Finished the Minnie 5k and now attempting the Princess 1/2 - Am I nuts!?!


<font color=darkorchid>Closet Hannah Montana Fan!<
Apr 13, 2006
Updated! 5/6/08 - I just finished my first race - the Go Red for Women 5k at the Minnie Marathon weekend in WDW! I finished the 3.1 miles with a chip time of 40:07 - not my best, but i'll take it as a first race time! I got to meet some awesome WISH'ers (shout out to Amy, Scott, Corinna, Stacie (her DH & mom), Susan (her DH), Kim, and many others!! You guys are the best! :thumbsup2 Now i have decided along with my mom and sister, to sign up for the first ever Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon.. princess: But have NO idea what i am getting myself into, and i am extremely scared, :scared: But, i think i am now addicted to the "bling", and i can hear that tiara medal calling me.. :rolleyes1 So, let's start a new chapter!

Ok.. Where to start. My name is Stacy, and i am turning 30 on November 9th.. :) I am ok with that .. and actually looking forward to it. I feel like i am in the position now to take control of my body and eating.

So, how did this come about? This Journal? The C25K plan?
Well, i blame it on the DIS. And bordem at work. :rotfl: I was screening thru the forums the other day at work, and felt this pull towards the W.I.S.H. forum -- don't know exactly why, but i listened to it. ;)

So, before i know it, i am very inspired and ready to kick some butt.
I happened to run (no pun intended) into Robert's website and saw all the great race pics.. and got more inspired.

Then, i read about the Minnie 5k in May, and the wheels started turning.. I could do a long weekend... hmmm.. and i HAVE had this c25k plan sitting on my table for a few weeks.. hmmm.. again, the wheels are turning... :rolleyes:

So, i casually mentioned to my sis about the 5k in May.. and jokingly said "We could go down and do it together for a long weekend" -- and she was actually for it! (She is not quite the WDW fan I am) .. So, i emailed her the link and also the link to the Disboards..

So, i am considering (more like hoping) that i could do the may 5k - my sis is in Vegas today for a week- so i can't sign up til at least next week -enough time for me to think (and convince dh) that i can do this..

But reguardless, i want to lose 30 more pounds (already lost 15! :yay: ) and i am sticking with the c25k plan.. reguardless.

I want to commit to being a new me for turning 30.. I want to look and feel better than i did at 20. :cheer2:

I am not expecting anyone to be popcorn:: at my journal.. as i know i am not the most interesting writer.. But, it is more for my own liability.

So,wish me luck -- today i completed my first day of the c25k training plan!! :banana: :woohoo:
I hope to learn and benefit from everyone here! Thanks for reading!!
Hi there,

You've come to the right place for support and inspiration. First, welcome!:welcome: to the journals. Second, congratulations on losing 15 pounds. That is a major accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourself. Third, you can absolutely do the Minnie in May. You have chosen a solid plan to follow, and you have given yourself time to do it. C25K has helped multiple people on these boards. Kimwim has used it, and she is now a bonafide runner. Postef and Jen (blueeyes) are just starting it. You might want to check out their journals, if you have time.

Keep up the great work. BTW, you are still a baby at 30.;)
Take care,
Ok today i did weighted exercises on my arms/upper body - i found them on the Self website, and did it.

Eating today was not all that good -- had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch - and a FEW chips. Just a tiny bit. But, i was hungry and felt the need for a sandwich. I need to do some research on what to eat to fill me up and give me energy to workout.. that is not my specialty by any means.

Not much else to report right now.. probably will take one of my dogs for a walk tonight.. not too far - she is a couch potato too. LOL Gotta take it easy on her. LOL (Yellow Lab)

That being said, it's been so yucky here (weather wise) to try to walk alot outside - definately out of character for New England in Oct! It is about 80 degrees today and humid.. When you are sweating for not even doing anything.. very uncomfortable. Hoping it gets to "fallish" weather soon!

You know you are going to be wishing for those 80 degree temps come February. Don't worry, fall will be here soon.

You know, you do need protein after a workous. That sandwich wasn't the worst thing you could have had. PLUS, you only had a few chips. Celebrate that victory.

Take care,
That's why i made sure to plan a nice vacation for february, LOL We are heading to So.California -- Disneyland!

As you can see from my tickers, i like to always have a nice warm destination planned - i hate the cold. And believe me,i don't mind the 80 degrees, i would take it over 10 degrees and snow anyday!! :)
HI Stacy! I'm Stacie too! :goodvibes Welcome to the world of journaling!!! Thanks for stopping in on mine!

You can totally do this! My sister, Susan (Larry's girl--she has a journal too)just agreed to do the Minnie 5K w/ me in May too. (DH and I are doing the 5K in Jan too). Now... Don't tell me your sister's name is Susan too! I would just flip! haha

That is awesome on the 15lbs!!! Congrats!!! :cheer2: Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!!

LOL Hi Stacie - nope, my sis's name is Barbara. I sent her a link to the Disboards, hoping she will join - when she gets back - she is living the high life in Vegas right now, with her BF and my mom and rest of my family.. they are doing a family reunion out there, but since i am going in Feb. to California, there was no need for me to go out to Vegas now.. kwim? I'd rather do Disneyland than Vegas! ;)
Thanks so much for stopping by! Off to go catch up on your journal! LOL
Hi Stacy :)

Thanks for the post in my journal! Looks like you are well on your way to a successful 5k in May :goodvibes:

Congrats on the 15lb loss and best of luck on your way to hitting 30lbs, you defenitely seem like you have the drive and determination to accomplish your goals...and geesh....don't make 30 sound so old :rotfl: gonna make me wonder where my AARP card is soon...:)

Good luck with the C25k plan....I'll look forward to seeing your successes!!

Have a good weekend...
Hi, Caitsmama.:wave2: Congrats on your decision to run the 5K. My Stacie has convinced me I can do that one with her as a sister-sister team (don't ask me how she managed that - I still don't know myself). Anyway, I am trying to recover from a back injury to start training for it, so I will be following your journal closely to see if I can pick up any tips!! This is a great place for support, encouragement and inspiration. With our fellow WISH'ers help, we can do this!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Hi Scott and Susan! :wave2: Thanks for stopping by! Scott - Actually, i don't think of 30 as old at all! ;) I don't get the stigma attached to it.. which is kind of what i am mocking.. LOL For me, i actually feel like i am at the best place that i have ever been in and i can't wait for my bday! :banana: However, i am not in a rush to get to 40 sorry.. :lmao:

Ok-- my update:

I have completed C25k W1D2!!! :banana: :woohoo: :banana:

I have to admit -- there was a split moment, about halfway thru, that i wondered what i am getting myself into, but i pushed on.
I was walking for the most part at about 3.6, and jogging at 4.7/4.8.
I made sure to stretch, and i feel good! I am a lil' sore on the upper part of my legs, which i am sure will be magnified tomorrow - but it's a "good sore" LOL . It means i am workin' it! :yay: My next 2 days are "rest" days - tomorrow i will do weights for my arms, and i am probably going to stop by Barnes and Noble to check out Pilates/Yoga DVD's. Not sure which one i want to do yet.. any recommendations??

I thought it would be encouraging for me to jot down my short term goals for doing this plan to keep me motivated, so here goes:
1. Turning 30 -- want to FEEL better than 20.
2. TRIPS!! Check my siggy -- lots of trips coming up, and more planned that i can add yet b/c of signature restrictions.. lol ;)
3. Keeping up with my 6 1/2 year old dd. I want to be able to run/play with her without being tired.
4. Health & Weightloss. Want to lose about 30 more lbs.
5. Depression - i am on meds for depression, which i can suffer from slightly, nothing major thank God, but it's a battle.. And i have heard that being in better shape and working out lifts spirits. :cloud9:

Well, i think those are my top 5's. Then of course, there is the hopefullness of running a 5k someday.. mabye in May in WDW, maybe not.. maybe just around here..:rolleyes: .but definately sometime in the not so distant future!

Well, that's it for now! I will be checking in on all of your journals too!! If you made it this far,thanks for reading!! :dance3:
Hey there! Good job on your C25K!!! You are fast! I normally do mine outside, but today on the TM. I was either at 3.0/3.2 walking at 4.0/4.2 running... I'm short, but I'm pretty slow none the less! During my Day 1 I was asking myself the same thing... WHY am I doing this??? I've never actually started a workout program/weight loss program and stuck to it and succeed. I am determined to change that though! You look like you are well on your way! You've set great goals for yourself! You can do it!!! :cheer2: If it fits in budget--do the 5K in May at WDW!!! That would be awesome!!! It's a great goal to set for yourself!!! BTW, It's the LAST Minnie! So, if you want a Minnie Medal--this is your only chance! (This is how I convinced my sister! hehehe)

Seriously, Good job! Keep up the good work. I'm anxious to follow your journal since it seemed we started the C25K at the same time. It's nice knowing someone else is doing it too!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Stacy,

Great job today. You didn't listen to that evil voice telling you to quit. You did great! You are well on your way to being a runner.

Have a great weekend.
Hi Stacy,
Another New Englander here! Love these fall temps. Excellent job on your new outlook on exercise.I am in the same position you are from not doing much to hitting the pavement.Boy does it feel better this way!I would also love to do the Minnie.Is it full yet? When I looked earlier in the summer I did not even find it listed.As for Pilate DVDs look for AmyBeth on this board she is an instructor and she can tell you which is the best kind.
As for the depression, if you can keep this up and you are mildly depressed your doc may be able to taper your meds. Don't stop them all at once on your own, they should be tapered.
Happy early 30th!I am 41 and I don't feel any different than I did at 20 except when I look in the mirror and say-Who are you? Most people say I don't look any different since high school but what do they know?

Have a good weekend,enjoy this weather. I know we will be talking about the snow soon enough.
Linda -- Thanks for stopping in!! Yes, this weather is strange! 85 degrees and humid yesterday -- for october in NE that is just weird! LOL But, MUCH better than the "S" word!! LOL ;)
As for the Minnie -- i highly doubt it's full, from what i have read, they are discontinuing this race for next year b/c it doesn't fill.. I am not signed up yet.. i am still debating if i can financially swing it, and justify to DH that i can go to WDW for 3 days.. LOL However, if i can convince my sis to do the c25k program with me, we could go together.. I just don't know yet. And my sis is in Vegas on vacation right now, so if i decide to sign up, it won't be til next week anyway....
I guess i can always signup, and worse case i would lose out on my registration fee if i don't go right?

Beth -- thanks as always for the encouragement, everyone's positive posts helps so much!! :)

Not sure what i am going to be doing today - it's an "off day". I have to work til 5.. but maybe go for a walk tonight.. I would like to get out to B&N and check out the yoga dvd's too..
You can do it! I started running again at the beginning of this year, by March I did a 5 mile run, in July I did a 15K (9.3), and on my 31st birthday in September I ran a 1/2 marathon. I'm still at least 70 lbs overweight and I accomplished these things, so you can certianly do it! Good luck with your training and keep up the good work, stop by my journal sometime (it's lonely there, not many people stop by). Have a great day!
Update on yesterday --
Didn't do any exercise - when i got home from work at 5pm, DH was with DD at the neighbors house - big party.. so i joined them (hey, i am celebrating a 3 day weekend - when you own your own biz, that is a RARE thing!!) So, i had a beer (my first in about a year, i am not a drinker!!) And had a cheeseburger and a few chips. (Didn't eat much at all for lunch , so didn't feel guilty about this).
Didn't get back home across the street til about 8:30pm, and put dd to bed, then went on the DIS for a bit, then hit bed about 9:30pm. Hey, it was supposed to be a day of rest anyway.. :rotfl:

So, that brings me to today -
Going to church in a bit... Should be back home about 11:30.. then have to head up to my sis's house about 45 min away to take care of her cats while she is in Vegas. (Hey, she "paid" me by giving me a Disney Gift Card, can't argue with that!!) Then, on the way home, i am going to hit a couple stores to look for a decent pair of sneakers.. I don't want to break the bank yet for them, as i am just starting.. but i NEED something better than what i have now!! And some new socks - to draw the moisture off my feet when i work out - i get blisters (or something) when my feet sweat if they aren't dry, and it's painful if i get a big one.. and it's always b/w my first two toes.. i am not sure what they are, but i might have to go to the dermatoligst if they keep happening.. They don't itch or burn or anything, they are just blister type things.. :confused3 I am thinking they are from the moisture when i work out.. normally during the day i wear my Crocs. (love love love those!!! Wish they made running crocs!! :lmao: )
So, i am going to find a good decent running shoe today, and possibly a yoga dvd as well.
Then, tonight i am planning on either walking outside (if it is dry) or on the TM, nothing too fast, as tomorrow is my day to finish W1D3 on my C25K plan - and i am resting up to do that! LOL

So, i will be back later today/tonight with updates....... wish me luck on my sneaker quest!! :wizard:
Well, i did it! I took my dog for a 2 mile walk tonight! Now, this may not seem very far to most of you.. but if you knew me (or my lazy yellow lab) - this was actually an accomplishment! :rotfl: Neither of us are very active, so we pulled together..

tomorrow, i am going to hit the TM to finish W1D3 of my C25K program! So, we'll see how that goes! :)

Not much else to report - heading out tomorrow am to go to an art/craft festival for the a.m. - taking my dd. Then, coming home and taking dh to buy some new sneakers. I lucked out and got a nice pair of nikes from my sis, who has like tons of pairs of sneakers - and we wear the same size, so i tried these on, and went for my 2 mile walk, and they feel pretty good.. so i might luck out on having to buy another pair for now.. however, i am still gonna try on some tomorrow when we go - just in case. ;)

I'll be catching up on all your journals tonight when i put the dd to bed! :wizard:
Hi Stacy! Welcome to WISH journals (yes, I'm a little late to the party :rolleyes: ). It's great to have you here spreading support and encouragement!

Congrats on setting the goals you have. No, 30's not "old" (unless you're a teenager :laughing: ) but I also had the same feeling. I wanted to feel better than I did in my 20's. I really didn't take much time for myself throughout my 20's and I was gonna get back to ME in my 30's.

We're here for you! Keep up the GREAT work with your eating and working out, including the c25k. It's a great program!
Good Morning Stacy,
I don't have a dog but did you find it hard to walk with your dog because he always wanted to stop and look around? I felt like that when my kids were young on their bikes and would constantly get off to look at something.
My hunt for sneakers is always daunting-I have a wide foot so Nike and Adidas are out,NB is usually good if I can find ones I like,Asics and Avia have been great for me,very comfy.
2 miles is great,keep up the good work.

Did you find DVDs at B&N?


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