Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

Another lousy day but yesterday's rest did me good.This morning I did the elliptical for 45" at 3.8-4.3 at level 2.The last 10" I increased to level 10 again this time decreasing every min. down to level 2 then busted all out for the last 2 mins.Phew!That was great. The last time I did that I went 2.77 miles and burned 399 calories,today I did 2.96 miles and burned 409 cal. Always trying to beat whatever numbers I had before,that is what I love about having the equipment here.
Treadmill still in pieces:(
Now off for a walk with a friend.

I hope everyone is doing well,does anyone have sunshine?This is already getting depressing.

Hi Linda! Great job on the eliptical! I may just have to look into one of those someday! LOL Not now though..

No sun here - going on 2 days. I agree, very depressing. It's cool and rainy -- yuck.
Hi Linda! You definately deserve a rest!!! Glad it did you good! Sounds like you had an awesome workout!!!

We've got sun here! It's about 73 degress, light breeze and sunny. It's a beautiful day!!! :sunny: Sending some your way!!!

Hope you have a good remainder of the day!
This morning I called my friend to see if we would walk today,I was all dressed to go for my run this a.m.She said "Probably not it is pouring outside."Knowing that we are not made of sugar and will not melt I said "Call me later,let me know."

With that said I thought rats I wanted to run today and I have not run in the rain yet,how slow will I be?Now it is pouring!

My husband said I may be faster-Huh?

My best time for 3.7 miles was 37:41,today in the rain I did it in 36:36-I could not believe my eyes.Less than a 10 minute mile-9:53, according to the calculator!I don't trust my own math!

Next time I want 4 miles and try to do it within the time of one of my latest runs.


Hope everyone else is having a great day.Those of you in the northeast stay dry!

Linda -- gee, should i tell you that the sun is shining down here? LOL ;)
That's awesome though! Great job!!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: LINDA! You speed demon you ;). Super job on the run. I'm just continually impressed with your progress! You must be on :cloud9: .

Hope you're having a great weekend!
Thanks again you guys!

This morning in our local paper I read about how online chat/support groups are very prevalent now. I thought hey,that is all of us! As we all have said it has helped tons in keeping many of us focused.

I also just found out that they are opening a running store in town. They will measure your feet,watch you walk etc... they recommend the proper sneaker for you.I think it will be cool to have one in town.This place is run by the Harriers running club, they have some 5Ks in Nov. I may consider if I know the area.

Well this morning I was determined to do 4 miles, not worried about my time but trying to keep it under 40:00.It was a little breezy so I was not sure how I would do and my add on had a little hill.I did it in 39:55-well I made it under 40,just! But I felt good after so I got out my bike to go for my all out 30 min. ride. Well about half way through I thought I was in Kansas and I was going to see Dorothy and Toto come flying by. The wind had picked up so bad I was literally eating dirt and ducking leaves. I managed about 19 mins. of a good ride.This was more than I expected to do today so I am OK with it.

How is everyone else's weekend ending up?It was 42 degrees here this am and I am not looking forward to the winter at all.I hope it does not affect my motivation.

Wow Linda! You are doing a great job girl! Keep up the good work!

Have a great day!
Linda - hi! Sounds like you had a productive day! LOL Good for you!! :)

Yes, it is getting cool, that's for sure, my hands are freezing as i am sitting here typing! But, we refuse to put the heat on yet.. (Except in dd's bedroom, where it is it's own electric zoned heat). But the price of oil is expensive too.. We are going to be getting some soon, 200 gallons = 510.00. That's just crazy! :(

No wonder i have so many *warm* vacations booked!!!
Yesterday I did the elliptical for 45 minutes-did better today.Went 3.03 miles and 419 cal. I also walked for an hour with a friend.

Not feeling great today-may take it easy,may not.

Everyone have a great day,
Linda - good job yesterday! I know how hard it is to workout if you aren't "feelin'" it. LOL That's how i felt last night on the TM. ;)

Have a great day!
Hi Linda,

Great job on the exercise. I would consider a 5k. You are definately ready for one. Congrats on completing 4 miles. I think sometimes it is a mental barrier that holds us back. You just blew through yours. :cool1: :cool1:

Hope you are feeling better.
Take care,
Hi Linda...

Hope you are feeling better today! I think it'd be a great idea to sign up for one of those 5k races :) Just be warned...once you start participating in them, you won't want to stop!

have a good day
44 degrees this am-not motivating unless you are a bear going for hibernation!I ran 4 miles in 39:10-I could not believe it.45 sec.faster.After the run and before cool down I jumped on the elliptical for 30 mins. at 4.3,1.95 miles and 271 cal., it was great. Trying to bust another plateau.

My DH grandma is in the hosp. so we ran over there to visit for a little, she is 88 and doing great.

Tonight I will walk with my friend,our route is usually 4-5 miles. That will be it for today.

Hope everyone is having a good one!
:worship: Linda....WOW! You just continue to amaze me. SUPER effort on that 4 miler!

Can I borrow some of your energy? I mean...seriously LOL....Ran 4 miles...Elliptical....Walk 4 or 5 miles. Ummm.....impressive! :thumbsup2

Great job....just keep stretching those hips and legs! VERY important, especially if you are feeling discomfort. It's manageable...but don't let it get out of control. And rest days are your friend ;).

Have a great week!
Here's more...:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

I am exhausted just reading what you did today. You are a machine. Just take care of those aches and pains, sweetie.

Take care,
wow linda.....i'm following the rest of the crew here with a "holy cow that's a lotta work for one day" maybe i'll get up to that level someday. right now, i'm still trying to get my body back to the exercise routine.....i like my couch and comfy blanket this time of year....actually who am i kidding...i like those things all year long :)
exercise is supposed to help the raynaud's but with me...nothing seems to help, unfortunately.....even meds that i tried months ago didn't even touch it! it is a nasty nasty thing that i don't wish on anyone.
did jog outdoors tonite, and it felt better than the other day, but even though the mill is boring....i just seem to do better....i'm gonna keep alternating b/w gym and outdoors b/f it gets really yucky out! keep up the awesome definately make me wanna get my but in gear (may will be here b/f i know it)! :)


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