mickeysdsnyprncs journal

those poptarts are deceiving! i thought the nutritional info was for the package of 2, but noooo, it's for each one! then why put them 2 in a package??? crazy i tell ya. but oh well, you worked it into your plan, and that's what matters ::yes::

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Karen, I hope you're off enjoying your Spring Break!! Keep eating that good food and making healthy choices, OK? :sunny:
Today I had a special k bar it was REALLY good. 90 cal

Lunch: HC alfredo broccolli and Chicken 300 cal
Juice box 100 cal

Dinner: 5 hot wings and 5 shrimp. MMMM

A few light beers. not sure on the cal but I think I had enough left.

Goodnight all.
Back to school! I will probably be posting a little more now. I can log on it between classes.

B: 1 hard boiled (easter) egg ? cal 50- 80?
1 apple juice box 100 cal
1 multivitamin

L: Diet Sprite (I can have pop now lent it over :) ) 0 cal
about 1/2 pound of Tuna salad. 170 cal (approx)
1/2 pound of fruit (strawberries, catalope, honey dew, grapes, & pineapple)
120 cal mmmmmmmm i love fruit!

That's it so far. :)

I'm thinking HC meal for dinner and then HC Ice cream for dessert. :)
Food sounds great Karen! Looks like you are really getting used to this healthy living stuff! Good for you! Keep up the good work!:teeth: ::MinnieMo
Sharon :sunny:
Back to school - YAY! I know that sometimes school can be a drag (my 2 teenagers tell me so all the time! :rolleyes: ) but being back to a regular routine can make our healthy eating habits a LOT easier! ::yes::

By the way, I looked up your hard boiled egg on Fitday - it says 1 large hardboiled egg is about 75 calories. Eggs are a great choice for cheap protein. It's easy to hardboil 4 - 6 at a time and keep them handy in the fridge for the week. If you need instructions, let me know - they are SO easy!

Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!! :sunny:
Thanks Doe. That isn't a bad amount a cal. for an egg. If you don't mind that could make an easy breakfast and even a part of lunch, if I had the directions.

To finish out yesterday.

I had some potatoes w/ sour cream for dinner. and a drink.

Today I went to this website, i was trying to find the cal in the dinner i had yesterday, well I was at this site and it said it would count how may cal I needed and it said somewhere around 2,800 cal that's crazy!! that is more than double what I take it now, and it is more than the recommended daily amount for an active person. I think the website was www.beehive.org but I could be wrong.

Haven't had much to eat yet today, saving some cal for some hot wings that I really want. Then I will eat a healthy dinner.

Have a good day. :)
Having a regular schedule is definately a good thing. It does help with eating regularly and timely along with healthy.
Here's how I do my hardboiled eggs. Put a few eggs in a pan and cover them with cool water - enough that there's an inch of water above the eggs. Don't overload the pan with eggs, either - they don't get done if you have too many. I'd put 3 in a small saucepan or 4-5 in a bigger saucepan.

Now put the pan on the stove - no lid - and set the heat to high. Wait until the water is REALLY boiling & bubbling.

Take the pan off the stove and put the lid on it. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Your eggs are done!

To keep them from overcooking, pour the hot water off and add some cooler water, until they are cool enough to touch. Then you can put them in the fridge and enjoy!

If you have any questions, or I've confused you (I'm good at giving confusing directions! ;) ) let me know and I'll explain it better.

Good luck!!
:upsidedow Oye! I have been soo busy. And now my mom has decided that she wants to join WW which is cool, and she asked me to go with her. Ugh, I can't say no to my mom ;) So we go to meetings on mondays after I get out of school.

I get 20 points per day.

I skipped breakfast :(

Lowfat Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, tsp mayo = 4 points
carrots w/ light ranch dressing = 2 points
Honey Maid Cinnamon graham crackers = 3 points

Lean Cruisine Salsbury steak (sp?) = 6 points

diet soda = 0 points

HC ice cream = 4 points
1 Girl Scout cookie = 1 point

Total = 20 points
Thanks for your continued support Doe! Hope you are doing well too!

Thank you for the hard boiled egg directions.

Dannon Low Fat Yogurt 6oz = 2
water = 0

carrots = 0
water = 0

cheeseburger w/ small fry Mc D's = 7 ? (I think)

Teddy grahams = 3

4 small pieces of pizza = 4 points
water = 0

That's only 16 :( oh well it makes up for using some of those flex points earlier this week. Today is weigh in. Don't think I lost anything but we'll see.

I have been drinking only water. Infact I don't even have anything else to drink in my house. :)
I hope WW is going well! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and sending good wishes for a wonderful weekend your way! :sunny:
My first week on WW I lost 1.2 pounds. (Keeping in mind that I have been on a VERY similar plan since January)

The second week I lost 1.0! Woo-Hoo! But truthfully my concern isn't losing weight it is eating healthy.


B: 1 cup Frosted Flakes (no milk) = 1

s: milk and cereal bar = 3

L: Lean Pocket and carrots = 5

today isn't over yet though......

Thanks for the good wishes Doe!


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