"I'M STUCK IN DISNEY!!!!!!!!" A Delightfully Unliveable TR ~ NEW TR 9/27!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Lia :wave2:

as always your reports fill me with happiness and contentment especially during dreary work hours when all I wish I was doing was hanging out at Epcot, pin trading, eating School Bread and riding Mission Space for the eleventy billionth time in a row.

T-23 days!! OMG!!!!

I am so dang excited for September 28 to just hurry up and get here!! I plan on looking at my watch A TON during our trip because if you look at your watch a lot, it slows down time, especially in Disney World :lmao:

I can't wait for your next update on this report and for the start of your new one!! Oh and while you didn't go into details on the new and exciting things that are going on in your life right now I just wanted to tell you congrats and I'm glad that your life is a little more sparkly than it was before pixiedust:
We bought into Leave A Legacy in 2007. We have been to Disney 12 times since then. I make my family (DW, DS 13, DD 9, and myself) visit it every time that we are at Epcot. It has become sort of a tradition, albeit a reluctant tradition for the rest of my family, but a tradition nonetheless. We even race to see who could find it first. I love it. I hope my children will look for it with their kids and tell them how grandpa made them do this every time we were there. I am leaving a legacy.

I wish I would have bought a brick outside of MK. When we were staying at BLT, we adopted a brick and would look for it every morning. How sick is that. I thought of even maybe doing some research (google) on the name and trying to come up with some sort of backstory. I never did.

If you don't think that it is too creepy, you should give out the location of yours, so some fellow disers could check it out. Never mind. That is too creepy (in a stalking kind of way).
Lia I am 36 and sometimes when I look back on my 20's I still cringe. My 20's were some of the most tumultuous times in my life. I went through a lot of crappy stuff and am happy to say it gets way better! Things didn't even out for me until I hit 28 really. My DD9 was definitely the best thing to come out of that decade but lets just say going through all of the stuff I went through really makes me appreciate all the great things that have happened since then! I was meant to go through some of those things and they taught me very valuable life lessons and still shape the ways I make some decisions in the present including how I will or will not let people treat me. I'm so happy that things are looking up for you. :hug:

I love that you found your "Leave a Legacy" tile. How awesome is that? What a memory for you to look back on every time you pass through EPCOT. I hope they keep those as well. It would be so nice to show your little Lia's or Leo's someday ;)
That is so awesome about the leave a legacy!! I've never heard of this before....do they still do it?? Something I will need to check into!!

So I have a request if you don't mind answering.....what are your top 5/10 items at the F&W Festival (other than cheddar cheese soup & mushroom filet that I know is No. 1:). We are going this year (only for a day) and everything looks sooo good! I've made a tentative plan of what I would like to get but would really like your suggestions !!!!
That's so neat that you ran into the German CM again! I've never seen the ducks in MouseGear either. The one on the far right reminded me of Gyro Gearloose from DuckTales! And I would totally have voted for the Epcot Ball Pumpkin to win.

You were an adorable little ten year old. My Disney BFF and her mom did the Leave a Legacy thing, too. I'll admit, I'm one of those people who believes they're kind of ugly up close, but they're also so special. DBFF insisted on showing me their tile when we went to Disney one year after her mom had died. Very emotional. I do hope it's still there for both of you to someday show your kids that you're (forever) part of Disney.
Aww I love that you had such a magical Halloween!

I hate the disney depression that sets in when its time to leave. I like to just run like crazy that last day so I forget all about it :)
I really have to admit that your "option 4" goes through my head each and every trip. No lie.

YAY School Bread. I know it's been a somewhat popular item in the Disney Universe, but it was indeed the little Frump's school bread passion that got me to try it last October. And the result is that it is now officially on the "Must Do Disney" list each and every trip. And this is coming from someone who is decidedly not a coconut fan.

"Experimental Pumpkin Carving of Tomorrow." That is FREAKING GENIUS!!!!

Are there really people who think the Leave a Legacy is ugly? Like, I don't have any photo there or anything (though I wish I did), but frankly I think it's absolutely beautiful. I really wish I could get one done. OMG, I teared up a bit thinking about it. What a wonderful memory for you. :goodvibes
Yay! I'm so glad you loooooved school bread! I also don't like most things with coconut shavings on top, but school bread just wouldn't be complete without it!

That's so cool that your family did the Leave a Legacy thing! I wanted to do it, but all of my trips in the early 2000s were with my high school marching band, and there's so way I could have convinced my friends to do it with me (although looking back, that would have been super cool!). But yeah, you and your mom are super cute in all of your Y2K fashion glory! :thumbsup2
Wow, what a great last night! Honestly, the best last nights are the ones where you can just sit back and appreciate you're in Disney, which is exactly what you did and it seemed to turn out perfect. And I'm glad to hear life is starting to change for the better for you. I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a good year for a lot of people. :thumbsup2

Yay for EPCOT and the Food & Wine Festival! The German dish looks so delicious! And I mean, that pretzel bread, my goodness! I need to get on booking that first Le Cellier reservation one of these days so I can finally try it. Schoolbread, too! I'm gonna do the Frumps proud on my next trip, that's for sure. And make more of my days in EPCOT :teeth:

Love that fountain in France! So pretty! I wish I still had the pictures I took of it on my second trip. Next trip, it's getting a whole photoshoot magazine spread style! For reals. And now that I know it has such a nice view for IllumiNations, probably going to be hanging around there for awhile ::yes::

BUNNY! So presh! And I completely agree about the Imagination pavilion. Always looking amazing. I hope my worst fears about it won't come true before I can get back to it. Let's just say there will be a lot of praying to the Disney gods during these next ten months, for sure.

Haha, that is so hysterical! I'm not entirely aware of the insanity on "Mission: Sinise", but I can imagine. Maybe I'll build up enough courage to try it this next trip. And yeah, that is so awesome how those guys did that for their friend and they got an even better trip in return. What goes around comes around is so true here in a nicer sense.

It is so sad when you realize you have to leave Disney the next day on your last full day but to realize that at a time where a trip went on forever... I can't even imagine. But at least you found ways to counteract that suddenly miserable feeling. I totally agree about the pumpkins like... how did the least intricate pumpkin and the one with the least amount of work win? Between the Jack and Sally One, the Sorcerer Mickey One and the Spaceship Earth won... how did that come out on top? Weird.

Awww, what a precious photo of you and your mom! I wish I had been in Disney during the Millenium Celebration and have gotten a Leave A Legacy. The Disney Vacation Planning DVD I own is actually from that period so for years I thought that was still going :laughing: Little did I know, but it's so great how you can look at that and know some piece of you is always in Disney. That you've made your stamp on your favorite place in the World. Truly, a wonderful last image from this trip for you! Got choked up there for a moment.

WAIT. This means this TR is ending now. :( Well, I'm excited for your full documenting of #BirthdayFestivus and hearing your last thoughts on this trip so... I guess that's not all bad. Can't wait to read the rest of this trip report! :mickeyjum <<< Trust me, he's having mixed emotions about this too.
Great update!


Well, the third night of MNSSHP did me in...I just modified my reservation so I'll be there a day early for the party on Sept 27!! You even convinced me that I need to costume it up.... now I'm all excited. I'll be there Sept 27th for the Party and leave in the evening on the 29th if anyone else reading along will be there and wants to meet up for a glass of wine somewhere.

Haha wow SO many people have booked MNSSHP cause of this TR! I swear, it's crazy. Well I am so happy for you and I hope you have a magnificently spooky time!

ok, ok...so here I am at work...with tears in my eyes as we come to the end of the WDW part of your TR...
Admittedly, there are many times during your many TR's that tears come to my eyes, but IDK, this feels different for some reason.
This trip seemed just different to read, even more special, more magical, more infused with happiness and laughter and pixie dust. And cupcakes and yumminess too!
Or...maybe it's because DH and I are now 86 days out from our trip and reading your TR, imagining all the fun we'll have and special times, makes me just so unbearably excited!
I don't comment much on your TRs because to be honest, they leave me speechless (in a good way of course) and also because my comments would be very long commenting on everything that I want to, because your writing is so freaking fantastic. (Seriously, out of all the TR's I've read here on the DIS and another board, yours are my all-time favorite!)

Aww! Tears in your eyes? My. I didn't think so many people would be so emotionally affected, it's so sweet!

Thank you SO much. :hug:

86 days... WOW. Before you know it you will be standing under the castle!

Thank you thank you thank you and again: Thank you! You are beyond kind! I'm so happy you enjoy them so much. I will try to keep the quality up for #BirthdayFestivus13. :D

Hi Lia

as always your reports fill me with happiness and contentment especially during dreary work hours when all I wish I was doing was hanging out at Epcot, pin trading, eating School Bread and riding Mission Space for the eleventy billionth time in a row.

T-23 days!! OMG!!!!

I am so dang excited for September 28 to just hurry up and get here!! I plan on looking at my watch A TON during our trip because if you look at your watch a lot, it slows down time, especially in Disney World :lmao:

I can't wait for your next update on this report and for the start of your new one!! Oh and while you didn't go into details on the new and exciting things that are going on in your life right now I just wanted to tell you congrats and I'm glad that your life is a little more sparkly than it was before.


Aww, that's so good to hear. When I had an office job I was all over the Dis all the time so I know what you mean!

Your trip is SO soon! Ahhhhh the anticipation! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to hear all about it!

Thank you so much. It is definitely a lot sparklier and it will be getting even more so! (I hope!) pixiedust:

We bought into Leave A Legacy in 2007. We have been to Disney 12 times since then. I make my family (DW, DS 13, DD 9, and myself) visit it every time that we are at Epcot. It has become sort of a tradition, albeit a reluctant tradition for the rest of my family, but a tradition nonetheless. We even race to see who could find it first. I love it. I hope my children will look for it with their kids and tell them how grandpa made them do this every time we were there. I am leaving a legacy.

I wish I would have bought a brick outside of MK. When we were staying at BLT, we adopted a brick and would look for it every morning. How sick is that. I thought of even maybe doing some research (google) on the name and trying to come up with some sort of backstory. I never did.

If you don't think that it is too creepy, you should give out the location of yours, so some fellow disers could check it out. Never mind. That is too creepy (in a stalking kind of way).

That's awesome!! I would make my family go back and look at it every time too. It's a fantastic tradition and I hope it remains there forever!

I also wish I had a brick outside of MK! If they ever do something like that again, I will definitely want to buy one!

Hey... I don't care if people stalk my Leave a Legacy tile... that'll distract them from stalking ME which is good! :lmao:

Lia I am 36 and sometimes when I look back on my 20's I still cringe. My 20's were some of the most tumultuous times in my life. I went through a lot of crappy stuff and am happy to say it gets way better! Things didn't even out for me until I hit 28 really. My DD9 was definitely the best thing to come out of that decade but lets just say going through all of the stuff I went through really makes me appreciate all the great things that have happened since then! I was meant to go through some of those things and they taught me very valuable life lessons and still shape the ways I make some decisions in the present including how I will or will not let people treat me. I'm so happy that things are looking up for you. :hug:

I love that you found your "Leave a Legacy" tile. How awesome is that? What a memory for you to look back on every time you pass through EPCOT. I hope they keep those as well. It would be so nice to show your little Lia's or Leo's someday ;)

Aww, thanks. I love hearing about other people's life experience, it's one of the most interesting things to me! Which is why a lot of people probably think I'm creepy cause I meet them and I ask a book of questions about their life. :lmao: oops. But yeah, a lot of people tell me your 20's are the worst. My teen years as a whole were very unusual (Seriously, I don't know why I haven't written a book about them yet) and I never anticipated this but when I turned 20 everything just went so awry and the past 3 years or so have been, to be dramatic, like hell. So this is the first time in years that I feel better in this specific sense, in the way that's been bugging me all this time. Sorry for being vague but as much as I like asking questions I'm not as fond of sharing, but yeah, thank you. :hug:

If you're referencing the fact that I'll probably marry Leonardo DiCaprio and we'll have a son named Leo JR, you're exactly right. :rotfl: I mean... Taylor Hanson is my man but it's good to know that if that doesn't workout I have a back-up. :laughing:

That is so awesome about the leave a legacy!! I've never heard of this before....do they still do it?? Something I will need to check into!!

So I have a request if you don't mind answering.....what are your top 5/10 items at the F&W Festival (other than cheddar cheese soup & mushroom filet that I know is No. 1:). We are going this year (only for a day) and everything looks sooo good! I've made a tentative plan of what I would like to get but would really like your suggestions !!!!

I don't think they still do it but I could be wrong. Someone above commented that he bought a tile in 2007, and I had no idea they even did it past like, 2002. So you never know!

The mushroom filet would actually not be #1 on my list because I am not fond of mushrooms. It all depends on your taste. I would say go back in this TR and any time I posted about F&W, read my comments on the food and decide then if you want it to be in YOUR top 10. Like, I also don't enjoy seafood so I wouldn't put that on my personal list but then you'd miss out on it, you know? Cheddar Cheese Soup is absolutely #1, though. The undisputed champ!!

What I would suggest is going through the menus and selecting the top 10 of what sounds the best to you. you can also search for pics of the food that's been around in previous years and that will help you decide. As for the new food, once the festival begins there will be plenty of photos of that too. The Disney Food Blog usually has the best info. Definitely plan ahead on what you want to eat the most because you will get full faster than you'd like and it's prudent to eat your "must eats" first! Have a great time!!! :D

That's so neat that you ran into the German CM again! I've never seen the ducks in MouseGear either. The one on the far right reminded me of Gyro Gearloose from DuckTales! And I would totally have voted for the Epcot Ball Pumpkin to win.

You were an adorable little ten year old. My Disney BFF and her mom did the Leave a Legacy thing, too. I'll admit, I'm one of those people who believes they're kind of ugly up close, but they're also so special. DBFF insisted on showing me their tile when we went to Disney one year after her mom had died. Very emotional. I do hope it's still there for both of you to someday show your kids that you're (forever) part of Disney.

Well, he told me he was working on Halloween, so it was really more like I specifically went there and found him cause I'm a hot foreign CM stalker as opposed to running into him. :lmao:

Aww thank you! Wow, how wonderful that your BFF has that tile there to cherish for years to come.

Aww I love that you had such a magical Halloween!

I hate the disney depression that sets in when its time to leave. I like to just run like crazy that last day so I forget all about it :)

Ugh I know. That's why I'm so glad I didn't even feel it til it got later into the night.

I really have to admit that your "option 4" goes through my head each and every trip. No lie.

YAY School Bread. I know it's been a somewhat popular item in the Disney Universe, but it was indeed the little Frump's school bread passion that got me to try it last October. And the result is that it is now officially on the "Must Do Disney" list each and every trip. And this is coming from someone who is decidedly not a coconut fan.

"Experimental Pumpkin Carving of Tomorrow." That is FREAKING GENIUS!!!!

Are there really people who think the Leave a Legacy is ugly? Like, I don't have any photo there or anything (though I wish I did), but frankly I think it's absolutely beautiful. I really wish I could get one done. OMG, I teared up a bit thinking about it. What a wonderful memory for you. :goodvibes

Same here!

Haha, the little Frump. :laughing: You hear that, Kristen? You're an influence on us all!

I know, right?! I have to admit I will be copying it when I carve a pumpkin this year!

Yes there are many people on the boards & twitter who complain about it! In general there are a ton of Epcot purists who get mad at everything they change, I swear. I understand that and I myself don't like some stuff changing but they get so rude about it. It's like, I'm sorry I wasn't at Epcot in the 80's but that doesn't mean I don't love it just as much as you do so please stop telling me I don't understand the magic of Horizons. I don't know what to tell you, things change, life moves on. hahaha

Yay! I'm so glad you loooooved school bread! I also don't like most things with coconut shavings on top, but school bread just wouldn't be complete without it!

That's so cool that your family did the Leave a Legacy thing! I wanted to do it, but all of my trips in the early 2000s were with my high school marching band, and there's so way I could have convinced my friends to do it with me (although looking back, that would have been super cool!). But yeah, you and your mom are super cute in all of your Y2K fashion glory! :thumbsup2

Very true! I will definitely be having at LEAST one School Bread per trip for the rest of my life.

Wow, what a great last night! Honestly, the best last nights are the ones where you can just sit back and appreciate you're in Disney, which is exactly what you did and it seemed to turn out perfect. And I'm glad to hear life is starting to change for the better for you. I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a good year for a lot of people. :thumbsup2

Yay for EPCOT and the Food & Wine Festival! The German dish looks so delicious! And I mean, that pretzel bread, my goodness! I need to get on booking that first Le Cellier reservation one of these days so I can finally try it. Schoolbread, too! I'm gonna do the Frumps proud on my next trip, that's for sure. And make more of my days in EPCOT :teeth:

Love that fountain in France! So pretty! I wish I still had the pictures I took of it on my second trip. Next trip, it's getting a whole photoshoot magazine spread style! For reals. And now that I know it has such a nice view for IllumiNations, probably going to be hanging around there for awhile ::yes::

BUNNY! So presh! And I completely agree about the Imagination pavilion. Always looking amazing. I hope my worst fears about it won't come true before I can get back to it. Let's just say there will be a lot of praying to the Disney gods during these next ten months, for sure.

Haha, that is so hysterical! I'm not entirely aware of the insanity on "Mission: Sinise", but I can imagine. Maybe I'll build up enough courage to try it this next trip. And yeah, that is so awesome how those guys did that for their friend and they got an even better trip in return. What goes around comes around is so true here in a nicer sense.

It is so sad when you realize you have to leave Disney the next day on your last full day but to realize that at a time where a trip went on forever... I can't even imagine. But at least you found ways to counteract that suddenly miserable feeling. I totally agree about the pumpkins like... how did the least intricate pumpkin and the one with the least amount of work win? Between the Jack and Sally One, the Sorcerer Mickey One and the Spaceship Earth won... how did that come out on top? Weird.

Awww, what a precious photo of you and your mom! I wish I had been in Disney during the Millenium Celebration and have gotten a Leave A Legacy. The Disney Vacation Planning DVD I own is actually from that period so for years I thought that was still going :laughing: Little did I know, but it's so great how you can look at that and know some piece of you is always in Disney. That you've made your stamp on your favorite place in the World. Truly, a wonderful last image from this trip for you! Got choked up there for a moment.

WAIT. This means this TR is ending now. :( Well, I'm excited for your full documenting of #BirthdayFestivus and hearing your last thoughts on this trip so... I guess that's not all bad. Can't wait to read the rest of this trip report! :mickeyjum <<< Trust me, he's having mixed emotions about this too.

Aww, thank you! I sure hope so.

The pretzel bread :love:

The fountain actually doesn't have the *best* view of Illuminations b/c there is a tree blocking the full view. I just didn't care bc I've seen it so many times and I wanted an uncrowded place to sit and relax. I suggest either standing by the crepe stand in France or on the bridge between UK and France to watch it. :thumbsup2

What are your worst fears? Cause I hear Figment is still gonna be involved which eased a lot of people's minds. Truth be told I am kind of open to the change. My favorite thing that I ever saw it that pavilion was Honey I Shrunk the Audience, LOL. I'm kinda sad that's now gone forever.

I hope you go on Mission: Sinise! It's a blast... literally. :lmao: Wasn't that story amazing?! I love those guys. What great friends.

Yeah, I was so lucky on this trip that I literally had time in Disney in which I didn't know WHEN I was leaving! There was no counting down to the last day b/c I didn't know what that day was. So I just had to realize that and cheer up a bit.

Aww thanks. Yeah I am so happy my parents decided to get us those tiles and I will go back and look at it forever! I'm so happy that is what ended the trip. It was pretty perfect!

Oh trust me, the documenting of #BirthdayFestivus13 is gonna be beyond epic. That report... I can't even imagine how long it's going to be. Whew.
Yay! Updates!


Hey Lia - are you on the HITZ R US message board at all? Someone posted your pic with Isaac from the other night in the Anthem Tour thread. I was scrolling through and was like HEYYY! Here's the link, you might have to login first before you can view it though. :rotfl:

hahaha, I stay away from that place but someone already told me it's being spread around. Oh I love Ike.
Oh Hanson. I'm trying to convince someone that I NEED to see my favorite boys in my favorite place, but it's going to take a lot of work. :) loved your Instagram pics. I swear, they get cuter & cuter.

Ugh, all the food! Food & wine looks just oh so amazing. Seriously though what is with that German brat?? That is much too large for that roll & hello, pretzel rolls need to be savored.

I wish I knew what the cute German boy looked like! I might have seen him over the weekend. Usually I drool over the British boys but I found myself in Germany quite a bit longer than I usually am. Um, adorable!!

I never thought about it, but sitting by the fountain in France watching illuminations sounds pretty nice. Very laid back. Good choice!

I'd be moping around Mousegears too. I'm right there with ya. At least you discovered some disney details, which is always good. :)
So... My cousin and I were talking about your trip report this weekend. One, because it is epic and she needed to know about it. She has never been to WDW. And two, we were both obsessed with Hanson while growing up. We are from Oklahoma and swore that if we could just make it to Tulsa, they would see us and fall in love and we would live happily ever after. That obviously didn't happen and our love for them is not nearly what it used to be but we love seeing them in pics and hearing their new songs. I showed her your Instagram and she loved all the pics with the boys!!!
Hey Lia gurlie!!!

Just dropping by to let you know that I finally have the time to catch up on your awesome TR.

I'm now on Day 5 part 4 and I notice that you have a tiny bottle of Simple's make-up remover! I just wanted to say something about that.

Another thing, I'll be in Tokyo Disney next Feb and just want to know if there's anything you'd like for me to pick up for you. Um...I'm not sure what I did with your address so if you could PM it to me, that would be dandy. If you don't have any requests, I'll probably send you a popcorn bucket?

Love you! Now back to the awesomeness :goodvibes

EDIT: Forgot to add that I drew Stitch too! Except ours was the basic kind and I think mine looks really derpy... Also, we had Via Napoli for the first time ever too and OH MY GAWD, you do not exaggerate about it being Heaven on Earth. Andrew and I think of that meal all the time now.
Hey, Lia-

I have been reading your TR for several weeks, and I have FINALLY caught up. Gosh, I feel like I know you. Both for the fact that I have been reading your report for so long now (which makes me feel like we have been having this wonderful conversation about my FAVORITE place in the world), AND for the fact that you would soooo fit into my family. :hug: My sister and I are just like you, Jess, and many of the others in the group (except for the fact that we could be your mothers....*sigh*:rolleyes2). We still get that same giggly feeling upon entering our Happy Place. Every time. People don't get it, but it doesn't matter. We know there are so many people out there, like you, that do totally get it. pixiedust:

Carry on my sister-friend. I love reading your reports. You have a G.R.E.A.T. writing style. :artist: Makes we kind feel like I'm right there with you, skipping along with giddy enjoyment. :flower3:

I got to do a short solo trip myself while working a convention down there once. I LURVED IT! The only downer was that I did many cool things that I knew my sis would have enjoyed doing with me. :(



P.S. My sister (Burly on the Boards) also reads your reports. We are in two different states now (Illinois and Maryland), so it's always fun when we happen to catch each other on the same TR's.
I somehow LOST your TR. Idk where it's been. :confused3 But that's really not okay.

Anywho...I LOVE LOVE LOVE everything around The Laugh Floor. It is all just so clever and funny, I could spend so much time just looking at it! :goodvibes I also agree, there should be more. GIVE ME FUNNY MONSTER JOKES!! :hyper:

I'm sorry that everyone was so rude in the non-lines for villains! Maybe they just thought it was an "act like a villain to meet a villain" kind of thing? You did get some good pictures though! They do a great job with Maleficent! She was one of the few I met years ago and I loved how she looked! So excited for her movie! :thumbsup2

TARZAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :faint: :blush: Oh my.

HAHAHA I love how you didn't want to meet Jafar. One time Jafar headed my way in a parade and I not-so-discreetly blurted "EW! JAFAR!" And he kinda shrugged like :confused3 "What did I do?" Um...EVERYTHING LIA MENTIONED! For starters...a princess: does not belong in a :hourglass

I love Alice and Wonderland. I love every version, book or movie, that I have seen. They are all wonderful in their own ways and it's all delightful. Love, love, love. And then the Mad Hatter fist pumped and everyone was like NO.

OMG and then you met Tarzan & Jane & Terk! They look so adorable and perfect and Tarzan!!!! Again...OH. MY. :blush: Tarzan sounds so cute and adorable and hilarious. And you are just so sweet for passing on so much wisdom to him! ::yes:: Orange Tarzan kills me! :rotfl:

OMG...that 4 year old Belle that you met completely melted my heart. Seriously I'm in tears. What an angel. I love her.

I love your B&tB wine glass. Like I need one. LIKE WHY ARE ALL OF MY WINE GLASSES NOT DISNEY ONES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? They should be. Because, like you, wine is very important to me too. And it should be enjoyed in glasses as equally enjoyable.

Your picture of Gaston's statue in front of his tavern is splendid. I very much enjoyed looking at it. Also...thank you for the LeFou's Brew tips. Because I would've never known otherwise and now I'm prepared to FINALLY try it next month. What would I do without you?


AND THEN YOU SAW WRECK IT RALPH FOR ME!! (I have two tabs open right now so I read and then whenever I have a thought, I go over and type it and go back...if you are wondering why this seems so silly/all over the place!) GOODNESS I AM SOOOO EXCITED THAT YOU DID END UP GOING TO THEM!! I LOVE THEM!! I LOVED THEM BEFORE I "KNEW" THEM. AHHHHHHHHHHH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for getting the pictures for me!! That movie blew me away more than I expected, and like I said, I loved them before then...hence the desperation for you to go! THANK YOU AGAIN!!

And now my heart is dying all over again because...TOWER OF TERROR MUG!!! I NEED THAT LIKE I NEED WRECK IT RALPH IN MY LIFE! LIKE I NEED DISNEY WINE GLASSES!! AND I NEED ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED THINGS LIKE I NEED AIR!! That mug had better be there when I return because I need because my obsession with ToT is on another dimension. (See what I did there?! :rotfl:) Was it found at Rosie's? I will SCOUR that whole park and not leave until I own one.

My heart aches for you not being able to go to Disney this fall. I have not been since July 2011 (OVER TWO FREAKING YEARS) and it hurts and is painful and the worst part throughout it all was NOT KNOWING when I would be back. So I'm thinking of you, and really truly feeling for you because it SUCKS not being able to return to your happy place. IF I COULD TAKE YOU I WOULD AND I SINCERELY MEAN THAT. I'll send pixie dust your way that all your wishes will come true!

I ESPECIALLY CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK ON SPLASH!! LIKE...OMG...I am going to probably just explode. I will spontaneously combust into tiny bits of joy. Like I know if we ever stay at WDW together, we obviously want to stay at the Hollywood Tower Hotel...but I think we should spend at least one night in the Br'er Patch, a la Shawn & Corey. Automatic shower first thing!

I love that your glasses are the only Chanel you own. I HAD a pair and they were the only Gucci I owned...and then the broke. It was pretty traumatizing, so good job on protecting yours.

AHHH!! BLAST PEOPLE WHO DON'T RESEARCH DISNEY TRIPS!! (Read that in Captain Hooks voice, k thanks.) Yeah...great idea to spend Halloween in the MK. Did you assume that they would do something special? Because you would be right. But you would be silly to assume that a business would make something so spectacularly special free. DO YOUR RESEARCH.

I love your love for Hanson. It's very moving and I thought you should know I admire it.


I am also always perplexed as to why the bratwurst is twice as big as the bun. That alone makes me skeptical of trying it, because I doubt I'll want to eat the part without bun because I am weird about food.

Your story of college guys on Mission: Space during their Spring Break was truly heart warming. You really DO meet the best people in Disney.

AHHH EXPERIMENTAL PUMPKIN CARVING OF TOMORROW!!! My life is now complete after seeing that, because really, could it BE anymore awesome?

I LOVE THAT YOU LEFT A LEGACY AND THAT YOU GOT TO SEE IT AGAIN IN COLOR. I wish I had been to Disney during that time. You are soooooo lucky to forever be etched in EPCOT. I will forever be jealous, unless they ever etch my face permanently somewhere in the parks.

And...I hope you enjoyed that novel. You're welcome.
Soooo I just got caught up again...WHILE FLYING TO DISNEY WORLD.

Hahaha, I'm still an hour away from landing, but had to comment because your updates were PERFECT for me to read. Especially your final nigh at MK. It just made me even MORE excited to go to MNSSHP! Not sure how that is possible, but it is happening, all due to your update.

I know the reasoning for being stuck in Disney was bummer, but this trip was amazing to read about. I loved every single bit of it, and loved seeing how much fun you had with it. Thank you for sharing such an amazing experience with us, and I cannot WAIT to read about the birthday festivus!!

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