New Year, New Beginnings - January 2022 W.I.S.H thread

Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep
:welcome: and congratulations on the 20 pounds lost!!
Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep

I'm a big fan of the 80/20 rule... if you're hitting the mark 80% of the time that is phenomenal. Well done you!
Also remember, one cookie does not a bad day make - it is just a cookie.

Being housebound because of the snow last week forced me to stop going to Starbucks and to stop eating out, both of which I was doing almost daily. And I had to plan out my eating to make sure the food lasted. Going forward I'm giving myself one meal out per week and making it something special, and just one trip to Starbucks per week. As I'm getting back on track I'm not going to log my food or count calories, at least not right a way. I'm starting by just focusing on rebalancing my food choices, getting protein intake up, eating more veggies and less sugar... I think I've been saying that for the past 6 months, but it has actually started now! The air fryer has arrived and I'm going to do the first salmon tonight... excited to see how it turns out!

Getting out of the house yesterday was so, so good. It was three blocks of yucky streets till I got to the first main street and from there everything was clear. While I was out there was rain, sleet, hail and snow and I could have cared less, it just felt so good to be driving.
Yesterday was not a great day. I did get 30 minutes on the treadmill but I ate really bad except for the salad I had for dinner. We still have a bunch of junk food in the house. They will all be gone soon. I will get on the treadmill after work today. I just need to get back to a routine. Including going to bed at a normal time. I didn't fall asleep last night until after midnight. I do this every Christmas. I always take the 2 weeks off, stay up late every night and sleep in. It is always an adjustment going back.

DD is doing a better today. For the most part fever free with just brief moments for getting a 99.2. Until right now when she just told me that she is up to 99.5 and taking advil because she is feeling crappy. UGH!. She has had more energy today but they are in short bursts. We had her virtual appointment with the Hematologist today. It went well. They think she is fine but what to run some blood work again to make sure since we have a family history of heavy periods in the family. The doctor also asked if she was doing school virtual or just missing today for the appointment. So we started talking about her being sick and he reassured me we are doing the right thing and that it sounds like she is towards the end of this. Kind of sounded like he thinks it is covid but he didn't say that.

I got to talk on the phone with our friends today. She is doing good. She had a C-section so a bit sore but doing good. They haven't been able to see the babies but they have an Ipad where they get to see them that way. The twins are doing really good. Baby A is 3 pounds 13 oz and Baby B is 5 pounds. Both are breathing on their own. Baby B is drinking from the bottle but Baby A is only getting food from the IV. No names yet. They are still deciding. They are pretty sure on one but not the other. But over all the babies are doing better then expected.
Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep

Hey everyone I would love to join you.

My name is Beth I'm 41 single w/ no kids. I've been on a health journey for a few months about 5 or so. I've got a significant amount of weight to lose but I'm trying not to focus on on that as much as the getting healthy part. I have some health issues that run on both side of my family and if I don't get a hold of myself now when I'm older it's going to make things a lot harder. I've lost about 20 lbs so far (was a little more but thanksgiving, Disney Christmas made the scale tip the other way)

My main goals is to lose weight but lose weight and get stronger and healthier over all. I'm working towards making healthier choices when it comes to food and limiting the ones that are as healthy to rare occasions. I've already learnt in the few months I'm doing this when I eat healthier stuff I feel much better.

January goals are
to lose the Christmas weight
get to the gym 4 times a week
and meal prep
I will hold myself to a standard of grace, I like that.
Had to make a quick dinner tonight because there was a zoom pta meeting at 615. Frozen chicken, macaroni and the bread I made over the were thrilled! As per usual my house descended into chaos as soon as the meeting got cranking. Kids running around, DH complaining blah blah. I was starting to get stressed and frustrated and instead of hurrying up the stairs for the bedtime routine the second I could I took two minutes to breath, put on some moisturizer and take my time. Not looking forward to the pile of dishes in the sink.
I need to get back into my skin care routine...not looking so cute on those virtual calls.
One of the other board members is leaving for 9 days at the poly end of the week...jealous!
Getting back into my 3 days a week of soup or salad for lunch. Yesterday was salad with baked chicken and golden raisins. Today was beef and country vegetable soup. Snacked a bit unnecessarily both days but better snacks on top of low(ish) calorie lunches. May add one breakfast of a protein shake onto days I have a bigger lunch planned, we'll see.
Have been doing better with my water intake over the last couple weeks. Minimum 30 ounces a day but often going closer to and sometimes above 50...pretty close to my goal of 60.
Listening to the radio and they are talking about how cheese and red wine in moderation slows age related cognitive decline. I like I can feel good eating pizza and mac and cheese? It's almost like they were telling me to make some greek yogurt mac and cheese. Not a big red wine fan though.
Its supposed to snow here on Friday, the kids while likely have a distance learning day...that will be fun while I'm trying to work. I'll have to block off time to help DS6 and DD with whatever they get assigned. I am already tired and cold thinking about it.
Today went better than expected. The kids went nuts when they saw me. Apparently the sub was a meanie. We eased back into our routine, but the usual demands from above started to come in emails. One of the demands made was something I predicted would happen on our first day back…a pretty unreasonable one…but instead of panicking, I chuckled to myself. Then I figured out a solution and was able to negotiate a better scenario for myself. I am happy with myself for not freaking out. Student behavior was very good, but teaching just took so much energy…by 1:00 I hit a wall. I suddenly felt so lethargic. I had to sit and work at my desk. Fortunately my para was in and was able to walk them to music class. I made it through the rest of the day and crashed after taking a shower. DD made dinner which was very helpful. Hopefully I will get my strength and endurance back soon.
I was starting to get stressed and frustrated and instead of hurrying up the stairs for the bedtime routine the second I could I took two minutes to breath, put on some moisturizer and take my time. Not looking forward to the pile of dishes in the sink.
I need to get back into my skin care routine...not looking so cute on those virtual calls.

I like your thinking re taking a minute for yourself & upping skincare!
Whoohoo Wednesday
I have 10 days of consistent tracking and doing great with my plan, I am really happy with that.

Today will be tricky as I end up watching Netflix very late and I need to prioritize nap at some point during the day - while working full time and still hope to get outdoor walk. Depending on how my energy is I may reduce my step goal to 7500.

I did well yesterday. I had Mexican style dinner planned, however I end up taking meatballs out of the freezer in error. I added tons of vegetables and small portion of pasta and end up being delicious and filling,
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Today is typical example of my struggle with thoughts of following perfect plan vs focusing on goals/progress/sustainability. I didn't sleep much last night and I am having one of my lower energy days. I have already done 41000 steps for the last 4 days, week starting Sunday so average daily is over 10k. It will be better for me to say lets shoot for 7500 steps today and get out for walk for the fresh air and focus on food vs pushing for 10k and risking being hangry/struggling with being out of breath/fatigue issues. But it's not easy to let go and be happy with 7500steps for the day.
WOO HOO!!! Delayed opening due to freezing rain and icy conditions!!!party:
The roads are BAD, and I was getting concerned because they didn't call it until 7:00am, when many teachers and students have already left for school...especially high schools, so I decided to take my time getting ready hoping that the "powers that be" would see the news or get the same alert I got at 6:00am on my weather app and take action. Either way, it helps me a lot. That means that 20 minutes after kids arrive, we have lunch and recess lol! Then it's just the afternoon work to get through. I wanted to begin assessments today, so I may have to flip flop morning/afternoon schedules so that I can get some of those done.

WOO HOO!!! No School Tomorrow due to Three King's Day!!!party:
DD is also off work, so we can get some things done and have a nice day if we could just have a snow day on Friday...that would make for a very nice first week back. But I doubt that I will get my wish as it looks like predicted snowfall amounts are dropping...Yes, I know that I'm being greedy.
Good Morning. I am slowly getting back on my routine. I got on the treadmill for an hour yesterday and I didn't take a nap and I went to bed at about 9. I was asleep by 9:30. I think I feel asleep before the show I put on came back from commercial. I woke at 10:30 wide awake and it felt like I slept all night. It was like my body said it was nap time instead of bed time. I was able to get back to sleep pretty quickly and slept the rest of the night. So I am getting there. I ate better yesterday as well. Still not good. The snacks I had left over from the holidays are now gone so today should be a better day. I did have a good lunch. Left over pork tenderloin and green beans and dinner was a salad with chicken and an egg.

Woohoo that the babies are doing better then expected. I haven't gotten any updates yet today. We should get some updates later this morning.

DD is home from school again today. She had a better day yesterday but still got a 99.5 temp in the afternoon and was feeling pretty crummy so we kept her home another day. I am hoping today is even better and she can go back tomorrow. She will miss her band concert tonight though. She is really bummed about this. She is first chair and has a duet with the 2nd chair. She feels really bad that she is leaving her partner to do it on her own. I ma really hoping we get her PCR test back today. Today is day 4. They said 2-5 days. She may be back at school and no symptoms by the time we get the test results back.
WOO HOO!!! No School Tomorrow due to Three King's Day!!!party:
DD is also off work, so we can get some things done and have a nice day if we could just have a snow day on Friday...that would make for a very nice first week back. But I doubt that I will get my wish as it looks like predicted snowfall amounts are dropping...Yes, I know that I'm being greedy.

What is Three Kings Day? I have never heard of that before.

Today the weather is not bad. Just cold in the 30's. Tomorrow and Friday we are supposed to get lake effect snow. That is so unpredictable. We could get a dusting or we can get a foot. They seem to never get it right so we will see how the next 2 days go. Tomorrow we should be fine for school as it is supposed to start in the afternoon and then snow through the night. Friday can be in question depending on when it falls and how much. Typically though here unless it is bad at 6 am the roads will be clear for school. But extra days off would be nice.
...went to bed at about 9. I was asleep by 9:30. I think I feel asleep before the show I put on came back from commercial. I woke at 10:30 wide awake and it felt like I slept all night. It was like my body said it was nap time instead of bed time.

I hate when that happens! - I tend to have trouble falling back to sleep. Glad you were able to.


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