iDisney/iPod icons! *Mods please close*

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Master Gracy - Sorry I overlooked you, I'm working on yours as well. I'm having difficulty finding a workable picture of Cruella though...

jasonpwns - I'll see if I can find a good image.

jmdude - I already did one earlier in the thread

And here are the recolors people wanted (did them first cause they're easiest) -
Icon delivery!

Master Gracy -

LuNaReVe -
(couldn't find a good picture of a pancake, and I figured they're circles anyway, so... I used a circle)

JasonPwns (thanks for providing an image that was easy to use!) -

If I missed anyone, please let me know! I'm only human, afterall. :)
Mr.whiskers and tarzan? also what is a ulr i want to put it as a avatar but it will not work i copy and past it then i do not know what to do with top box
can u make me a
jack sparrow one saying i amthepirate
a will turner one saying iwill
a elizabeth swan saying i liz
jmdude - Huh? I don't know what you're saying.

marcm - I already made a Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann one, look through the thread for those. Find me an image for Will Turner.
Could I please have a i50th icon? I would like it to show the 50 if you can, with a green background. Thanks!
jmdude -
Peacefully said:
What you do is you click on it with your right mouse button, click save image as... and save it to your computer in a place you can find it. Then you'd go to User CP (at the top of the forum), edit avatar (on the left side of the screen), go down to the bottom where it says "use custom avatar", click that, and then the button that says "browse...", then you find the file you saved to your computer and choose that. Then you click save changes. Then it's your new avatar! :)

Jackoman - what are you talking about? Like what image?
moikturtle said:
I know her personally and I can assure you that she made them all. She's one of the best icon makers on LiveJournal and has actually made NUMEROUS LJ icons for me personally.

If the icons you saw on a site look exactly like her's, then the site stole them from her. She gets tons of people stealing her icons all the time and never crediting her. The thing is, she has the ability to make fantastic icons on her own, so why would she bother stealing them?
I would, perhaps watermark them, like they do on webshots and other photography sites.
milkabum said:
I would, perhaps watermark them, like they do on webshots and other photography sites.

It's really not that important. So some people steal some icons and claim they made them, so what? It just stressed me out worrying over it.

The problem with watermarks is that I made these for people to use. To download and use on their own. And who wants an icon with a watermark on it?

Anyway, I think I've proven repeatedly throughout this thread that I did, indeed, make these. Since I filled requests using images provided and if I stole them from someone else that wouldn't be possible.
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