(early)FMP….for EROS…..

I too will miss reading his posts. Take care EROS.
Some days I liked EROS some days I chose to ignore him.

I am now asking, especially after WillyJ's post, why is this thread allowed to remain?:confused: I thought we did not "publicly" discuss banning!:(

You mods and webmasters will be contradicting yourselfs and set a precident if you let this thread to continue.

Not to turn this into a debate, Crissup, but whatever Eros did "wrong" is a mystery to me. I'm curious as to what got him banned, that's all. I know a lot of people hated him, I know he voiced a lot of unpopular views, I know he posted in big letters, I know he sometimes used sarcasm, I know he posted pictures of women in bikinis, and I know he's an atheist. So what? I missed whatever was the BIG thing that got him banned, so I'm naturally curious. I'm not JUDGING the situation or the webmaster's decision.

I liked how Eros would speak out even when he had to be sure he'd get lots of negative feedback. I admired that even though some people never missed a chance to directly attack him as a person, he never got personal. The only thing he needed to stop was mocking and baiting and criticizing the moderators, who are just trying to do an honest, decent, and thankless job.

Eros had plenty of kind words and good thoughts for lots of us on this board. He did care when someone lost a loved one or when someone was in pain. And I care about HIS feelings. Again, I'll miss him, and I wish him well.
See you EROS, you seemed to have a good sense of humor. Even though you got my goat in our debates I did enjoy posting my view against yours, if I hadn’t I would of simply logged off. Will miss the pics.:jester:
Eros had a choice, plain and simple. He chose to treat people like garbage and he was called on it. I say good-bye and good riddance. If he wanted to stay he would have followed the rules.

As for him "not hating his enemies?" Have you been here for the last 2 years? He would pick somebody and just be cruel to that person without a second thought, for however it took.

Most of his comments were mean and spiteful. Do you think because he was sad when your dog died that that made him nice? What about all the mean things he said in the open? Do we discount those because he was sad that your dog died? I know I don't.

So good-bye Eros, you will not be missed.
EROS did you notice this thread has 1240 views so far .........and counting.So long pal...........
I'm only viewing this thread to see how many times the mods had posted warnings. Not to wish EROS well or tell him how much I'm gonna miss him.
As for the 'views' on this thread, just because there are a lot of views on a thread does not mean that EVERYBODY agrees with it. I TRIED really hard to not post to this thread until I saw that it was turning into a pity party for poor Eros. I would hate for somebody to think that my silence means agreement, that is why I posted, somehow I doubt I'm the only one.
Eros, my old pal, who's going to post Red Sox bravado and pictures of Gwen around here now that you are gone?

though I didn't agree with some of the things you did, I will miss your insights.
Originally posted by aahmom1
As for him "not hating his enemies?" Have you been here for the last 2 years? He would pick somebody and just be cruel to that person without a second thought, for however it took.
I've been here for 2 1/2 years. I've seen various people here who have done that. I've seen many do exactly that to EROS as a matter of fact. Sometimes EROS would've said things inappropriately for whatever reason, but I didn't see him hound people like he was hounded. If people didn't like him as bad as they said they didn't, they should've put him on ignore and been done with him.

Bumbles, I'm sure EROS would get a kick out of that translation.:p
So he's allowed to be as rotten as he wants and when he TOTALLY offends people they should just put him on ignore? Is that your solution? Doesn't that seem remotely backwards to you?
I'm not saying anyone is "allowed" to be rotten to anyone-here or IRL. If I have a problem with someone like many have said they had a problem with him, I stay away from them. I don't give them the attention they seem to crave.
I'll bet that Eros is :D :D :D at the royal debate that is raging on at full throttle on this thread.

Even with him no longer here, some things never change, do they?

You mods and webmasters will be contradicting yourselfs and set a precident if you let this thread to continue.

I don't see this post as either contradicting myself or setting a precedent. Cathy specifically stated our policy, which is that we don't discuss the reason someone was banned.

This appears to be a goodbye thread for Eros, and in my mind, is not a contradiction of what as posted by the WMs.
This was just mean to be a goodbye thread…I would hope someone would start one for me if I left or got the boot.

As for the number of views…for a person who it seems everyone hated and ignored he always had a very large number of views on his threads. (Views = Interest)

I think Eros could be compared to Howard Stern…people hate him but he has a great number of listeners. When someone calls into the show to tell him how much they hate him for doing this or saying that. HS always asks “if you hate me so much and if you don’t listen to my show…how do you know what I did or said?”

Hey Willy (and the other mods) whenever you are ready go ahead and pull it. It seems it is starting to get a little too nasty in here and deleted just the posts that question the decision isn't working out.

PS - I can't get in trouble for starting this tread...even if I did ..I have a "DIS get out of jail" card from CC. She gave me one because I said she was the hottest "chick" in all of Cananda.;)

Goodbye EROS
I'm editing myself because this is not the place for it. I apologize Charlie. The good bye thread is a good thing. I need to learn not to let some people bother me. :D


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