** Kat & Pauls Wishes Wedding 3.8.11 WG/AG/DP @ UK Lochside **

I'd go with the tags, sounds like it would be less to worry about
Yey! Congrats on finally getting your floral BEO. As for the favors I like the idea of having the names engraved on the shells. I think that would look really cute. But I understand needing and wanting to save money. Either way I'm sure your guests are going to appreciate your favors. :goodvibes

Yeah, I really like the idea of having the names engraved on them! I wish I'd thought of that before we bought the other favours!

I'd go with the tags, sounds like it would be less to worry about

I think that's what we are going to end up doing. I know it'll still look really nice. It'll save us a bit of money and save time too! (and precious luggage space too of course!!) :laughing:
We weren't originally going to have a bridal tea party but in the end I just couldn't resist! :goodvibes I was a bit worried about whether or not we'd actually be able to afford it but my nan left us £1000 when she passed away and left specific instructions that it had to be used for the wedding.​

My nan loved tea so I decided using it for the tea party would be the best way to honour her wishes, as I know she would of just loved it if she had been there!​

My mum spoke to her designer at work who came up with a rough idea for a 'save the date' invite. This is what he came up with...​


You cant see it very well but the cupcake is 3D and there are coloured gems on some of the circles around the outside. I really loved it and we were going to use it as the 'save the date' until my mum came up with a great idea!! :idea:

At one of our local shopping centres there is a fabulous cupcake place called buttercup cake shop (check it out at www.buttercupcakeshop.co.uk - they are so yummy!!) :goodvibes My mum said why dont we get an individually boxed cupcake for each guest (there's only going to be 11 of us and 4 are children) and hand deliver them to each guest as the invite!! I absolutely love this idea!! I'm not sure if I'm still going to use the original invite aswell or just write the invite on the inside of the box lid!?​

I am super excied about this and cannot wait to go out and buy them! :yay:

They do so many flavours...I'm really note sure what to go for?! :confused3 I guess it should be something a bit more basic, like chocolate, just to make sure everyone will like them!​
I love the idea of honoring your grandmother by having the bridal tea. And the save the dates are really cute. The cupcake idea is awesome...and yummy. I think that would add an extra personal touch. As for the flavors why don't you poll them. Like you can say you are trying to figure out what flavors to have your wedding cake and what are their favorites. Since it's not that many it might be doable. :goodvibes
the cupcake invite idea is awesome!! :love: I love it!

We can't do chocolate cake in my family, too many people don't like it :confused3 I know! What's wrong with them!?!
I love the idea of honoring your grandmother by having the bridal tea. And the save the dates are really cute. The cupcake idea is awesome...and yummy. I think that would add an extra personal touch. As for the flavors why don't you poll them. Like you can say you are trying to figure out what flavors to have your wedding cake and what are their favorites. Since it's not that many it might be doable. :goodvibes

That's a really good idea!! Thank you! :thumbsup2

the cupcake invite idea is awesome!! :love: I love it!

We can't do chocolate cake in my family, too many people don't like it :confused3 I know! What's wrong with them!?!

What?! That's insane! Who doesn't like chocolate?! :rotfl:
Why is it, something good can't happen without something bad happening too? :confused3

DF and I have been super lucky with everything to do with the wedding...except when it comes to our guests!

The drama first started a while ago when DFs family said they weren't coming! :eek: They wanted us to change the month to October, for a number of reasons, all of which suited them more than anyone else and needless to say I didn't want to do this, but it's DFs family and I had to think, would I get married without my family? DF and I sat down and talked about it and the options were 1, delay the wedding until Oct 2011, 2, have the wedding in the UK or 3, stick with the original plan and go without his family. It didn't take DF long to decide to stick with the original plan (big sigh of relief from me!) DF and his older brother had been emailing back and fourth about it, neither backing down.

I didn't see why we had to change our plans for other people, you know? At this same time my sister and her hubby were having money troubles and mentioned delaying the wedding until May 2011, it was an idea, but we refused in the end. I told everyone in 2007 we were getting married in Disney in March 2011 so as far as I was concerned everyone had had more than enough time to start saving! :mad:

We had to go round to DFs parents house for dinner one night and tell them we weren't delaying the wedding. It went ok, but they still didnt change their mind. They weren't prepared to back down on anything. They wanted to go for 3 weeks, they wanted to fly with Virgin so they could check in at DTD before the flight home and they wanted to stay at a particualr hotel on the I Drive. I can kind of understand them wanting to make sure they got everything they wanted as it's their holiday too but I just couldn't help thinking they should put their sons wedding first!

It didn't take long for my sister to confirm they were coming (thanks to my parents paying for not only the villa for all of us but also paying for the 2 kids flights aswell and not to mention the amount of overtime her hubby was doing to get some extra money) For a good few months we planned the wedding as if DFs family weren't going to be there and then one day, they decided they were going to come! :banana:They were only going to come for 1 week, but they were going to be there to see their son get married and I was so happy to see DF so happy :goodvibes Then just a few short weeks after they booked, DFs dad died suddenly. It was awful and very unexpected! His family are all doing really well and are now looking at maybe coming for 10 days, if money allows.

So just when things with his family start to look up, we find out neither the BM or MOH have any money saved up!! :eek: We have just over 4 months until we get married. As far as I'm concerned everyone should be booked by now!! Only the families have booked so far but one of our friends and his wife and kids will be booking at the end of the month so that's good, BUT we're still waiting for BM, MOH and photographer! And not only is it driving me crazy that no one seems to be taking it seriously but I'm getting seriously worried that maybe they aren't going to come! Am I being totally irrational and blowing this all out of proportion?!

My MOH sent me a message on FB yesterday to tell me her parents couldn't help her out and she was either going to borrow the money from her ex (which is a very generous offer from him) or get a loan (I know, a loan! I don't want her to get herself into debt for our wedding!) now, I feel bad about this, but I told her I needed confirmation that she had booked her flight by December 1st as we need to pay Disney December 8th. That's not strictly true. But if she isnt going to come I'll need to find a new MOH (I'll most likely ask my sister) but then I'll need time to go and find my sister a dress and everything! I know I can make changes up till quite late but I dont want to. I want to know that it's all sorted you know?

DF is going to let his BM know the same thing. It sounds like he's also going to ask his parents to help him out. Fingers crossed they can!

We're also waiting to hear on a friend and his GF. Our friend Jay works with our photogrpaher and BM for our BM's dad. Our photographer and BM have already got the time booked off work but Jay is having trouble. His boss apparently doesn't like him too much and is giving him a hard time about having the time off. He only wants 5 days. Personally I cant see the issue but it's not my decision I guess! Jay should find out some time in November so fingers crossed it's all good for him and his GF otherwise there's even more people to take off the list!

Well, thats my rant over! Sorry it's a bit long I just had to get it out!!
Wow I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through all of this. I hope that all these issues get resolved. :hug: No matter what it's your wedding and you need to focus on you and your DF being happy. If they didn't save or don't want to go than they're missing out.
Sorry about your DF's dad, that must have been really hard. :hug:

We're only a week away from our RSVP date and have only had a couple of people RSVP. Plus my MOH is now expecting a baby, so I have no idea who's coming. I do know that my family's coming, and DF's family is coming. That's enough.
Wow I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through all of this. I hope that all these issues get resolved. :hug: No matter what it's your wedding and you need to focus on you and your DF being happy. If they didn't save or don't want to go than they're missing out.

Me too! They will be missing out (although I hope they get it together enough to be there!) It's so frustrating as I have no control over it! People are dropping like flies! I'll be disappointed if they don't make it but at the end of the day aslong as DF and I are there that's all that matters. I just want to marry him! :)

Sorry about your DF's dad, that must have been really hard. :hug:

We're only a week away from our RSVP date and have only had a couple of people RSVP. Plus my MOH is now expecting a baby, so I have no idea who's coming. I do know that my family's coming, and DF's family is coming. That's enough.

Getting phone calls in the middle of the night is never good but that was the first time it was actually serious. I've still got both my parents so I've no idea how DF feels. I can try to understand but it's not the same. We are still trying to include/honour his dad during the wedding though. We have some calla lilies for his chair. DF bought father of the groom cufflinks and he'll actually be wearing them on the day and he'll also have a photo of him in a small frame (found on etsy) on the inside of his jacket.

I totally agree with you about the family. Mine are all booked and if the others dont make it it's their loss at least I'll know the really important people will be there.
Not really wedding related (well, only a little bit) super excited as I just figured out how to do a ticker! :yay: YAY!
That's what your wedding day is all about you marrying the person you love. If anyone else is there it's just a bonus. And :rotfl: about your last post. Hey! It's exciting to have a ticker. You get to have a countdown of your special day. I know I love to see the days just ticking away.
I have some dis tickers saved on my computer, so while it doesn't show up with my posts, I look at it every few days and it makes me giggle :goodvibes
So today I finally got some good news!! :goodvibes

Our friends Paul & Hayley, the parents of 2 of our little bridesmaids, booked their flights and accommodation for the wedding today!! YAY! :banana:

I'm sooo happy as at least I know our bridesmaids will be there and maybe this will give the others the kick up the bum that they need!! :rotfl:

They are flying out on March 3rd and will be there for 2 weeks. Other good news is that they have a 3 bed villa so have offered the other room to 2 friends (actually Pauls brother and his husband) as they weren't originally going to come to the wedding as they only got married themselves in July so couldn't get all the money together to come to Florida but now they don't have to pay for accommodation they might be coming too!! Double yay! :banana::banana:

Hayley is super excited as she's never been to America before. They booked all their Disney tickets and Seaworld too! They have even got tickets for Discovery Cove as she has always wanted to swim with dolphins. I'm so glad they have booked but also so glad they are really making the most out of it and doing everything they want!!

Still waiting for MOH, BM and photographer to book but right now I'm just happy that someone has booked! :laughing:
That's great news! I was so excited when our first guests booked.

How did they get their disney tickets? Through the wedding discount, or another way?
That's great news! I was so excited when our first guests booked.

How did they get their disney tickets? Through the wedding discount, or another way?

Our families have been booked a while but this was the first friends that booked and I'm still really excited that they have! :goodvibes

They got their Disney tickets through a TA...even though I've been chasing them Disney still haven't updated the website so we can't get our tickets for next year through them. A lot of people are getting restless and are buying them elsewhere. I think I'm going to have to chase them again...I was told on 4th Oct that it'd be done within 2 weeks but it's still not! :mad:
Hi KitKat! Just stumbled upon your PJ...Our wedding is approximately a month after yours. I can't wait to see how everything turns out for you...and I must add... I LOVE the Cadbury Wishes stars...So appropriate and delicious too!
Hi KitKat! Just stumbled upon your PJ...Our wedding is approximately a month after yours. I can't wait to see how everything turns out for you...and I must add... I LOVE the Cadbury Wishes stars...So appropriate and delicious too!

Hiya! How bizzare, I started reading your PJ yesterday!! I've just caught up and I'm excited to read more!! :goodvibes I'm surprised I havent eaten the Wishes yet...I'm sure it wont be long and they will start disappearing!! :rotfl:
So I was going to go to bed as it's 11pm and I'm tired and I've got work tomorrow but I can't sleep..for some unknown reason tonight I went to see Saw 3D with DF, my sister and BIL. I spent most of the film with my eyes closed! I was so scared!! :scared: It was so not worth the £10.50 we had to pay! Plus £1 for the glasses (which we get to keep for some reason - I'm not planning on watching any more 3D films! They make me feel sick! :sick:)

Not much has happened on the wedding front. We sent a group email to everyone coming to the wedding letting them know they need to confirm their flights are booked by December 1st. I feel mean but it's got to be done. I need to confirm numbers and to be honest, I'm getting fed up of waiting! Yes I've turned into super impatient bride!!:laughing:

I decided to chase up Disney about the wedding website/Disney tickets and I got a super quick reply from Carol. She says it'll be updated in plenty of time for Xmas...we shall see! She also said Jessie (her assistant) had moved back home to be closer to her family so she has a new assistant now...hopefully she'll be as good as Jessie!! :)

I've also got my amended budget/BEO...I want to sign and send it back but I cant...I need to wait for flight confirmtion from everyone! It's not too long to wait I suppose. I just don't like waiting! Hopefully we'll get some good news soon!

My MOH emailed me at work today. She said...I need to see you (amongst other things) I've taken that as a bad sign. :worried: But I guess I could be wrong? Again, I guess I'll just have to wait and see!!

Good news is though that the dollar has gone up to 1.62...thats great news as we were working an an exchange rate of 1.50!! We have to pay Disney December 8th so fingers crossed it gets even better!! :goodvibes
Yeah I'm impatient about people booking too. My RSVP date was on Monday, and we haven't had many people let us know. I don't want to chase people either, if they can't let us know, then they're not coming! Simple as that :laughing:

I'd like the tickets to be available already too, with the AU$ being so good everyone wants everything paid for now, so most of them are looking into just buying tickets elsewhere.


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