Kids need to know a lot of adults play vmk

I keep coming back to this thread... thinking it over in my mind... I can really see both sides.

I love how on VMK there really is no age to any of us. We're all "kids". This game has a way of breaking down that age barrier. We hang out, we play games, we have fun... doesn't matter the age.
Exactly! It's so much fun being "little at heart" with the whole community.
But I have to say.... it was a little weird watching him with all those kids in the trade room. I KNEW who was behind his little avatar... those kids had NO IDEA. I'm telling you, even though I'm an adult that plays, it kind of creeped me out. If I had a daughter playing this game, I would be very uncomfortable with her hanging out with this man on a regular basis. Actually, I wouldn't want my 10-year old son hanging out with him....
So I don't know... VMK is both creepy AND fun.... :teeth:
Pink, this sums it up in a nutshell.

The only way VMK could make this work, paradoxically, was to disguise every player's identity. Not knowing who's behind the avatar IS creepy, any time we think about it for too long. But at least it's a "creepy" without the power to do any harm; which translates in my mind as simply BIZARRE! :rolleyes:
However.... and I don't want to come across judgmental here.... but last year when I was at Disney, I stopped in at VMK Central shortly after 10 a.m. to turn in my quests. An older man was already at one of the computers playing VMK. Now he was probably in his late 50's, very unkempt man, just not someone you would picture playing a "kids game." (please don't flame me!)
I came back to VMK Central at parade time. Well, wouldn't you know, this man is still there at the same computer! OK, I can't resist. I walked back up to him and commented about how he was still there... and hadn't he even been on any rides at all that day.... He finally makes eye contact with me and says... "what? there are rides here?" OK...... backs away very slowly.... ;)

So I don't know... VMK is both creepy AND fun.... :teeth:

That is eerie. Kids can be very trusting. I just hope this "person" never gets the chance to make arrangment to meet any of the children.

Wonder if either of you thought maybe this is a grandfather who brought his grand kids to Disney, and at that age can not ride the rides.
I grew up at Disneyland, a lot of the times it was my grandfather who would take us. Once we were old enough, he would send us off, park on a bench and read a book for the day, he was too old to go on all the E-ticket rides we loved so much. If he was still alive today, i am sure he would be the first in line for VMK. Fun way for him to keep busy while we were off having fun too.
Don't judge what you have no idea about, you have no clue what brought that man to Disney or to vmk.
I noticed how when you quoted me, you took out an entire section of my post... which was my biggest concern about this man... the fact that I could not engage him in any sort of conversation at all.... no eye contact, no smile... only grunts.... :confused3

I bet if I had approached your grandfather while he was at Disney playing VMK, he would have at least smiled at me...we most likely would have engaged in a lighthearted conversation for a minute or two about this VMK game that we both love... That's natural.

This did not happen and that is why I received bad vibes from this man... and again, I'm warning people, especially the children on this board, to be careful!
I also stated Of course he may just enjoy VMK and has no bad intentions. He probably is simply a very lonely man.

Based on his actions. I would NEVER trust my grandchildren with him. There are both men and woman that pray on children. I would rather err on the safe side.
I am going to apologize, you both seem to have misunderstood me. Do not get me wrong! I actually agree with you both in this case, I was not saying this man's actions were normal or not creepy or anything like that. I was just saying you really have no clue who or what he was there for. Maybe yes he was a weird, creepy old man (we all know there are enough of them out there)...or maybe he's an old man who has been alone for for so long that his social skills are extremely lacking. His attempt at a joke, "what? there are rides here?" came out more creepy then normal.

And yes, if it had been my grandfather, he would have answered you, showed you pictures of us and you would have found out all about his character, and he would have found out all about yours. He was the social half of my grandparents. Had it been my grandmother, she would assume you were the crazy one, and swear she was only on there to keep the crazy people away from her grandkids :)

I know, capture the flag is for scared ppl lol! :lmao:

I think we're getting off topic, but I will say this: Capture is for girls cause we all now boys can not multi-task :lmao:. Battle all you have to do is shoot and try to stay alive, Capture you need to shoot, run, defend the flag and stay alive, way too much to do for the average man/boy to do in one game :dance3:
The only way for us kids to truely protect ourselves is be aware and know when something or someone just doesn't feel okay to you that can go for adults to becuase face it even with perverts on the game they have no clue if they're talking to a child or adult. About that man I wouldn't trust him much you can tell by a persons actions what they are doing and before people tell me that they could be acting, you'll feel off the moment you seen said person.
I want you all to know that I have always like you all and I want to make up with you all, but I want to convey this scenario from the point of the kid also.

The following is a passage from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

"`Now lookee here!' said the man. `Where's your mother?'

`There, sir!' said I.

He started, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.

`There, sir!' I timidly explained. `Also Georgiana. That's my mother.'

`Oh!' said he, coming back. `And is that your father alonger your mother?'

`Yes, sir,' said I; `him too; late of this parish.'

`Ha!' he muttered then, considering. `Who d'ye live with -- supposin' you're kindly let to live, which I han't made up my mind about?'

`My sister, sir -- Mrs Joe Gargery -- wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir.' "

Please try to analyze and invision this from three points of view:

1. From the narrator's point of view (in the story, he is roughly 8 years old)
2. From the criminal's point of view
3. From the narrator's point of view, if the story took place today

I am not taking sides. I am trying to express an opinion from a party that has not been (well ;) )defended.

What the heck? :lmao:
He finally makes eye contact with me and says... "what? there are rides here?" OK...... backs away very slowly.... ;)

Umm that is a bit odd he didn't know there were rides at an amusment park and not just an amusment park WDW of all.
The only way for us kids to truely protect ourselves is be aware and know when something or someone just doesn't feel okay to you that can go for adults to becuase face it even with perverts on the game they have no clue if they're talking to a child or adult. About that man I wouldn't trust him much you can tell by a persons actions what they are doing and before people tell me that they could be acting, you'll feel off the moment you seen said person.

Yep. They need to be aware that they just don't know who is on the other side of that cute little avatar.

Somebody's missing the point.

My point is that we are spending too much time teaching kids to be scared of all adults that are online. Instead, we need to teach them that while there are some adults that are bad, not all are. We need to teach them to be aware and how to protect themselves. They need to be taught that they cannot be so free with information about themselves while online.
You can never be too sure about the other person unless you already know them personally.

While they should be able to feel mostly comfortable in VMK, they should never be too comfortable to give out any personal information and never trust that the people they meet there are telling the complete truth.

But I see you're going to Cedar Point, Pantsed ;) That park totally rocks!! Millenium Force is the best coaster I have ever been on! :thumbsup2
i have an itch to say that it's pretty obvious that not everyone on VMK are kids. Some people (including many of us DISers) are either adults and act it or are kids but are mature enough to act like adults
i have an itch to say that it's pretty obvious that not everyone on VMK are kids. Some people (including many of us DISers) are either adults and act it or are kids but are mature enough to act like adults


Adults that act like KIDS :p


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