"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!

We went to the fabric store to buy PINK fabric to make baby quilts. Hope and I had a fun time.

Now it's time to plan accordingly.

Mark and I went out for 5 miles this morning. I asked if he wanted to take it easy but he said no so we did an average pace, nothing too fast but quicker than a stroll. I believe it's his IT band that's bothering him. From the description on the net and talking with him, he spent a lot of the 2008 1/2 in the grass as it was too crowded and he was injured at that time.

So we'll work on getting that in shape. He said he would come down to the track with me to watch me walk in the morning if he can't walk so I can still get my am workouts. either he'll walk with me or sit in the car and read the paper. If it gets too hot, I can only go in the morning.

TTFN, off to get groceries and then SEW!

Denise have you heard of the stick?


That is great to massage out those pesky ITBands as well as the rest of your legs.

If you order one from the runningwarehouse there is a WISH discount, at the top of the home page there is a place for discounts, click on that type in WISHD and hit enter on your keyboard for another 15% off.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Hi team! Ran 3 miles this morning in 30:06. I just can't seem to make it under 30 minutes. Tomorrow the final LR before th 1/2 next weekend.

Connie - Sorry to hear about your BIL. 42 is very young :( Will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. :hug:

Denise - Congrats to you and Miranda! I'll second Dave's suggestion for The Stick. I also like using a foam roller too, they're pretty inexpensive too.

Jennifer - What are you buying at the running store?

Scott - I'll have to look more closely at the $10 bill next time. Money never seems to last very long in my wallet! :laughing:

Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone in the US! Have a great one!
Good morning everyone!

Thanks for all the spirited welcomes!

I haven't gotten much in these past few days. We just returned from a short getaway- to our son's college graduation. We took our two younger kids (DS12 and DD10) out of school so they could attend the graduation ceremony too. It was nice (but very loooong). Hoping to get in some running this evening.

I noticed a couple of you are from Cheyenne. We have family in Laramie, and are thinking about heading out west for a few days this summer. My DD10 wants to see the 'wild west'. I think in her mind everyone out west is still riding horses everywhere on dirt roads, wearing cowboy hats and chaps!

My DS22 actually went to college in Cheyenne his first two years, then transferred closer to home in MD.

Have a great day!

Let us know if you come out, it would be great to meet you!

Rainy and cool here today - never did make it out for a walk or run, but we did get the garage cleaned, and we did get plant shopping, and did manage to plant the rasberries between showers!

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend everyone!
I actually have 2 sticks. I think I gave one to Miranda so I'll see if she has it and get it back. I"ll have to hunt for the other........ wonder where I put that pesky thing.

Denise, I understand loosing things... now to find my marbles....

This morn I did my virtual 10K Bolder Boulder, have to work tomorrow and can't make the race, they do allow virtual racing so I won't feel bad about wearing the shirt. I will probably have lynn write virtual on the shirt. Lynn will do hers tomorrow as the weather is suposed to be better. Oh I did mine on the TM as it was foggy, rain, and wind , and cold and I am a whimp.

Cleaning out the barn today 30X60 with the all teh mess from the basement const. there,

Jesters , If ya wanna see the cowboy side of WY plan your trip during Frontier Days.
Hi everyone!

Got in 7 miles in 55 minutes. I was supposed to do 13, but it was hotter than I expected and I was getting dehydrated so I came on back. I think I'll try to do the 13 on Tuesday (when I'd normally have done 5-7). I guess I should get used to heat again with spending summer in Texas.

Hi TEAM! :wave2:

:angel:Congratulations, Mark & Denise! a Precious little Girl - eager to see the Quilt you make the little Princess princess:

:angel:Congratulations, Dave & Erica! a Precious little boy - he will squeeze your heart :cloud9:

Connie & Jon: Our thoughts and Prayers are with you during this very difficult time of loss. :hug:

pixiedust:pixiedust: Mark: on your IT Band - When I had problems I went for a deep muscle massage & he really stretched me. Big help and I could walk again. :sad1:

Scott: -May the Force be with you on Tuesday - hope all goes well!

What Jack said:
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend. Please take a moment during this busy weekend to give thought to the meaning of the Holiday and for those that have sacrificed, and those that have served and are currently serving in this Great Nation's Military and their families.

We finally got all the shrub stumps removed yesterday! They were huge mess...No plans to replant shrubs in those areas. I need to spray yet this afternoon before spreading the rubber chips.

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday AND Tuesday Mixer :stitch:

Stop on by the 'Ohana team thread, where the mixer starts here!

I know this weekend is a vacation weekend for many of us, so we'll be running the mixer tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. This mixer question is a ringer, folks, but hopefully still fun:

What did you do for Memorial Day/Weekend?

Provide us with plenty of details & hopefully photos of your activities, gatherings, celebrations and how you observe the day (and spirit) of Memorial Day. :thumbsup2
Good Evening Team!

It was rainy all day, so we went kayak shopping - never did get to cleaning the barn, guess it will still be on the list for next weekend!

I will get my Virtual Bolder Boulder 10K race in tomorrow when Scott goes to work - he does not need to go in early, so we will have breakfast together.

Have a good Memorial Day everyone!
Lynn and Scott, Can you explain the virtual Bolder Boulder? It sounds cool, but I'm not sure how it works.

As for me, started the day off on the wrong foot with Nike + technical problems. I'm going to try to take it in tomorrow.

Did 3 miles (one of my favorite routes so I know the distance) in 22:15 (timed the old fashioned way with a stopwatch). Took a little agression out on the run.

Special thanks to Jack and anyone else who has or whose family has served in the Armed Forces! Enjoy the holiday!

Hi Team.

I just finished mowing the yard, it was a struggle since the grass was high and wet and I was using a push mower. I still have to go to work today because I'm taking my days of as part of my Canada trip.

Hope everyone is having a super holiday weekend.

Mowing Panda:hippie:
Good Afternoon Team!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day - unfortuately, Scott is having to work - but I managed to get in my Virtual Bolder Boulder 10K walk before it starts to rain - now maybe, I can also get the lawn mowed before it rains!

Jennifer - The Virtual Bolder Boulder is doing the race where ever you are, you then map it on Mapmyrun, and if you have registered for the Virtual race - you will get the T-shirt and lunch bag that they give out at the end of the race. We did not register for the Virtual race because we had already registered for the regular race - and received the T-shirts, and we did not want to spend another $40 to register for the Virtual one, so ours is an "unofficial" Virtual race. Try the website, BolderBoulder.com, I think, or just google "Bolder Boulder 10K" - I'm not sure if the cut off was today or yesterday.

Dave - lawn mowing is on my list - I am just waiting a bit to let it dry a little more. May need to head out there really soon!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

There is some sun today - not alot so far, but it is brighter than it has been. I did get the lawn mowed before the rain started yesterday. Pretty windy today.

Have a great day everyone!
Lynn, that is really cool! I may have to do that next year!

As for me I did 7 miles in 53 minutes today. I'm packing up today and tomorrow and then I'll head home for a few days before spending most of the summer in Texas and then moving to my new home in Mississippi.

Hi Everyone!

Had a busy weekend with bbq, shopping and some family time.

I forgot to log in my miles for the weekend so I have 10 to report. 5 on Saturday and 5 today. We went out tonight as I have bee tomorrow and the crappy weather Lynn is having is headed out way so off we went. It was a perfect night. Cool with a breeze. About 60.

So, I"m off to the shower and then, I'll probably crash.

Have a good night.

Scott and Lynn, contgrats on the virtual 10K. Jenn, when do you leave New England or are you already gone?

To everyone else. :flower3:

Good morning Team.

Busy day here today. I'm meeting my walking group for some good speed work and fellowship. Then it's off to the vet to board the chocolate lab and home to pack for Canada. Then off to work.

Erica assures me that it will be a breeze to find Toronto and Kim's place. I hate loooooonnnnnnnggggg drives and this will be a good 11 to 12 hours on the road. But there are princesses hugs at the end, life is good.:banana:

Erica is as ready for the half as I can get her with the short time I had, she should be around 3:10 and the time limit is 3:30 just like Disney. We did an hour at 14 mpm pace yesterday and she was fine.

I was going to have a PandaEndurance shirt for her to race in but all I can do spare of the moment was a computer generated vinal iron on and the guy at the shirt place said that wouldn't stay on with a big logo like that. So after we get back we will talk to the people at the silk screening place.

Denise's hubby Mark made the logo for me. I have it on my face book and my blog. Thank you Mark and Denise, you guys are aces.

Margie how are those ankles doing this year? Are you back to 100% yet?

All of us seem to have some little niggly that plagues us, my achillies, Scott's elbow, Lynn's knee, Connie's shoulder. I hope this is the year that everyone gets back to full speed.

Have a great day y'all and stay out of trouble.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Good Morning Team!

It's a rainy morning. Hard to get motavated. Waiting for the tea to kick in.

Dave & Erica, Safe travels. Anything exciting planned besides the race?

Connie, Very sorry to hear about your loss.

I'm doing a full at the end of Sept. & the training program has officially started. Doing this as a ramp up for the Goofy. Can't believe May is almost over.

Vicky, Don't get me started on the Running Room. I hate that they are the only real option for buying shoes. Went on the weekend to buy new shoes. The store wasn't busy. I've been wearing Mizunos but wanted to try a new New Bal. shoe. What attitude I got.
On to your question about the clinic. At this stage in your running I don't think any of the info. from the pre run talk will be anything you don't already know. I joined the clinic to run with some faster runners to try & push myself to run a little faster. The fast group was too fast & the other group was too slow. Just didn't work for me. Glad I tried it. Wouldn't do it again.

Have a great day.....Expecting more rain throughout the day.....I think I'll be on the treadmill......Sue
Hi everyone,

I did 4x 800; I did the 800s at a low 7 minute pace (3:30-3:40) and then recoveries in the low 9s.

Total of about 3 miles. Almost done packing and heading back to the South on Friday.



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