mickeysdsnyprncs journal

WOW! Congrats!!!!!! Keep up the good work on your eating!!!

Have a great time with the CP! I'm sure you'll have a blast!!
:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:
Oh that is such good news!!! Sorry I am a little late checking in with my congratulations, but it is just as heart-felt even if it is a day or two late!!!:teeth:
::MickeyMo princess: , you are doing so well eating healthy!!! And yes, I found out a long time ago that drinking water allowed me to eat more interesting foods still within the calorie range!!::yes:: And it is wonderful that you are taking a daily multivitamin! That is so important, but something most college students overlook!
You are doing so great! Keep it up!

Your gonna be in WDW before you know it!!:hyper: :teeth:
My computer is broken :( getting it fixed though, that is why I haven't been on much. Hoping it'll be fixed soon.

Today I had a muffin for B, 160 cal w/ juice 100 cal

L: Subway 400 cal
Tea 100 cal

D: 1/2 subway and chips. 250 cal

had a party to go to today did well but I don't think I was within my cal, but it wasn't too bad.
sorry your computer is broken! that stinks! i hate it when that happens. i go through withdrawl when i can't get my dish wish fix :p

looks like you did really well at that party...looks like you only made it to 1010 calories! :eek: is anything missing from that? doesn't look like much food...i know you maybe forgot to add something, but i just want to make sure, since 1010 is pretty low. i just want to make sure you're eating enough. ok, enough "mom-mode" from me :)

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
Well I was planning on going out to the bar with some friends, wanted to save some for that.

Trying to add in all those lovely things.

My wallett was stolen last night. :( Had to report all that today. Not cool.

B: 1/2 an egg, bacon, 1 piece of WW toast, water 250 cal ???

Then in my depressed state from this whole wallett thing, I had to find a comfort food, well Mc Donalds was on the way to wherever I was going. So that's what it was. :(
600 cal?? Just a guess

D: Pot Roast mmmmm.......
ah, gotcha on saving up for the bar. i was doing that the other day and it fell apart too. ah well.

i'm so so sorry that your wallet was stolen! that is just horrible! i hope that maybe it was an accident and some kind soul will return it to you. here's to hoping anyway :)

mcdonald's may not have been as bad as you thought. i think they have the nutritional info on their website, so you could go there and check it out. i often find that things turn out to be less than i would have thought.

i hope that you're feeling better and that your wallet turns up. here's a :hug: , i'm sure you could use it
I'm so sorry to read about your wallet being stolen. It's such a pain in the butt to have to cancel everything. Hoping that it will be returned to you intact.

Thanks desiree & Marcia. Ok. I got my computer back.YAY!! Atleast something is going good other that the WDWCP. I can't wait till AUGUST!!

I need to get away from here. LOL

Juicy Juice 100 cal
fruit and nut bar 140 cal

Juicy Juice 100 cal

ham and Turkey Sandwich 250 cal
Juicy Juice 100 cal

S: 2 sticks of gum 20 cal

Not yet but I think I will have.....
LC Chicken Enchilada Suiza mmmmm.... 280 cal
and water I haven't had any yet :( 0 cal

That's only 990 hmmm what else can i eat? :)

we'll see it is National GREEN Day! Oh I mean St. Patrick's Day.

Woo-Hoo! i just bought HC ICE CREAM!!! 1/2 cup is 120cal. mmmm

So that is 1110 cal. Hmmmm 90cal maybe I'll have some yogurt.
hey karen, that's great that you got your computer back! it's such a pain when you don't have constant computer access :p

yesterday looked like a great food day for you! you got in some great and yummy meals, and still had some room for delicious dessert! healthy choice ice cream is soooo good. my roomate at college used to always get the mint chocolate chip kind, and i remember it being really really yummy :tongue:

hope you have a great day today :sunny:
I'm popping in to wish you a wonderful :sunny: day! I'm sorry to hear about your wallet - what a hassle! :rolleyes: However, you did really well at avoiding a major binge over the whole thing! :Pinkbounc

Glad to hear you've got your computer back - I go totally :crazy: if I can't get on the DIS!!!
Today I couldn't eat much i have a glucose test tomorrow, so, here goes.

B: Yogurt 170 cal
water 0 cal

L: LC meal 190 cal
Vitawater (vitamin water) tastes like lemonade. 150 cal

S: water 0 cal

No dinner and no dessert today..... I am sooo hungry.

But I will have food tommorrow.

I did take a multivitamin today (like I have been everyday)

ok I am going to bed so I don't think about this no food thing. Goodnight.
Good luck with your Glucose test today! Hope all went well. Have a great Friday!
I won't know the resluts from the test for a while so I will post that later.

Food wise i have done good the past few days despite being busy. and going back and forth with moods. I hate men. They always seem to make me sad. :upsidedow


B: frosted Flakes and fat free milk 160 cal

s: juice (didn't like it) 110 cal

L: HC meal 280 cal

D: Spagetti and meat balls mmmmm homemade. with a slice of bread. yum.

d: 1/2 slice of b-day cake (for my grandpa, he's 80)

i know i have a ton of cal left maybe I will have something else.


ps: no man is worth crying over the the one that is will never make you cry
Oh Goodness! This could only happen to me. It's finals and I set my alarm wrong so I was late. The test was easy and I aced it but still. My final project wasn't as good as I wanted. :( Hopefully the days gets better as I go not worse, I have another final today. Because I was running so late, I didn't eat breakfast, I forgot my vitamins, good thing I carry extras of everything. I got on the train to go downtown, and it is running late too. Ugh! Could it possibly get any worse? Of course it could, I am sure something will come up. Oh by the way. Goodmorning
:wave: ,

I hope things start to turn around for you. Being late always stresses me out. Congrats on acing your final, and good luck on your next one.
:hug: and :wizard: for your day.
Tough start to your week Karen!:rolleyes: I hope things improved for you! I hate when things like that happen to me.
Sounds like you are doing very well with your eating and vitamins. Good for you!::yes:: Just look at how much you've improved your eating habits in the last weeks! That is great!:Pinkbounc
Heres a :hug: for you - I hope it helps. And you are SO right - no man is worth your tears!You are far to good for someone to treat you poorly!:teeth:
Take good care of you!
Ok finals are over! YAY! Two weeks off. Didn't do as well as I wanted to this week, but not as bad as I thought when I look back on it. I did really well Mon-Wed, I went out 4 nights this weekd though. But my big problem was that I didn't eat breakfast everyday. When I don't eat breakfast I don't eat as well throughout the day as I do when I do eat breakfast.
The next two weeks will be a challange i am better when i have a set schedule then when I get to sit around.

Will post meals for today later.
Hey there,

You looked back over your week. Figuring out what works for you is a big part of this journey. You handled a very stressful well. As for the next coouple of weeks, try planning out your meals in advance. Keep up the Great job.
hey karen, congrats on finishing finals! and how nice to have 2 weeks off, enjoy that :bounce:

thta's really good that you're noticing your breakfast pattern, definitely should help you to get back on track ::yes::

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Meals for Monday:
Multivitamin: 1

B: breakfast pastry 280 cal

L: HC meal 300 cal

s: 3 pieces of candy 30 cal

D: 1/2 a small cheeseburger with only ketchup, small serving of potatoes, and 1/3 ear or corn on the cob. 300 cal

2 lite beer: 200 cal

2 spoonfuls of HC icecream about 70 cal

Total: just under 1,200 cal

I also had my Multivitamin today and breakfast I had a poptart ugh i just looked at the cal 210 cal for 1 and I had 2 ugh. guess I probably won't have a snack today.


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