HALLOWEEN TOWN UPDATE!!! All participants plz read.

i sent a message to one of the other people but have not heard anything back from them but i could use some help if you have a minute and are on now send me a pm and maybe we can meet up in one of my rooms
i sent a message to one of the other people but have not heard anything back from them but i could use some help if you have a minute and are on now send me a pm and maybe we can meet up in one of my rooms

I'm at work now. Will you be on first thing in the morning?
I'll gladly help you then.
Hiya. We are only accepting one teleporter to place in our hub. BUT if you want to have a door from your halloween town in to another room, sure why not. I think its great the ideas ppl are coming up with here. I have seen 2 rooms so far, and its a blast so far. Have fun with it.


Ok ty you so much..I just might do that!
I can't wait to see everyones room:).

i am going to have to pull out of this sorry about that.. just some things came up and i wont be able to do it

Aww I am sorry you have to pull out:(. I hope everything is ok or goes ok!:hug:

Have a great night everyone,
Its 10:00 east time right now and I am in the Dis Town room if anyone wants to bring a teleporter. I will be here for about an hour this evening.
Hey! I'd love to be a part of Halloween town this year!:yay: I was still relatively new to Vmk last halloween so I think this will be so much fun. Can't wait to see the rooms people come up with! :goodvibes

I'd like to work a bit on my room before I hand in a porter. Is that ok? Or would you prefer to have it asap?
Anyone who wants to bring a porter tonight I will be in my room again from 10-11 eastern time. Search my title or Dis Town and just stop by to make the trade and get your picture taken:banana: :woohoo:
All those teleporters! I'm getting excited to see everyone's work!

My daughter, Believer_Sammy, would like to make a room, too. I'll get her teleporter to you soon if there's still room.
All those teleporters! I'm getting excited to see everyone's work!

My daughter, Believer_Sammy, would like to make a room, too. I'll get her teleporter to you soon if there's still room.

We certainly do have room. I will be collecting porters again probably over the weekend. I have another mansion room connected to the one I am currently using and Rob has a mansion room we can add if we need a third teleporter room so there is still plenty of room for ppl who want to join.
So far we have had quite a few people bringing teleporters. Here is the list of people we have so far. Please let me know your name here if I dont have it listed behind your vmk name. Thank you

1. Samariah - hppv50
2. Acemicfan - ilikethetitanic
3. Lauralee - Lauralee
4. AmyE - aensming
5. Jediyoda - Cajunwdwfan
6. SkippyPaul - SkippyPaul
7. SweetJaydGrl - SweetJaydGrl
8. SneekyTiki -
9. Lady-Sparkle - poohluv2u
10. Scooterjake - scooterjake
11. Stitchon -
12. Suzee - mtblujeans
13. footballforilfe - DonaldDuck4LifeDuck
14. awesomeseabeauty - trishqtpi
15. MizBubble - MizBubble
16. MadameBatty - BattyMcDoon
17. PirateMe - PirateMe
18. DisneyLlama - DemonLlama
19. flyboyv -

thanks again for all who are participating so far. I cant wait for October to get here to see all the rooms ppl are making. Remember to keep your rooms locked after you bring me the teleporter because I cant lock that room.
i was wondering once we open the rooms the owners are supposed to be in their rooms but im sure other owners want to see each others rooms i was just wondering if there was going to be a walk through for all of the owners or something?
i was wondering once we open the rooms the owners are supposed to be in their rooms but im sure other owners want to see each others rooms i was just wondering if there was going to be a walk through for all of the owners or something?

I was thinking that the day we open maybe all the owner could put something in our signature to help identify us from the rest of vmk. Maybe halloween town owner? Idk Im open for suggestions. I dont know alot of dis'ers yet so it would be nice to identify each other without saying DIS and getting someone banned.

Thing is once we open the rooms everyone is going to come visit so theres really no way for just us dis to tour.

what about tickets? im not really sure how that works since ive never used them myself before but that may be some type of option
i was wondering once we open the rooms the owners are supposed to be in their rooms but im sure other owners want to see each others rooms i was just wondering if there was going to be a walk through for all of the owners or something?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't have to be in our rooms all the time .. I have been in other people's rooms through teleporters when they weren't there.


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