NEW(?): Games for prizes! Guess the picture or solve a riddle!

stejohno riddle #2 -

When she shot him, she didn't shoot him with a gun. She shot a picture of him with a camera.

When she held him under water, she was developing the photograph, and then hung the photo up to dry.
kaitykatz7 said:
Stejohono last riddle. The bus drivers name is Kaitlyn. I am a bus driver,that's an old riddle I tell you!

how in the world did u figure that out?
Nanoer said:
how in the world did u figure that out?

Well, the start of the riddle does say YOU. Plus, my dad told me that before. Yet her worded it differently. He said it as 'How old is the bus driver?'.
Guess who's back....back again.....

Hey, great riddles you guys! I knew the bus driver one but was too late. And the elevator one...

OK this is not a riddle exactly...but a very cool thing to try and show your friends. You can show them on your computer or with real dice. Just make sure you remember the 3 things you are allowed to say, and give no more hints.

First go HERE to read the story of the game (it will make more sense if you do...and it is pretty entertaining!):

Then after reading, go HERE to try it:

NO CHEATING. If you get it, PM me with the solution and I will make a post listing all the members of the Fraternity of the Rose (you'll see what I mean when you read first link). It does not count if you find the solution somewhere on line, and trust me when I say you will slap yourself if you give up and cheat. They say the smarter you are, the longer it takes to get it (not always true, but look how long it took Bill Gates!) Ok so go to the first link and read so you will know what I am talking about. Also, when you PM me, tell me how long it took you and whether or not you want me to post that on the list.

This is so easy yet so hard!!!

Ever-updated list of DIS "Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose" (hopefully will grow!):

Miakoda: about an hour to solve
DementedRiku: 25 minutes

Also, I don't think I posted this one. I can't ask you guys this because the riddle must be spoken, it won't work written down.

You ask your friends: "A farmer has 20 sick sheep. One of them dies. How many sheep does he have left?"

BUT you say it so it sounds like "a farmer has 26 sheep, not 20 sick sheep". They think you are saying 26 and will guess 25, then come up with all sort of crazy answers. You have to have them tell you WHY their answer is what it is, not just say the number.

The answer, of course, is 19 (unless you want to say 20 and count the dead sheep).

I have stumped so many ppl with this! I learned it from a guy that said his college professor asked this on the first day of class, before he said anything else. He said whoever gets the correct answer before the end of class does not have to come to class anymore, take any exams, etc. and will get an automatic "A" (I think the professor made the riddle up, so he knew no one would have heard it before. One person out of over 100 got it).

Try it! You'll drive your friends CRAZY (refuse to tell them, they have to get it! Actually if someone gives up after a while, I tell them.....BUT NEVER GIVE THE PETALS AROUND THE ROSE SOLUTION AWAY IF YOU GET IT....THAT IS A LAW!!!!!!)

MiakodaWDW said:
Also, I don't think I posted this one. I can't ask you guys this because the riddle must be spoken, it won't work written down.

You ask your friends: "A farmer has 20 sick sheep. One of them dies. How many sheep does he have left?"

BUT you say it so it sounds like "a farmer has 26 sheep, not 20 sick sheep". They think you are saying 26 and will guess 25, then come up with all sort of crazy answers. You have to have them tell you WHY their answer is what it is, not just say the number.

The answer, of course, is 19 (unless you want to say 20 and count the dead sheep).

I have stumped so many ppl with this! I learned it from a guy that said his college professor asked this on the first day of class, before he said anything else. He said whoever gets the correct answer before the end of class does not have to come to class anymore, take any exams, etc. and will get an automatic "A" (I think the professor made the riddle up, so he knew no one would have heard it before. One person out of over 100 got it).

Try it! You'll drive your friends CRAZY (refuse to tell them, they have to get it! Actually if someone gives up after a while, I tell them.....BUT NEVER GIVE THE PETALS AROUND THE ROSE SOLUTION AWAY IF YOU GET IT....THAT IS A LAW!!!!!!)


Oooh this one is evil! I love it!
80% of kindgeraternars(spelled it wrong) solve this riddle but only 5% of Stanford figured it out!
It is a seven letter word, it preceded God, it is greater than God, the poor have it, the wealthy need it, if you eat it, you will die.

What is it?
lol oops did i have to explain why
nothing is a seven letter word
nothing preceeded god
nothing is greater than god
the poor have nothing
the wealthy need nothing
It was a dark, foggy night. A man was wandering down the street, lost. He spotted a house not far away, so he quickly ran to it and went inside. There was no one inside the house so he began to look around. Inside one of the rooms, he saw a large coffin in the corner. All of a sudden, the coffin rose up and began to chase the man. He ran out of the house and down the street, but the coffin kept following. The man desperately scrambled in his pockets for something to scare the coffin off. He pulled out a tissue, but the coffin kept coming. He yanked out his keys and threw them at the coffin, but it came closer. So the man reached into his pocket again and pulled out a cough drop..
a Coffin sounds like Coughing when said quickly.So therefore,he used common sense and gave the Coughing a Cough drop.
i just posted that no fair..
well lets try another:

I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.

guess wat it is
tinkerbabes said:
i just posted that no fair..
well lets try another:

I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.

guess wat it is
um...i am guessing freedom because of the never free thing lol
no srry..
but pay attention to the words ( they are not all hypothetical )
hope u figure it out soon..

here it is again:

i drive men mad,
for love of me,
easily beaten,
never free.
tinkerbabes said:
no srry..
but pay attention to the words ( they are not all hypothetical )
hope u figure it out soon..

here it is again:

i drive men mad,
for love of me,
easily beaten,
never free.


Ok, there are only FOUR people besides me on the DIS Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose list.....anyone else got it yet? PM me if so! Also if you pmed me w/ correct answer, and your name is not up there, let me know if I missed you! Here are the links again, but if you did not see my original post, please go back a page to read it!

First go HERE to read the story of the game (it will make more sense if you do...and it is pretty entertaining!):

Then after reading, go HERE to try it:


Ok, here's a riddle for you all:
If no one gets it after a while, I will give hints, one at a time. There are three hints in all....

This monarch towers o’er the room
Her subjects huddled ‘neath her skirts
Guarding them throughout the night
Though morn might seem to bring them hurts
As their skin is flayed, torn from their bones
To reveal the prize as yet unseen.
She revels in the massacre
Then silently weeps tears so green.

Again, this is one that can be easily looked up (I subscribe to a riddle of the week site). But what is the fun in cheating? Hehe. I have many more where this came from (if anyone else is into riddles like I am, you may be subcribed to the same website. If so, don't give it away!) I did get this one but I had to use a couple of's after 6am and I've been awake since 8am!

This will be worth a prize (nothing special) if you honestly get it on your own, and I trust each and every one of you :)



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