**Game - Interview the person below you**


Still here.....
Oct 9, 1999
Wanna play??

I ask a question and the next person that replies answers it and can then ask a different question to the next person that replies:)

Does that make sense??

<b>What was your first job?</b>
Ok, I'll play!!

My first job was when I was 14 (1985......:eek: ) in the local shop - I got paid 1 pound an hour !!!!!!!!!::yes:: I worked a saturday from 10 till 2 - so I got 4 pounds!!!! How bad is that!!!

Ok, next question.......um,

Who was your first boy/girl friend?
His name was Martin Adderley and I must have been about 14 or 15 when I was 'going out' with him. I think we probably had no more than about four dates, but I still count him as my first boyfriend. :)

What was the first record / tape / CD (showing my age here ;) ) you owned?
I had 'owned' a few records as a young lad but the first one I ever bought for myself was 'Slade Alive', by Slade obviously. I got from a small record shop called Graham's which used to be beside the library here in Coleraine with money I had been given for my 12th birthday in November 1972. I still have it today!!

My question is; Where did you go for your first overseas holiday?

:jester: :jester: :jester:
My first trip overseas was an exchange with a Swedish girl called Lena. She lived just ouside Gothenburg. We flew (my first flight) with Dan Air. I think the trip cost my parents £30 (plus the cost of looking after Lena at our house first).

What is the longest time that you've lived in the same house/flat ?

I lived at home with my family till I moved out at 21 so I guess technically that would be the longest till now. DH and I bought our present house when our oldest DD was 1 years old, she is now 11, so 10 years has been the longest. This is why we’ve done nothing but decorate every weekend for the last two months!!!

What is you earliest childhood memory?

I was 4 and we lived in Grange Hill at the time - we had a stone bird bath in the garden and I used to swing on it - well I toppled it over and it fell on my foot and I had a fractured ankle.

OK if you were on death row or something what would be your last meal ?
Well, My last meal would be (am I allowed to choose how many courses I have LOL?!)

Queen Scallops in a buttery sauce

followed by

grilled sea bass with parmesan mash and king prawns with mange touts and baby carrots


one of those lovely chocolately puddings that explode in a mass of chocolate fondant when your spoon pierces them...served with pistachio icecream. Served in all alias hotels throughout the country such as the Seattle in Brighton and Barcelona in Exeter

and finally

Cheese (including Canadian cheddar so strong it has to be restrained from leaving the plate) and most importantly Digestives!

then Thorntons Chocolates with lovely coffee to finish :)

Next question:

What was the best day of your life so far???
The best day has to be my wedding day (1 year ago tomorrow actually!). The weather was perfect, all my family flew over from Ireland and we had the best party ever. Plus I married my best friend in the world!! Honeymoon in WDW.

My question is:

If you could invite any 5 people to dinner (dead or alive) who would it be?

LOTS OF LOVE FROM VERITY>XXX:wave: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
I've got four living guys and one dead one. I would invite:

1) my BF (primarily because I can't cook, but also because I love him!)

2) Michael Palin (I think he would be funny and interesting but wouldn't be at all pretentious or try to be the center of attention)

3) Bill Bryson (I think he's hilarious and we could argue points of grammar)

4) Kevin Kline (he's talented and I suspect he's got a wicked wit; plu, I think he would get along with my other guests)

5) Cary Grant (because he is (was!) absolutely gorgeous!)

My question to you is: If you could be a famous actor, or a famous singer/musician, or a famous artist, or a famous author, which one would you choose to be and why?
Carmeron Diaz.........she is going out with Justin Timberlake - need I say more LOL

<b>What was your favourite subject in school and why??</b>
It would have to have been Computer Studies, if I can remember back that far :(

I was pretty good at it and so never took any homework away from the class which meant I had lots of time in the evening to relax on those days :teeth:

Next question....

If you could change one thing that has happened to you in your life so far, what would it be??
One thing I would change would be to have carried on with my further education and got some kind of creative qualification .......while I was still young!

If money was no object what would you mostly want to buy or do????
(I guess paying off the mortgage would be dull!)


I'd love to buy and equip a largish size villa in Florida to lower the cost of the trip for friends and family (and allow us to visit more often!)

What is your favourite Disney film and why?
The Lion King :)

Because I love Simba!! It makes me cry everytime Mufasa dies :(

<b>What car do you drive? and Does it have a name? :) </b>
I drive a blue Punto. No doesn't have name, a bit boring I suppose! But I do have a teacher Mickey antenna thingy!

What is your favourite pizza topping?

Love Verity.xxx

ps. Yes, my favourite topic is food!!!
my fave pizza is london which is a pizza base topped with chips and garlic sauce.

whether you like busted or not what is your fav busted tune?


Busted - yuk!!! No favourite tune either :)

<b>What was the first Music Concert you went to?</b>
My first ever concert was to see The Cure. This was the first of many!! Sadly I have not seen them at all in recent years :(

Do you have a favourite author...who are they and why do you like them so much??


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