Nikon D3000

I agree with mom2rtk. The Crystal Palace is a good area to look for people unobstructed view. You do have some trees between you and the castle and the fireworks will not look centered around the castle but I still was pleased with the photos I came away with. You can set up your tripod right against the railing and no one can block your view. I got there about 30-40 min prior to the fireworks starting during MNSSHP and had no problem finding a spot for the tripod. I think there are some trash cans over there although I dont remember if there are any located for a good view if you put your tripod on top of one. You could however set your tripod up at the railing with the camera pointed thru the fence. Your perspective would be a bit lower than mine but it would still be unobstructed except for the trees. You might lose slightly more of the castle in the trees but from that distance I don't think it would be a big difference. I was using my tripod set at eye level for me which would be slightly less than 5' (I'm 5"3"). Here are two of my pictures from a few weeks ago to kind of give you an idea of perspective and view from there. Another place you can try is the opposite side of Main Street at the Noodle Station where you could also get a spot at the railing and no one can push in front of you at the last minute.


If you have time to stake out your spot well in advance, you might try the train station upstairs. These spots go very early though. And most of the time there is a flag pole in the middle of your view. There is a time over the next couple of weeks though that the flag pole will be down for taping of the Christmas parade the first weekend in December. I'm half tempted to do my next trip that week just for the unobstructed photo op! :lmao:

Flagpole? What flagpole? ;)

Flagpole? What flagpole? ;)


Nicely done! Is it wrong of me to wish the flag pole could have a prominent spot somewhere off to the side so this view was actually available at all times?

I hope we run into you guys in a few weeks!
Ok Bob, When do they take down those pesky trees?? ;)

We could unscrew them just long enough to get the shot and then put them back real QUICK before anyone notices...

Marlton Mom

Flagpole? What flagpole? ;)

I agree with mom2rtk. The Crystal Palace is a good area to look for people unobstructed view. You do have some trees between you and the castle and the fireworks will not look centered around the castle but I still was pleased with the photos I came away with. You can set up your tripod right against the railing and no one can block your view. I got there about 30-40 min prior to the fireworks starting during MNSSHP and had no problem finding a spot for the tripod.

I've done this before, but I wasn't happy with outcome. Partly because of my inexperience with shooting fireworks and partly because I didn't like the angle from this location. Here's one of my better (which isn't too good) shots from in front of CP.

I've done this before, but I wasn't happy with outcome. Partly because of my inexperience with shooting fireworks and partly because I didn't like the angle from this location. Here's one of my better (which isn't too good) shots from in front of CP.


I'm with you on that. I don't like the view there either, but it IS one of the few places you stand a good chance of maintaining an unobstructed view. I'll be one of the loons with a full size tripod up by the partners statue getting mad when someone steps in front of me at the last minute!
Here's one shot from the train station. If you get there early enough you can get right on the rail. Just watch out for those families that try to push their kids in front of you at the last minute. Be firm. Friendly, but firm. Don't let them run over you, because THEY will.

Also, you can see the dreaded flag pole in this and the lights they leave on at the front of the park. Both are distracting in my opinion.

I agree the Crystal Palace area is not the most ideal area for photos because of the angle. I did, however, enjoy watching from there and all the photos were not total losers. I do feel though that if you are going to be vertically challenged in the tripod department this area might be the best bet for setting up unobstructed and getting some keepers rather than being front and center on Main Street with no hopes of getting your camera high enough to be above the crowd. Here is one more shot from the Crystal Palace from my October trip.

Thanks everyone for the advice, suggestions, and examples. There are 3 shows scheduled when we're there (Dec 8th, 11th, 13th), so maybe I'll try a couple of different places.

We've actually got an ADR at the Crystal Palace one night, so I'll be sure to arrive a few minutes early to get a better idea of the view first hand, and to scout-out the railing and trash can situation.

On our last trip, I'd actually secured a perfect railing seat at the train station, but 5 minutes before the action started, my son had to go to the bathroom! Needless to say, we lost our spot.

BTW, I'm hoping that being "vertically challenged in the tripod department" will also translate into a smaller chance of being bumped into!
I agree with mom2rtk. The Crystal Palace is a good area to look for people unobstructed view. You do have some trees between you and the castle and the fireworks will not look centered around the castle but I still was pleased with the photos I came away with. You can set up your tripod right against the railing and no one can block your view. I got there about 30-40 min prior to the fireworks starting during MNSSHP and had no problem finding a spot for the tripod. I think there are some trash cans over there although I dont remember if there are any located for a good view if you put your tripod on top of one. You could however set your tripod up at the railing with the camera pointed thru the fence. Your perspective would be a bit lower than mine but it would still be unobstructed except for the trees. You might lose slightly more of the castle in the trees but from that distance I don't think it would be a big difference. I was using my tripod set at eye level for me which would be slightly less than 5' (I'm 5"3"). Here are two of my pictures from a few weeks ago to kind of give you an idea of perspective and view from there. Another place you can try is the opposite side of Main Street at the Noodle Station where you could also get a spot at the railing and no one can push in front of you at the last minute.



what was the shutter speed on these pictures.Which are very nice indeed.I'm going to be their in about two and a half weeks and I would like to try and get some fireworks shots like this
what was the shutter speed on these pictures.Which are very nice indeed.I'm going to be their in about two and a half weeks and I would like to try and get some fireworks shots like this

thank you Iceman ... most of my shutter speeds were right around 1 second. I was shooting with a 17-55mm 2.8 lens at f11


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