Here now, OMG buses.

We used the bus on our first day - the loading of my Mum in her EVC took a long time and it wasn't worth the huffing & rolling of eyes from some at the end of the day when people were tired. We used our car after that and will continue to do so.
I can only imagine how you all must have felt!! I have been with an ECV bound guest, and I have to was eye opening!!! Both on the buses and in the parks!!!
I truly believe that everyone should spend a few hours with someone in an ECV....I really think they would see things completely differently!!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with those looks!!!

1. I don't want to pay for the additional cost of an expanded Fantasyland or Avatarland, but we will.
2. You wait for the ECV's to load at the park. You wait for them to unload and reload at the various depot's on the way. 20 minutes was being conservative.
I understand that. But, the vast majority of guests will go to these areas. It is only a very small percentage of guests that board buses on ECVs.
As for the waits on the buses?? There are some buses that make multiple stops...S/D, BW, YC/BC are sometimes all on the same route. S/D and BW always are. So, sure, those having to wait for an addtl 10 mins to board, at MK, who are going to BC, may very well have to wait an addtl 5 mins or so (unloading takes much less time!!), at one of the first stops.
But really??? In the big picture of life??? Is it killing anyone to have to wait an addtl 15 mins to get someplace??? This is the best system for the vast majority of people. I find it very hard to believe that some here have had to wait an addtl 15 mins every single time they boarded a bus. It just doesn't happen, unless you are incredibly unlucky!!!

I just don't think that 20 mins is a conservative time. And that is based on my many, many stays at almost every single resort on Disney property, over the past 13 years!! But, I suppose it's possible that someone has had the bad fortune to have an ECV or two on every bus they have been on. I plan on it taking me x number of mins to get to my destination...and I'm usually early. Why? Because I choose to figure on an addtl 15/20 mins vs the least amount of time possible.
It's interesting to see different people's experiences and perceptions. We've been regular DW visitors since 1987, always used DW transportation and rarely experience the stroller issues that I see on so many threads. :)
Oh, don't get me wrong. I don't think it's all that prevalent. But, it does happen. I always seem to find the one family that has 3 kids, a huge stroller, and all the stuff that goes along with that size family. And they always have the kids in the stroller right up to the bus door, and they are always taken aback when they are told to fold it up. Then, they grumble and they start throwing stuff around. And heaven forbid them move out of the way to let those behind them on...nooooo, they hold up the entire line.
Or, the dad that, when told he had to fold up the stroller before boarding the bus, did just that. However, he thought he could leave his child in the stroller...folded up!!! It was hysterical to watch. The bus driver was stunned!!! He just got up, leaned down and said...'Sir, you have to take your child out of the stroller before folding it can not be opened on the bus!!' The mother was so embarrassed, the dad just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that the stroller had to be empty, and folded up.

Or the parents that board, with that huge double stroller. The mom sits with the kids, in the front of the bus. Dad? Oh, he has folded the stroller up all right. But then, rather than move to the back of the bus, where there is more room to stand, he plops himself in the aisle, holding that folded up double stroller, making it incredibly difficult for anyone to get past him!!! When someone asked him to move to the back??? 'Oh no...I have to stay with my family!!! You can get by!'

I seem to see one such incident every trip to WDW. I just laugh now. It really is funny to see how entitled some are...or if not entitled, then incredibly ignorant. It only takes a small amount of smarts to figure out the correct use of buses with strollers. One would assume that if you're at a park, with a stroller, you probably took a bus to get there to begin with. So, you should have that stroller folded up prior to getting to the bus door!!! And yes, I do realize that there are going to be some that may have taken the monorail or a boat to the park, and are now heading someplace different on the may not realize the proper etiquette...but it can't be all that many!!!
We have four kids and were one of the families with a big double stroller on the buses. But we folded it up first and my husband would go to the back of the bus and put the stroller as out of the way as possible while I stayed with the kids. Renting a car would, unfortunately, add a hefty amount to our expenses, so we try to be as courteous and fast as possible, understanding we are viewed as an inconvenience. Trying to decide which stroller to take this time... our youngest absolutely needs a stroller and our six year old is small for his age and tires easily and had suffered from growing pains lately which make his legs very sore, so it would be nice to have a spot for him, too. But yes, the stroller is big.
We have a double stroller but probably won't be taking it because that thing is a beast. Folding it up is no big deal, but I don't want to try to drag it on a bus. Just to play devils' advocate, though... I get leaving the kids in the stroller until the bus gets there. If you don't you probably have to deal with squirming toddler(s) and trying to keep them from bothering other people in line while you wait. Or you have a sleeping toddler from being at the park all day so you're lugging 30 lb of dead weight while trying to deal with the empty stroller. Of course, blocking the aisle or taking up a seat with a stroller is rude, but if that family lets everyone else go by while they're folding the stroller, would the bus fill up so they can't get on and have to repeat the process when the next bus arrives.
We always wait until the bus pulls up to fold up the stroller. It's for the benefit of those in line with us as much as it is for us. Our 2-year-old did not grasp the concept of waiting in line with no bus in sight, and would fiddle with the ropes/chains or try to climb under them. We did our best to control her, but it was no-go, so we would leave her in the umbrella stroller, and as soon as we saw the correct bus approach, we would get her out and start folding. Occasionally, the process of folding took an extra 30 seconds because the folder did not notice that someone had tuck something in the back of the stroller and had to adjust, but it never held anyone up more than a minute. I'll take their huffing and puffing about that over the alternatives.

We did, one time, wait it out at the back so as to avoid holding up the line, and we boarded a full bus with 3 active children between the ages of 2 and 6 who had no concept of standing up and holding onto a pole. The younger two repeatedly stepped on people's feet in trying to hold their balance, or fell. We also tried having one adult hang back with the stroller, which did not work well because the group became separated and it was not fun for anyone when I did not have DH there to help with the kids. So while you may resent the minute you have to wait while we fold up the stroller as the bus pulls up, it is our best choice, not only for ourselves, but for those who have to share a bus with us.
Imoh I believe in this day and age people should just be glad to be able to go to Disney. I'll be there in a few weeks and am just glad to be getting away with my family after a very stressful year! So enjoy and just breathe!
we are staying off site this year in late November. I feel the cost of a Disney resort factors in the cost of their park transportation. I don't want to pay for a crowded bus. If I rent a car I don't need to stay at Disney. The EMHs are not that attractive to us, either. I will stay on site for free dining promos at times, but I'm going to try without being on Disney property on our next trip. Our dog will be with us and it just makes more sense to be off Disney property. I can't stand the idea of boarding our dog at night; I want our dog with us, as much as possible under the circumstances.

I'm getting two rooms in our resort room, 2 TVs, a sofa, a small kitchen, a great breakfast included, and some nights have an evening reception. My cost is $88/night without tax. The resort is considered to be a 3 star. I've stayed at this chain a lot in the US and I've been very satisfied with them. I know they are better than most Disney value and moderate resorts. We're close to I-4 and I would project a 10 to 20 minute hike to the parks. I get to be in a car without anyone else intruding on my space and I never have to stand or wait. I'll take the commute and I'm happy. We will have a scooter with us. The resort offers bus shuttle service, too. They have three times in the morning to go to the parks and three times in the evening to return. I'm using this as a back-up in case hubby wants a rest.

I'll report back on my experiences, but I decided it was time to try something else. Fortunately, we do have a handicap sticker; so, this helps with Disney parking. I know you have to factor in the Disney parking fee, but this still puts me ahead of a value resort cost and I can have our dog with us. We get a good breakfast included; so, I feel one more meal will do it for us. I have certificates for all our dinner meals; except, we are doing the Candlelight Processional dinner package one night.

I feel all the walking you do to get to the Disney buses takes a toll on you, as well. Other than Hollywood Studios, the bus walks are terrible getting out of the parks. The walks to and from the resort to the buses isn't fun, either. Now, I will admit I'm not looking forward to getting to MK by car, but we are doing this park only for one day.
xipotec said:
Yea its a good time , but WDW has some work to do.
They absolutely should have offered a FP to the people who had waited 45 minutes in line already.
The fast pass we went an got after is useless for us since its in the middle of our pre paid hollywood brown derby ADR
Going to see if guest services can change it for us.
Other wise no toy story mania for us thus trip

You're kidding right? A fast pass for waiting on the bus? You clearly have the wrong expectations for Disney. Disney advises that it could take an hour or more to arrive at your destination when using WDW transportation. It doesn't usually take that long but it can. To get FP for Toy Story Mania rope drop is the best bet.
I'm a driver, so I don't ride the buses, but I do ride the tram. I love the people who get off the tram and immediately have to set up the stroller(s) and kids, on the tram side of the yellow line. So then the whole tram has to sit there and wait for them to set up and cross to the safety side of the yellow line. :sad2:
I just raked leaves for 2 1/2 hours and went grocery shopping. Your life is still better than mine at the moment, even on a crowded slow WDW bus. Try and have some fun! Hope it gets better soon.
I was surprised how many of families with strollers had no idea they had to fold them up to board the bus. So we all sit and wait while they unload from the stroller the kids and all the bits and bobs and fold up. Are there signs up in the bus stops saying strollers have to be folded??

If I see someone that looks like they may not have a clue, I usually kindly let them know.:goodvibes
1. I don't want to pay for the additional cost of an expanded Fantasyland or Avatarland, but we will.
2. You wait for the ECVs to load at the park. You wait for them to unload and reload at the various depots on the way. 20 minutes was being conservative.
Walt Disney World transportation is shared, public transportation. Anyone unhappy with this concept has the option of providing their own transportation. Staying at a resort that doesn't share buses or that has minimal depots would reduce the total length of time required to load/unload/reload one to three Guests in ECVs - for the other Guests with patience ;).

You're kidding right? A fast pass for waiting on the bus? You clearly have the wrong expectations for Disney. Disney advises that it could take an hour or more to arrive at your destination when using WDW transportation. It doesn't usually take that long but it can. To get FP for Toy Story Mania rope drop is the best bet.
No, she was referring to her other "issues" thread - about (among other things) Toy Story Midway Mania getting shut down after they'd waited in line 45 minutes and they weren't offered FastPasses. :)
I can only imagine how you all must have felt!! I have been with an ECV bound guest, and I have to was eye opening!!! Both on the buses and in the parks!!!
I truly believe that everyone should spend a few hours with someone in an ECV....I really think they would see things completely differently!!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with those looks!!!

Thank you :goodvibes It was ok, we dealt with it. The mere fact that my Mum was finally able to go to Disney (she always believed she would never go) and to watch her with a silly grin plastered on her face whilst wearing a light up tiara was priceless .... and I'm taking my parents again this year for their 42nd Wedding Anniversary :thumbsup2

I think the key to Disney is patience - the place is full of thousands of people from all different walks of life, with different stories and a different idea of what they expect out of a vacation. Also the parks themselves won't always run as smooth as we'd like, the rides are amazing feats of engineering/logistics etc so sometimes, there might be a closure. Remember that and just roll with it :)
Thank you :goodvibes It was ok, we dealt with it. The mere fact that my Mum was finally able to go to Disney (she always believed she would never go) and to watch her with a silly grin plastered on her face whilst wearing a light up tiara was priceless .... and I'm taking my parents again this year for their 42nd Wedding Anniversary :thumbsup2

I think the key to Disney is patience - the place is full of thousands of people from all different walks of life, with different stories and a different idea of what they expect out of a vacation. Also the parks themselves won't always run as smooth as we'd like, the rides are amazing feats of engineering/logistics etc so sometimes, there might be a closure. Remember that and just roll with it :)

This is exactly why I will never be too bothered when an ECV is loading and unloading. You don't know their circumstances therefor you have no room to judge. The only time I get annoyed and cranky is when I have to use the wiz palace and that's my own fault for not going sooner! ;) I'm glad your mom gets to enjoy herself!
Stuns me that folks spend thousands on wdw trips but will not pay $20/day for a rental car. Nothing could put our family at the mercy of being bussed around during vacation.
Stuns me that folks spend thousands on wdw trips but will not pay $20/day for a rental car. Nothing could put our family at the mercy of being bussed around during vacation.

Plenty of people just don't like driving. I hate it and was previously a courier who spent 10 hours a day on the road so I like it even less now; It's the last thing I want to be doing on a vacation. Other people don't want to spend the "$20" for a car when they may be on a budget or just want to spend that money on other things like food or souvenirs or even photopass.
That's a really good idea. You should email disney with it.

It is actually a really horrible idea. I know I wouldn't want to be made to feel as if I was someone who had to be kept out of the way of the "normal" people if I used an ECV. :sad2:

If Disney's transportation doesn't suit someone they are always free to not use it.
TeamBlack said:
We went in Sept, our first trip since 2003. I was taken back by how many ECV's there were. In 2003, I can remember maybe 1 a day getting on or off the bus. This trip, every bus we took had at least 1 and usually 2 ECV's. That add's 20 minutes to any bus ride with the loading and unloading. It seems like Disney need's seperate busses for ECV's, there's that many.

Fortunately, Disney adheres to the law. The ADA specifically states that you cannot separate services for the disabled, nor can you offer one service for one and not for the other.

In addition, it is not up to anyone to judge who is and is not disabled and on what level.
I do wish strollers and ECVs had separate buses, so those of us who are quicker getting on and off weren't slowed down, but hey, it's Disney and it's public transportation, so what can you do? Nothing's perfect.

I'm not gonna dog on ya like everyone else seems to be doing. I feel your pain!


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