January 2021 W.I.S.H. - New Year, New Goals

One woohoo is that DS got his braces off this morning. Yay!!! One down. Now hopefully the other will be done soon.

That was a great day in our house!

It was close to Valentine's day as well, so he got a super goodie box. (I can't seem to find the pic right now, but will add later if I come across it.)
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I am not so woohoo today. I am on an antibiotic now for my ear and it is making a bit sick to my stomach. All I have had to eat today is a bowl of Ramon noodles. I am still a bit congested and hoping that goes away soon. I am also still having lots of ear pain.

On top of not feeling great I had to go to DD's school to pick a piece of paper for scheduling her classes for next year. They refused to email this to me. So I thought maybe this paper was specific to each student. Nope just a generic piece of paper that could have been emailed. There is a reason why we are doing full remote with the kids and avoiding the school buildings is one of them.

One woohoo is that DS got his braces off this morning. Yay!!! One down. Now hopefully the other will be done soon. I do have to say it was nice having them both in braces at the same time. DD is just about 4 months behind DS.
WOO HOO! Inauguration Day!!!

Opposite of Woo Hoo...Connecticut has 1 million people over 75 (the top priority group) and we don't have enough vaccines, so I was forced to cancel my appointment. I feel really upset about it. DD talked me off the ledge. Thank God for her.
Will teachers be in the next group? I hope so! How can schools reopen safely if teachers aren’t vaccinated?
I am not so woohoo today. I am on an antibiotic now for my ear and it is making a bit sick to my stomach. All I have had to eat today is a bowl of Ramon noodles. I am still a bit congested and hoping that goes away soon. I am also still having lots of ear pain.

On top of not feeling great I had to go to DD's school to pick a piece of paper for scheduling her classes for next year. They refused to email this to me. So I thought maybe this paper was specific to each student. Nope just a generic piece of paper that could have been emailed. There is a reason why we are doing full remote with the kids and avoiding the school buildings is one of them.

One woohoo is that DS got his braces off this morning. Yay!!! One down. Now hopefully the other will be done soon. I do have to say it was nice having them both in braces at the same time. DD is just about 4 months behind DS.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Today I am thankful for...

... yesterday, the great exhale. Perfection.

... all the Bernie Sanders memes. My yarn/knitting community on IG lit up right away over the mittens (given to him a couple years ago by a teacher in Vermont who knit them out of up-cycled yarn from discarded sweaters) and this morning he's showing up everywhere.


... the relatively dry stretch of weather we've been having, some days even with sunshine. Hallelujah!
Piglet is my favorite.

I am Thankful I was able to get an appointment for DH's grandmother to get the vaccine. I was stalking the site to get one as soon as possible for her. She will be 80 on March 9th. She goes this Saturday. Now the next hurdle is getting her there. She wants the vaccine but she is notorious for backing out of appointments. If she tries we are going to lay on the guilt trip. We will tell her the truth that she took a spot from someone else that could have gotten it as well as now they may need to get rid of her unused vaccine. We are supposed to get snow Friday and Saturday so I can see her using the excuse that the roads are bad. We are already picking her up and driving her and we are only supposed to get about 1.5 inches over a 24+ hour period. The roads will not be bad. The plows will be able to keep up with it.
Grateful that everything went well yesterday-I will never take our democracy for granted again.

Grateful my husband, daughter and son in law have vaccine appointments. We will continue to try to sign me up-fingers crossed. Daughter and son in law are getting theirs through their school system.

Grateful for the smiles the Bernie memes gave us! Have been sharing with friends.

I love Pooh. I grew up loving A.A. Milne books. DD's bedroom was decorated in Classic Pooh when she was a young child. I use Pooh characters and books in social/emotional lessons...in fact, I read a story about Pooh and friends trying to cheer up Eeyore out of his gloomy mood today.

I'm thankful for our new President and Vice President.

I'm thankful for my immediate family's good health, especially since my friend's father just died of Covid. His funeral was today, and we weren't able to be there to comfort her. On Sunday, I ordered a hydrangea and mosaic cross, which is delayed until next week, and a tin of Mrs. Field's cookies which are delayed until tomorrow. This really frustrates me, because under normal circumstances, she would have received these the next day.
This week has been a steady rise. Yesterday I really felt the burden lifting and felt optimistic for the first time in a very long time. Someone described this transition as if someone had been yelling thru a bullhorn for four years and now there is silence, but the hollow echo of the noise is still there. Yep, that's exactly what it feels like.

Food wise, not so great but I am getting my motivation back so next week will be better. Also didn't get a lot of movement in this week, but I did rearrange where the desk so I have some room to do on-line yoga so again, next week will be better.

Saturday I want to drive somewhere, as it will be the day with better weather. Sunday will be spent huddled at home, temps are dropping and they are even saying slight chance of lowland snow early next week... woohoo for working at home. I would love a bit of snow, oh, better go get deicer tonight.
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