Military Community Thread

I am glad you got out of your trance! You know what's weird? I was pretty good through the fist 9 months or so. And it has been recently that I am in a HUGE funk. I think it's because we have passed the year mark and know we still have about a year to go before he is home. I am soooo ready for him to be home. 2 years is a long time. :sad2:
You are in Tucson?? I am in Sierra Vista. I have never met anyone on the DIS that was close to us!
My hubby is a part of the 1/285th that was activated last year out of Marana. Looks like we might be moving up there when he gets home. He loves the shop he works for up there.
Anyway, nice to see another Arizonaer :-)laughing:) around here!!!

Howdy neighbor! :wave2: We are actually in Marana just off the Cortaro exit (NOT in Continental Ranch).
Good luck on your move if when you head this way! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with (I did extensive research into schools before deciding where to live here!!)
Howdy neighbor! :wave2: We are actually in Marana just off the Cortaro exit (NOT in Continental Ranch).
Good luck on your move if when you head this way! Let me know if there is anything I can help you with (I did extensive research into schools before deciding where to live here!!)

Oh wow! Yeah, I know exactly where that is.
I would love to know what sort of information you have on the area. I have lived in AZ a long time, but never in Tucson or Marana. I am not a huge fan, but my hubby is convinced if we move to Marana I will like it because it has a smaller feel to it than being in the middle of Tucson. Are you renting up there? Or did you buy your home? I think we would want to rent for a bit to make sure we liked the area and everything. I am also very interested in schools. I would LOVE to know if Marana has any magnet schools. And if so, are they only for high school?
Thanks in advance. I am a HUGE planner, so even though we are pretty far away from the move, I like to have my ducks in a row!
Marine GF here....We're stationed at Camp Pendleton right now, and we're LOVING it here. Beautiful weather, and we've got Joshua Tree 2 hrs away for rock climbing, and the beach half an hour away too.

BF is going to school in a few weeks in NC :( but he'll be back in fall, and then deploys in Jan most likely. :grouphug: for anyone who has family deployed right now!

One of my best friends is leaving for Pendleton in a week!
First of all- that's great that you were able to get out of the deployment trance!

My DF is in the Army National Guard. Currently he's training in Kansas, where he's been for the past 2 months. He leaves for Afghanistan in mid-July. He was home this past weekend, I dropped him back at the airport this afternoon. It was so good just to be in the same room with him! This was the second time he's been home since he left at the beginning of April, he was also able to come home over Memorial Day weekend. I hate dropping him off again at the end of the weekend. It's not as hard as when I first dropped him off, especially since I know I'll see him in less that 2 weeks, he'll be home for a week before going overseas, but I always feel like I'm in a daze for the first couple of days.
Hi, I'm Tina.Married to AD army signal guy. We are stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY and getting ready to start the 3rd deployment to Iraq in 5 years of marriage. Today is pretty pissy just watching all the packing the he is doing even though now our start of the deployment will be delayed due to a 5 month TDY that we learned about 2 weeks ago. I should be happy I know.

This summer I'll be splitting my time between here, Ft. Gordon, and my family in AR and then I plan to actually move back home to AR after my Matt leaves for Iraq. Normally I don't do the move home but I'm ready this time. Until a couple of months ago, I was the FRG leader and a teacher of deployment classes and new wives classes. I also did the Care Teams and ready for a break.

It's nice to see other military spouses getting to know one another. I think sometimes it helps the time go by knowing other people understand what you are going through.
Hi, I'm Tina.Married to AD army signal guy.

Hi, I'm Vickie. Married to AD Army signal guy. :) DH was in the National Guard for about 7 years and now he's been AD for 8 years.

We're stationed at Ft. Lewis, WA. Well, I guess I'm at Ft. Lewis, DH deployed to Iraq three months ago, so we have a year left of this deployment. We have 5 kids so I don't move anywhere when DH leaves, I've made my home here so we'll stay here until he returns. After he gets home he's going to start the process to get out, the Army is taking a toll on his body/health so we're ready, but he is going to return to the National Guard until he retires. We will return to the East, around NC, KY or OH depending where he can get a decent job, which is something I'm really anxious about.

Tina, that must be really rough, I hope they actually stick to the idea of the 15 month deployments keeping soldiers home for 12 months in between, at least then there would be something good about it. It sounds like you have alot of plans to keep you busy at least, I hope you have a good summer, but I think you're missing a Disney trip in there ;) .
An AF spouse here!

We are stationed in Florida & should be resting here for awhile, hopefully. We've moved 3 times in 3 short years! Texas to Hawaii to Texas to Florida. We are really enjoying our new duty station. Hopefully hurricane season won't be too tough on us!

It's nice "meeting" you all. & my thoughts are with those whose loved ones are deployed. :grouphug:
Michelle-were you guys at Hickam? Beautiful base! We go to the beach there often!

I assume you're at Patrick AFB now? That is a pretty area too!

My DD is 6 and has moved 4 times already too! DS has lived in 3 states and he's only 4, LOL!!!

We are in Pearl Harbor for 3 years and love it so far! We came from Jax, FL to here.
Well, this is post #1 though I have been a long time lurker. I saw this thread and had to come out of hiding.

My husband is active duty Navy and has been in for 19 1/2 years. (We have been married almost 19 years!) Just as we are getting ready to drop retirement paperwork, he got picked up for a IA with the Army. He is very excited to go and make a difference. He has been on shore duty for the last 2 years so to get a month's notice for an 11 month deployment was a little bit of a shock!! He leaves in a couple of weeks though we are still waiting for a departure date. The kids and I know "this isn't our first rodeo" and this is what we do. Though I am use to him being out in the middle of the ocean instead of the dessert!

Over the last 19 years we have been stationed in Orlando twice, Idaho, Rhode Island twice, San Diego, Monterey, and are now on our second time around in Virginia. We are orginially from Texas!! Go Longhorns!!
We're navy. Growing up in Hampton VA though most everyone I knew was a dependant. Mainly navy or air force but we had a few army kids in the mix. Now, Im the only dependant. It's weird that way.
Drews been in the Navy almost 13 years now. Did 3 years in Japan then the rest here in Hampton Roads which is where we met as well I grew up here. We've been married 3 years. He went out on the Kennedy's last cruise 3 weeks after we got married for 6 1/2 months. Right now though we're on shore duty.
Right after he came home we went to Disney, its our place now lol.
We also have many friends who are active duty including my best friend and x roomate who was in Iraq last fall but redcrossed out for a family emergency and is going back in September. We have 3 friends who are Army, one a pilot who was shot down but is ok, and my cousin is a Marine who just got home from Iraq.
I feel bad when people tell me how much they appreciate my husbands service and what he does for the U.S. when we have friends on ground overseas all the time (and it worries the crap out of my constantly...*sigh) and when he goes out hes on a ship. I mean I know he's doing his thing to support the troops on ground but I very honestly will tell people how much I appreciate their feelings and good will but that Im sort of lucky as I know where he is and how he is going back and forth in the med with planes bouncing off the top of the ship, whereas with my friend and cousin we only have a rough idea if any of where they are and only know theyre ok because we hear from them once in awhile.
I really do appreciate and truley respect all of you who have family friends and loved ones serving overseas and in the U.S. I also super respect those of you who have loved ones deployed and arent able to live in your hometown like my slacker butt and keep your heads up high and help keep your loved ones going. Thank you!!!
Hi everyone. It's so great to see so many out here. I am in a funk today. My DH is in the green zone at the Embassy. I heard from him this morning, but when I got home from work there wasn't his usual email. This has happened before, but it just bugs me since they have been shelled a lot this week. His mother even called me to see if he was ok. I sure don't want to worry others or bring anyone down. I am just freaking out a little today.

Ok, I got to get to doing something so I can get out of this funk.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi Melissa and all....
Need to play catch up here...I've been reading, but not posting. Oh Melissa....hope you find a bright spot in your day today. I know that one time or another we're in for days like this. Mike called Meg the day before yesterday and she wasn't home (took oldest to swim lesson) - he just said "you won't hear from me for a while, I'm flying out in the morning" He just said they were going north...- lt sure did upset her - She's trying to stay very busy with the 6 kiddos, now that school is out and trying to keep everyone "up". She too hasn't heard anything more from him yet.
You are ALL in my prayers and are an amazing bunch and I am so proud to be a Mother-in-Law to Mike and so proud to have met you all here and read all your stories. It's so comforting to have a place to come and share and know that anyone who reads what is written, fully understands the ups and downs.
I hope you can all find a bit of sunshine today. :grouphug: Barb in Texas
Hi everyone. It's so great to see so many out here. I am in a funk today. My DH is in the green zone at the Embassy. I heard from him this morning, but when I got home from work there wasn't his usual email. This has happened before, but it just bugs me since they have been shelled a lot this week. His mother even called me to see if he was ok. I sure don't want to worry others or bring anyone down. I am just freaking out a little today.

Ok, I got to get to doing something so I can get out of this funk.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Melissa, I know how you feel. I have been in a funk for the past few months! It seems like I was fine until it hit a year and now it keeps getting harder and harder. I am fully functional, I get up do the house stuff, take care of our son, etc.... but I am sad. So I can relate. HANG IN THERE!!!! We can get through this.
Melissa, I know how you feel. I have been in a funk for the past few months! It seems like I was fine until it hit a year and now it keeps getting harder and harder. I am fully functional, I get up do the house stuff, take care of our son, etc.... but I am sad. So I can relate. HANG IN THERE!!!! We can get through this.

:grouphug: To you and Melissa!
Dreamgirl78, I can't imagine more than a year. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ok, a little more out of my funk, until my boss and co-worker made me want to walk out and never come back. That car in the picture is the only thing stopping me. Its my hubby's welcome home gift.

Hubby is ok. By the time they were able to leave the bunker, he was too tired to email. I figured it was something like that.

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing ok.

Still didn't clean house last night, so I am putting on my Ipod and earphones and going to work right now.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Many prayers to you Army and Marine wives (well, anyone with a loved on the ground in the sandbox.) That stress must be numbing at times. :(

I'm in the pre-deployment funk...he's been gone this whole month training and leaves at the end of next month (until the middle of next year) and I just want to get it over with!
:grouphug: To you and Melissa!
Thank you!
Dreamgirl78, I can't imagine more than a year. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ok, a little more out of my funk, until my boss and co-worker made me want to walk out and never come back. That car in the picture is the only thing stopping me. Its my hubby's welcome home gift.

Hubby is ok. By the time they were able to leave the bunker, he was too tired to email. I figured it was something like that.

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing ok.

Still didn't clean house last night, so I am putting on my Ipod and earphones and going to work right now.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
My house still didn't get clean. It's presentable but not super super clean. Oh well. ;) Glad to hear about your un-funk (new word). Can't bosses be such jerks? I am glad I don't have to deal with that anymore. Hubby called today and someone on his little base was killed the other day. He could not go into details, but my heart goes out to his family.
By the way, your hubby's welcome home gift is so awesome!!!
Many prayers to you Army and Marine wives (well, anyone with a loved on the ground in the sandbox.) That stress must be numbing at times. :(

I'm in the pre-deployment funk...he's been gone this whole month training and leaves at the end of next month (until the middle of next year) and I just want to get it over with!

I see you are in Hawaii. We were there for about 3 years and loved it. I know what you mean about wanting to get it over with! It's like all of the anticipation that builds up before they leave it so hard to deal with too. I'm here for you if you need to chat! Looks like our husband's will be coming home around the same time! We'll have to have a little DIS welcome home party for us! :laughing:
Many prayers to you Army and Marine wives (well, anyone with a loved on the ground in the sandbox.) That stress must be numbing at times. :(

I'm in the pre-deployment funk...he's been gone this whole month training and leaves at the end of next month (until the middle of next year) and I just want to get it over with!

I always said that was the worst of deployments: the anticipation for them to start. The build up of stress and tension is almost impossible to live with. Then you have them being gone all the time whether with training or packing and then loading the trains and trailers and then the boats. I always say that the sooner the *beep* deployment starts the sooner it's over.

I hope that all is who have loved ones gone right now are making it the best they can and know that their is light at the end of the tunnel. I PROMISE there is nothing better than running and jumping in your loved one's arms when you hear them being released. Seeing the joy and love on their face and yours and everyone around you sometimes makes it all worth it in the end.
I always said that was the worst of deployments: the anticipation for them to start. The build up of stress and tension is almost impossible to live with. Then you have them being gone all the time whether with training or packing and then loading the trains and trailers and then the boats. I always say that the sooner the *beep* deployment starts the sooner it's over.

Tina, you are so right! The anticipation is the worst. Just get it started so it can finish!! And I think the Army has it bad on that too. I never have understood the fact that they have to "deploy" stateside for training before the overseas deployment, and that the stateside training does not count towards the actual deployment time. So in reality, a 12-month deployment is really 15 to 18 months away from home and family. At least in the AF, all the training is at home station, so when they deploy for 6 months, it's only 6 months away from family.

I was 34 weeks pregnant with DD2 on 9-11. My husband is a pilot who immediately began flying alert/escort/homeland defense missions. We did not see each other for several days following 9-11 despite working across the street from each other (I was full time ANG at the time)! Then right about the time DD2 was born, we found out he was going to have to deploy for 4 months. He left when DD2 was 4 weeks old. We were fortunate that he did not get extended, and was able to come home as planned, but that was a LONG 4 months.


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