How to help WDW make more money and make guests happier

I believe the kids meals were designed to be "easy". However, I think they fail to realize that "easy" doesn't always mean "adequate". My DD was just under the child/adult cutoff, and more often than not didn't care for what was on the kids' menu, or at least having the same thing ALL THE TIME. I spent the extra cheese (no pun intended) to make sure she was happy at mealtimes. I shouldn't have to do this, though. As a matter of fact, the DDP is something that could surely use some revamping, as we've said before.

I know it's hard to get decent workers for the low wages that the area pays, but there's got to be some way to work with this. Disney shouldn't have to settle for poor quality of employees at all.

Now for the "dirty" part of the convo. I smoke. Yes, I know. Grab your torches and pitchforks, everybody! On top of that, being in Fire/EMS, I should dang well know better. Well, I do. But hey, with my kind of job stress on top of school stress, I'm surprised I haven't started doing worse things. But, that's me. I will be quitting soon (for good this time...), when I'm out from under some of the stress. However, I smoke where I'm supposed to. Never in a house. Never around children (especially my own). And....strangely enough, I don't find myself jonesing (needing a smoke) when I'm at WDW. So, for the past 2 trips, I didn't light up even once.....I didn't even bring any with me. There's a lot to be said for pixie dust......

I'd rather not pay more for the use of FastPasses, and I hope they keep them free.
On the ME bus last time in the video I thought I heard something about BBB being for "your little Princess or Pirate" so I assumed they had something for boys there but we never saw one little pirate in our week so maybe I misheard? The most I saw were some little boys with spiked and glittered hair and that was not what I took them to mean...I was thinking pirate costume and the works...they already have some cute boy costumes like Cap'n Jack, Robin Hood, and Peter Pan, seems like they could work those into something for boys (which is what I thought they meant in the short ad I heard).

My DS had did BBB while my DN was getting everything done. While it was fun for him and not really a whole lot of $$$ I to think they should have more boy things and meals! What I really wish is if they did something more with the Cars movie. Still a nig hit in my house and now that they have a little show (in between shows) on play House Disney! With 2 boys that would get me back to Disney so much faster!
My DS had did BBB while my DN was getting everything done. While it was fun for him and not really a whole lot of $$$ I to think they should have more boy things and meals! What I really wish is if they did something more with the Cars movie. Still a nig hit in my house and now that they have a little show (in between shows) on play House Disney! With 2 boys that would get me back to Disney so much faster!

My nephews are going for the first time next week -- their picks for what they really want to do?: Legoland and seeing the Cars characters. Considering the popularity of Cars merchandise here, I too am surprised that WDW hasn't done more with the characters.
I haven't read the whole thread, so please excuse me if this has been covered, but I really wish Disney would enforce their rules. If nothing can be pulled behind, then please stop people from dragging suitcases. If smoking is only allowed in certain areas then please enforce it. If heelies are not allowed, then please support the cast members when they try to correct a problem. Why have theses rules if there is no teeth to them. I can understand a CM being reluctant to correct a problem if management will not support him or her. On the other hand, if the rules cannot be enforced, why have them? The parks would be more pleasant, and I don't think it should cost too much extra $$.
It would make me happy if they got rid of the dining plan, but I'm in the vast minority so that'll never happen.

And there won't be a choice between desserts and appetizers on the basic plan. They don't want parties ordering one of each and sharing. Takes too much time for the money.

As long as the child's dining plan costs only $10 per night, you aren't going to see the kids getting the same food as the adults.
It would make me happy if they got rid of the dining plan, but I'm in the vast minority so that'll never happen.

And there won't be a choice between desserts and appetizers on the basic plan. They don't want parties ordering one of each and sharing. Takes too much time for the money.

As long as the child's dining plan costs only $10 per night, you aren't going to see the kids getting the same food as the adults.

I would be happy if they got rid of the dining plan too, since as you say it mucks up the menus for everybody else -- no way they're going to offer a kids' meal that is worth more than $7.49

I also have to wonder whether all those people would do a TS every day if they hadn't already spent the money. Some people would do TS for every meal, of course, but I think there would be more chance of everybody getting the ADRs they want if people didn't "have to" get them.

We also noticed that the dining plan caused a lot of extra time waiting at CS restaurants -- all those people who had to order drinks and desserts in addition to the entrees. Many times, I witnessed parents telling their older kids that they had to have a meal and they had to choose a drink and a dessert. It beats me how people are saving money over just eating the way they normally would if at home.
I also have to wonder whether all those people would do a TS every day if they hadn't already spent the money. Some people would do TS for every meal, of course, but I think there would be more chance of everybody getting the ADRs they want if people didn't "have to" get them.

I'm sure a lot of people would do fewer TS without the dining plan because they'd be more worried over the food budget. I know we fall into that category. We do the deluxe plan and we love it, but if we had to instead budget for the same number of OOP meals? The sticker shock alone would change our eating habits. We love the plan for the same reason we enjoy all-inclusive resorts - we don't have to think if we really want that appetizer $15 dollars worth or if we really want a smoothie instead of water.

We don't do the plan to save money. We do it to avoid thinking about money when making our dining decisions. Its vacation, and I don't want to eat the way we would at home!
Since this is more of a 'What if' type thread for fun discussion, I'll be moving this over to the Themeparks community board.


I would be happy if they got rid of the dining plan too, since as you say it mucks up the menus for everybody else -- no way they're going to offer a kids' meal that is worth more than $7.49

It beats me how people are saving money over just eating the way they normally would if at home.

They aren't saving money. If they were, Disney would be losing money and that just doesn't happen. I'm with you - get rid of the dining plan; give the restaurants more control and we'll all be better off for it.


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