Meme's skinny jeans journal

Hi Meme,

I have a hard time resisting the popcorn at the movies too!! Amanda definately has a good idea!

Hey I went to check on the 5k walk across the street from you and it said that online registration was closed and you could only sign up there. Do you know if they are limiting how many people walk/run? This isnt' too far from me.

Have a great day- Get that shopping done before all the snow gets here! Is it spring yet?
MeMe, I hope you're all stocked for our long indoor weekend! :p Did you find a good fitness DVD?

I bet your little guy will be having a ball out in the snow by this time tomorrow! :cloud9: Enjoy your weekend!
This marathon thing seems to be a 'sickness' we all have! I know I have been bitten by the 'bug'! At least it is a good bug!

Have a great week, MeMe and keep warm! I don't envy you the snow, although my kids do. ;)

Which dvd did you get?
Well I had all good intentions yesterday :rolleyes: Schedule was off so ate a lunch of hotdog at target, not great but well & then was a dm for dinner and they served shrimp, veggies & a clam soup oh yeah a glass of wine. So not too bad but not what I had in mind. I did 2.5 on the tm. Also ate a few chex & pretzels when I got home, tom & craved the crunch & salt :guilty:

I did but a tae-bo dvd - figured I'll let him kick my butt into shape :D It is freezing her about 8 degrees and feels colder. Yes Doe ds loves the snow but mommy will be inside, he can help dh shovel.

Melanie, I think the tyler park race website has info from last year. Are you for sure for the OC MD?

Terry what are you doing? how's the weather out there?

Plan for today - stay inside :cloud9: under the blankets & watch movies - maybe My Best Friend's wedding & Ghandi (it's 3 hours so maybe I'll hop on my bike)

B- I'd love some oatmeal - how many carbs?
Hi MeMe!
I think I am going to do the Spirit of St Louis marathon. The time requirement is the same as WDW, so that's okay. I have started training but haven't registered yet. I have to get the 'okay' from the doctor. I am going to drive the course and see exactly how hilly it is. The temps for the summer don't get too high, I might join Amanda for the Lewis & Clark half as well!

How was the movie marathon? I hope you got to stay indoors, nice and warm. :) STL didn't get any snow, but the winds this weekend were wicked! Enough to take your breathe away at times!
Hi Meme,

Yep I'm definate on the OC MD Marathon. I signed up on Friday! YIPPEE!! I will be going down with DH and the kids. I had asked them to go along and then tried to tell him I could go down by myself and just hang with "the girls" but I think he was actually hurt that I didn't want them to go. Now that I have had more time to think about it, I think it's good that they can be there for me at the end of the race because I know they wont' be at the Philadelphia Distance Run or Disney next year. I'm looking forward to a nice weekend and I hope the weather is really nice!! It's sure nice to have something to look forward to in the spring.

For the Tyler Park one, let me see if I can find an e-mail address. It would be nice to have a nice 3 mile walk to do that time of year.

I'm with you on not going outside to "play" in this weather. Usually I'm one of the first ones out on the hill with my kids to snowsled, but darn it was WAY to cold. I"m glad my kids are older now and can go out behind my house to do that without me being out there with them now! My kids had such a fun weekend. A few of the "girls" in the neighborhood all slept over at my neighbors house for a snow sleepover. My daughter doesn't have anyone her own age in the neighborhood, so I'm glad she gets along with the younger ones. The other two girls are 10 & 11 so they aren't too far off.
Hey, girls! :wave: I got an email from the guy heading up the Tyler walk you're considering and he said it's going to be on May 21st this year.

MeMe will be kickin' butt with TaeBo!!! WOO HOO!! You go, girl!! Just be careful with those punches & kicks. Most people really put their "all" into them and overextend. You should stop just short of full arm or leg extension - you've got to "pretend" there's a solid target just short of full extension. Use your muscles (like biceps) to power out and then your other muscles (like triceps) to stop short before overextension. Have I confused you yet? :scratchin

Oatmeal first thing in the morning isn't too bad for you, but the longer cooking old fashioned oats are better than the quick-cooking kind. They take longer to digest, so your blood sugar won't spike as bad. I haven't looked up the carbs in a while but they aren't too high. Just watch portion size. Hot oatmeal sure is appealing with these cold temps!! ::yes::

Hope you have a great day!! :sunny:
Hi girls :earseek: I've been sooo busy - can't tell you with what but have just logged onto the boards since friday :rolleyes: I did get in some tm on sunday beofer the EAGLES won :cheer2: amazing they finally get to the superbowl - yippie! Sdo I did 2.15 miles but that just cancelled the donuts I ate during the snowstorm - yes I said donuts - plural :guilty: 4 krispy kremes, so delicious but def not on this weight loss program. & then dh bought me a danish on sunday so in total I had 5 very very bad foods :mad: today I told dh no more donuts & guess what he had bought dunkin donuts this am - urghhhhh pirate: I believe he wants me to stay at this weight but I want to lose at least 20. I have been stuck at a 19 lb loss for months so now I plan to get going NO MORe DONUTS! (I should have ate the oatmeal :rolleyes: ) I'm still working on the OC half marathon, I'll look at the other may walks. I def will do the MS walk on May 1st - go to - anyone want to join me & my mom?

I hit the tm today for 4.5 miles & plan to do the taebo tomorrow with another tm on thursday. Plans for meals must be made, today I am on target, dinner is done have to go will check journals when I'm done.
MeMe is on a MISSION!! I'm glad you laid down the law to your DH! If he wants those kinds of treats, tell him to eat them somewhere other than your house!

Best wishes for a great Tae Bo workout! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Morning Meme! :) I love Krispy Kreme doughnuts which is why I never buy them unless we are moving ;) It is the perfect moving food - gets everyone on a sugar high so that they carry boxes out to the van faster :rotfl: .

Great job with the walks and the Tae-bo. I use to do Tae-bo a long time ago and really liked it. It definately gets the heart rate up and gets ya moving. Plus it makes you feel like you can kick butt!

Have a great day and remember the basics to weight loss: Water, Food, Exercise! I know you will lose the next 20 in no time if you stick to the basics and avoid the K.K.

Hi Meme,

Yes tell DH that he must get those donuts out of the house. I really hate when DH brings things into the house that I can't resist. Certain things are just harder than others.

Good job on the TM. Keep up the great work.
Hi girls - thanks for stoping in I love reading your notes ;)

I finally have 2 days of real low carb - FINALLY 2 days in a row :worship: thank you! I did the tae-bo dvd tonight - not the entire thing - too many interruptions :sad2: but I will be doing it again & maybe I'll start picking up some of the movements, it gets a bit complicated. I'm hitting the tm tomorrow. I need a plan for the weekend - menus & exercise. I have plans for a charity event on sat night so I know I will not be doing lc so I should offset by a really long workout that day. Great I started my plan :flower:
:cheer2: :cheer2: 2 Low Carb Days!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Good Job! As a new meal planner let me just say that making a plan for the weekend will help relieve a lot of stress and guilt. If you need menu suggestions send me a PM and I can go on a search for you! :)

Well I had a good plan for yesterday but when I get called by mil all plans change :rolleyes: she needed help with something & then invited us for dinner. She has no clue about low carb - Ham & scallop potatoes and of course dessert, so I did well all day until dinner and had no time for exercise. When I put others first this is what happens, I'm last on the list :sad2: So today I have to do something for mil but I'm not going to spend all day on it! B-fast is cooking - bacon & eggs
Project for MIL
L- tuna
off to dm for her tm - I might have to start paying membership dues :rotfl:
D- chick is defrosting - I think I'll try the buffalo chick recipe & broccoli salad.

Amanda what is your chick recipe - I can make this tomorrow as I have alot of chick defrosting.

Great job on the 2 days being OP! :banana:

Don't stress too much about having to help MIL and not being able to stay OP. Sorry to hear that happened. I hate when you set out a plan and something gets in the way. Great job getting back on track today!
Had a good yesterday till party in the pm, but I knew that would happen. Had too much beer & snacks but it was a charity event what is a girl to do :confused3
Walked 2.5 miles on tm & dreamed of sunshine the entire time :sunny: how I long to be on an island where they serve only lc pina coladas!

Today plan to stay lc & maybe do the tae-bo or bike. Only 7 weeks till my b-day caribbean cruise & I want to wear those cute denim shorts!
Hiya Meme!

Chicken Ala Amanda
Louis Rich Chicken Breast in Santa Fe flavored or Oven Roasted
Cheddar Cheese - or Cheddar Jack
Sour Cream

Put as much chicken as you like in microwavable bowl. Spoon enough salsa over chicken, cover with a lot of cheese - microwave on high for 1 minute or until cheese is melted. Remove carefully and add sour cream - enjoy! :)

I need your receipe for Mexican Chicken in a Crockput - YUMMY!

Well I finally did it - lost that 1 lb :cheer2: puts me at a 20 lb loss :Pinkbounc & I vowed last night I will never see those pounds again! weighed late in the day usually do a morning weigh so maybe next week will be good also.

Eating has been ok, not totally lc but not fat filled either. Walked 4 miles on tm yesterday and plan for sometype of exercise today after I get some things checked off my list ;)

Thanks for the recipe amanda, I've actually made this before but did not know it was chicken ala amanda :) I'll post the other to your journal. I borrowed a lc crock pot book from the library & will be trying a few others. When it's this cold the crock pot is the only way to go!
:Pinkbounc :cheer2: A BEAUTIFUL CLIPPIE!! :cheer2: :Pinkbounc

Way to go, MeMe!! That 20 pound clippie is looking quite beautiful on you this morning!! :cloud9: Congrats on giving that one last pound the heave-ho!!

I saw your crock-pot mexican chicken recipe in Amanda's journal - I'm looking forward to trying it! Sounds yummy!!

Any idea if you'll be joining us for the Ocean City half? Just wondering....

Drink your water :fish: and have a great day!! :sunny:


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