My first ever pre-trip Report! *UPDATED* Proposal Pics added 09/10/08


<font color="red">Proud Redhead</font>
Jan 21, 2008
My first ever pre- trip report!- in fact first ever report of any kind!

Okay, here goes,

The Cast

Me - Craig - age 28

DGF - Emilie - age 28

Okay, here's the background to the trip - I've been to WDW twice, once when I was about 10 with my family. We stayed on I Drive somewhere for 3 weeks and did all the Disney Parks, Universal, Sea World. It was the best holiday of my life!! :) I also went to MGM for 1 day and Island of Adventure for one day about 6 years ago. I've also been to DLP about 5 times and love it over there too!! :thumbsup2

Em has never been to Orlando, but I did convince her to come to DLP once, and whilst she came under protest, we had a wicked day there. She kind of thinks that Orlando is only a place to visit when you have children....... I know, I know, she's crazy, what can I say?!? :rotfl:

So in order to convince her otherwise, as I know as soon as she gets there she'll love it, I've planned a surprise trip for us out to Orlando. We leave England on 17th September and are staying in Orlando for 2 weeks. It's all paid for, as is car hire, insurance, all WDW Tickets, Flex Tickets & HHN Tickets :) Who wouldn't enjoy a free 2 week holiday eh?! :confused3

So I booked this trip back in December, and I'm so proud of myself that I've managed not to say anything yet! :woohoo: I thought she'd know all about it by Christmas!! I've spoken to her boss and she has the time off work all sorted (but doesn't know it yet!)

Okay, so I'm really excited about this so far - but it gets better - it's Em's birthday on September 28th so we'll be out there to celebrate that - bizarrely its my birthday too, we were born on the exact same day of the same year - I'm 4 hours older :) - anyways, for 'our' birthday I've made an ADR at the Blue Zoo, as she absolutely loves Seafood

So I'm hoping that it should be a holiday to remember - Well there's still more - I'm planning on proposing to Em whilst we're out there :) So far I'm thinking I'd like to do it over dinner at the California Grill but if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE help me out.......

Okay, so after months and months of planning, phone calls, updating spread sheets (I still cannot believe I've made a spread sheet for holiday, I'm the guy who will usually start packing my case for holiday the night before we go!) :rotfl2: here's where I am at the mo:

Wednesday 17th September

We arrive in Sanford at about 5pm US time. I'm thinking we'll just drive to the hotel, unpack, go out and grab some food from somewhere nearby. Maybe wander down to DTD for a few beers :drinking1

Thursday 18th September

Epcot for the day. Managed to bag a reservation for dinner at Le Cellier :banana: (I should mention that Em and I are both foodies and you'll soon notice that one of the main focuses of this trip is to eat as much delicious food as possible!)

Friday 19th September

Islands of Adventure day - I can't wait to go back to this park so I have to do it as early in the trip as possible!

Saturday 20th September

Sea World - and dinner at the Coq Au Vin in the evening. Supposed to be an amazing restaurant as Em is half French so I'm she she'll love it. My plan here is to throw her off any scent she may have of a proposal. We've been together 4 years now, and all of her friends are starting to get engaged so I'm sure once she realizes I've organised this holiday that at the back of her mind she'll be thinking proposal - so I've organised a few really nice dinners for the first few nights we're there, with no intention of proposing, as I think that she'll expect me to do it straight away once we're over there. Sneaky eh?! :rolleyes1

Sunday 21st September

We've got a breakfast at Boma for 8.30, the we'll spend the day at AK (I've always wanted to come here, Lion King is my favourite film of all time!) and then we've got a reservation at Narcooccess at 7, so we can catch wishes at 8.

Monday 22nd September

The Big Day!! :eek: Blizzard beach in the morning for a chilled out day of slides and sun bathing, then Cali Grill is booked for 7.30, which is where I'm planning to pop the question. Hopefully after the previous dinners she'll now be thinking "surely if he was going to he'd have done it by now", well that's the plan anyway!

Tuesday 23rd September

Okay, the rest of the trip kind of hinges on the fact she will say yes!! If its a no then the game plan is out the window - and I'll probably drown my sorrows with lots of alcohol - although if she says yes then we'll probably celebrate with jut as much alcohol anyway!! ;)

Today I'm thinking we'll wake up late, check out Universal for the afternoon and take it nice any easy. No dinner plans yet buy I really want to try Roys, and this could be a good night for it.

Wednesday 24th September

Driving over to Busch Gardens today, then we have an ADR for Jiko in the evening

Thursday 25th September

MGM day. maybe hang out by the pool in the morning and head over to MGM in the afternoon so we can stay until Fantasmic.

Friday 26th September

I'm looking forward to this so much!!! :yay: Aquatica in the day, then over to Universal for the opening night of Halloween Horror Nights! I've got us Stay and Scream Passes and Express Passes for this. I'm a massive fan of horror films and I cannot explain how excited I am about this night. Em isn't the biggest horror fan in the world, but I'm thinking that by this point I should have earned enough Brownie points to get away with a night of horror :rolleyes1

Saturday 27th September

Magic Kingdom Day :)

Sunday 28th September

Our Birthday! (It always sounds so weird saying that!). I'm thinking IOA & Universal in the daytime for a few goes on our favourite rides, then we're off to Blue Zoo for our Birthday dinner as I've heard such good things about the sea food there. Can't think of a better birthday than that! - well maybe if HHN was on......

Monday 29th September

Probably be waking up late and feeling a little bit rough ;) Plan is to take it easy today, then in the afternoon wander over to Epcot to eat and drink our way around the world for the evening!

Tuesday 30th September

Last full day :( Haven't got anything planned, I'm thinking we can go to Em's favourite park again, then in the evening I've got California Grill booked up again, as I *HOPE* this will be Em's favourite restaurant, plus it'll be nice to end the holiday in the spot where *hopefully* she said yes. Like I said, a lot of this trip hinges upon the answer I get on the 22nd!!!

Wednesday 1 October

We don't leave until 6.30 US time but I've made no plans so we can do anything we want!

And that's about it!

And thanks to so many of you who have helped and guided me towards creating the perfect holiday, the friendliness and knowledge of the people on these boards is incredible! :disrocks:

If anyone has any feedback I'd love to here it ::yes::

Thanks guys!!!
Wow that sounds like an incredible holiday! I hope she says yes!! It might be nice if you could go to MK a bit earlier in the trip as its that park that most people associate with Disney. :goodvibes
Good luck with the proposal! Of course she's gona say yes - It's the happiest place on earth.

Can i ask which hotel you're staying at?
Good luck with the proposal! Of course she's gona say yes - It's the happiest place on earth.

Can i ask which hotel you're staying at?

International Plaza on I drive.

I'm a bit nervous, as it has really mixed reports - on trip advisor it seems to get either 5 stars or 1 star!
Wow that sounds like an incredible holiday! I hope she says yes!! It might be nice if you could go to MK a bit earlier in the trip as its that park that most people associate with Disney. :goodvibes

I'm sure there's a reason we arent going there until later - but I'm struggling to remember what it is..... :rotfl2:

Good shout though, perhaps it was die to something which is no longer stopping us, in which case it's back to the spreadsheet....
How romantic!! The thought, effort and planning that has gone in to this fantastic surprise is amazing - she is one lucky lady!

PS Have you got any brothers for my DD 21?
What a great surprise holiday. I do hope she says yes.

Can't wait to read your trip report on your return

what a great trip you have planned - she is a lucky gal ::yes:: I am very impressed that you have spreadsheets for your holiday. not that I would do anything like that :rolleyes1

can't wait for the main event now.keep us posted.;)
Hope all goes well on the big day mate.
Can I reccommend lunch at Mythos on your IOA day. It's the top theme park restaurant 5 years in a row and we have never been disappointed.:thumbsup2
What a fabulous surprise, when are you going to tell her though?
what a fantastic holiday you have planned,cant wait to hear about it when you get back:goodvibes
Wow-What a fantastic,caring,loving guy you are.She is one lucky lady.I hope all goes well and she says yes,of course she is.As for trip advisor i tend to take the reviews on there with a pinch of salt,although i do take a slight more bit of notice if it's a Brit giving the review:confused3 .If you're worried post on the hotel+accomadation board and ask for reviews.x.
what a great start, you must keep us updated, you are a wonderful person, so many lovely suprises
Thanks for all the lovely feedback :) It makes it even more exciting!

And today is our double digit day :)

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

What a fabulous surprise, when are you going to tell her though?

Well I'm hoping to keep it a secret up until the night before we go.

We usually go away for a weekend somewhere for our birthday, and recently Em suggested we look for places to go to - So on Friday I "pretended" that I had found a good flight deal and have told her she needs to take 3 days off work as we'll be going away Thursday - Tuesday and that I'm gonna keep it a suprise.

So she'll be ready for a holiday, only a weekend, not 2 weeks in Orlando!

My plan is to tell her as we're driving to the airport........
Hope all goes well on the big day mate.
Can I reccommend lunch at Mythos on your IOA day. It's the top theme park restaurant 5 years in a row and we have never been disappointed.:thumbsup2

I've heard great things about Mythos and will def be trying that place! Thanks for the tip!

Where abouts in IOA is it?
I wish to make an appeal to a moderator to have this thread closed down!

I mean its not fair on us mear motal males. This guy with all his romantic ideas is making me look bad!!!!!!!!!!;)
Thanks for all the lovely feedback :) It makes it even more exciting!

And today is our double digit day :)

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well I'm hoping to keep it a secret up until the night before we go.

We usually go away for a weekend somewhere for our birthday, and recently Em suggested we look for places to go to - So on Friday I "pretended" that I had found a good flight deal and have told her she needs to take 3 days off work as we'll be going away Thursday - Tuesday and that I'm gonna keep it a suprise.

So she'll be ready for a holiday, only a weekend, not 2 weeks in Orlando!

My plan is to tell her as we're driving to the airport........

Fantastic idea, but thinking as a woman will she have enough clothes and stuff to take if she thinks she is only going for a weekend!


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