Have you ever had a shock?

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Deebo said:
I thought I was the only one who had this morbid thought when being pushed to sit in someone else's seat! :rotfl2:

And yes Darian, I do agree with you that being courteous is a lost art.

Nope I was in that morbid crowd as well. Only my thought was "what if some rude inconsiderate person sits in my seat and won't move and the plane crashes near some exotic country (not that I fly anywhere near any exotic countries) and the person in my seat dies so my family gets word I'm dead while I suffer in some makeshift hospital then wander aimlessly and penniless in an obscure village with only outdoor plumbing

(Is that a bit much ;) )
I would be furious if someone was in my assigned seat. No assigned seating (yet) is the reason I will not fly on Southwest (I am really small, so people seem to look at me and think they will just use 1/2 of my seat as well, I won't need it. OTOH, BF is a big guy. He grabs a newspaper, unfolds it and starts reading to make himself look as though he is taking up a lot of room. No one sits by him.).

Now that I have finished all 238 pages, I have a non-Disney shocking moment to share.

We live in a really small town where everyone knows everyone. One day we went to lunch at the restaurant (there is only one), just as we do almost everyday. There is a REALLY big guy (X) who comes in. I only mention this because his weight makes him kind of tip from side to side as he walks (I really feel badly for him). On this particular day, my BF was facing towards the door with a blank look on his face while I chattered on (probably about Disney). Suddenly he looked torn between embarasment, amusement, and disgust. I asked him what was wrong and he just told me not to look at X, who had just walked in. I asked why. He answered that X must have a hole in his pants and also must not wear any undies because while the frank was still neatly tucked away, the beans were hanging out, and they were actually swinging as X walked. I didn't want to look, but it was like a bad traffic accident. Worst of all, it was true. Finally X reaches his table (mercifully at the front of the restaurant) where he sits with his legs spread and not under the table, still exposed. It was absolutly appalling. What do you say, though? I honestly don't think he even noticed. We are dreading the day he decides to wear THOSE pants again!
Darian said:
Am I the only one who's sick of selfish swine flying on aircraft? :rolleyes1 What's with people these days? Doesn't it seem like being courteous is almost a lost art?

Yes, darn it we are sick of them. Luckily my DH is 6'3" and about 265. He looks like a retired football player. Looks at people like he eats glass for breakfast. He doesn't but they don't know that. :rotfl2: Trust me nobody wants to sit next to him. Especially if they have already screwed up and decided they like his seat.

And for the morbid part. I would like to sit in my seat. Next to my husband. So if we hear those words....Assume crash position....I am not doing it in another row or across the aisle from him. :rotfl2:
Originally Posted by irisbud
We live in a really small town where everyone knows everyone. One day we went to lunch at the restaurant (there is only one), just as we do almost everyday. There is a REALLY big guy (X) who comes in. I only mention this because his weight makes him kind of tip from side to side as he walks (I really feel badly for him). On this particular day, my BF was facing towards the door with a blank look on his face while I chattered on (probably about Disney). Suddenly he looked torn between embarasment, amusement, and disgust. I asked him what was wrong and he just told me not to look at X, who had just walked in. I asked why. He answered that X must have a hole in his pants and also must not wear any undies because while the frank was still neatly tucked away, the beans were hanging out, and they were actually swinging as X walked. I didn't want to look, but it was like a bad traffic accident. Worst of all, it was true. Finally X reaches his table (mercifully at the front of the restaurant) where he sits with his legs spread and not under the table, still exposed. It was absolutly appalling. What do you say, though? I honestly don't think he even noticed. We are dreading the day he decides to wear THOSE pants again!
I think that one might just take the cake. :scared: :eek: :crazy2:
irisbud said:
We live in a really small town where everyone knows everyone. One day we went to lunch at the restaurant (there is only one), just as we do almost everyday. There is a REALLY big guy (X) who comes in. I only mention this because his weight makes him kind of tip from side to side as he walks (I really feel badly for him). On this particular day, my BF was facing towards the door with a blank look on his face while I chattered on (probably about Disney). Suddenly he looked torn between embarasment, amusement, and disgust. I asked him what was wrong and he just told me not to look at X, who had just walked in. I asked why. He answered that X must have a hole in his pants and also must not wear any undies because while the frank was still neatly tucked away, the beans were hanging out, and they were actually swinging as X walked. I didn't want to look, but it was like a bad traffic accident. Worst of all, it was true. Finally X reaches his table (mercifully at the front of the restaurant) where he sits with his legs spread and not under the table, still exposed. It was absolutly appalling. What do you say, though? I honestly don't think he even noticed. We are dreading the day he decides to wear THOSE pants again!
Mmm...sexy thoughts. J/K
badblackpug said:
I interrupted a couple "in the act" at the PORFQ pool! :love:

YIKES!!!!!! :eek:

What did they do when they realized they had been 'discovered'? Did they say anything to you, or just carry on? :blush:
First of all I am having a great time reading this thread, or entire ball of yar as long as it is by now. I was attempting to read every page until I had to go to work, unortunatly I just realised I was reading posts from 2003 and had 3 years to go before I was done. Needless to say I have to go to work sooner than that so I'm adding my story to the list and will be back later to read another year or two!

A few years ago my friend and I couldn't wait for our reservations at Mama Melrose in MGM - We love pizza and italian food so we thought this would be our favorite resturant in the entire resort. We have never eaten there since. Why? Just as our food was brought to our table a family across from us had an child maybe a year old start getting sick all over the floor. I know babies do this, no big deal until the child doesn't stop and the father simply stand the child on his leg patting it's back, almost like he wanted the whole resturant to see. A CM came over and began cleaning up the floor encouraging the parent to go to the restroom with the child. Said CM ended up getting hit with the child's projectile several times. The way our table was set up I had no where to look other than at this family if I even wanted to talk to my friend so I saw it all whether I wanted to or not. In the end the child stopped after about 5 minutes (no kidding) and the family continued to dine never having left the dining area. We were compleatly devoid of apetite and left after hardly eating anything. Our server gave us a free desert to take with us to fantasmic if we "could eat again" I really felt sorry for the one who got hit while trying to clean it up. The area reaked after that.

Minnesota said:
First of all I am having a great time reading this thread, or entire ball of yar as long as it is by now. I was attempting to read every page until I had to go to work, unortunatly I just realised I was reading posts from 2003 and had 3 years to go before I was done. Needless to say I have to go to work sooner than that so I'm adding my story to the list and will be back later to read another year or two!

A few years ago my friend and I couldn't wait for our reservations at Mama Melrose in MGM - We love pizza and italian food so we thought this would be our favorite resturant in the entire resort. We have never eaten there since. Why? Just as our food was brought to our table a family across from us had an child maybe a year old start getting sick all over the floor. I know babies do this, no big deal until the child doesn't stop and the father simply stand the child on his leg patting it's back, almost like he wanted the whole resturant to see. A CM came over and began cleaning up the floor encouraging the parent to go to the restroom with the child. Said CM ended up getting hit with the child's projectile several times. The way our table was set up I had no where to look other than at this family if I even wanted to talk to my friend so I saw it all whether I wanted to or not. In the end the child stopped after about 5 minutes (no kidding) and the family continued to dine never having left the dining area. We were compleatly devoid of apetite and left after hardly eating anything. Our server gave us a free desert to take with us to fantasmic if we "could eat again" I really felt sorry for the one who got hit while trying to clean it up. The area reaked after that.


Thats like the scene from Monte Python's "Meaning of Life" when Mr. Creosote pukes in the restaurant. Oh the horror of seeing it acted out in real life. I can feel your retinas being to burn after viewing such a sight! My sincerest condolences...... GAGING...
Not do much a shock but a funny story. At the HM at e-night these kids were bugging/making fun of the cast members throughout the ride so when we were loaded in the doom buggies the cast member didn't do anything at first, but as soon as they couldn't see him right before the ride he pounded on the doom buggy and scared them! They screamed, serves them right for acting like idiots in from of the cm!
As long as I've been reading this thread and commenting here and there, I can't believe that I've forgotten the most shocking (and hysterical later on) moment that happened to me at WDW.

I was 17 and my family (DM, DF, and DB-14) were staying at the AKL :goodvibes We had heard from the CM that checked us in that every few hours or so you could meet at the fireplace and take a tour of the hotel. It sounded fun to us, so we decided to do it.

The CM tourguide that we had was probably 4 or 5 years older than me and was from South Africa... I adored the accent! We went from display to display in the lobby while he explained the various artifacts to us. I can't remember any of them except for 1- the "marriage baskets". The CM was expaining that a newly wed couple would receive them filled with various things as gifts. He also decided to begin to explain the whole marriage custom:

"When a man from my villiage finds a woman that he would like to marry, his fathers (male relatives) and her fathers (male relatives) discuss her worth in cattle. Once they settle on an amount, the cattle are delivered and the wedding will occur."

Then, while looking at my father:

"Sir, since I have decided to marry your Daughter, you & the rest of the males in your family should discuss her worth with my fathers. (My brother's ears start to perk up at this... think about the Shel Silverstein poem "Sister for Sale"- Where the Sidewalk Ends) If you are not interested in cattle, we can find the monetary value of one cow and multiply it by what her worth actually is.

My brother ponders at this for a few moments... the other adults in our tour group were giving the CM and my family strange looks... you could just see the gears turning in my brother's head. He says:

"So... what's the going rate for a girl these days? I'll take cattle or whatever you've got!" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

The ending to the story: I got embarrassed and ran back to our room... my brother continued to try to sell me. I ran through the lobby every time I had to go through it... now, looking back, it was sweet and flattering... and funny!
Deebo said:
I thought I was the only one who had this morbid thought when being pushed to sit in someone else's seat!

I was thinking the same thing. I guess you could say to the person in your seat: "In the event we crash, it will be much easier for them to identify the bodies if we are in our assigned seats."
irisbud said:
We live in a really small town where everyone knows everyone. One day we went to lunch at the restaurant (there is only one), just as we do almost everyday. There is a REALLY big guy (X) who comes in. I only mention this because his weight makes him kind of tip from side to side as he walks (I really feel badly for him). On this particular day, my BF was facing towards the door with a blank look on his face while I chattered on (probably about Disney). Suddenly he looked torn between embarasment, amusement, and disgust. I asked him what was wrong and he just told me not to look at X, who had just walked in. I asked why. He answered that X must have a hole in his pants and also must not wear any undies because while the frank was still neatly tucked away, the beans were hanging out, and they were actually swinging as X walked. I didn't want to look, but it was like a bad traffic accident. Worst of all, it was true. Finally X reaches his table (mercifully at the front of the restaurant) where he sits with his legs spread and not under the table, still exposed. It was absolutly appalling. What do you say, though? I honestly don't think he even noticed. We are dreading the day he decides to wear THOSE pants again!

My DF, DH, and DB's all assure me it's next to impossible to have this happen and not know. Either X is childlike in his awareness of himself or the guy is an exhibitionist. I had talked to the men in my family about a similar situation because a friend and I were at a public pool and there was a guy sitting with quite a bit of brain showing, if you know what I mean. In fact, when we saw POTC II, I found the back of Davy Jones' head singularly distracting, because it reminded me of this incident. :scared1:
I was reminded of this short one today. Something that was DISNEY'S fault. Yes, you read that right. DISNEY'S fault.

We were at WWTBAM-PI, and someone got the question that was something along the lines of, "What ocean surrounds antarctica?" The answer? The south ocean. :confused3

I'm going to go swim in the south ocean and then take a vacation at Disneyland Paraguay. :rotfl:
WeluvDisney2 said:
A couple of years ago we were waiting...and waiting...and waiting for a bus to come and take us back to our resort. My DS (then 4) kept asking when the bus was going to come, he was bored etc. etc. I kept telling him it should be here soon. While I was tending to my 2 year old, I heard an older couple snicker. I looked over, and to my horror my 4 year old was MOONING them! :eek: I pulled up his pants, had a word with him, and apologized to the couple. THANK GOD the bus came before long. :blush:

OMG ROFLMAOPIMP! I freaking love it! and i love the reactions that you got! life is too short to not laugh at funny things. :O) :goodvibes :rotfl: :banana:

And now I have visions of my 2 year old doing that....uh oh. LOL!
Becky_Boop said:
I was reminded of this short one today. Something that was DISNEY'S fault. Yes, you read that right. DISNEY'S fault.

We were at WWTBAM-PI, and someone got the question that was something along the lines of, "What ocean surrounds antarctica?" The answer? The south ocean. :confused3

I'm going to go swim in the south ocean and then take a vacation at Disneyland Paraguay. :rotfl:

Actually, the Southern Ocean has been internationally recognized since around 2000 as the world's second largest ocean (IIRC), and it does indeed surround Antarctica.

Strange, but true! :teacher:

Scott in MO
I thought of another one. When I was 17 and DSis was 15, our family made our last trip to WDW and stayed at one of the hotels in the Disney Village (this was 1991). DSis and I went down to the pool one afternoon, nad there was a really overweight guy wearing a pale orange/peach colored speedo. Also, he had a LOT of body hair. Anyway, he jumps into the pool (or maybe rides a waterslide in, I can't remember that part), and after he swam past us and started climbing the steps out of the pool, DSis and I saw that the back of his speedo was not lined! Total, clear view of his hairy crack! Thank goodness we didn't see him from the front - who knows if that wasn't lined as well!
Todd&Copper said:
I thought of another one. When I was 17 and DSis was 15, our family made our last trip to WDW and stayed at one of the hotels in the Disney Village (this was 1991). DSis and I went down to the pool one afternoon, nad there was a really overweight guy wearing a pale orange/peach colored speedo. Also, he had a LOT of body hair.

This reminds me of a guy I saw at Wet 'n Wild in 1997. He was a rather large man, wearing a tiny black Speedo that barely covered the goods, and he was COVERED in thick black hair. I mean all over...arms, legs, shoulders, back, EVERYWHERE, except his face and neck (he did have a rather neatly trimmed beard and moustache, though). He was a Sasquatch. I shouldn't make fun of him, because it probably was a medical condition, but he was a bit scary. And the fact that his gut protruded about a foot past the itty-bitty Speedo...well...
apirateslifeforme said:
This reminds me of a guy I saw at Wet 'n Wild in 1997. He was a rather large man, wearing a tiny black Speedo that barely covered the goods, and he was COVERED in thick black hair. I mean all over...arms, legs, shoulders, back, EVERYWHERE, except his face and neck (he did have a rather neatly trimmed beard and moustache, though). He was a Sasquatch. I shouldn't make fun of him, because it probably was a medical condition, but he was a bit scary. And the fact that his gut protruded about a foot past the itty-bitty Speedo...well...

And who says the Neanderthal man is extinct? Ha!!!! Alive and well and living at WDW!!!!
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