Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 2

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There is blue toille fabric currently on clearance at walmart It is pooh though! maybe that may be nice!

I may be off base here, but my interpretation of what Castle said was simply putting it that people post pics of their kids and such here and if we are all jumping all over the one that shows a snot in it, you can only imagine what may be getting said (or thought) about other pics that are posted to our thread. That talking about a snot photo may inhibit a person from wanting to post pictures that may be in someone else's eyes, less than perfect. Like I said, maybe I am wrong, but that is how I took it. I don't think she meant to say that someone DID have issue with a disabled child or anything else.

Like I've said before, you DO have adorable kids. Your son has the most striking eyes and I am drawn to his photo every time you post. I swear I'm not some fruit cake...I just know a cute kid when I see one. :cutie:

Thanks for sticking up for me. I'm getting tired of trying to explain myself. I have worked in many different hospitals and spent many years in PICU and Pediatrics working with sick children. Not all of the children who come into the hospital are cute bouncy babies. I just discharged a 10 month old who weighed 6 pounds and who had a horrible genetic condition, that made her look very different. You know what I did? Wrapped her up, and loved her to bits, and cried when she had to go home.
I value the differences in the children and adults in our socitey. That what makes this world interesting to me. I think all of the children that have been posted to this site, have been adorable.
I'm working on strip work top and gauchos for my twins, and I just bought a Fiskars brand rotary cutter and mat the other day. It is as if the blade is dull because it isn't even cutting through the fabric. There will be long strips that aren't cut! :headache: I'm only cutting through one layer! I could go alot faster if I could cut two strips at a time. Uuugghhh!

Please someone help me figure out what is wrong? I'm going crazy! :crazy:

ETA: I'm having trouble cutting the fabric, but I didn't have any trouble slicing through my finger with the darn thing!

Sorry to hear about your finger...I did the same thing with mine and never used it again. I feel your pain!! :sad2:
Quite possibly the longest multi quote in the history of the Dis...
here is my first attempt at a dress.
Great job! I'm envious of your dd's hair!
For those of you who applique, how do you do eyes? I want to try Hello Kitty but I don't know how I would do the eyes and nose. Please help!!!!!
Most detail work I've seen like that was done by hand.

okay, lets see if this works. This was my daughter as Annie last year at Halloween. She even carried Rocket and I think only two kids knew who she was:confused3 I'll get my Minnie and Nemo outfits up tomorrow.
You're making me so sad that DS has outgrown Little Einsteins. I love them! I probably wouldn't have known without Rocket. She's adorable!

I'm about to get started on my first stripwork outfit for my twins. I'm a bit :scared: -- wish me luck and pixie dust because I think I'm gonna need it!

The theme is Disney Princesses!
Good luck and I can't wait to see it. I'm buying my embroidery machine today :yay:

I am looking for some ideas for our Disney Cruise in Sept. I would really like to make a sailor dress or something nautical. I can't seem to find any good patterns like that. Everyone here has some neat designs so I thought I would check here. My dd is 11 but does still like to wear dresses (which is great for me!). Thank you!
Castle Creations posted a really cute sailor dress here somewhere. She also posted one from DCL that had Tink and one of the ships. Maybe someone can help you find those posts or she can repost the pics.

Here are a few outfits I made---or as someone else said many pages back--outfits that I bought at Walmart and "pimped" up. For someone who has no sewing ability beyond buttons, I think they came out ok.
Sorry that my photos are GIGANTIC!!
Very cute!
Here is a picture of the outfits I made for my girls to wear to breakfast at CP. My older daughter will have an embroidered Pooh on a white t-shirt, but I don't have it back from the embroiderer yet.
Really cute! I love the fabric combination.
Okay here is my second attempt with my new found confidence!:woohoo: I'm quite happy with it except for the sizing of the pants. The pattern was a 1-2-3 size, and I think it was designed for diapers, because it's a bit poofy in the crotch. I attempted to alter it, with some success, but after I put the waistband in, I was not going to take it out to fix it right. Anyway, lesson learned. Trim down all patterns for my skinny girl!
Great job! It doesn't look like a beginner project.
I'm working on strip work top and gauchos for my twins, and I just bought a Fiskars brand rotary cutter and mat the other day. It is as if the blade is dull because it isn't even cutting through the fabric. There will be long strips that aren't cut! :headache: I'm only cutting through one layer! I could go alot faster if I could cut two strips at a time. Uuugghhh!

Please someone help me figure out what is wrong? I'm going crazy! :crazy:

ETA: I'm having trouble cutting the fabric, but I didn't have any trouble slicing through my finger with the darn thing!
No advice, but I'm interested too since I plan to buy a cutter soon.
One question...We're not going until December. I bought a lot of that green Swirl Mickey fabric (from WAY back at the start of the thread) along with the matching stripe and solid pink fabric. Do you all think that is too "summer/spring-ish" for the holidays?

I have the Mickey swirl fabric, but Hancock's didn't have the coordinating stripe. Do you remember where you bought it or know where to find it?

Darn...we are going right after free dining ends! We are heading down to Disney on September 29th and will be there until October 8th. We wanted to hit the F&W Festival.

**Someone asked about older kids wearing boutique items. My teenagers will be! And so will I! I guess the only little one in our group is my nephew who is now 21 months (who will officially be adopted as our SON on June 28th).
Congratulations :goodvibes
buffy, :thumbsup2 !

I would love to know the dimensions of the bags if you don't mind. I have 4 dd's and 1 ds and I would love to make them a special bag. Thanks in advance!
Me too please!! What a fabulous job and yours are super cute! I like your Jasmine outfit too.
Ok Girls! I have 3 outfits to share. While viewing, please keep these things in mind: I hand sew, they aren't perfect, Only the Pooh dress is done, The Nemo gauchos still need to be hemmed and the appliques on the top haven't been stiched around, the ice cream dress' applique is unfinished as well. I just couldn't wait to share!!! The Pooh dress is for MK and dinner at CP, Nemo for Epcot and dinner at Coral Reef, Ice Cream dress and bow for night at Boardwalk and dinner at Beaches & Cream.
Wow! I can't believe you did all of that by hand :eek:
I bought some of that Nemo fabric and everyone was commenting on how cute it was. I probably should have bought more than I did. I didn't know what I was going to do with it, but it was cute and on clearance. A combination I couldn't pass up!
Great job~
I have a quick question for anyone who used the pattern fom the martha stewart pillowcase dress. When you pin your template to your "pillowcase" does it matter if your case is inside out or right side out? Does that even make sense? ? ? :confused3
We'll be there in Sept. too! Sept. 21- Oct.2, at Pop!

I LOVE the little outfit with "Sailor" on it! So cut and I don't think the poofiness is bad.

I also thought the BBQ outfit was just adorable, but all that applique, I don't envy the seamstress!lol

You girls are all doing such a great job. This thread moves SO FAST, that it is hard to keep up and comment on all of them!
great job! my fave is the ice cream dress! what pattern did you use? how about pattern for gauchos? the outfits (and models!) are precious!

The Ice Cream dress is just a halter style pillowcase dress, no pattern. For the gauchos, I used a capri pattern and widened the legs. Does that make sense?
Sorry to hear about your finger...I did the same thing with mine and never used it again. I feel your pain!! :sad2:
Hmmm. . . so I'm thinking the rotary cutter is not the "magic cutting wand" I thought it was going to be. I was really surprised at how easily it cut my finger since it wasn't cutting my cloth very easily. :crazy:


I've been plugging away at it all morning, and I'm getting a bit better with it. It really seems as if there is a very small section on the blade that is dull because the small spaces that aren't being cut are evenly spaced. :confused3 I did manage to get all the strips cut that I need.

I'm going to see if my dh can sharpen the blade when he gets home this evening.
I have the Mickey swirl fabric, but Hancock's didn't have the coordinating stripe. Do you remember where you bought it or know where to find it?

I bought it all at JoAnn's. The stripe is actually called "Minnie Stripe", I remember seeing that on the bolt. I bought the solid pink and teal to match all of it. you think it'll work for the holidays too?
I love my rotary cutter. I cut mine on a hard surface always and lower, as in usually the floor, to me then I can get my weight on it. If I do not push hard then it does not cut. I can do it on the table, but not as easily. And yes, I have cut the linoleum floor a bit with it, it is so ugly though I don't care. Needs replacing.

I also find it easier to cut shorter things, if I have a piece of fabric as large as my mat I find it harder. I have a mat 24 x 20 I think and a big long ruler.


okay, lets see if this works. This was my daughter as Annie last year at Halloween. She even carried Rocket and I think only two kids knew who she was:confused3 I'll get my Minnie and Nemo outfits up tomorrow.

I tried to post a comment about this right after posted last night, but the board was NOT cooperating with me! Your daughter looks adorable! I found a picture of Annie, in case anyone doesn't know which one she was, here it is:

Pretty good resemblance I'd say!

Here are a few outfits I made---or as someone else said many pages back--outfits that I bought at Walmart and "pimped" up. For someone who has no sewing ability beyond buttons, I think they came out ok.


Sorry that my photos are GIGANTIC!!

Those turned out adorabley!

Here is a picture of the outfits I made for my girls to wear to breakfast at CP. My older daughter will have an embroidered Pooh on a white t-shirt, but I don't have it back from the embroiderer yet.



I love these, and your daughter's are TOO cute!

Okay, nobody laugh this is the very first thing I've ever sewn in my life! Very basic and simple, but it gave me the confidence to try something a bit harder. It seems a bit plain to me now. I think I'm going to add a turquoise edge to the bottom, now that I've had some more practice.:thumbsup2

Sorry this top picture for some reason will not resize or flip...



Why would anyone laugh at that? It's adorable! (seems like I'm using that word a LOT on these boards!!!!)

And, to the person that asked if EVERYONE on this thread has cute kids, I think the answer has to be YES!

And, I just figured out how to do the mulit quote post thing last week, and I've been on here for quite some time!
Our best Disney moment was when outside Space MT a CM from Australia walked up to the girls (they were in their red/white polka dotted pillowcase dresses with the Disney red/white cap with ears) - began saying "oh my goodness, I can't believe it's Minnie Mouse" and talking to the girls just like they were Minnie - asked each one to sign her autograph book and then posed for pictures with the girls. Priceless!!

That is so magical! I bet your girls loved that! You are making me homesick for Disney World with that story though!
Ok, not to open a new can of worms, but does anyone have directions to make those ribbon flip-flops? I've seen them on ebay with Mom & daughter both wearing them and then I saw some made with the leopard print ribbon for the AK. They compliment nicely and look cheap enough to make different colors everyday. I thought I also saw princess sneakers too with the rhinestuds all over- they were beautiful.
And, I love the autograph book bag. How clever! I want several of these too!
Does anyone make small totebag purses? I am just enthralled with this thread.
I also saw ribbon socks with characters embroidered on. Do you need the Disney embroiderer to make these?
Let's work on bracelets this week too, ya know, since we have nothing better to do. :eek: LOL
I bought it all at JoAnn's. The stripe is actually called "Minnie Stripe", I remember seeing that on the bolt. I bought the solid pink and teal to match all of it. you think it'll work for the holidays too?
I remember when I saw it I thought it looked very summery. However...this is Florida and WDW, so I think pretty much anything goes :)

I just checked Joann's online and they didn't have it. We don't have any around here either. We're going on vacation soon so I'll check a few fabric stores then. Thanks for the info!
Where did this fabric come from?? maybe I can describe it - pink background with Mickey ears scattered all over it in green, blue, red, white...
there is an custom auction up on Ebay that uses it - I'm not sure of the posting guidelines (maybe I won't get in trouble) but you can find it by searching custom minnie mouse halter capri
I've never seen it before - Our Hancock closed down, our "super" Wal-mart has stopped carrying fabric and the nearest JoAnn's is over an hour away near Atlanta. I'm planning a trip soon to JoAnn's to get "jungle" fabric and ribbon for our Animal Kingdom outfits and need to know if there is somewhere I can pick this fabric up also.

I think I just saw that at our Walmart last night.
I remember when I saw it I thought it looked very summery. However...this is Florida and WDW, so I think pretty much anything goes :)

I just checked Joann's online and they didn't have it. We don't have any around here either. We're going on vacation soon so I'll check a few fabric stores then. Thanks for the info!

I just looked at the fabric again and I don't think it's too summery. In fact, the Mickey heads almost look like ornaments to me. I'd definitely use it!
Hi - ooooohhh - whats an autograph book bag?

i made some minnie flip flops for my neice they came out great and she loves them!!!

all i did was to tie the ribbons on to the flip flop and then made a center piece thing to finish it off - she wears them with everything!!! lol
Hi ladies, I have been enjoying this boards for quite a while. :lovestruc LOVE that BBQ dress BTW.

I made my DD a jasmine costume this weekend. I used this pattern (fabric from Hobby Lobby) and just increased the width/length of the pants for fullness. Also I added gold sequins around the neckline and coins around the waist. I think the coins really "make it".

Here's the finish product

I did some gold detail stitching also, but it didn't photograph too well.

I also saw some lanyard autograph book purses on ebay. They were so cute. If they are from anyone here, I want to say thanks for the inspiration. I made my own using 1/2 yard fabric and fusible batting plus 1 yard of the belt/lanyard (measure depending on the child). I also added some fullness to the bottom and velcro closure. I made my son a backpack as well. I can give the dimensions I used if anyone is interested.

and the models...

Wow! I really love the outfit and the bags! What a cute idea!

ETA: I just noticed that the bags are also lanyards! OOOH, I'm going to need some of those!
Ok Girls! I have 3 outfits to share. While viewing, please keep these things in mind: I hand sew, they aren't perfect, Only the Pooh dress is done, The Nemo gauchos still need to be hemmed and the appliques on the top haven't been stiched around, the ice cream dress' applique is unfinished as well. I just couldn't wait to share!!! The Pooh dress is for MK and dinner at CP, Nemo for Epcot and dinner at Coral Reef, Ice Cream dress and bow for night at Boardwalk and dinner at Beaches & Cream.













I just bought the Nemo fabric (at Hobby Lobby, $2 a yard!!:banana: :banana: ) and hadn't considered doing pants! I love that!

I also think I'm going to have to make some ice cream outfits for when we eat at Beaches and Cream!

Your daughter is so beautiful! And, is that your backyard or a park?
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