LURKYLOO's Wedding Trippie: Morocco/Attic/Lower UK: Wedding Album + Gown Preservation

I love your PJ! Your Honeymoon sounds great so far! Thanks for the food pics ;)

When I first found the DIS, I would spend hours going through the food porn thread, drooling. So I thought I should take plenty of pix of my own to contribute. I guess I should go post 'em over there now!

I'm still alive, Carrie! And I :love: your trippie - I just couldn't think of anything particularly witty to say this time

That's OK - you could always say something like "This is the sexiest trip report I have ever read ever" or "I am mailing you $1 million"... :rotfl:

We have been told that they don't run the boats anymore because they had problems with people throwing things in the water that interfered with the animals. Although, I've seen them running several times with Mickey and other characters at various times throughout the day. We saw it most recently when we were eating down by the water near Flaming Tree Barbecue.

Thanks for the info! I knew somebody would know why... What a shame that AK guests can't enjoy the boats now cuz of a few bad apples...:sad2:

Totally random post..

Carrie~~ If you Google "Disney Wedding" and go to the images...the second page has someone eerily familiar..... ;) YOU! I was like "OMG!! Its Carrie! On Google!!" lol Just had to share.

OMG! OMG! I am the Face of Disney Weddings!:lmao: J/K! I went over to see for myself and had already been bumped to Page 4. My 15 seconds of fame... OVER! :rotfl2:
So not only do we all stalk the DIS boards we all stalk Google images too! I seen it earlier...LOL:lmao:
The AK boats - I was apparently one of a small number of people who went to AK soon enough after opening that I did get to ride the boats - you waited in line a while, then got on the boat. As you were on your cruise thru nowhere (before any of Asia was built) some CM's would pull out small animals from carriers and pass them around - snakes, lizards, etc. It was a nice quiet ride, but nothing to see except the small animals. I believe that's why they got rid of it - you waited 20 or 30 min for a 10 min ride to nothing.
DH cracked up over your pic - we TOTALLY want Wazzo's autograph! :thumbsup2

Here you go!! He sent along his signed glamour photo and his personalized head shot! :lmao:


It definitely IS the sexiest trippie ever ;) :thumbsup2 :cool1:


i saw that as well on google images!

So not only do we all stalk the DIS boards we all stalk Google images too! I seen it earlier...LOL:lmao:


The AK boats - I was apparently one of a small number of people who went to AK soon enough after opening that I did get to ride the boats - you waited in line a while, then got on the boat. As you were on your cruise thru nowhere (before any of Asia was built) some CM's would pull out small animals from carriers and pass them around - snakes, lizards, etc. It was a nice quiet ride, but nothing to see except the small animals. I believe that's why they got rid of it - you waited 20 or 30 min for a 10 min ride to nothing.

Oh my gosh - I would have LOVED that ride! I love to meet animals, and I love doing nothing... :rotfl: Thanks for the info!

Here you go!! He sent along his signed glamour photo and his personalized head shot! :lmao:



LOVE it!!! What a cutie that guy is - do you ever take him to Pirate & Princess? :lmao: Patrick is going to be so excited when I show him our autographed photo.... THANK YOU, WAZZO!!!:wave2:
LOVE it!!! What a cutie that guy is - do you ever take him to Pirate & Princess? :lmao: Patrick is going to be so excited when I show him our autographed photo.... THANK YOU, WAZZO!!!:wave2:

I DO feel like a pirate whenever he's on my shoulder... but, he's such a big chicken that he'd be too scared of all the costumes! :rotfl:
Day 7!

Today was Monday… probably… They all blend together at Walt Disney World! It was my first time at MGM Studios, except it wasn’t MGM anymore, it was DHS (which sounds like a discount shoe warehouse). We did the whole get-up-early-and-wait-at-the turnstiles thing, and there were two other brides in the crowd! One turned out to be-Melissa, and the other turned out to be some lucky so-and-so who, along with her groom, got called up to help open the park with the Streetmosphere characters. Secretly, Melissa and I seethed… well, OK, at least I seethed…. After they let us in up to the rope for the stooped opening ceremony that I dinnit want to be a part of anyway, Melissa and I introduced ourselves and DH took a picture of this historic Meeting of the Brides:

Me ‘n’ Meli

When the rope hit the pavement, DH and I were off doing the Disney Speed Walk to Rock ‘n’ Rollercoaster. It was exciting to get on another rollercoaster I hadn’t been on yet. I was also excited to see a guy from my all-time favorite sketch comedy group, The State, in the pre-show film with Aerosmith, running the sound board. The ride was, of course, fun. We really liked the take-off into those first loops, but it kinda seemed frontloaded - like it fizzled out at the end.


Next we dashed over to Tower of Terror and ended up in line with Meli & Shaun again! This was cool because she told us which line was shorter, and we ended up going in that line every time we rode it for the rest of the trip. But I have to ask – is the ride different if you go in the other line?

We only have the lame-o version at California Adventure that doesn’t have the fifth dimension room, but it’s still the only ride left at the Disneyland Resort that can surprise me enough to make me stop breathing (this is a good thing!). So I was excited to try this superior version, and it didn’t disappoint. The up-and-down effect didn’t seem as scary, but the theming was amazing, and I liked how much longer the ride is.


The exterior of TOT is so pretty, I almost wish we’d done our in-park bridal portrait session at MGM!


OK, everyone always says the Great Movie Ride is lame, but I’d never been on it and I loved the idea of seeing all these great animatronics and scenes from movies. Well… everyone is RIGHT! Oh my goodness – what is up with the actors getting in and out of your car and how slow everything is and just, well, boring? It coulda been so good…. At least we got to walk right up to Grauman’s Chinese Theater without beating a path through tourists and people in ratty superhero costumes selling autographs…


DH and his idol


We also had to take a picture of the Carthay Circle Theater cuz we live in the Carthay Circle area of LA, but the theater was torn down long before we moved there. Actually, that was kind of the theme of our trip to MGM – visiting replicas of sites that no longer exist in LA. I love all our old, historic buildings, and it makes me sad that LA doesn’t protect them better. Eating at the Brown Derby in MGM let me imagine for a moment a place I’ll never get to see because it’s now a strip mall.


Next up was the Backlot Tour – also a big disappointment. Most of the first part (with the water) was them explaining all the stuff we weren’t going to see because it was too cold or windy or something. Whoopee! It was neat to see Walt’s private plane, though!


I was really looking forward to SciFi Dine-in, and it didn’t disappoint. I love that you get to sit in little cars eating burgers and fries and watching scf-fi trailers – I even saw a few that were spoofed on Mystery Science Theater 3000! We sat in the back of a car with a family in the first two rows, so they called us the hitchhikers. We took advantage of our back-seat location to neck…


On our way back to the Lights, Motors Action show we stopped in MuppetLand to look for unique merchandise. Being a puppeteer, DH is of course a huge Muppets fan, and he’d heard that the shop near MuppetVision 3D had stuff you can’t get elsewhere. That turned out not to be entirely true, but it did have the all-time WORST rendering of Animal we’d ever seen:


We didn’t plan very well, so we ended up dashing into LMA right before the show started and getting not-so-great seats. Then we had to run like crazy to make the next showing of the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular.

We are not big on scheduled shows cuz it’s so hard to figure out how to see everything you want to see and we don’t feel like we can play anything by ear – maybe that’s why we were kinda underwhelmed by MGM/DHS. Also, it just felt hot and bare (not enough shade!) and …common. I mean sets and soundstages are just big boxes, after all - it’s not like a jungle river or a fairytale village.

But the Star Wars area was fun! We think they should build an entire Star Wars theme park to counter Universal’s Harry Potter theme park. Just think of all the lands you could have – Tatooine, Hoth, Coruscant… mmmmmmm… Star Warsland…..!


We checked out the Walt Disney Story exhibit. It was neat to see Walt’s “working” office – we have his “show” office at Disneyland (we lent the working office to Walt Disney World a few years ago).



Also, the models of the various theme park attractions were very cool. It was telling to see the difference in the level of detail between California Adventure’s Grizzly River Run model and that of this area of Tokyo DisneySea:


On our way out, we tried to take a picture of the replica of Pixar headquarters they’re building next door:


We rode R‘n’R and TOT again, and finally it was time for dinner at the Hollywood Brown Derby – what a treat! I felt like I was stepping back in time. And even better, the food was way better than I expected. I’d say it’s on a par with California Grill, Citrico’s, and even Jiko, for less money. We had the pork belly appetizer and the pork loin – whoops! I wasn’t paying attention when I ordered! No pix – we were so hungry we forgot!



The private Bamboo Room can be used for wedding receptions/dinners… but only tiny ones!

The plan was for an early dinner (4:30!) followed by Fantasmic!, but we’re not huge Fantasmic! fans (and I’d heard it’s not as good at MGM as at Disneyland…?) so we blew it off to go get sundaes at Ghirardelli and dip our feet in the Jacuzzi back at AKV – fun!


Let’s move that hand up a little higher, eh Buzz?


While we were in the Jacuzzi we had some more laundry going (I know! It’s like a sickness!), and afterward we went looking for animals on the main savannah and heard Fantasmic’s fireworks! Then we talked to a nice man at the front desk about getting a map to Celebration for the next day, and then we went to sleep!

Do you know how many times you have to call housekeeping to get this many pillows?!
IMG_5702.jpg looks like an awesome day at DHS! Did you end up liking the LMA show?? Its interesting to hear that Fantasmic is better @ DLR than at DHS..I've always LOVED Fantasmic, but when we were in DLR in January DF insisted it would be exactly the same and didn't let me hang around to watch it. :( I only got to hear it from our hotel balcony @ DLH.

And WOAH!! Thats a lot of pillows!!! lol
Yay! Another HM day! Love the pictures, thanks so much for sharing.

Tower of Terror is awesome! Can you share which is the shorter line? I went when on a solo trip and there were no lines. Our kids are still too young but, just like kittens, they do grow up and I'll force them to ride.

I think the Walt exhibit is one of the best things at MGM/DHS. I find that park so difficult to tour, last time we ended up leaving after lunch because it just didn't seem worth fighting the pre-Christmas crowds (our trip was almost over). We did go back at night for the Osborne lights (very cool!) and Fantasmic, which our kids are finally old enough to enjoy without being frightened. They love the music.
We are also not big fans of DHS. In fact, we're skipping it all together this trip. DF is not big on what I call "big kid rides", so I go those by myself, which is usually pretty fast. We hate the LMA show, and that doesn't leave a whole lot else that we really like - we do it all, but we get bored with it. NOw the rest of the parks we do the same rides over and over and love it, just not DHS. We do try to go later and stay for Fantasmic, but we've never seen the one at DLR (I've only been there once on a business trip) so we dont' know we're getting the cheap version! :thumbsup2
Great MGM day. It is always a 1 day park for us! SO what line in the Tower of Terror!
Oh my, that's A LOT of pillows! (You'd love my couch, not so much the bed!)

We did MGM on the last day of our Disneymoon in 1997. I guess two days each of Epcot and MK spoiled me, I felt the park was lame. Then again, there wasn't that much to it back then. It helped me form the theory that all new concept Disney parks need five years to hit their stride.

Love the picture of your DH on the speeder, as I've got several of my clan in similar poses. The coolest pictures I have from that park weren't even from my trip, they were from DH's with his friends.

The park had just opened a few months prior and Star Tours had not yet opened. He and his friends were able to snap pictures that make it look like the AT-AT's were about to smoosh them!

So, you didn't share pictures of the meal at Brown Derby. What spectacular food did you have? I've only had one thing from there as a take out item. :lmao: (the Goat Cheese Ravioli, which I think has been removed from the menu again)

Keep those pictures coming!

Suzanne looks like an awesome day at DHS! Did you end up liking the LMA show?? Its interesting to hear that Fantasmic is better @ DLR than at DHS..I've always LOVED Fantasmic, but when we were in DLR in January DF insisted it would be exactly the same and didn't let me hang around to watch it. :( I only got to hear it from our hotel balcony @ DLH.

And WOAH!! Thats a lot of pillows!!! lol

I thought LMA was OK, but, like the Backlot Tour, they didn't do all the stunts, so maybe I woulda liked it more if I'd seen the whole thing.... And next time you're at DLR, drag your fella to Fantasmic!

Tower of Terror is awesome! Can you share which is the shorter line?

Great MGM day. It is always a 1 day park for us! SO what line in the Tower of Terror!

According to Melissa, the one on the left is the shorter one (I think it kinda goes up some stairs, but I may be misremembering - DCA's goes up a big flight of stairs). :thumbsup2

We are also not big fans of DHS. In fact, we're skipping it all together this trip. ... NOw the rest of the parks we do the same rides over and over and love it, just not DHS.

I know what you mean. I never get tired of the MK rides, but who needs to see the Indy stunt show more than once? ... I think theming and story have a lot to do with it.

I think the only difference in the DLR Fantasmic! is that it's on the Rivers of America and they use the Columbia so it seems more authentic. But I prolly shouldn't get all snooty about ours til I've seen the one at DHS!

Omg :rotfl: I love the massive pile of pillows!


It helped me form the theory that all new concept Disney parks need five years to hit their stride..... What spectacular food did you have? I've only had one thing from there as a take out item. :lmao:

Exactly... or in the case of California Adventure, 10 years! :lmao:

We had the braised pork belly appetizer - sooo delicious, it melts in your mouth - and (because I wasn't thinking about just how much pork I'd ordered) the pork tenderloin. I usually don't order pork in restaurants because it is almost always overcooked, but this was perfect - tender and juicy and really flavorful! I was really impressed by the execution of everything we had at the Brown Derby (we ate there again later in the trip), especially compared to other in-park restaurants, like the Blue Bayou (which I love but which serves chain-restaurant-quality food at fine-dining prices).
Aww you guy's crack me up lol. The TOT exterior is really pretty!!!
Aww you guy's crack me up lol. The TOT exterior is really pretty!!!

Who knew, right? For the thrill rides, I usually sprint right by all that gorgeous themeing the Imagineers worked so hard to create....

What to say other than I'm enjoying your honeymoon more than mine... is that wrong?? :scared1:

:cutie: :sad2:

That just means you need to go on "Honeymoon, Round II: Revenge of Honeymoon"! :thumbsup2
when it first opened, the cast members were young and INTO their roles!

they were hilarious! it was good fun. Now they just have the dregs working their 'going through the motions' and it's become cheesey instead of an interactive good time.

i will still be sad to see it go. i love the Alien section and Indiana Jones of course! I almost had my wedding reception there!!!

But more importantly, LOVE your AWESOME trip report carrie!!!!

I'm curious. what are you disneyWORLD (not land) favorites?

favorite ride
favorite food
favorite music
favorite secret corner
etc, etc




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