Facebook response from Pete Werner

Here's what I sent:

Apparently there is a new Moderator for the Camping Forum. Kathy?

She is throwing out some of the more knowledgable and entertaining people who are/have been regulars on the board. Granted, sometimes threads have gotten far afield from the OP's question, but mostly in fun and friendship.

I hope I have never said anything to offend anyone on the boards, and I hope I don't say anything to get banned herein. But something must be done to curtail the "clean sweep" that is now going on or the camping forum might as well close down.

Most everyone who has been around since the beginning is gone. True, campers have traditionally been treated as second class citizens by the whole WDW community, but we are/have been about the closest knit group on your board.

A good friend, who rendered valuable assistance to us when my wife broke her arm at Christmas, was chopped off last night. Her comment apparently was that Texans are friendly. Maybe there was more to it that I don't know, but I cannot imagine this lady EVER offending ANYONE.

The Camping Forum is a valuable resource for anyone contemplating a visit to the Fort. Please do not let it die. Please exercise some control over "Kathy", who apparently is not familiar or comfortable with the banter that goes on among campers and potential campers. You probably don't see such interaction among other forum visitors because people who stay in hotels don't get to know each other like campers do. Please help save this part of DisBoards for those of us who choose this lifestyle.

Here's Pete's reply:

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your message, and while I appreciate the spirit in which it is intended, I think you need to know that there is another side to this story.

First and foremost, Kathy is not a moderator, she is one of the Webmasters of DISBoards and has been for nearly 8 years now. THe WM's became involved in the camping forum after we received numerous complaints from people saying that they were getting ridiculed or receiving sarcastic responses to honest questions on that forum. Kathy posted a warning for everyone to 'play nice' and apparently, this 'great group of folks' on that board took exception to it and have acted like a complete group of imbeciles over the last few days. Apparently, this group has come to regard that forum as their personal fiefdom and tare making others feel unwelcome. I can't tell you the number of emails we've received in recent days thanking us for intervening on that board.

I have no issue with groups becoming close knit on our forums, in fact I encourage it. However, when those groups become closed and unwelcoming to 'outsiders', then they have stepped outside the bounds of our guidelines. The fact that Kathy posted a simple 'play nice' and was greeted with nothing by vitriol, personal attacks and sarcasm speaks volumes about the sense of entitlement that has grown on that board.

I created DISBoards for everyone who is looking to plan a trip to Disney World - not a select group of people who feel that a particular forum belongs to them and no one else. If people are not willing to participate here under those guidelines, then they are not welcome here. While I hate to see any group leave the boards, we have to consider everyone who visits here, not just a select few with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

Again, I appreciate your note and hope you will take into consideration the other factors that have played a role in recent events.

And here we have it. They really don't care.

As soon as I get access to FB, I'll be over on the other side. Till then, I don't know if I'll stick around here. I really miss the familiar faces.
There is plenty I could say. But what's the point. I am pretty sure I read the thread that started all this and there was two people whom could have been warned privately. It really seems to me that they are jumping on this instance as a way to clear out the old members. As a newer member, i really don't want to invest anymore of my time here since there will be no more TCD River Country like reports or the community that make it possible for Ken to get the help/support he received after Judy's accident. After all, I wouldn't want to develop an "overdeveloped sense of entitlement"....

To all those who answered my questions, gave me some hours of enjoyment, and plain just made me laugh out loud... Thanks... then again most of them are already gone.
I must be COMPLETELY out of the loop! What happened? Who was banned? I'm not one of the most "hardcore" fort posters, but I've NEVER been made to feel unwelcome or left out. This is crazy!
I am pretty sure I read the thread that started all this and there was two people whom could have been warned privately. It really seems to me that they are jumping on this instance as a way to clear out the old members.

I am new here, and have read most of this situation and in the first sentence you are correct, they could have just warned the certain individuals, but your second sentence is way off base in my opinion. The other people just took offense, started outlandish threads about nothing and got themselves banned. They should have just ignored it and went about their business and everything would probably have blown over and be fine by now. Honestly, this whole fiasco has made the board a mess since I joined and probably turned off more newcomers than the fiends did. Its unfortunate that a lot of regular posters that posted good articles and reviews will be gone, but as I stated earlier, they did it to themselves.
My 2 cents and probably only worth 1.

Best Regards,
I agree. What used to be a fun place to visit is now beyond boring. Hope things get better soon.:sad2:
This is my 3rd post, so yes, I am a newbie. In my 3 months or so of lurking and 2 posts, I have never once felt on the outside. I have enjoyed reading TRs and learning new info from all people (new and old...fiends and not). I think that some people on here are hilarious and very sarcastic.

I agree that over the past week or so the forum has gotten boring because people are afraid to be themselves, and a lot of the regulars who had a lot of good info are gone.

I don't care who is to blame (though after reading a lot I have my opinion). I hope that this will all pass and it will go back to being fun to read like it was when I first stumbled upon it.
I've stayed silent on all this since it started, but it's sad watching the board lose what I've enjoyed.
First a little background. I was a "regular" on here 3 years ago until our last trip to the fort. I got busy racing and the Fort was way out of my mind until this year when we decided to come down again this May. I forgot my login this time and created a new one, hence the "newbie" post count. I've also been on forums/boards/whatever since before the internet. Most are racing, diesel truck, RV or Disney related. I have a thick skin and know how typing something can be misunderstood by someone reading it. I have also met some great friends through forums. These really are "communities".

I have my nomex racing suit on because I'm sure some won't appreciate what I'm going to say. But many of the regulars on here have been incredibly immature through all this. I get that there is a VERY close core group on here. Their expertise and knowledge is great. Their razzing and jokeing among themselves is entertaining. Since I've dropped back in here a few months ago, the place seems like a high school clique though. There is a general feeling that if you aren't one of the "group", you're less than welcome. Nothing deliberate, nothing mean, just not a feeling of inclusion. (Yes there are multiple examples of just the opposite, but overall, not warm and fuzzy) It's more a feeling like being the new boyfriend that got brought to Thanksgiving dinner... You're an outsider.

Some of the "expert" advice is given in less than friendly, helpful manner. At times, it reads like contempt or disgust for having to answer something that should have been obvious. One of my first posts on coming back was replying to a question about WDW transportation. http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2609582&page=2 I thought WDW transportation was just for on-site guest. Looked around on the WDW site before commenting. Even quoted the page and added a link so people could see how this was unclear. The responses I got were curt and someone new, with no forum experience, could take the replies as condescending. Certainly not warm and inviting. (except for joelkfla's response in post #20- great reply) I didn't take it wrong, but true newbies could and apparemtly are if there are that many complaints to the admins. (And if you think it's just one bad apple or trolls, give the admins a bit more credit) There have been quite a few other examples, but I'm not going to clip someone elses posts.

I have received warnings from mods/admins on other forums when I got out of line. (Nothing like racing and truck forums to fire up a war- this place is tame) But, seriously, the "reminder" that Kathy posted was blown WAY out of proportion. The responses and the subsequent over reactions have been down right immature. I wish I had saved some of the public warnings posted on other sites. Kathy's was VERY nice and I feel appropriate. Sorry some on here are too close to see how they are received by non-fiends.

So go ahead a flame away, I'm a big boy. I'm also not one of the inner circle (at least not anymore) so perhaps I don't have any business stating my opinion...

I am new here, and have read most of this situation and in the first sentence you are correct, they could have just warned the certain individuals, but your second sentence is way off base in my opinion. The other people just took offense, started outlandish threads about nothing and got themselves banned. They should have just ignored it and went about their business and everything would probably have blown over and be fine by now. Honestly, this whole fiasco has made the board a mess since I joined and probably turned off more newcomers than the fiends did. Its unfortunate that a lot of regular posters that posted good articles and reviews will be gone, but as I stated earlier, they did it to themselves.
My 2 cents and probably only worth 1.

Best Regards,

Well said Norm. I still come back to the boards because way back when I was planning my 1st trip to FW a lot of people from here helped me a great deal and I hope that one day I can return the favor. There were some that really ticked me off and I swore I would never come back. These are/were some of the regulars that were on the boards. The funny thing is the people who think the board will go down without them, but they do not realize the board was here before them and will continue to be around.

All I would add is for those sticking around is to participate and help out those needing info. The knowledge is still here and we just need to share it with those asking for help/info.

I'm sort of surprised that Pete or someone didn't close this down after his reply was posted, but they must have their reasons which I won't even attempt to speculate about.

. . .but it's sad watching the board lose what I've enjoyed. . . I was a "regular" on here 3 years ago until our last trip to the fort. I got busy . . . the Fort was way out of my mind until this year when we decided to come down again . . .

. . . many of the regulars on here have been incredibly immature through all this. I get that there is a VERY close core group on here. Their expertise and knowledge is great. Their razzing and jokeing among themselves is entertaining. Since I've dropped back in here a few months ago, the place seems like a high school clique though. There is a general feeling that if you aren't one of the "group", you're less than welcome. . .

Some of the "expert" advice is given in less than friendly, helpful manner. At times, it reads like contempt or disgust . . .

. . . the "reminder" that Kathy posted was blown WAY out of proportion. The responses and the subsequent over reactions have been down right immature. . . Kathy's was VERY nice and I feel appropriate. Sorry some on here are too close to see how they are received by non-fiends.



Great post, Jim. The above parts could have been written by me. We camped several times from about 2005 - 2007 but got away from it for a couple of years. Coming back to the camping board it was really different and not in a good way. I think the reaction to Kathy's reminder proved the point that there was a small group who were very territorial of the camping board, and, while they may have been having a great time, they were discouraging posters from outside the group.

I very much appreciate Pete and all the moderators, for providing these boards and keeping them friendly. They have been an invaluable source of information and of community.


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