Hello, Hello, Hello!

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Hello everyone! how has everyone been? I've been hanging out with Peanut alot.. been taking him to fun things..

my MIL and I took him to see Hop.. and he actually stayed quiet thru the movie.. I cant say he sat still... but we got to see the whole thing and not leave in the middle! yay! thats alot with a 2 year old.. but before we went to the movie we went to Build a Bear and he stuffed his E.B. Bunny and took him to the movie with us! it was totally cute! Then he tells me that E.B. Bunny is going to bring him a blue basket.. little does he know Easter Bunny is bringing him a Thomas Trike! he is going to be sooo excited.. so tomorrow I am going to be out back cleaning up the backyard so Easter day he can go outside and ride it.. and the family can BBQ.. I have to work..


here he is before the movie!


then he decided forget the box.. i want the bucket!

and today at the mall was the grand opening of the new play place and they had 2 characters from Yo Gabba Gabba.. Brobee and Plex.. Jason loves that show! and since they just opened the new dining court in our mall they had things going on up there too.. so there was a taco bell hot sauce packet walking around.. and the easter bunny, and bearmy from Build a Bear.. and of course my MIL was Bearmy's handler! so Jason got all the attention from Bearmy! and there was a guy making balloon things and a magician.. it was alot of fun.. and Jason's little buddy Eli was there too..


him and Ahma and Bearmy..

he doesnt really like characters.. he will high five them all day long.. but stand and take a picture.. no way!


him and Plex..


me and him, the hot sauce, and his buddy and his buddy's mama!



high fiving Brobee


giving Bearmy a hug!

they also did tee shirt coloring and cookie decorating.. he just ate the nakey cookie but he LOVES his play place shirt!


his shirt!

Eli got super cranky! but here are the boys in their newly decorated shirts!!

Oh? When are you going back?

well the date is set for wednesday.. thats if they schedule me wednesday or thursday.. if not then friday.. it worked out right now because of today and seeing the Yo Gabba Gabba guys.. and MOnday is Josh's band's first show.. so I will get to attend that.. yay
well the date is set for wednesday.. thats if they schedule me wednesday or thursday.. if not then friday.. it worked out right now because of today and seeing the Yo Gabba Gabba guys.. and MOnday is Josh's band's first show.. so I will get to attend that.. yay

That does work out real well for you.

How are you doing? How's Dexter?
doing ok.... just plodding along lol..

He is good now... just got the tail end of a cold so still a little whingy and snotty....

That is my life story right now. I am plodding along and things are just not moving.

I am glad he is good now. I hate colds.
I am okay I guess. I am tired of being a mom to disrespectful teenagers. And I am tired feeling like I come second to a bicycle.

oh no :(

Well Sell the Kids to Bateman's Organ's for less... We harvest organs and sell them cheap :) (We never ask questions and neither do our clients)
oh no :(

Well Sell the Kids to Bateman's Organ's for less... We harvest organs and sell them cheap :) (We never ask questions and neither do our clients)

Ooh and does Jude Law work for you as a Repo Man?
Hey there! Wow, it's been a chatty afternoon for once, by the looks of it! Nice to see! :)

We had our second and last prenatal class today, and then we came home and I had a nap, lol. Exciting day for me! Actually we learned a lot, and we are now a lot more confident about things.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! Go Sharks! There is my support for you Jazz. :)
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