this with you. You are waiting in one line and I am waiting in another. You can talk all you want, but at this point I am going to ignore you."

In the meantime, more people had lined up behind me, and when Epcot opened our turnstyle opened at the same time his did and we all filed in. I have no idea why he was so bothered and why the concept of two lines was so hard for him to understand. All I can figure is that he dragged his family out of bed at dawn to be first and resented people who came later getting in at the same time. If it was all that important to him, he should have had half his family get in line at one turnstyle and half at the other. Just because he's not as well informed as I am doesn't make his problem into mine. I'll bet he spent the rest of the day cursing people in the FP lines.
I have to deal with this all the time.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! LOL!
There's been a lot of discussion on dealing with rude people, but what about the flipside? Have you ever had people hating on you because they thought you were being rude, but you simply knew more about the ins and outs of Disney? I'm talking about the comments you might hear while traipsing through the FP line while others sweat in standby or asking for the front of the monorail and being glared at by others who didn't know such a thing was possible until they overheard you.

I ran into one of these situations at Epcot one morning. I got there early, but the turnstyle lines were already building. They have one turnstyle open early for the princess breakfast people, which they open up for everyone at the same time as they open the others. People often don't realize that, so my usual procedure is to get in line for that turnstyle because it tends to be the shortest.

On that particular morning there was no one waiting at the princess turnstyle but there was a line waiting to get in the one on the other side. I walked up to "my" turnstyle to wait. A big family was first in line for the other side, and one of the guys said to me, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Uh, okay," not knowing what he meant. He repeated, "We're waiting in line." I said, "Yes, okay, that's nice" or somesuch thing. Then he said, "You have to get in line behind us." I realized he thought I was cutting and explained, "You're waiting in line for that turnstyle, and I'm waiting in line for this one." He said, "No, you can't go in there," and I said, "Yes, they will open it when they open the park." He was getting pretty agitated at this point and kept repeating, "You have to get behind us! You have to get behind us!" Finally I said, "I'm done discussing this with you. You are waiting in one line and I am waiting in another. You can talk all you want, but at this point I am going to ignore you."

In the meantime, more people had lined up behind me, and when Epcot opened our turnstyle opened at the same time his did and we all filed in. I have no idea why he was so bothered and why the concept of two lines was so hard for him to understand. All I can figure is that he dragged his family out of bed at dawn to be first and resented people who came later getting in at the same time. If it was all that important to him, he should have had half his family get in line at one turnstyle and half at the other. Just because he's not as well informed as I am doesn't make his problem into mine. I'll bet he spent the rest of the day cursing people in the FP lines.

Geeze that's terrible, what's wrong with some people? :sad2:
I agree. What gets me most is the comments by the stand-by line if they chose not to use FP, they remark about me skipping through the line when I really didn't! I try my hardest to bite my tongue but sometimes it's near impossible.
Singles line gets the same thing. I never say a word...just smile as I speed on past them.

I love knowing things.
What gets me is when I use the FP line at a ride like Big Thunder Mountain and someone is sitting on the standby rail and I say in a loud voice "Excuse Me" in order to get by and I get nasty looks from the person sitting on the rail.
I agree. What gets me most is the comments by the stand-by line if they chose not to use FP, they remark about me skipping through the line when I really didn't! I try my hardest to bite my tongue but sometimes it's near impossible.

We heard ugly comments in the FP line too "Why are they going faster? Oh those Fast Past things"
Yep...I had this with the front of the monorail.I asked about sitting up front, the cm had me ,Dh, and DD wait near the front.This women started arguing that I needed to get behind her b/c she was first .I said "no , we are just standing here because the CM told us to wait here to ride up front with the driver"She starts yelling that she gets to go on the monorail first because she was waiting here first..I just tuned her out.Than she starts trying to push in front.The Cm comes over and tells her exactly what I said.Then she gets loud with the Cm because she didn't know you could ride up front and since she was first she should get to ride up front .blah blah blah.
I like to think that we know most of the ins and outs of WDW and come pretty prepared. I can honestly say, though, that we have never experienced someone glaring at us or commenting when used that information to our advantage. Maybe we are just oblivious to it?
:rotfl: He's probably some kind of control freak and you totally ruined his day. He probably complained all day about that-I love doing that to people. I would have totally ignored him and smiled knowing he was going to stew all day about that. What is the big deal anyway-everybody's getting in. Who cares who's first? Seriously. Lighten up-its Disney- "The happiest place on Earth":rotfl:
Why are people so concerned with who gets to go first on these types of things? I mean ~ most likely you AND the person are both going to get in/on at the sameish time.
I have heard occassional grumbling while zipping through FP lines and have seen people get exasperated when we join a shorter line at a turnstyle or attraction and move ahead of them. :confused3 I wish people would realize they aren't obligated to get in the longest line like vacation martyrs who think they will receive some great reward for their self-inflicted suffering! LOL

They are similar to Costco/Sam's Club martyrs who stand in the 20-person deep checkout line, then scowl at you when you walk over and get in the furthest line that has 2 people in it.
Yep...I had this with the front of the monorail.I asked about sitting up front, the cm had me ,Dh, and DD wait near the front.This women started arguing that I needed to get behind her b/c she was first .I said "no , we are just standing here because the CM told us to wait here to ride up front with the driver"She starts yelling that she gets to go on the monorail first because she was waiting here first..I just tuned her out.Than she starts trying to push in front.The Cm comes over and tells her exactly what I said.Then she gets loud with the Cm because she didn't know you could ride up front and since she was first she should get to ride up front .blah blah blah.

The person yelling was very rude and uncalled for. The same thing happened to my husband. There were two seats left in the front and he had asked so he was able to take our son up front - much to the chagrin of other people who were in front of us. You and he benefited from your knowledge. However, I have always felt that the first person in line at the monorail should get offered the front. I think the CM should mention it to them and give them that option.
My husband would say I am being too nice and every man for himself - but its Disney:) If you can't be nice here, there is a problem.
One time I got yelled at because a dad stopped to tie his daughter's shoes about 10 feet back from the turnstile. There was no one at the actual turnstile so I went around him. I'm supposed to stand behind him while he ties her shoe? This wasn't at opening, we were not in a line, just all walking towards the turnstiles.
I think Disney is very very overwhelming for first-timers. Even if you've done your homework, you're never really ready for it when you get there. Not to mention that the advice you DO get prior to visiting isn't always helpful.

Imagine this scenario ... you've been kind of lurking around the various Disney boards, trying to get hints on your very first Disney vacation. You haven't read every single thread, but you're hoping to avoid all the trouble spots. Plus you've been asking friends and family who have been before what to be aware of, what to look out for, what to "know before you go." And everywhere you read, you see people complaining about line-jumpers and people who "follow their own rules." And all your friends tell you to "hold your line" when people try to push past you. The one big pet peeve you read about over and over again is people trying to push past you in line to be first into the park or on a ride or whatever. In truth, there's not really a lot of this that happens, but to read the boards or talk to people, you'd think that every single person is out to take your place in line. (Or maybe your only prior reference is Six Flags or the fair, where line-jumpers are rampant.)

THEN, you get to the park super-early, like everyone told you, and you're standing in line at the turnstile that you've been directed to or the turnstile that has a CM there or whatever. And then, a minute before the park opens, someone else comes up and stands at the turnstile next to yours (a turnstile that would appear to be ONLY for those folks attending a princess breakfast). Is the guy line-jumping? Of course not. Is he trying to sneak in via a turnstile that is only supposed to be used by Princess Breakfast people? Well ... no. But if the only thing you're looking for on your vacation is line jumpers, and you're overwhelmed by the Disney experience already and you're doing your best to navigate your way through by following all the signs, then yes. That is how the situation is perceived.

Clearly the guy inkkognito spoke with had no idea that the Princess Breakfast turnstile was okay for inkkognito to use at that point. He was standing where he'd been told to stand and was on the lookout for line-jumpers. He was protecting his place in line and trying to "educate" you that you were in the wrong here. Once you realized where the guy was coming from, a better way to deal with this guy may have been -- as someone suggested upthread -- to engage him in conversation. Don't blow him off, because that's what line-jumpers do. Be friendly instead of dismissive and you'll get a lot farther.

I get yelled at on occasion by people in the restaurants. Some people do not realize that you go to both sides of the register, so the one day at the Electric Umbrella, Cosmic Rays and Pinocchio Village Haus. There were long lines only on one side and nobody in line on the other so I got in line on the empty side so I was next to be waited on at each restaurant. Well that made a whole lot of people not very happy with me! Knowledge is key!
Yep...I had this with the front of the monorail. [...]

We had a situation with the monorail, but it was a bit different than yours. We asked a CM if we could ride up front on the monorail. We were in the waiting area near the front of the train already. He said yes, and told us to wait in the assigned area just to the left of the front waiting area, while he went off to take care of something. The monorail hadn't arrived yet.

Apparently a few minutes later a different family asked another CM if they could ride up front. They had been waiting in one of the middle waiting areas. In other words, if they hadn't asked to ride up front, they would have boarded somewhere near the middle of the train. That CM told them they could ride up front and to walk over to the assigned waiting area that we were already waiting in.

When they saw us waiting in there, they told us we had to leave that area, that it was reserved for, quote, "VIP guests." I didn't know that they had asked a CM about riding in the front car, and responded that it wasn't for VIPs, but was where we were told to wait so we could ride in the front monorail car with the driver.

She got really indignant and told me I was "cheating" and that we couldn't be the up-front family because she had already gotten approval for it. I told her we had gotten permission from the CM five minutes previously and that I'm sure if she were willing to wait for the next monorail that she would get to ride up front as well. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she wouldn't be able to have all six people in her party up front even when her turn did come up. (We had five in our group and I already planned to separate from the rest of my family so they could ride up front. The limit is 4.)

Just about that time the train was pulling into the station, and the CM I had asked about riding up front approached us. The woman in the other group immediately wedged past me and started yelling to the CM that her group had permission to ride up front and that we had "skipped" her. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders -- he and I both knew that I had already talked to him and that he had told us to wait there.

He told her that my group was first, as we had already gotten permission. He waved my family through into the front car, while I stepped into the first 'regular' car. Then he told the woman that if she wanted to wait for the next monorail, four in her group could ride up front. She started shouting at him that if she was going to wait around for another "damn monorail" that she "wasn't damn well going to separate her group," and that they would have to let all of them ride in the front car. He started to tell her that was not allowed, etc...

Meanwhile two kids in her group, about 10-11 years old, were clearly embarrassed by the whole thing. They stepped into the first regular car (the one I was in) and tried to tell the woman that they just wanted to go to Epcot, and to get on the monorail before it left. She wasn't paying any attention to them and then the monorail doors closed and we were off!

Yes, they ended up separated from their group with me on the monorail to Epcot. When we exited the monorail at the other end I found a CM immediately and told her that those two kids were separated from their group but that the rest of the group would probably be along on the next monorail. She told them to wait there with her. I have no idea what she had to say when she caught up with them but I'm glad I wasn't there to hear it.

Have the same thing at the Soarin fast pass line. They have like 10 machines in the room, but everyone always waits for the first two machines and the line stretches out the room. There are like 5 people in line for the other machines and 100 in line for each of the first two. We always say excuse me and walk through to one of the short lines. Funny how some people get upset when we are the ones who are actually doing it the right way and making things flow smoother ;)
I don't understand the fast pass haters. I had a woman yell at me when we used fast pass on Space Mountain. Well actually she was really mad because we used the parent switch as well so she had just seen my husband and two kids go through then here come the kids again. She was livid when she saw my kids for a second time.


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