mickeysdsnyprncs journal

Great job with the water ::MickeyMo princess: !

I am sorry your elbow is bothering you. :( I hope you get that cleared up very quickly!::yes::
You are doing great with this WOE! You are really making it happen. You should be very proud of yourself for all your progress!:smooth:

Hope you have a wonderful day! :sunny:
hope those meds start working and that your arm feels better! have a great day today :sunny:
::MickeyMo princess: , I finally got all caught up on your journal. You've been making some great changes in how you eat!! I'm impressed!! When you're living on your own, it seems like it would be such a pain to cook for one! Those frozen meals seem like a great help for you! Of course, if you ever feel like cooking, you could cook extra and freeze the leftovers in single servings for later. But with your schedule, I don't know when you'd find time to cook!

I hope your elbow is feeling better in no time! Keep up the great work!! Your body is loving the healthier food!! :sunny:
Ok here's a little update. I have successfully been following my diet, if that's what you want to call it. I don't feel like I am dieting. I like that part. I range from drinking 24 to 80 oz of water a day, I was so proud when I first had 80 oz in one day, I never used to be able to do that, but it does make me feel better. I drink room temp water, not cold. Don't know why just don't like it cold. I gave up pop/ soda for lent so none for me until Easter. I have done this one before, I know I can do it. I don't drink a lot of pop anyway but you always want something that you can't have. Now technically I can have it on Sundays but I usually don't do it that way, I usually give it up totally until Easter Day. Still on meds for my arm but it is getting a lot better. I have to go back to the dr in a few weeks. He is going to test my blood sugar. :worried: Hyper (high) and Hypo (low) are both in my family, on both sides. He is also going to test my thyroid. I'n not sure how to feel about these tests yet.

Haven't posted in awhile, I get so busy and don't always have the time. And then by the time I get to it, I am so tired I just go to bed.

Last Wednesday 2/25 I went to a presentation/interview for the Walt Disney World College Program. I probably won't know until next week. I really hope I get in. I applied for the fall, Aug-Jan. IT was an exciting day for me, I was prepared (at least I like to think so) I had my application, resume, cover letter, and I was dressed to impress. Let's hope it was enough. If not I will try again next term, and every term until I get in. One of my main goals in life is to work for Disney for my career. I hope this will be my first step into the company.

Well that is enough babbling for now, here's what I ate today so far:

granola bar 140 cal
juice box 100

turkey sandwich w/cheese 180 cal ?
sun chips 140 cal
water 0 cal

will add more later.
Welcome Back! :) I'm glad your arm is feeling better; may it continue to heal. I'm sorry about your test, but don't stress out about them; it's better to catch these things now than later--you're very young. I'm glad this healthy eating life style is working well for you and congrats on the water consumption; I've been working hard at mine too and have increased by intake to 80oz-120oz a day. I hope you get great news from Disney--that would be so much fun! Enjoy the rest of your day and smile. :teeth:
Hello ::MickeyMo princess: ! Glad to hear from you! It sounds like you've been pretty busy, but doing well. I am glad this healthier way of life is working for you.
I'm sending lots and lots of :wizard: your way for the opportunity at Disney. I am past that point in my life, but I hope to work there after I retire from my job here someday!;)
Keep up the good work! I am especially impressed with all that water!:smooth:
hey there!!! good to see you :wave2:

you're doing a great job sticking to your plan, despite being so busy! and how stressful to have to get all those tests taken! i hope everythign works out okay and that if there's a problem, it can be taken care of.

the disney college program sounds like so much fun! i heard about it too late into my college career to be able to take advantage of it. hope that you get in! that would be an opportunity of a lifetime :bounce:
I think all of your testing is a great thing! It will help you know the best things to do for your body so it feels good and helps you reach your dreams! It's certainly better to KNOW what's going on so you can do what helps it, not what hurts it, ya know?

I'm so excited for your opportunity to interview for WDWCP!! I wish I would have had the chance when I was in college! Now I'm in the same boat as Sharon - have to wait until I retire from my REAL job to go move south and work for the Mouse. :p

Keep us posted on your tests and on the College Program! I'll keep you in my prayers on both counts! :sunny:
so to finish out yesterday,

pear 25 cal
1/2 Gatorade 45cal

Mommy's Moscacholi (sp? I know that's not right) 300 cal
Garlic bread 140 cal
water 0 cal

less than 1200 I don't remember the exact # but yeah

Today so far is:

1 cup Lucky charms & milk 180 cal

Thanks for all your support on the testing. I will catch up w/ you all later.

to finish out yesterday,

Turkey w/ gravy and mash pototoes. 500 cal
Water 0 cal

S: 2 Girl Scout cookies 140 cal

D: Chicken w/pasta HC Dinner 220 cal


Oops "midnight" snack 4 Thin Mint cookies 170 cal

so I skipped Breakfast

small pear 20 cal

Lasagna (cheese only) 220 cal
water 0 cal

What was i thinking?????? Yesterday the Girl Scout cookies came in that i order in January. 4 boxes!!!! What was i thinking!! I love these things. But I can get through it by only having them every once and awhile. (I hope)
oh man, girl scout cookies are eeeeevil! i'm right with you on that one. i have a hard time avoiding them. my mom always buys lots of boxes, and they sit in the pantry. it's so hard not to eat them! i know that you paid for them, so this might be hard, but you could try to give them away. or, if they're too much of a temptation, you could just chuck them in the trash. i dunno. or, you could have self control (unlike me!) and try to eat just one a day. whatever works for you :)
If you are truly tempted by those cookies then get rid of them - either in the trash or by giving them away. If you have self-control (I don't :rolleyes: ) then you can always put most of them away in the freezer. Keep them somewhere that you don't have to look at them all the time, like the top shelf of a cabinet. I told my kids to put ours where I won't see them!

Hope you have a great Monday! :sunny:
Girl nScout cookies freeze very well!!:teeth:
Here's an idea - package them up in individual baggies with 2, 3, 4 cookies each. Then when you get them out of the freezer, you aren't tempted to overdo it. The key to this WOE is moderation, not avoidance!;) But good luck, because I know when mine come in, I'm in BIG trouble!!!!:duck:
Have a great day!!:sunny:
So far I have been doing rather well for having 4 boxes of those cookies. I have only had 5. :)

Even though I was good on the part, I cheated yesterday. :( The only thing I really stuck to yesterday was drinking water. I had 64 oz of water.

I went out to eat. It is harder to count calories at a resturant. Sometimes I can do it, but not yesterday.

But I am back on track today.

B: fruit & nut bar 140 cal

S: pear 20 cal

L: ravioli 220 cal
baked doritos 90 cal
water 0 cal

Not sure what's for dinner but I am thinking a HC meal. I like those, and they are healthy and convient.

If I am good I can even have some of those dreaded GS cookies. LOL
Ok wow I think I am always busy. Good news though, I GOT ACCEPTED TO THE WDWCP! Woooooo-Hoooooo!!! :jumping1:

I have been doing pretty well, especially with those GS cookies. Yesterday I didn't eat lunch because I was soo busy, but that's ok I got to celebrate last night and I didn't have to worry about going over in cals. :) YAY!!! :hyper:

I leave in August, exact date unknown right now I will let everyone know, I think I was on the phone all day yesterday telling everyone!! :) YAY!! :bounce:

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:


fruit and nut bar 140cal
gatorade: 90 cal

spagetti O's :) 230 cal
water 0 cal

not done yet.........
Congratulations!!! You are going to have a GREAT time on the WDWCP!!!! I know how much you really wanted to do this!! :sunny:

Good for you for staying on plan and for using restraint with those cookies! They CAN be part of your eating, as long as you don't overdo them! You're doing a fantastic job!!
:jumping1: wahoooo!!!!:jumping1:

party time!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

i'm so extremely happy for you! i know how much you wanted to get in, and that is just so great! aw man, i'm just so proud of you and so so so happy :teeth:

plus, you're sticking to your plan for eating. eeeexcellent :smooth: . you're really gonna be lookin fine when you do leave in august, headed down to that wonderful florida sun for a great few months with the mouse ::MickeyMo :sunny:
For dinner yesterday I had a HC meal 320 cal and water

Dessert, GS COOKIES!! :) 4 Thin Mints @ 170 cal

I decided water is a good thing to drink, I can eat more fullfilling things that way.

I will arrive in WDW on August 25! Woo-Hoo! Later I plan on putting in a countdown! YAY!


B: cereal w/ milk 160 cal

L: Lean Pocket 200 cal

I think I will have a LC spagetti meal for dinner.

Also I am now taking a Multi Vitamin daily. :)

Woo-Hoo! I am going to WDW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're taking vitamins, drinking water, eating healthy, and GOING TO DISNEY!!! Does life GET any better???? Keep it up!! :sunny:


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