Guess What I Was Just Told?i Have The Long Awaited Disney Perk,WE GET THE AP AND PAP

Originally posted by luvindisneyworld
So with the renewal discount it seems to be about the same amount in the end that we will be paying.

How do you figure that it'd be the same amount, luvindisneyword?
Originally posted by crcormier
How do you figure that it'd be the same amount, luvindisneyword?
Comparing the 100.00 discount to the 75.00 discount.We would end up paying about the same price.
Originally posted by zulaya
Doesn't it just figure that those of us going in December miss out on this good deal! I am sorry to whine, but if they let this news out of the bag, I wish they would have made the discount effective immediately after the news was leaked.

I have a couple trips next year and I wanted to turn in my unused PHPs to apply towards APs. That discount is great, but it stinks that I can't use it. With a family of 4, $400 is significant pocket change.

Do you think there's any chance we could get in on this early?
Wouldn't hurt to ask when you check in and it wouldn't surprise me if they gave it to you!

Good luck!
Originally posted by mjfox
My AP's expire Dec 17th 2004. Does this mean that I have to wait until Dec 17th 2005 to get the discount?????

I would guess so... :(
It will be interesting to hear what limitations are placed on this benefit. I assume that we can't buy 100 discounted vouchers, otherwise eBay will be flooded with them. However, if they limit it to one per Member named on the contract, I suspect that would, ahem, annoy quite a few folks....
Originally posted by luvindisneyworld
Comparing the 100.00 discount to the 75.00 discount.We would end up paying about the same price.

I see what you're saying -

New AP $392.99 - $100 = $292.99
Ren AP $350.39 - $75 - $275.39

Only a $18 difference from buying outright versus renewing with the discounts in place, but I'd still rather pay $275 for a renewal than $350.

And $18 is 4 beers at Jellyroll's! I'll take it!!! :tongue:
Hip Hip Hurray!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I hope it is a permanent perk, because our current APs expire in January, and our next trip after this one wont be until January of 2006. That is GREAT news if it's true! MUCH better than softer toilet paper!:tongue:
Originally posted by dianeschlicht
Hip Hip Hurray!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

I hope it is a permanent perk, because our current APs expire in January, and our next trip after this one wont be until January of 2006. That is GREAT news if it's true! MUCH better than softer toilet paper!:tongue:

For those kind of savings you can buy your OWN softer toilet paper! :)

Happy dance, happy dance... :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Originally posted by CarolMN
Wouldn't hurt to ask when you check in and it wouldn't surprise me if they gave it to you!

Good luck!

I wonder where they will sell them. AP's have traditionally not been available at the front desk. I would think they would have to put some kind of control on it so members don't buy them for all their friends.
Wow!!! That's great news...any idea if it applies to children also?

I was hoping for on-line booking, maybe that won't be far behind.
Originally posted by crcormier
I see what you're saying -

New AP $392.99 - $100 = $292.99
Ren AP $350.39 - $75 - $275.39

Only a $18 difference from buying outright versus renewing with the discounts in place

BUT you could be losing months of park time for that $18. For instance, you renew you AP but don't travel with the renewed AP for a month or two (or 6 months in our case this year) after your renewal date. That month or two of use is now gone or you could get that time back for only $18 more.
Originally posted by mjfox
My AP's expire Dec 17th 2004. Does this mean that I have to wait until Dec 17th 2005 to get the discount?????

We're in the same boat. Our APs expire on 12/25. They have to pick some date when it's effective. The might move it up to be effective as soon as the Member's Clubhouse (or whatever it's called) comes out.
Well, I hope there is more than just the AP discount, otherwise I will feel like I have been ROYALLY screwed, as will the meaningful proportion of members who cannot take advantage of an annual pass.
Heck, I just want it for my immediate family - that's me, DH and our 2 kiddos.

If we could buy those at the resorts, that would be a huge convenience for me. I think I need to call me guide in the AM and see how open he is to sharing some more details.
Originally posted by Doctor P
Well, I hope there is more than just the AP discount, otherwise I will feel like I have been ROYALLY screwed, as will the meaningful proportion of members who cannot take advantage of an annual pass.
Would you please share why you feel this way? The current AP vs PHP breakeven is around 7 days; this discount should lower that to 5 or 6 days, which would seem to make it a benefit for almost every DVC owner....
I cannot believe my eyes. I sure hope this is real and I hope that it is a permenant discount. We will be buying two for next December ('05) for sure. Hoppers this December.
Personally, I usually felt like Doctor P, because I thought an AP was too much money for me to get my money's worth. But I was just doing some calculating because I really want to turn inmy 5 day PHPs for APs and it looks like I would only have to pay about $185 more for ALL 4 in my family IF I got the discount rated on APs.

So the break even for a DVCer with this AP deal would be a little more than 5 days.

If I can get the discount in December, I am so doing it.
We have to drive 1200+ miles each way to WDW and the most we could ever squeeze out would be 8 nights. Take away the first and the last day and you are down to 7 days maximum that you could POSSIBLY go to the parks. With the discount, the AP would be $303 (not the 292 as someone else suggested). Discount 7 day Park Hopper Plus passes are currently available for $317, never expire, and include 4 plus options. So, why would someone in our circumstance EVER take the chance and buying an annual pass, using a day to go to a water park, or not going to a park even one day when we are there. Basically the only time we are able to travel as a family for more than a weekend is over the Christmas holidays once a year. No option of doubling up on the passes either, since our window is always pretty much the same from year to year as to the dates we are allowed to go due to school schedules. I get not a single vacation day each year, and DW gets a limited number that can be used for family vacations, so we have to plan around school shutdowns in order to be able to go. So, this perk is unlikely to help us in any way, shape, or form. Guess the general rules for owning DVC have changed: we expect you to come multiple times a year, for at least 7 park days, get perfect weather, and don't you dare not set foot in a park on any day you come or you will lose money. Sorry to be ranting, but until I find out that they will do something for people in my circumstance, I am very upset, especially after I gotten taken for $1500 by Disney Cruise Line through the Hurricane Frances debacle. I guess I shouldn't expect more--after all, it's Bush country and the philosophy as we all know is "it's our way or the highway." I and hiss!!! Why survey the members if you are going to ignore a large portion of them!! Obviously, I will calm down if there is more to the story.
I knew I liked this man!!

This is great! We are not even an AP family, but now we may be. It's great that DVC is listening to its members.

As with the Member Events, there will be those that aren't pleased for one reason, but I am glad that they are still adding value to our memberships.


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