October 19th Cruisers again and again... Part 2

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DIS Veteran
Sep 5, 2002
Welcome home Susan!!! Tell Turner "way to go!!!" We are so proud of him!!! I'm sure you will have a great time in Orlando!!

Sandy, I think you want the samoas. Those are the coconut ones. I will put you down for 2 of those and 1 of the Tangalongs. They will be delivered in March so as soon as I get them, I will send them to you.

Boy, I missed out on this "Mickey snow globe thing". It sounds sooo cute! Now I want one!!! LOL!!

Ok, Jeanne should be back soon! I want to hear all about her trip!!!!

Sending out a missing persons ad for a Bonnie Dankanich!! Last known where abouts .... New Jersey. Loving sister and friend. If you have seen her, please contact the Oct 19th cruise thread. We love her and miss her and want her to come home!!!(ok, do you think that will get her to post????)

Well, gotta go! I'll be back tomorrow!!!

Thought for the day: You never find an article until you replace it.
Julie, if the Do-si-dos are the peanut butter cookies, put me down for 2 boxes.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Susan! I love your quotes of the day!!! Keep them coming!!! I'll put you down for 2 do-si-dos. I'm sooooooo bad when it comes to girl scout cookies too. These are the only cookies (not made by me) that I really like. I think they put something in them for us to go "nuts" about them!! LOL!!

Garry actually has a night off tonight!! WOW! He has been working his butt off. They had one sgt. retire Dec.31st and another sgt. left Jan. 4th for Iraq. The city is having a sgt's test in the end of Jan, but who knows when they will "approved list" will be available to choose the next sgt. SOOOOOOOO Garry starts the New Year just as busy as last year if not more.

Where's Heidi? She usually posts by now??? OH MOUNTIES!!!!

Well, gonna go. I'll check back in later!! Have a great day everyone!!!
Hey guys!

I tried to post yesterday, but the server was too busy.


Barb: Congrats on joining WW. You will have to join us in weigh in on Wednesdays.

Julie: No girl scout cookies for me. I really have to lose this weight. Hopefull Garry will get some help soon.

Sue: Congrats to Turner! Have you mailed Kaleigh's tooth fairy pillow? I know you have been sick and busy, so no hurry if you haven't.

Sandy: With weight watchers, I get 22 points per day plus 35 flex points per week. We try not to get into the flex points so we lose weight faster. Jerry gets 24 points per day. I still have 12 points left. I have been eating really low point foods today. You can actually earn back daily points by earning activity points which allows you to eat more. We don't use those points. It is really flexible and you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your points. It is amazing how many points some things are. A slice of pizza is 9 points, a large choc chip cookie dough blizzard is 31 points! :earseek: But, you can still have those things if you want to use your flex points. It really makes you stop and think.

We woke up to 4" of wet snow on Saturday. The only nice thing was the trees were all coated. That was pretty. Now it is bakc to rain and warmer temps. This has been a screwy winter! :yo-yo:

Looking forward to hearing Jeanne's trip report.

We hung some pictures up in the basement, so I don't have bare walls anymore. One was a poster from last year's Flower Festival. It is of the Mexican pavilion with all the flowers around it. We put it in a frame.

Nothing really going on here. :bored:
Hi Guys, sorry I have been MIA for so long. Today has been a very busy day at work and it started very early in the morning so I couldn't write!!

:flower1: :Pinkbounc :cheer2: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SALLY and BROOKE!!! :rockband: :cake: :bday: Hope you both had a wonderful birthday!!

Phew almost had the mounties called out on me, thank goodness for lunch...don't want any trouble!!

I am in for the Wednesday weigh-in. I want to lose 10 pounds. Last week I started to work out again so I am well on my way, it is the motivation that is hard for me!!!

Kristy - You will never believe what Radar pulled this weekend. If I had my free minutes on my cell phone, I would HAVE to call you!!! Your mom is so nice to you!!!

But for the rest of your reading pleasure about Radar: This weekend he IMed my best friend in FL and wanted to talk with her. He must have gotten her screen name off of one of the email's I forwarded to the both of them. How creepy is that? Stalkerish......

Okay Julie - How long did you watch the Broncos game, or whatever you called that thing that took place on Sunday since they NEVER SHOWED UP!!! What kind of score was that? More like a basketball score than a football score...pathetic!!! That was a horrible game, oh well I guess we have next year!!! The Colts just ran all over us.

Okay better get back to work.....Mom, I will be working out after work again..see you at 5:00 :smooth:

Here I am rushing through a posting so I don't let a week go by without checking in.

Only 2 1/2 weeks until Bob gets home. He is so lonely. He sounds so sad when I talk to him. He should really appreciate our busy busy home when he gets back!

Going to Mom's for dinner tonight She is making lasagna yummmmmmm
best part is I don't have to cook. Jaymee and I are meeting at the Y first.

We went to see Phantom of the Opera Saturday night. I LOVED IT!!! I would like to see it again.

Hope everyone is doing good.

How do we do the Wednesday thing??

It rained & rained & rained :boat: in California. I thought "it never rains in California..." The only day it DIDN'T rain was the day in Ensenada, Mexico, which would have been the sunny :sunny: day I would have chosen! I was pleasantly surprised with the Carnival Cruise (even with the rain). DCL spoils you so you have really high expectations but the shows were good, the food & servers excellent.

Flew out 11:30 PM last night (almost missed the flight). The traffic to LAX is unbelievable. We left Long Beach at 9:00 PM for a 20 min. ride to the airport. The ride took us an hour & 45 mins. When I got to the gate they were saying "last call for flight 1776". We arrived in Philadelphia early around 7:00 AM. I love FRONTIER AIRLINES! They are SOOOOO nice to you! They even still feed you!!!!!!!

My two Christmas trees are still up, presents still under the tree, decorations still up, lots of laundry, house is a wreck, but I don't know where to start so I started upstairs washing the bed linens - off with the Christmas comforters & back to the winter.

I promise to catch-up. Hope all is well with everyone. Missed you all. :grouphug: Toodles :wave: :earboy2: JEANNE
Welcome back Jeanne!!!!!!!!! We missed you.

Wednesday weigh-in: Just weigh yourself some time on Wednesday and report your loss or gain. I do it in the morning before I have eaten anything.

Hi Heidi :wave:

Took down more Chritsmas decorations and did my treadmill.
Hi guys,

Been MIA today. Went shopping for formal wear for the Aug cruise. OMG, I found a dress that I HAVE to fit in (size 12). I bought it with hopes and encouragement to lose more. A little too slinky for my tummy and thighs right now. It was a 150.00 dress for 75.00. I actually bought a lot and will have to dwindle it down but the dress I was talking about WILL stay with me. Just didn't think that I will find any deals as it gets closer to Aug and I know my other dresses will hang. Ahhhh, too bad. :teeth:

Welcome home Jeanne. Wow, your day yesterday sounded like a total headache. Good thing you didn't miss the flight! Ted and I only fly Frontier. We love them. They are horrible in Orlando checking in tho. Limited hours so you don't want to get there too soon before your flight. Sorry about the weather but the cruise sounded great. Any ideas for us on lodging in Long Beach? I appreciate your offer to stay with your dd but I just don't think that as a newlywed either one would want us there! I wrote my travel agent at DU but she just doesn't respond. I am very tempted to complain and get another one. My first agent never treated me like that.

Barb, it isn't hard to check in here at all with the weight loss. You don't even have to tell us your weight. Just what you have lost weekly. Poor Bob, sorry to hear he's lonely. Soon he will be home.

Denine, I am so proud of you doing your treadmill. Way to go!!

Julie, you are right. It is samoas that we want. Thanks for catching that. I don't think that sending off a missing person report will help. Bonnie told me a while ago that she doesn't even read the board. Too much computer time at work is what she said. But, but.....we miss her!

Susan, your quote for today is soooo right on the button! Actually they all have been.

Heidi, can't wait to hear what Radar will have to say as to WHY he IMed her. Stalker!

Dinner time. Fish tonight. Just plain old fish.
Sandy: Congrats on finding a dress. You will fit into it come August. I am going to wait until after prom season to find a dress. I really want a pretty pink one. Plus, I will be closer to my weigh goal by then.

I am hungry, but I am going to have 2 butter flavored popcorn cakes once Kaleigh is in bed. Two cakes for 1 point, not bad.
It's me again. I am wandering around online because I am downloading the upgraded AOL. It is almost finished, finally.

I really just want to go to bed and read.
The other line is always shorter!

Tomorrow is weigh in. Unfortunately, since I lost so much with the flu, it is going back on even with good eating habits. I am betting I will have a little gain this time. Oh well, there is always the next week's weigh in!

Not a lot going on here except the usual. Busy at work and busy with hockey practice. I have a board meeting tonight so I want get to post or see Amazing Race. Not that it matters for me, but who is still in it for our little competition?

Denine - no I have not mailed the pillow. It stayed in the bag and I didn't want to get it out until I was sure all the flu germs were gone from the house. Since we are all better now and I have used what seems like gallons of Lysol, I'm sure it is safe to pull it out. I'll try to package it up and put it in the mail tomorrow. No time this morning to get it ready before I leave.

Don't forget if anyone needs anything from Downtown Disney, let me know and I will pick it up for you this weekend. When it comes to Disney, don't we need it all!!

Barb, Bob will be home soon and I am sure he will be glad to be back to your busy life and all of you! Hang in there and focus on jounaling your points for each day.

Sorry about all the rain, Jeanne. Sounds like you still had a good trip. I am sure it wouldn't have mattered what the weather was since you were with your daughter.

Thanks for the cookie order, Julie. Do you want me to send you money now or wait til the cookies come in?

Gotta go get ready for work.

Have a great day!
Welcome Home Jeanne!!! Sorry your trip was a little wet. We want details about Carnival, and we need a comparison sheet between Carnical and DCL :smooth: !!!! We all missed you a lot!!!

Barb - I want to see Phantom of the Opera, so you say it is good? Is it worth seeing it in the theatres or should I wait to rent it?

Denine - I am doing the treadmill too. I get in 2 miles a day that is half jogging and half fast walking. I can't do the treadmill too long because it starts to make me sick and then talking with some people I know why....motion sickness!! I would have never thought of that, but I am very prone to motion sickness and they said that is why I start to feel sick after a while. Who knew!??!!

Susan - I NEED everything from DTD, or maybe want is a better word. Thanks for the offer but I better continue to save my money!!!

The dress my mom was talking about is GORGEOUS!!!. It looks good on her now, and by August when she loses more weight, my dad will have to fight all the men off. :smooth: It is such a pretty/extravagant dress, I have never seen anything like it before.

Tomorrow is the weigh-in, we will see how well going to the gym is paying off for me!!!

Have a great day!!!
Wow, Heidi, thanks for all the kind words about me and about the dress. :love2: I am so proud of it. It is a dress that I could have only dreamed about before!

Susan, so WHY is it that the other line is always smaller. I thought it was only me. AR, I am out, Anna Marie is out, who else?? One day I felt as though I was getting the flu and it made me wonder what would happen with the weight loss. Well, you answered my question. Hang in there, it will head back down again soon. Your poor body is still trying to recuperate. Thanks for the offer for goodies from DTD but I am saving my money as well. Spending money on the cruise!

Denine, I love popcorn cakes and rice cakes. Have you ever tried the zero calorie I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray butter? I love it on everything! Great flavor. Wow a pink formal gown. How pretty! After prom would be perfect for you! I wanted black and I know that now was the time for me. Aren't you excited to cruise skinny? I know I am.

Better run and do something with my hair before Graci. Looks like all I did was wash it yesterday and did nothing. Oh wait. I did.
Ok Sandy, give details about your dress... color, sleeves/sleeveless, etc. I want to see pictures!!!!

Susan, don't send the money now. THe cookies will be delivered I believe on March 20th. I can let you know for sure if you want. Thanks for the offer for the DTD. There is sooooooooo much I WISH I could get. If I can think of anything, I'll let you now.

Jeanne, definitely when you get the time, I would love to hear about the differences between the two different cruiselines. This weather is crazy all over!!! Today it was snowing this morning, now it is raining and suppose to be in the 50's and by Sat it suppose to be only 16!!! I am really surprised that everyone isn't sick! I'm glad you had a super time!!!

Heidi, since you have motion sickness, do you take something when you cruise? I'm not motion sick, but at times on the ship I felt like I could and would take meds to stop it. Just wondering. I do the treadmill also. I do a program called IFIT. It is computer programs that run your "workouts". It changes the incline and speed so you don't have to. We hook up the treadmill to the computer and we're off! After the workout is done, it records your distance, calories, and length of time it took. It seems to work.

Well, gotta run! I've got things to do! I'll check back in later!

Heidi: And I thought I was bad. Motion sickness on the treadmill. I do 1.5 miles. The incline goes up and down at preprogrammed intervals. I can't do much of an incline because it hurts my back.

I hope tomorrow is a good weigh in, but I won't be shocked if the scale stays the same. I am using the weight I was the last time I weighed myself a few weeks ago, sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sue: Thanks for getting the pillow. I just wanted to make sure it hadn't gotten lost in case you had sent it. I would love DTD to come to my door so I could get everything!

Sandy: We have tried the butter spray, not bad. I'll have to get it again. I still have 15 points left and I have had a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar, a glass of V8 Splash, a bowl of vegetable soup with saltines, a fruit cup and half an applesauce and lots of water. I am now taking 2 more points for my tea which I will shave down once I use up the 1/2 n 1/2.

I am closing in on finishing taking down the Christmas decorations. All I have left is the tree and a wreath with ornaments on it. I was rearranging pictures on top of the entertainment center and Kaleigh told me "no touch mama, just look." I told her she was right. How cute. I had put them back up after removing the decorations.

Julie: Are we invited to Brooke's party on Saturday or are you keeping it small since Garry has to work? Either way, we have a gift for her.

Will do the treadmill when I am done on the computer. The book I am reading is pretty good. It is called "Retribution" It makes the treadmill go by faster than the last book I read.
Julie, I will have pictures taken so you can see. If Heidi doesn't try it on for the pics then remember.....I still have to lose weight for it to fit right. ha! Yep, we all take meclazine for motion sickness on the ship. We have never been brave enough not to. Just don't want to take the chance and it doesn't affect us at all. We tried it at home before we cruised the first time so we would know if it had any side effects. We did good.

Heidi, that was interesting about getting motion sickness on a treadmill. Who would of thought?

Denine, "mama don't touch, just look". How cute! Wow, you can have a lot to eat! That is really cool. I am missing oatmeal like crazy. I can have it but don't want to give up my starch allotment in the morning. I like to have it at night like a baked potato, rice or pasta with my protein.

Our weather is crummy. It was to be a sunny day at 51 but it is foggy and cold. Now they are talking about snow even. The rest of the week is to be very cold. Our mtns have been hit hard with snow. (not like CA though). One storm a couple of days ago was to be 2-5 FEET. And it is still coming down and will all weekend. We aren't getting it here in town. Hope we get a little tonight for the grass. We probably aren't hurting too much cuz I think the last storm was last week.
Sandy: I am sure you will look fine for a picture in the dress. You will just look better once you reach your goal. Just finished eating some baby carrots and a yogurt and still have 10-1/2 points left. I still need another dairy for the day and another veggie and a glass of water. The rest is all mine! I am drinking so much water, I am going to float!

We haven't seen the sun in I don't know when. It is a little foggy and drizzly now. There is still snow on the ground but that will go away by tomorrow when it is supposed to be almost 60 and then we plummet to the low teens. Go figure!

Time to go do my treadmill.
Tried to get on earlier this morning but I was way too busy at work. Jaymee and I are going to a movie tonight I am waiting for her to come home.

Heidi- I absolutely love Phantom of the Opera. It is worth seeing on the big screen, You would need to like musicals to appreciate it. Not many spoken lines but lots of singing. The original one was a horror movie this one is not. I want to see it again!

Went to Mom's house for dinner last night. It was really good. Sat by the fire with a glass of wine. Very relaxing. My Dad is pretty sick right now, he finally went to the Dr today. Lots of pixie dust for him.

I will start the Wednesday weigh in thing next week. Since this is my first week of WW I will wait and see how I do there.

No Gilmore Girls tonight :sad1:

Thanks for the support while Bob is gone. I sure do miss him. I am kind of happy that he is so miserable without me though :rolleyes1

Hummm how come I have "Dis Cast Member" under my name :scratchin

Barb :wave2:
If you change lines, the one you just left will start to move faster than the one you are now in. Switching back screws up both lines and makes everbody angry.

Isn't that so true?

I didn't get in until 11:45 last night from my board meeting so I am very tired today. I have parent teacher conference this morning and then WW weigh in. Good luck to everyone for their weigh in.

Gotta run.
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