JULY W.I.S.H. Challenge - Summer of Positive Change

MickeyMom76 yay for your beach weekend! There’s something about looking at the ocean that puts things in it’s proper perspective. Good for the soul.

It’s a beautiful, cool morning on the deck. I’m enjoying my Diet Coke and listening to birds.

After not walking over the weekend (too many people on the trail and hot) I got out Monday and Tuesday for my usual 2 miles. I don’t want to get out of the habit.
Let's see, woohoo...

... starting back in June we've had a series of eclipses, with the last one being the lunar eclipse on the 4th of July. In astrological terms eclipses can be very disruptive, in different ways depending on what else is going on. I feel like the last one cleared something for me and now I'm getting back on track with my eating/healthy living pursuits.

... I'm really getting a lot out of the book I'm reading. Her addictions align so closely with my own that it is really speaking to me. Plus, I am actually reading a book.

... I ended up 'grilling' the second piece of salmon last night and it turned out even better, and I didn't (quite) fill the house up with smoke.

DUDE! It's still Wednesday here!!! Makin' me feel all slackerish over here...

Now, back to Wednesday Woohoos... I have *43 MINUTES* left... overachiever!

Let's see... Yesterday I opened up my beehives for the first time since I installed them last month... the comings-and-goings I could see from outside looked good, population-wise, but yesterday was the first time I actually got all up in their business... and everything looks like it is going pretty well! LOTS of babies in various stages of development, a bit of honey in new comb they were building in a "wrong" place (so that when I opened the hive it all broke open... and IT. WAS. DELICIOUS! But they are efficient and cleaned it all up and stored it elsewhere very quickly... drat! The guy I got them from was concerned whether they would like the type of frames I have, and it looks like he may be right, so I am researching options and will probably change some frames around to see what like best... AND... Not a single sting! Yay!

By dumb luck I checked my school email for the first time in weeks Tuesday morning, and there was an urgent email from Monday night. Apparently the school thinks that emailing students in the middle of summer break is and efficient way to make sure we all get a message that something must be done this week, then schedule a follow-up before the end of this month. Yeah, that's going to end well. Luckily I still had an old chat group from one of my labs, so I was able to reach a few people by text and ask them to spread the word... we shall see...

Ok, this will sound odd, but I am super-thrilled that another one of my thrift shops reopened this week, and I got to go there today with DD13, since I had to be in that area anyway to give DN16 a ride to her LAST drive time... (meaning that now she can schedule her test and finally get her license, which is ANOTHER woohoo! She'll still need rides when her mom has their only car, but it's a start!) Anyway, we found some fun stuff, which always feels like a treasure hunt...

And lastly, when checking the school email, I saw that they are organizing another "steps challenge," from 20 July to 14 August, so I created an account for that. A little external motivation would probably be good for me.

and I was really, really close to pushing the "buy now" button, but managed to pull myself back from the edge.
BOO! What kind of mother ARE you??? Kitty NEEDS that robot fish! :P

My Woo Hoo is that after not losing any new weight since March...


I finally got my act together.
Yay for breakthroughs!!!!

There’s something about looking at the ocean that puts things in it’s proper perspective. Good for the soul.
Normally I would agree with this... but our next planned trip is a day-trip to Assateague Island (Maryland Side) with my sister's side of the family for my (adult) nephew's birthday. I'm not sure the whole Atlantic is enough to neutralize the drama in that little group! Sis went a few weeks ago and said it was packed-- ick. I'm hoping for bad weather :P Not really... I love Assateague at low tide for shell gathering... but I may be drinking "special" juice the whole time... (which is illegal, but y'all will bail me out, right?)

Way to go :thumbsup2

DUDE! It's still Wednesday here!!! Makin' me feel all slackerish over here...

Lol all our different time zones make things fun - some of us are in the future kinda like Marty McFly :rotfl:if only we could fix whatever change happened to cause 2020 ;) - I just need the cool car!

Hmmm my belated Woohoo for Wednesday - nothing health related lol - but I am rewatching Brothers and Sisters on streaming at the moment. I am loving it :)

Thankful Thursday:

That the rain we had this morning cleared up so I could do a walk with out getting soaking wet this afternoon.
DD who is encouraging me to make better choices when I waiver ...
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Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for our little getaway to the beach and the good weather we have had while being here.

I’m thankful that my kitchen renovation has started and that I’m able to get out of the house for most of it to avoid all that noise and mess.

I’m thankful for friends and family who are respectful and accepting when we have different opinions on how to handle the current virus situation.
Thankful Thursday - family!

I’ve had a goal this week to reach out to a couple of people and I wrote a long chatty e-mail to one of my favorite cousins this morning... Technically, I guess she’s my Dad’s cousin, but since my Dad is the oldest in his family and she’s the youngest In hers, she’s closer to my age than his. We both have kids in college and are just weirdly alike in small ways. We connected at a family reunion one year and have been writing ever since.

My tomatoes are still growing!

The painting of my “dining room” (aka craft room, aka DS's school room last semester) is almost done. (It’s a pale green called “Morning Zen”.)

My local library has opened for curbside pick-up!
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DUDE! It's still Wednesday here!!! Makin' me feel all slackerish over here...

Now, back to Wednesday Woohoos... I have *43 MINUTES* left... overachiever!

Let's see... Yesterday I opened up my beehives for the first time since I installed them last month... the comings-and-goings I could see from outside looked good, population-wise, but yesterday was the first time I actually got all up in their business... and everything looks like it is going pretty well! LOTS of babies in various stages of development, a bit of honey in new comb they were building in a "wrong" place (so that when I opened the hive it all broke open... and IT. WAS. DELICIOUS! But they are efficient and cleaned it all up and stored it elsewhere very quickly... drat! The guy I got them from was concerned whether they would like the type of frames I have, and it looks like he may be right, so I am researching options and will probably change some frames around to see what like best... AND... Not a single sting! Yay!

By dumb luck I checked my school email for the first time in weeks Tuesday morning, and there was an urgent email from Monday night. Apparently the school thinks that emailing students in the middle of summer break is and efficient way to make sure we all get a message that something must be done this week, then schedule a follow-up before the end of this month. Yeah, that's going to end well. Luckily I still had an old chat group from one of my labs, so I was able to reach a few people by text and ask them to spread the word... we shall see...

Ok, this will sound odd, but I am super-thrilled that another one of my thrift shops reopened this week, and I got to go there today with DD13, since I had to be in that area anyway to give DN16 a ride to her LAST drive time... (meaning that now she can schedule her test and finally get her license, which is ANOTHER woohoo! She'll still need rides when her mom has their only car, but it's a start!) Anyway, we found some fun stuff, which always feels like a treasure hunt...

And lastly, when checking the school email, I saw that they are organizing another "steps challenge," from 20 July to 14 August, so I created an account for that. A little external motivation would probably be good for me.

BOO! What kind of mother ARE you??? Kitty NEEDS that robot fish! :P

Yay for breakthroughs!!!!

Normally I would agree with this... but our next planned trip is a day-trip to Assateague Island (Maryland Side) with my sister's side of the family for my (adult) nephew's birthday. I'm not sure the whole Atlantic is enough to neutralize the drama in that little group! Sis went a few weeks ago and said it was packed-- ick. I'm hoping for bad weather :P Not really... I love Assateague at low tide for shell gathering... but I may be drinking "special" juice the whole time... (which is illegal, but y'all will bail me out, right?)
Oh it was Wednesday night when I posted. I have to post the night before or by the time I get around to it, many of you have already come online. So, don't feel rushed, this is just how I need to post in order to be on time first thing in the morning. 😁
Thankful Thursday:

I lost 2 more pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:jumping1:

I am thankful that I have been able to push through the stress in my life and deal with it instead of eating my feelings.

I am thankful for all of you for supporting me no matter what. I don't think that I could do this without you.
I'm thankful for the lessons that come to me and the things I continue to learn about myself.

A couple things have come up lately... a gal I follow on IG posted about being absolutely gutted for days after having seen Hamilton and how she can't watch highly emotional/stressful movies because she's so sensitive. This clicked with me, I can't/won't watch animal movies where one might get hurt or die and thought it was just a preference but connected the dots and realized it is related to being HSP. It got me to thinking I should dig in deeper to HSP therapies and really unravel some more things.

In my book last night I read the following passage: "I realized I had spent the first 29 years of my life doing and buying whatever I could to be someone I thought I should be. I kept so many things, and consumed the wrong things, all because I never felt like I was good enough." BINGO, me to a tee... another connecting of the dots and a thing about myself that I've learned.

I was poking around in MDE yesterday and noticed that the friends I had planned to travel with back in March have park reservations the week after me in March of next year, so I've shifted my days back a bit so that we have overlap... it'll be the perfect combination of time on my own and time spent with them. I haven't changed my flights yet, but I feel locked in now and will tackle that next. I watched quite a bit of live streaming Tuesday during CM previews and will probably watch a lot today during AP previews, helps to get in to the mood.
I continue to be grateful for the good health of myself and my friends and family.

Grateful for the beautiful weather-I don’t mind hot if it’s sunny! Enjoying lazy afternoons on the porch reading-grateful for my Kindle and curbside pickup at my library.

Enjoyed everyone’s posts today!
This week started out good. I have been getting up still at 7:30 am to walk since it is in the 90's here and much nicer to walk at 7:30 then later in the day. Yesterday, I went to my moms. She is moving and is giving me her out door chairs. We went to Hobby Lobby and got new cushions and spray paint. We panted them blue. They are so nice. Things were going pretty good until later last night. We got a text from my mom say my Aunt (they one I mentioned last month that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer) was in the hospital and unresponsive. The doctors were asking about a will. My step-dad (this is his sister) has power over her medical and power of attorney. Thankfully she does and it takes all the weight off of my step-dad's shoulders. As long as 2 doctors agree that nothing else can be done she does not want any life saving measures done. They do agree. We also found out that she also has brain cancer. She is being moved to hospice. It has been a pretty upsetting day for me and I am PMSing. All I want is chocolate or just comforting food. I am really trying to keep it together as much as I can right now. I don't want to upset the kids. They do know what is going on. They have seen me cry today but I don't want to completely lose it. I think the most upsetting is we are not sure right now if anyone can be with her right now. The virus numbers in my county are rising. We have a 4 code level now in Ohio. it is by county. We are level 3 with a star. Level 3 is counties to watch with numbers rising and masks are mandatory. The star means we are very close to level 4 the highest level. This is not helping with my stress at all. All I want to do is eat. It is too hot to be outside today. The real feel is about 100 today. It was really bad at 7:30. Walking would help get this stress out. Tomorrow will be better and should be able to get more walking in.
This week started out good. I have been getting up still at 7:30 am to walk since it is in the 90's here and much nicer to walk at 7:30 then later in the day. Yesterday, I went to my moms. She is moving and is giving me her out door chairs. We went to Hobby Lobby and got new cushions and spray paint. We panted them blue. They are so nice. Things were going pretty good until later last night. We got a text from my mom say my Aunt (they one I mentioned last month that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer) was in the hospital and unresponsive. The doctors were asking about a will. My step-dad (this is his sister) has power over her medical and power of attorney. Thankfully she does and it takes all the weight off of my step-dad's shoulders. As long as 2 doctors agree that nothing else can be done she does not want any life saving measures done. They do agree. We also found out that she also has brain cancer. She is being moved to hospice. It has been a pretty upsetting day for me and I am PMSing. All I want is chocolate or just comforting food. I am really trying to keep it together as much as I can right now. I don't want to upset the kids. They do know what is going on. They have seen me cry today but I don't want to completely lose it. I think the most upsetting is we are not sure right now if anyone can be with her right now. The virus numbers in my county are rising. We have a 4 code level now in Ohio. it is by county. We are level 3 with a star. Level 3 is counties to watch with numbers rising and masks are mandatory. The star means we are very close to level 4 the highest level. This is not helping with my stress at all. All I want to do is eat. It is too hot to be outside today. The real feel is about 100 today. It was really bad at 7:30. Walking would help get this stress out. Tomorrow will be better and should be able to get more walking in.
This week started out good. I have been getting up still at 7:30 am to walk since it is in the 90's here and much nicer to walk at 7:30 then later in the day. Yesterday, I went to my moms. She is moving and is giving me her out door chairs. We went to Hobby Lobby and got new cushions and spray paint. We panted them blue. They are so nice. Things were going pretty good until later last night. We got a text from my mom say my Aunt (they one I mentioned last month that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer) was in the hospital and unresponsive. The doctors were asking about a will. My step-dad (this is his sister) has power over her medical and power of attorney. Thankfully she does and it takes all the weight off of my step-dad's shoulders. As long as 2 doctors agree that nothing else can be done she does not want any life saving measures done. They do agree. We also found out that she also has brain cancer. She is being moved to hospice. It has been a pretty upsetting day for me and I am PMSing. All I want is chocolate or just comforting food. I am really trying to keep it together as much as I can right now. I don't want to upset the kids. They do know what is going on. They have seen me cry today but I don't want to completely lose it. I think the most upsetting is we are not sure right now if anyone can be with her right now. The virus numbers in my county are rising. We have a 4 code level now in Ohio. it is by county. We are level 3 with a star. Level 3 is counties to watch with numbers rising and masks are mandatory. The star means we are very close to level 4 the highest level. This is not helping with my stress at all. All I want to do is eat. It is too hot to be outside today. The real feel is about 100 today. It was really bad at 7:30. Walking would help get this stress out. Tomorrow will be better and should be able to get more walking in.
I'm so sorry for all you are going through. Please know that we are thinking of you!

I’m thankful for friends and family who are respectful and accepting when we have different opinions

So something I am thankful for today? Turns out that our wifi DOES reach all the way to the back of the property, which I am thankful for because DD13 and H were at each other again tonight, so after first making a lovely dinner that they argued all the way through, then making brownies after they argued some more, and them both refusing to eat them because they were "weird" (more on that later,) I spent a good amount of time out in my tent. I am also thankful that my fan fell and broke earlier today and that I brought out the wrong computer charger with me, because otherwise I just might have spent the whole night out there! That is why I said I am jealous of people who can disagree respectfully. And I remain very thankful for my ghetto little she-tent!

Anyway, the weird brownies were a new recipe, and none of us really liked them, but now whenever anyone is being hormonal and dramatic I'm going to threaten them with weird brownies.

All in all, it was a mixed bag of a day, but I am thankful for:
-Goats at the place we like to go
-getting the front yard mowed and seeing that the grass seed has taken up (at least a bit)
-a fun haul at a different thrift shop than the one I went to yesterday (peacock feathers!!!)
-raspberry picking with DD16
-a repairman coming tomorrow to look at something, so I could use that to shame everyone into cleaning at least a little bit today, and more tomorrow.
- my girl cat bringing me a lovely, fat skink to show how much she loves me-- and my daughter successfully catching it and getting it out of the house..

@piglet1979 so sorry to hear about this sad time for your family :hug:

Friday thoughts - I have been struggling a little the last 2 weeks - I am off with consistency with my eating and exercise. I am not completely off with eating - but just enough to play with my weight loss too much - the same with my exercise. As a result I have been going in circles for 2 weeks. So as of Saturday morning back to basics and focus - I have found that I need to do that 30 minute walk and then hopefully another one later in the day - it splits the effort and I think I have read and been told by PTs in the past that it will then give me more periods in the day where my body will benefit from that after exercise calorie burn. Chocolate has also crept in this week - so that really needs to be cut right back again!

I have also been struggling a little emotionally the last few days I can get teary at times out of no-where - not entirely sure where that is coming from - it was instigated by a disagreement with DS16 - but I suspect there is more to it than that :) It has been 2 weeks school break here at the moment - so kids are back to school on Monday - I have done a little bit of work from home - but mostly needed the break. So I am too am back to work on Monday - but still using home as a base and visiting schools/students as necessary - I will need to visit my office though periodically as well. They opened our state borders at lunch time today except for people from on state (victoria) that is currently having a significant rise in community spread. There have been over 200,000 applications from people to enter our state (they have to declare they have not been in victoria for at least 2 weeks, no Covid symptoms and agree to testing if required during their stay - essentially for holiday - I live in a tourist area on the coast - I will admit I am nervous - I really don't want all the hard work that we Queenslander's have put in to do the right thing and suppress community spread undone by people who value their WANTS over their NEEDS at the moment with unnecessary travel around Australia. I feel for all of you in the US at the moment - this is such a tiring year emotionally - and you are doing it much tougher than we are down here at the moment.

Okay - I am off to see my physio and work on my physical health :)
This week started out good. I have been getting up still at 7:30 am to walk since it is in the 90's here and much nicer to walk at 7:30 then later in the day. Yesterday, I went to my moms. She is moving and is giving me her out door chairs. We went to Hobby Lobby and got new cushions and spray paint. We panted them blue. They are so nice. Things were going pretty good until later last night. We got a text from my mom say my Aunt (they one I mentioned last month that was diagnosed for the 5th time with cancer) was in the hospital and unresponsive. The doctors were asking about a will. My step-dad (this is his sister) has power over her medical and power of attorney. Thankfully she does and it takes all the weight off of my step-dad's shoulders. As long as 2 doctors agree that nothing else can be done she does not want any life saving measures done. They do agree. We also found out that she also has brain cancer. She is being moved to hospice. It has been a pretty upsetting day for me and I am PMSing. All I want is chocolate or just comforting food. I am really trying to keep it together as much as I can right now. I don't want to upset the kids. They do know what is going on. They have seen me cry today but I don't want to completely lose it. I think the most upsetting is we are not sure right now if anyone can be with her right now. The virus numbers in my county are rising. We have a 4 code level now in Ohio. it is by county. We are level 3 with a star. Level 3 is counties to watch with numbers rising and masks are mandatory. The star means we are very close to level 4 the highest level. This is not helping with my stress at all. All I want to do is eat. It is too hot to be outside today. The real feel is about 100 today. It was really bad at 7:30. Walking would help get this stress out. Tomorrow will be better and should be able to get more walking in.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. Covid just makes these things so much more challenging.
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