"I could care less about Disney" she said.....until she went once!

Hi Rebbeca!

I love your pics. Your family is lovely. My heart goes out to you. I'll keep your DB and your family in my prayers. It is a stark reminder to us non-military families of the sacrifices made by all those in uniform along with their families on our behalf.

I do have to say,you are ahead of me. I still haven't figured out how to post pictures. My daughter had reduction surgery in Aug. 2009. She said it was the best thing she could have done.

I hope some pixie dust finds you this week.:tinker:
I want to thank you all for your support from the bottom of my heart. It is nice to be able to share my story with those who will not judge. My brother doesnt want anyone here to know because he is afraid of being judged! At least I have people to talk to that will more than likely never meet him.

kmpprg, it is so funny that you said about liking me already. I think the freckles give off a friendly vibe but oh my, if you only knew the Pinky and the Brain, World Domination thoughts that go through my head....:rotfl2::rotfl2:

As far as my surgery goes, yes it was painful, I was very dore and still am. Its been 3 weeks and the recovery is tough with a 3 year old here! I can already tell that is is by far the best decision I have ever made though.

Shadow, I have never been bothered by what people say about our military before. It is a life that many people choose to do and 90% of them believe in what they are doing. It wasn't until my brother was over there that some of the popular radio hosts and other famous people started downing the military that it began to bother me. Even though my brother feels bad for some of the things that happened, he still believes in what he did and why he was there. He will never speak bad about our military and I am greatful for the job he has done. No matter the branch or the job I believe in my heart that all of the Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Seamen and Coasties are paving the way for my own children to lead a good life. Ok, I know that politics are a major no-no on public forums so Ill stop there, Just know that I am very proud to be A Navy Brat, A Soldiers sister and an Airforce Wife!

And about how to post Pics........It took a Moderator to dumb down the process for me. Ill see if I still have what was sent to me and Ill forward it to you!
Hey guys, here are some random pics of my people!

This is my son just after his first surgery. He was swollen real bad and his eyes were swollen shut:

This is about 1 week post op. Here is his "horseshoe" scar:

He is such a trooper. He was 3 months old in the above pictures!
Here is my Kat on her 5th Birthday....this was 3 years ago. I cant believe she's almost 8 now:

Here is my Brother on the day he left for Iraq. He is on the left and Eddie (the one that came to help him) is on the right:

And here he is with my kids the day he left! He is known as T.T. in our family. Kat started calling him that when she was 2 and it stuck!

And here is one more of Aj for good measure! He was just over 1 year old:
It kills me to see a baby like that, but I'm SO happy he is ok!

Looking forward to more of your report.
It kills me to see a baby like that, but I'm SO happy he is ok!

Looking forward to more of your report.

It killed us too. The weird thing is that he was so swollen we almost didn't recognize him. After they woke him up he was fine! I think he cried once while he was in the hospital that time. He was great. They kept him on Morphine for a while though. Right now he has to take big kid Tylenol because he has such a high tolerance for meds. We also have to watch him because he can really hurt himself but since he has a high tolerance for pain, he doesnt cry about it. Ill post some pictures from his "Bolt" surgery that he had last June. He was so happy and they brought him a real stethescope (sp?). It made his day to be Dr. Andy!
Also, in some of our pictures you might get to see a Cabbage PAtch kid. It is a bald little boy that we had specially made for AJ. His name is Andy and he has matching scars. After his first surgery we contacted the CPK company and explained our situation. They custom made a baby for him and even painted on the first set of scars. They sent us some of the paint that they used so each time Aj has surgery Andy can have surgery too. I think it has been a great thing for him to have!
I have both of the kids in bed so I am going to try to do Day 2 of our first trip......Please don't hate me for what I am about to say........This part is Anti-Animal-Kingdom :confused3:confused3

So day 2 started early. We woke up and realized that this was going to be a BAD day! Aj wouldnt leave his Blankie. Aj has been known as Linus since he was about 1. He has this Nemo blanket that used to go EVERYWHERE with us. We got him to leave it in the room on day 1. As hot as it was I didnt want the kid overheating. I should have seen the sign that day 2 was meant to be spent in the room! We got ready to go and gave in with the binkie and blankie. We got to AK and it was Hotter than a McDonalds deep fryer. We rode the safari and I was not impressed. After all I had heard I thought it would have been better! With the exception of EE I feel like AK is a glorified zoo! I have a local zoo here and have had more fun and seen more animals there. My kids didn't like it either in fact, DD7 asked if we can skip it for our next trip! Pitiful!!! I believe I spent about 4 hours there and gave up. Aj was being a pain and wouldnt let the blanket go so he was SWEATY. He was miserable and I felt bad for him. After EE, I decided that it was time to leave. I grabbed him up and we made our way back to the bus. After a horrible trip to the bus and on the bus and through the resort we decided to cool off in the pool. Aj is a swimmer, he LOVES being under the water. We spent about 20 minutes in the pool and headed in for a nap.

This is what a very tired Linus looks like:

So a few hours later everyone else came back and rested. We all got ready to go and headed over to Epcot. I was in love the minute I walked in! Within an hour though Tropical Storm Faye decided it was time to make her appearance. It got nasty out and we gave up pretty early. We headed back to the room and ordered Pizza!

Up next.....Faye, Faye and OMG, Faye stalled over Orlando!

I am so sorry about your brother. :hug: I hope you can get some help for him. :hug:

On a different note, I didn't realize when you were saying you went on the first trip - I was stuck in Faye, too! See my "And the rain, rain, rain" trip report in my signature - the subtitle is "Oy, Faye!" :rotfl2: (Frankly, I was fine with it. ;) I was very scared of going in August in the first place, but the rain kept the scary heat away, and you have to admit that crowds were low!:rotfl:)
I am so sorry about your brother. :hug: I hope you can get some help for him. :hug:

On a different note, I didn't realize when you were saying you went on the first trip - I was stuck in Faye, too! See my "And the rain, rain, rain" trip report in my signature - the subtitle is "Oy, Faye!" :rotfl2: (Frankly, I was fine with it. ;) I was very scared of going in August in the first place, but the rain kept the scary heat away, and you have to admit that crowds were low!:rotfl:)

The crowds were great for the most part. We had our first 2 days where we dealt with them but living so close to Busch Gardens we figured we would have to wait. It wasnt so much hot as it was muggy! It was that muggy heat that makes you sweat within minutes of walking outside even if you dont feel hot! We just couldn't believe that she stalled right there, talk about a bad place to stop and hang out! We were actually at Epcot one night when the wind was really bad. They decided that it was safe to go on with the fireworks and there were fireworks flying out into the crowd! I got hit in my eye and OMG it was painful! We stopped on our way out with a group of people that had been hit and the CM looked at us like we were stupid. It was crazy! Never again will I be anywhere near fireworks when it's windy!
Hey everyone! Just a quick update. I promise you that things in my life are not usually chaotic as they seem......But we have a new issue to stress about. Aj is sick. When this kid gets sick, he gets SICK.:sick: It is rare. He is usually a very healthy boy. He had H1N1, traditional flu type B and bronchitis at the same time in October....it was a mess! This time he is running a low grade fever, runny nose and a leaky tush. He is miserable. The really bad thing is that when he gets sick he goes after people. He gets very angry. He isn't a cuddler so it is hard to console him.

On a different note, Saturday we went to a loca place we have here. The Bluebird Gap Farm. It is a farm run by the city. It is free to go and they have all type of animals as well as a giant playground. Katarina was a little bored with it but she enjoyed the horses. Aj LOVED it. He had a 15 minute conversation with a turkey. She started "talking" to him and he started to talk to her in his own language. It was very cute. As soon as I get my camera charged I will post pics!

Some more of the past trip to come......maybe during naptime today!
I just noticed you started a PTR. I'm just posting so I can find it later when I start reading.

Thanks for joining in Megan! It turns out my goal for this PTR is to create the most boring thread in history! I just keep running out of time to do proper updates :scared1::scared1::scared1:
Hey Rebecca! I am caught up now. I have a co-worker who had the same problem with her DD when she was born. SHe is doing well now.

I also want to reiterate the gratitude I have for DH and DB for their service to our nation. I am glad to hear that your DH is doing fine now. I'm also glad to hear that DB checked himself in to be monitored. I hope something works out for him on having a place to stay.

You recap of the trip is going well. I'm sad to hear you didn't enjoy your day at AK. It is one of our favorites, so I am always hoping people like it just as much as we do. Everyone has different likes/dislikes.

I look forward to hearing more!
Hey Rebecca! I am caught up now. I have a co-worker who had the same problem with her DD when she was born. SHe is doing well now.

I also want to reiterate the gratitude I have for DH and DB for their service to our nation. I am glad to hear that your DH is doing fine now. I'm also glad to hear that DB checked himself in to be monitored. I hope something works out for him on having a place to stay.

You recap of the trip is going well. I'm sad to hear you didn't enjoy your day at AK. It is one of our favorites, so I am always hoping people like it just as much as we do. Everyone has different likes/dislikes.

I look forward to hearing more!

Hi Megan!
Most kids who are born with Cranio only need 1 surgery and suffer little to no brain damage. He was such a sever case though. It is very rare to have multiple surgeries for his condition. We are lucky in the fact that the social delays and the speech delays are the only real damage that has come from this. We were told in the begining that he was so bad off that mental retardation was something we had to prepare for. They also didnt think he would walk. We are greatful that we didn't have to face the worse case senario!

My brother is doing ok now. They got him on new meds and they are finally giving him the help he needs. The VA hospital is the only facet of the military that I don't like. I understand that there are alot of people to help but noone should ever be turned away. I am a bit disappointed that the new healthcare bill wont help out with this either. Some of these guys are coming home with the same issues that our soldiers in Vietnam came home with. I hope that my brother gets better soon. As sad as it is, it took the scare we had to get him the help he needs. I just hope that we never have to do it again. I also found out that My step-dad (brothers dad) has a history of suicide with the men in his family. His dad and his dad's dad comitted suicide so this is something we have to watch out for with my brother. I love my brother to death and I want to see him happy again!

We are still gonna go to AK this time around. Maybe our feelings will change. It just might have too hot and too miserable last time to really enjoy it.
Made it through the whole thing...Phew...

Just wanted to let you know I'm signing on, Sweetie!
I finally caught up but WOW...WOW...and more WOW. Glad to hear you DH is doing well but your DB...Yikes!!!! I wish everything works out for your DB.
Signing on... Looks like we are going the exact same dates, and also staying at Pop... We are leaving our kids at home this trip though... :cool1:
Made it through the whole thing...Phew...

Just wanted to let you know I'm signing on, Sweetie!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Rebecca!!!!!

I finally caught up but WOW...WOW...and more WOW. Glad to hear you DH is doing well but your DB...Yikes!!!! I wish everything works out for your DB.

Thanks TopDog, it's been a rough few weeks here. The official news on my brother is coming in my next post!

Signing on... Looks like we are going the exact same dates, and also staying at Pop... We are leaving our kids at home this trip though... :cool1:

So if you are leaving your kids does that mean that you want to babysit mine?!?!?! :rotfl::rotfl:
Ok so, here is a little after the fact info from everything with my brother!

After he was discharged from the VA they told him that they want him on Anti-Depressants as well as sleeping pills. They put him on a new combo and he seems to be in better spirits. He is finally sleeping so that is good. He never went back to his apartment after that night. There was 4 of them living in a 3 bedroom apartment. His girlfriend (AKA psycho #&*@(# that I Would like to knock out) told him that even though he was on the lease and all of his stuff was there that he wasn't allowed in the apartment! She locked him out and wouldnt even let him in the bedroom to get his stuff!!!!!!! She told him that because of what he had done her career was being called into question.....ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I have never wanted to hurt someone so much. She said that he had ruined her chances of getting into the FBI.....dude, shes like 12 years old and JUST graduated the police academy....so, he was finally able to get his stuff and has been crashing on my moms couch. We found out why his friend had called the police that night as well. It turns out that he had witnessed his own mothers suicide and was freaked out. We have all forgiven him since then. It must have been hard for him to be a cop and have rules to follow and to have this happen to your best friend. It was a crazy night all together.

My brother is still a lost soul and it trying to figure his life out. His C/O called him last week and asked him if he wanted to volunteer for another tour in Iraq......yes, really....that happened. My brother said that he wasnt sure but I quickly told him that he didnt. He is looking into other careers right now and hopefully he will find something that is safe and a perfect fit for him.

On to other news, My DS (3) has finally gotten an appointment to be evaluated by the school. If all goes well he will start school by the end of the month. They believe he will be in 1/2 days. Part of his therapy will be speech and the other part will be "social". He seems to be "getting it" right now though. We went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg yesterday and he road the bumper cars and he spent the rest of the day saying "Bum-Pah Caws". He is really trying!!! He had a seizure at the park yesterday and hit the concrete pretty hard. He tries to be a big guy and not be in the stroller but these happen without warning. He got up after and we got him a slushie and everything was fine! No bumps or bruises! All in all it was a great day. Of course at dinner it went downhill.........We are a very close family and after being together all day long it hit the fan. It isnt a family holiday withougt arguments!!!!! Thats how we roll :lmao::lmao:

It is my goal to get a bit more from our last trip posted tomorrow, lets see if it happens!



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