Fun, Sun & Strong Water Rum...*Yo-Ho*...23 Nights @ Sapphire Falls...A May 2022 TR

just don`t like it the same as when it was 3D.
Do you know the why of the change?
I do have to admit though I have never done RRR-not because I haven't wanted to, but as Craig once said on a podcasts "if you get stuck on the incline and need to be evacuated it can be slightly terrifying" I was like "yep that incline is a no for me forever!"
Sat at nbc grill dining once before ride opened up. observed the ‘sandbag’ people upside down for over an hour lol. All I needed to see to decide it was not for me
I have a question that you might know about? My husband might have to use an ECV due to nerve damage in his legs, on our next visit. Are the boats compatable with an ECV? He can walk with a cane but couldn't do the entire parks. I was just wondering if you have seen ECV;s on the boats?
Had to use one last July due to broken foot. Rented offsite one, smaller type. Glad I did. Boat captains told me they are the perfect size to last all day & to back onto the boats
Do you know the why of the change?

Sat at nbc grill dining once before ride opened up. observed the ‘sandbag’ people upside down for over an hour lol. All I needed to see to decide it was not for me

Had to use one last July due to broken foot. Rented offsite one, smaller type. Glad I did. Boat captains told me they are the perfect size to last all day & to back onto the boats

Money. 2D is cheaper to maintain.

lol....I sat for ages watching it too before I finally went on one fell out or I thought, well, looks ok.......although if I had seen what you witnessed......maybe not.......🥴
A blackberry margarita at Margaritaville is now on my list! Would you say FFF is extremely jerky or is it just intense?

It is gorgeous! And usually quite strong!

It`s jerky, particularly the latter parts, that last section really knocks the stuffing out of you. First part is lovely though........ ::yes::


Yep, Friday the 13th!!

Not a day that freaks me out, but we do know folks that do have a thing about that date and are glad to see the day end with no mishaps! The 13th has always been lucky for me so far. But, it is one of those days for some folks.......

We again, were up early this morning and we were over at RP as we had to grab Rob from Bell services for a few minutes, and also chatted to Milton for a few moments too. These guys really know how to look after guests.

Up for breakfast and the lounge wasn`t too busy this morning, I think a lot of folks had left for EE, so we missed the crowds I think. Breakfast was nice as usual, I had my, what was now becoming an everyday treat 🤭 2 glasses of champagne......and very nice they were too!

We chatted some and then went down for the boat as we were going to the Studios this morning. We were meeting Lindsey later to do the Horror Make Show together, something she loves as much as we do, but that wasn`t till mid morning.

I can`t remember if we waited long for a boat or not this morning, but I do know it was a full boat and as happens at least once every single trip......someone thinks it`s a good idea to try and sit on what will become the outer part of the boat door!!! It`s so funny and so obvious when it`s pointed out to folks........and this trip it happened around 4 or 5 times, usually it`s just once.


It was another roaster of a day ahead for us and would top 96F and it felt like it already this morning.......we got off the boat and headed up to the Studios where again, Tom got through the gates with no issues. I think we had solved his problem.

We tend to wander through the Universal store in the mornings, not just because it`s cool, which it is, but we just like to eye up some merchandise too.

They have the fudge counter as soon as you walk, we really don`t like fudge very much, for me it`s just too sweet, but they did have some new flavours since we last looked. And they did sound nice I have to say. We do on occasion have some Butterbeer fudge, weird as we don`t like Butterbeer, but it is quite nice.

We didn`t buy any as we probably wouldn`t eat it, but my goodness that salted caramel looked gorgeous!!




Minions already had a regular line of 50 minutes, but with EP it was a walk on.

I just don`t like it the same as when it was 3D. It never made me feel nauseated before, but there is something now that is just slightly off for me. It is a cute ride though.....



Yep, going to be a hot one...........


Tom went on RRR despite saying he wasn`t going to ride it again this trip, but it was quiet and the Express line was non existent and he got the front and said it wasn`t as bad as before and did I want to go on it. I wasn`t sure as it can knock you for the day........but I did and was dreading it as I walked towards the ride vehicle.

Started off is good, we get the front row.......167 foot hill climb which I love, and first drop are fabulous..........over the loop that`s not really a loop is also fine....then it gets a bit rougher after the part where you drop and come out near the Tribute store...........


Never again.

I really am done with this one now.........that last part really rattles you to your core. I`m sure some are fine with it, but this old brain just can`t deal with that rattling aorund on rough coasters anymore.

I`m glad I recovered fairly fast, no residual headache or nausea after the first few minutes. We had a very lovely young lady I was ok as I exited the ride.....she checked if I needed some more help, I said I`d go get some water and would be fine. And I was, we got some water and a candy bar and I was fine after that....water and sugar.....the fix everything solution!

What`s annoying is, I really like the ride, but it`s not worth feeling bad for a while afterwards. Thank goodness we have Velocicoaster.

It`s also starting to look more pink in colour than the vibrant red it once was when it opened in 2009.



I hate to repeat......well, I don`t ☺️ ......but this is such a pretty park and this little area is lovely.


And a little deserted this morning too!!

We bypass Jimmy Fallon everytime too.....just not for us at all.

Although we were missing The Mummy a lot this trip, not doing the Minions anymore and now with RRR not being an option anymore for me, this was the highlight of this area now. And it was closed.

Roll on September, it`ll be open by then for sure.........



It`s strange seeing so many things boarded up in the one area, but it`s all for upgrades so don`t mind seeing them. But, usually there aren`t as many boardings up around the parks.



Today we planned to go into do Gringotts and nothing else.......but couldn`t resist the back of the bus picture.......



We went in and Gringotts had one heck of a line even EP was going to be a long wait this morning, we`d pass and give it a go another day. It`s not the greatest ride around, but it is fun and we do like to ride it. And the lines are quite decent to see too.....we just didn`t feel like waiting this morning.

Diagon Alley was fairly busy considering how quiet the rest of the park is.

Coming back outside we just can`t believe the heat already........we`ve visited several times in May, and this had been the busiest and the warmest so far.

I loved this picture of Kreacher........


It wasn`t long till we were meeting Lindsey, so we had time for a couple of rides on MiB.......Tom and Kyle love this ride and take massive pride in getting good scores!

I couldn`t give a rats patootie about shooting games......I think you have to have a competitive streak in you to have a desire to win here......I guess I don`t have that!!


I just go along for the ride! However it is fun I have to admit today, and although I did try a little today to shoot whatever it is you`re shooting at, I wasn`t very good. Tom was pleased with his score, but kinda glanced at me wondering why I wasn`t better at this type of


I did try......a little :rolleyes1

More to come...........
It always cracks us up when folks try to sit on the outside of the boat. Ha! Newbies. I have that same issue with RRR - I want to ride but while I'm on it and getting my brain scrambled I am rethinking my whole life. I'll probably go on again in August because I'm a glutton for punishment. As long as I don't end up in the hospital again, it's all good.

I'm not very good with the shooting stuff either - I just like the ride and I like trying to hit the red spot on the other carts to send them spinning. That's usually my job in our cart.

Can't wait to hear about meeting up with Lindsey!

Woke up a few times during the night, got up and had some orange juice and watched the darkness for a while till I started to feel tired again. Finally got back to sleep around 5am, only to get up at 6 to get showered and ready. These beds are so comfortable, it`s the same at RP, we sleep incredibly well usually in them.

Today was completely plans to go offsite at all, which is unusual for us as we do like to wander around and that`s one of the reasons we`ll always have a car when we visit Orlando. It gives us the freedom to do what we want when we want. Folks use Uber a lot, but it`s never appealed to us.

Once we showered we began to walk over to RP and met Mr Beiderman who was heading over that way too, so we walked over and had a good old chat and catch up while we walked. He is such a nice man and is incredibly guest and staff minded, so many folks have nothing but praise for whenever they have met him.

We went our altering routes and we headed up to the lounge where Tom was going to enjoy a couple of glasses of fizzy this morning as there was no driving involved today........


How happy is this guy!!!!


We did enjoy this relaxing time in the morning, chatting and enjoying some food as we get ready for the day. The lounge is a lovely space to relax in or out of food hours too, we often come and sit if we`re doing laundry or just have some time to kill, usually late afternoon for us, but it is fairly quiet most of the time when they`re not serving food. And of the lounge does have the nicest staff around.......

We popped donwstairs to say hello to Rob from Bell services for a chat as we said we would, he was with guests but we did get to chat to Milton who joined Loews last year and is just a complete gentleman. We met him at Christmas and thought he was just so lovely. So we caught up with him and then Rob appeared so we got to catch up with both of them which is always nice.

We then headed off to walk to IOA and boy another scorching day for us and this was bliss!!!! Down side is, I looked like I had been dragged through a hedge backwards and I hadn`t even got to the park yet! It was hot.

We used the AP entrance again this morning and again, it was deserted, but we were a little later again this morning, no idea on the time but we do find our chatting does keep us busy most days........

Heading into IOA is one of our favourite things to do in the parks....maybe not the favourite thing, but it is such a gorgeous area with so many little things to notice too....and the music is iconic and when you hear it you know exactly where you are....except at Christmas when the music is very festive and feels right somehow for the time of the I`m hearing Feliz Navdad in my head????



We always love the little details in the parks and these super cool little love doves sitting high atop the side of one of the buildings....cute.


I don`t care what anyone says, this park is beautiful. It is lush with all the greenery around every area and can be as pretty as any park in Orlando 😉


Our first stop is usually down to look over the lagoon and admire that behemoth of a coaster that has changed the visual of the park is certainly a coaster that is eye catching over any other and we just cannot wait to ride it again today.


Slightly different from how it looked in 2014.


My wonderful husband..........💞


I still wasn`t keen on the Dr Doom ride without the extra belt, but they had made it so it seemed to have an additional click when you pulled the harness down, so I guessed it was of course brain does go into overdrive at times!


There was barely a person on the ride this morning so we headed into the regular line instead of the EP, something we barely do, but every so often we do wander through the regular lines just for pictures or because we haven`t done it in a while, it`s fun if there is no one around.....if it`s busy we got our asps in the EP line!!!

We do like this line, it is quite different to the EP line in which you see nothing as you just veer to the right and climb a set of stairs and you`re this is one line outside of Potter where I would go through the regular line once and again.



It was completely deserted in here.


This is the one ride in the park that Tom often says is the scariest ride in the park since day one......and I think the accident at Icon Park made us think twice about this ride, but as horrible as that was, we knew safety had been ignored down there. Here, we did trust Universal with on we went.

It was fun I have to say.......this ride is short, but, so much can see for miles when you get up there and it does depend which side you are on which view you get. We did only do this twice this morning, as we wanted to get round to VC.



The safe rattles and shakes above the getaway car.......tiny little bit of cool theming.






Capt America is a bit of a hunk too.......we had a great meet and greet with him in Dec 2019 and became quite a hit with us.......of course he`ll never be Spider-Man.......:charac4:


We wandered through the cartoon area and headed down to spend some time behind Me Ship the Olive.........




This is another area that is so bright and colourful and full of fun, but the water rides in this area, Bluto and Ripsaw Falls will have you completely drenched.....not just soaked, you will be like a drowned rat. On a very hot day of course this is a blessing!!

Usually we have an afternoon where we do all the water rides one after the other until we are fed up.......and I can guarantee there are no cameras around on those days!!! Once we are done we head the short walk back to the hotel and that`s usually us done with those rides.


Tom blames me for this place being so busy now...yes, of course it, there never used to be anyone down there up until about maybe 4 or 5 years ago, then there were suddenly more people around.

We can spend hours standing here watching folks get soaked and the best ones are the unsuspecting ones who have no idea this huge deluge of water is about to drench them....or at least the unlucky two or three who are directly hit by it.....while everyone else in the boat howls with laughter and relief it`s not them.

We`ve seen folks laugh and some laugh while inwardly seething they were the ones to get girl of around 10 burst into tears with rage, and I`m sorry, but it was the funniest thing ever and I almost burst a lung laughing as she seethed and yelled at her entire boat........:rotfl:




Then of course you have the fun of being squirted by the lovely folks on top of the ship itself.....this won`t drench you, but it will hit you a little, maybe annoy you if you`re 10 of


Although I`m not a fan of Mythos generally (will try it again at some point) it is however a very beautiful building inside and out. Love the theming with this one.


More to follow........🙂
Tom is always smiling!!!! How lovely is that!

We love to have a wet morning or afternoon and will go on all the wet stuff until we're done and slosh back to the hotel to either go in the pool or change into dry clothes. So much fun!
Carole, I just wanted to thank Tom for the fabulous photos he takes. He has a good eye for subjects that most of us overlook. I love looking at his photos:)

We, too, miss Jaws. That ride was so much fun and we looked forward to it every time. I don't know why it was stopped. I know the movie Jaws was a long time ago, but that shouldn't play into getting rid of a fabulous fun ride like Jaws was.

Do you remember the "old" King Kong ride where you were in a warehouse (I think) and Kong actually grabs your car and drops you down to floor level? That was a fantastic attraction, and I miss it too.

Guess I sound nostalgic today but seeing the old Jaws memorbilia sparked it I think:)

I have a question that you might know about? My husband might have to use an ECV due to nerve damage in his legs, on our next visit. Are the boats compatable with an ECV? He can walk with a cane but couldn't do the entire parks. I was just wondering if you have seen ECV;s on the boats?

Thanks so much,

I remember the old Kong! I believe it was where Fast and Furious is now.

My in-laws both used ECVs on many trips and both of them fit on the boats, even with strollers on there. You will need to be able to back it off the boat when the ride is over, my DD had to help my MIL with backing hers off but other than that you should be fine.
We were meeting Lindsey now, and just before we managed to catch the little parade, that of course was ending soon which was a shame as it was a good little show and very entertaining. Universal have some very talented people working for them, some of the artists in these parades are outstanding.

And of course there`s minions and Gru!


I had wanted to capture this window below as it had been revamped since the death of Blaine Kern in 2020. I had forgotten to look for it in December, so we made sure to capture it this time.

Many second floor windows have some kind of nod to Universal Executives and behind the scenes employees, but this one was quite special as Blaine Kerns is the man responsible for bringing the extravaganza that is the Mardi Gras Parade to the Studios and of course the success it has become over the years.

Quite a touching tribute to the man whose name will now forever overlook the spot where the parade begins and ends every evening it runs during Mardi Gras. His vision and creation will certainly live on for many years to come.


I do love the way the Scenic Decor Department work in Universal and pay heartfelt tributes to so many people who were so important over the years even from the early days and helped make Universal the success it is.

We headed inside and had a good wander around......this place hasn`t changed much in years, although the lady who used to work here is long gone. She used to come up silently behind you and gently touch you on the arm with a rubber arm.....she got me many times, well, it is the right place to get a scare!


There are so many pieces of movie memorabilia around and fascinating to see some images that aren`t widely seen by the general public and if you are an old Universal movie buff which we do love, you`ll enjoy wandering around here before the show starts. It wouldn`t take long, maybe 10-15 minutes and you`ll see all their displays in that time.

Jack Pierce was a make up artist who always paid great tribute to Boris Karloff who sat in the chair for 8 hours a day first getting his make up painstakingly adhered to his face, then again another 4 hours to gently remove it too. I couldn`t imagine that amount of patience by both the artist and actor to do this day after day till the movie was completed.

But, the effects look amazing in the movies and although it was way back then, the style the mastered did have an authentic look....and very scary too for me as a child in the early 1970`s watching these classics. My parents didn`t really believe they were genuine horror movies for some reason, so I was allowed to watch them from quite a young age and grew to love them so much. Although my older brothers took great fun in terrorising me after they had finished.......well, that`s what brothers do 😈


Abbott and Costello are curiously overlooked masterpieces, they are funny and very clever the way they incorporated the classic monsters into their simple humorous movies....but it worked well, we love these movies too and have the boxset that sits alongside all the classic Universal monster movies......we watch them far too often!!!

But, they are also eulogised in here too with a picture or two of their movies.


We bought this print many years ago and it adorns the room we watch most of our movies`s not really a sitting room type of picture, but fits with other movie images we have in there too.


Again with Psycho.......some classic pictures that aren`t so well known the way the promotion pictures are.



We would have LOVED to have seen the Psycho house when it was`s something we don`t see a lot of pictures of it around anymore.


Herman Munster......another wonderful show that was a spin off from the old scary tales......



Our lovely Lindsey had joined us and we were looking forward to seeing the show together. It had been a while since we had watched it and she said it had changed a little.......

We didn`t use EP but we ended up in a wonderful front row seat where we got the best view of everything. The way it`s set up there are no bad seats, so don`t worry if it`s busy and you`re not at the front, you`ll still see everything.


Summer is amazing! She really is fabulous and has worked at Universal for years.....I want to say right from the start, but I`m not sure and she has worked as many characters around the park. I had no idea who she actually was till this trip but in looking at older pictures we have seen her lots of times. Very clever and very funny lady. Her on stage partner is also so funny and they do put on a good show.


Without giving spoilers, don`t miss this show. They still do the old favourite line of not having to be nice to you as this isn`t Disney 🤣which always get a good old guffaw of laughter, but they have added some new comments about the Kardashians and so on. The show itself is entertaining and maybe for some it might be a little gory, but it really isn`t. They talk about make up processes over the years and how far they`ve come along since the original days.


We thoroughly enjoyed today and spending time with Lindsey in the park was a lot of fun too. She was heading off to see the new HHN Boutique that had opened in IOA and was a vacation themed HHN store......we were looking forward to seeing that another day! Then she was working this afternoon, so we`d see her later too.

Lindsey is indeed a very special young lady.....I think I said it before, as soon as we met her, we felt as if we`d known her forever and of course once we knew she loved HHN more than anyone else we know, we knew we`d get along like a house on was like having a bonus daughter! And we`d be able to spend some more time with her later in the trip.


We said our goodbyes and decided we wanted some, we knew the Monsters Cafe was closing, I think everyone knew it just hadn`t been announced, but we thought we`d grab something from there before it closed. It`s not a place we usually eat in, but one last time would work today for us as we were so close.......

Apparently we weren`t destined to eat had just closed. Of course.

To be honest, it never served the best food, we much prefer table service as the food was always cool by the time you paid and sat down, but hey ho, it`s gone now and of course it`s rumoured to be opening as a full scale restaurant in Epic Universe which sounds like a much cooler experience!

We were thinking of where to go for lunch now.....Finnegans was close, but we really don`t like the food from there at all.....very overrated, but we do like to go in for a drink at the bar, but that`s about it.

So, Tom quite likes NBC. We`ve had good and bad experiences in here and I was reluctant to try it again as they had not pulled it out the hat in the last 3 visits we`ve had......but Tom`s choice today, so NBC it was.

It was deserted......the Marie Celeste had nothing on this. I`ve never seen this place as empty.......but we got taken to a table right at the far end of the place, which was ok by us as we like to see the grill go when the chef`s are cooking.....although I doubted they`d be cooking much today, we counted 7 other people in.

We should have paid attention when our waiter barely grunted at us and tapped the barcode to indicate there was no paper menu....well, ok then. He said one word.......drinks? I was getting a bad feeling about this waiter.....his eyes were darting around the restaurant as he waited for us to order something despite us not having looked at the menu I just asked for water as did Tom....I guess he realised he wasn`t making a lot of money out of us today.

He brought the waters and another family were seated to our side and he was exactly the same way with them.


I ordered the brisket quesadilla and Tom ordered the Club sandwich, no avocado with a side of tator tots.......not much to go wrong there.

We waited a fairly short amount of time and they arrived, our waiter still hadn`t uttered a word yet.

Tom`s sandwich had avocado on it, he hates it......but I took it as I like it, and it did look lovely, very fresh and he did really enjoy it.


Mine was......well....


I ate Tom`s tator tots, the pineapple relish and the dip and that was it.


At this point Marcel Marceau, aka Jorge, came by and removed the plates without checking if we were done or asking how it was........hmmm.

I was ready to leave by now, and was going to catch his ever roaming eye for the check when he practically ran past us dropping off the check as he pleasantries like I`ll get that when you`re ready or, no we put the money inside and he rolled past even faster and picked up the check and disappeared without one word....not even did we need change........and certainly not even a Thank you in there anywhere.


I hate rudeness.

We were actually shocked at how rude this guy had been. I watched him serve the other table and he was the same way, completely disinterested and downright lacking in the basics of manners.

We didn`t need change, but when we got up to leave, the man on the other table commented to us that we also got the worst waiter in the world too.......yep, this guy was something else.

Yes, we should have spoken to the manager.....but, we didn`t. To be honest I don`t think it would do any good. But, when we got home I left an honest review on TripAdvisor. Usually I hate leaving negative reviews, so if we have a bad experience, I just won`t bother leaving one, although we very rarely have a bad experience anywhere in America so it`s a non issue, but I was angry by the time we left.

At times we`re too British and don`t like to complain, but this was once we should have.

We headed down to get a boat as one had just pulled in and we vowed never to return there again. That was the last time we`d try it.

Always time for a picture..........😊


We got back home, got the ipad out and I did go straight on TripAdvisor and left an honest review of our experience.....I hated doing it, but I was glad I did it for once.

It was nice getting in the cool for an hour or so, and we both showered and changed and headed down to the lobby where we were meeting our lovely friend for a good old chinwag for a couple of hours. He was setting off for a few days to his favourite vacation spot so it was going to be nice to have a proper catch up with him before he left. To say we think he is the nicest man on earth is an understatement and my husband often jokes I prefer him to we had a lovely few hours just chatting about anything and everything and generally catching up. We`d see him when he go back anyway, but this had been lovely and we so appreciated him taking the time for us today ❤️

We headed over to the lounge and chatted to all the staff again including Lindsey who we had enjoyed seeing her earlier too. I`d had an idea that I was going to try to pull off in the next few days.........🥰

I enjoyed a couple of glasses of red in the lounge, but as Tom was again driving, he was on coffee........

Tonight we were going to visit Nagoya Sushi. Just off Sand Lake Rd, this place is tucked away in a small mall area almost, hidden behind where Toojays is, so only a short car ride away....

We hadn`t booked but we got a table by the window and we did think once we might like to sit at the bar and watch those amazing chefs create those splendid dishes....we`d do that another time.


As I`d already had some wine and Tom was driving I ordered a half bottle of Cabernet, and it was very nice indeed, Tom I think had lemonade tonight.


The menu here is beautiful....and huge!!! So many choices we`d love to try and not enough nights......we haven`t had their sushi these past few trips but they have the most amazing creations to opt from.

I finally opted for the Teppan shrimp, scallop and sirloin which came with stir fried veg, two dipping sauces, fried rice and miso soup to start.


Tom went for one of his favourites, Chilean Seabass in a rice wine sauce.


Both dishes were heavenly......and I mean heavenly.........😍

The food was exceptional, steak was rare as requested, seafood perfect and Tom`s Seabass was light and full of flavour and the sauces, miso soup and rice were all wonderful accompaniments.

The staff here are the nicest and most well mannered staff anywhere......they are lovely people who take great pride in their restaurant and food quality. The restaurant itself is very small and you could almost pass it by and not notice it if you didn`t know it was there, but it is highly recommended not just from us, but so many folks have also suggested we go if they don`t realise we know about it. It`s full of locals and very few tourists which we love!! But, it`s a definite highlight of our trip.

We paid the check and said we wanted to come back again this trip as it`s too good to only visit once, then headed to the car where the sky was ominous and you could feel there was a storm building around us.

Back home, we got into our jammies and opened a bottle of wine and watched some tv as well as the storm that was wonderful to watch from these huge windows......seeing the sky light up and then the rumbles which were incredibly loud is a nice way for us to spend an evening. Storms in the UK are never as good as they are here.

So, that was our evening.......we`d had a lovely day, lunch excluded but we had enjoyed some park time and spent time with Lindsey and then a few hours with our friend in the afternoon then had a wonderful evening with some of the best food we`d ever had.

I can never remember which movie we watched at night, but it wasn`t long till we were yawning our heads off and that comfy bed in the other room was calling to us!
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It always cracks us up when folks try to sit on the outside of the boat. Ha! Newbies. I have that same issue with RRR - I want to ride but while I'm on it and getting my brain scrambled I am rethinking my whole life. I'll probably go on again in August because I'm a glutton for punishment. As long as I don't end up in the hospital again, it's all good.

I'm not very good with the shooting stuff either - I just like the ride and I like trying to hit the red spot on the other carts to send them spinning. That's usually my job in our cart.

Can't wait to hear about meeting up with Lindsey!

It is such a good ride for sure, but I`m done the boat door is always funny when you see someone doing it........

Tom is always smiling!!!! How lovely is that!

We love to have a wet morning or afternoon and will go on all the wet stuff until we're done and slosh back to the hotel to either go in the pool or change into dry clothes. So much fun!

He is always smiling!

Yes, a set afternoon is always good for the water rides.....I couldn`t get drenched and then keep wandering around the parks.......

I remember the old Kong! I believe it was where Fast and Furious is now.

My in-laws both used ECVs on many trips and both of them fit on the boats, even with strollers on there. You will need to be able to back it off the boat when the ride is over, my DD had to help my MIL with backing hers off but other than that you should be fine.

Kong is now The Mummy. They have several little nods to Kong on that ride...... ::yes::

Fast & Furious is where Earthquake used to be
Lindsey is a cutie, other than resembling one of my DS old GFs to the point I did a double take, she looks quite familiar. Wonder if she worked one of the non site hotel desks prior to her current assignment?

love that print, a classic :)
Lindsey is a cutie, other than resembling one of my DS old GFs to the point I did a double take, she looks quite familiar. Wonder if she worked one of the non site hotel desks prior to her current assignment?

love that print, a classic :)

She is lovely! We just wanted to adopt her....... ::yes:: Think her real parents might object!

No, she`s never worked in the hotels before her concierge job, but she does work part time behind the scenes in Universal.

It`s funny when you see someone who reminds you of someone and you have to do a double take!

We love those oldies.....I know you appreciate them too!
Yes, of course!! We liked both Earthquake and Kong.

I remember the Hitchcock attraction they had back in the day (maybe late 80's early 90's??) and the Psycho house. On our honeymoon we bought Bates Motel coasters that we still have and a room key keychain. I love horror / scary / monster movies and the like, DH does not. We are currently watching season 4 of Stranger Things and DH requests for us to table it at nighttime because he is scared. I grew up on old scary movies like the Mummy, Psycho, The Birds, Them!, etc., and prefer story versus gore. The Changeling with George C. Scott is one of my favs.

How nice to have park time with Lindsey! Too bad about the lunch service - that is crazy!

Dinner looked wonderful.

Edited to add - that I LOVE the Abbott & Costello meet the Monsters movies.
Do you know the why of the change?

Sat at nbc grill dining once before ride opened up. observed the ‘sandbag’ people upside down for over an hour lol. All I needed to see to decide it was not for me

Had to use one last July due to broken foot. Rented offsite one, smaller type. Glad I did. Boat captains told me they are the perfect size to last all day & to back onto the boats
Thank you so much Keisha for the helpful information on ECV's. My husband hates using one and uses his cane most of the time, but using an ECV really helps him. Who did you rent from?
Yes, of course!! We liked both Earthquake and Kong.

I remember the Hitchcock attraction they had back in the day (maybe late 80's early 90's??) and the Psycho house. On our honeymoon we bought Bates Motel coasters that we still have and a room key keychain. I love horror / scary / monster movies and the like, DH does not. We are currently watching season 4 of Stranger Things and DH requests for us to table it at nighttime because he is scared. I grew up on old scary movies like the Mummy, Psycho, The Birds, Them!, etc., and prefer story versus gore. The Changeling with George C. Scott is one of my favs.

How nice to have park time with Lindsey! Too bad about the lunch service - that is crazy!

Dinner looked wonderful.

Edited to add - that I LOVE the Abbott & Costello meet the Monsters movies.
Deb: You hit the nail on the head with your husband's fear of scary movies! My husband is the exact same way. He refuses to watch anything scary. I also grew up on those old horror classics and loved every one of them. I can watch them before bed and sleep like a baby. I even watch UFO and Bigfoot shows on TV, which is sometimes too scary for him.
NOw that he's retired, I have to watch what I watch while he's around. Honestly, it's like having a little kid around, LOL. He isn't scared of anything else but those movies.
Yes, of course!! We liked both Earthquake and Kong.

I remember the Hitchcock attraction they had back in the day (maybe late 80's early 90's??) and the Psycho house. On our honeymoon we bought Bates Motel coasters that we still have and a room key keychain. I love horror / scary / monster movies and the like, DH does not. We are currently watching season 4 of Stranger Things and DH requests for us to table it at nighttime because he is scared. I grew up on old scary movies like the Mummy, Psycho, The Birds, Them!, etc., and prefer story versus gore. The Changeling with George C. Scott is one of my favs.

How nice to have park time with Lindsey! Too bad about the lunch service - that is crazy!

Dinner looked wonderful.

Edited to add - that I LOVE the Abbott & Costello meet the Monsters movies.

lol.....yes, I`m so lucky we both love the same type of movies. Well, I won`t watch any of his sci fi movies, but with scary and comedy we are so similar.

We won`t watch gore either....movies like Saw or Hostel I cannot see the attraction in watching them, although a good slasher movie is fine by me lol......

Old black and white movies are among our favourites though!

Dinner was fabulous!
Thank you so much Keisha for the helpful information on ECV's. My husband hates using one and uses his cane most of the time, but using an ECV really helps him. Who did you rent from?
Was thrilled With gold mobility’s service, scooter condition & pricing. They do sell out in advance btw.

deliver to area hotels. At U it’s nice as you can just leave at bell services when done.

At WDW u do have to do a face to face with them

They gave me a tutorial on how to use it & break down the smaller model we rented for easy transport in the SUV we rented. Still was heavy lol

Even tho small it lasted they our 8+ hour days easily

Best part, price for a week is less than 2 days at using U’s big, old clunky ones

Good luck
Was thrilled With gold mobility’s service, scooter condition & pricing. They do sell out in advance btw.

deliver to area hotels. At U it’s nice as you can just leave at bell services when done.

At WDW u do have to do a face to face with them

They gave me a tutorial on how to use it & break down the smaller model we rented for easy transport in the SUV we rented. Still was heavy lol

Even tho small it lasted they our 8+ hour days easily

Best part, price for a week is less than 2 days at using U’s big, old clunky ones

Good luck
Can also give a good review of Walker Mobility - we've rented from them several times.


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