Official 2009 College Football Discussion Thread

It's hard to believe that week 4 of the college football season kicks off tonight, but it does, with Ole Miss at S.C. I haven't seen Mississippi play yet this season, so I will certainly take a peek tonight. I have seen S.C. play some this season, and I think the Old Ball Coach will have his hands full tonight. We probably won't hear that annoying rooster crowing much tonight.

Not much else looks real interesting to me this weekend. I will be in Tallahassee on Saturday to watch USF take on FSU. I know nothing about USF's new QB. I do know FSU has some weaknesses on D, so who knows? I am hoping that it's a good game.

Miami at Va. Tech intrigues me. I have been impressed with Miami thus far this season, but I am more than a bit annoyed by the "U" fans that have come out of the woodwork around Florida, and who are now talking trash about how they should be #1 instead of the Gators, etc. Come on, you have won two games. Good job. But #1? I don't think so. Let's see how you do in Blacksburg, and next week with OK, and then we can talk.

I am more looking forward to next week, when we get to watch LSU v. Georgia, and Auburn at Tenn. But, I am really looking forward to two weeks when we will see Bama vs. Miss and LSU v. Fla. That will be some football!

Miami at Va. Tech intrigues me. I have been impressed with Miami thus far this season, but I am more than a bit annoyed by the "U" fans that have come out of the woodwork around Florida, and who are now talking trash about how they should be #1 instead of the Gators, etc. Come on, you have won two games. Good job. But #1? I don't think so. Let's see how you do in Blacksburg, and next week with OK, and then we can talk.
I agree on Miami. Of course, having been at Florida in the mid to late 80's, hatred of Miami is deeply ingrained into me. To this day, the sight of Jimmy Johnson makes my blood boil. First, he was the Hurricanes coach while I was at school in Florida. Then, as the Cowboy's head coach he beat my beloved Buffalo Bills in two straight Super Bowls. GRRRRRR!

Go Virginia Tech!
I am more looking forward to next week, when we get to watch LSU v. Georgia, and Auburn at Tenn. But, I am really looking forward to two weeks when we will see Bama vs. Miss and LSU v. Fla. That will be some football!


I totally agree. That weekend will be full of really good football all around.
Ole Miss Rebel fan and looking forward to tonights game.

Wow! Ole Miss did not show up last night. That makes it four weeks in a row that a top-5 team has lost. The season is already off to a crazy start. S.C. fans are going to be going crazy over this win, but they did not look very impressive to me. How many 3 and outs was that in the 4th quarter? They let Ole Miss hang around to the end, and S.C. could have lost that game easily because of their 4th quarter play. Also, the officials missed a facemask call on Mississippi's final drive which probably would have changed the outcome of the game. I hate to see that, especially in a game where they called every other penalty (to the extreme).

OK, so this is a bit late. Being in Nebraska we don't always get all the soudbites in a timely manner with regard to the SEC. I have a friend that is a Tennessee alum. he posted a "up yours, Meyer" note in FB this week, but I didn't hear the story. What was said after the FL/TN game? :confused3
OK, so this is a bit late. Being in Nebraska we don't always get all the soudbites in a timely manner with regard to the SEC. I have a friend that is a Tennessee alum. he posted a "up yours, Meyer" note in FB this week, but I didn't hear the story. What was said after the FL/TN game? :confused3

I have tried not to pay attention to any of it, but I don't think that anything much was really said. Apparently, Urban made some comments about how there were Gator players who had the flu, and that he eased up on the Vols when he saw that they were not playing to win. Lane cried foul. I don't think it was any more than that.

As far as I can tell, the Gator Nation has put that game in the past, and the Gator fans don't care about Lane and the Vol fans' continued whining. Tennessee is 1-2. The play a cupcake this weekend, so they will improve to .500. Then Auburn and Georgia visit for two consecutive weekends. And, then we will see what Vol Fan has to say.

Yeah we don't get much SEC news either - just what I catch on Sports Center etc.....
When will Georgia's defense ever show up......:scared1: They have been lucky.....
Was disappointed in Ole Miss last night, hopefully they will show up at the next game. Still a fan though.
So what happened to Tebow?? Saw a quick blurb during the Auburn game, but missed how bad it was.
So what happened to Tebow?? Saw a quick blurb during the Auburn game, but missed how bad it was.

He sat on the sideline then they took him to the hospital. I think he should have gone immediately. I am a Florida fan but not a real huge Tebow/Meyer fan bcuz I think they're hogs when it somes to the media. I do however hope he is fine and nothing is wrong.
Fortunately for Tim Tebow and the Gators, they do not have a game this Saturday. Hopefully, everyone will be back to full strength to travel to LSU on 10/10.

Wow, what a weekend in college football. Lots of upsets!

The SEC again played well, and now three out of four of the top teams are SEC teams!

There are a few USF Bulls fans who have posted on this thread. Congratulations on your big win over FSU!

The TCD gang was in Tallahassee to witness the spectacle.

Since I have already shared some UF photos, I thought I would share a few of the other team.

FSU fans were told that this game would be a "White Out" game. All FSU fans were supposed to wear white shirts to show their support of the team.

So, here is TCD and my oldest DD tailgating before the game:


(I couldn't quite bring myself to wear a white shirt, let alone an FSU shirt)

(Actually, this photo is a joke. I bought the T-Pain shirt from a clearance rack when one of my other DD's was shopping last week. I don't know who T-Pain is, but from what the DD's tell me, he is a moderately popular rapper, and he is originally from Tallahassee. So, I mainly was wearing the shirt to embarrass my oldest DD, who begged me to take it off. I mean, why would an old white man be wearing a T-Pain shirt? The funny thing is, a lot of the college boys gave me props for wearing the shirt.)

Mrs. TCD's family are Seminoles from way, way back. Mrs. TCD's mother and even her grandmother went to FSU. So, all of my out-laws are FSU fans. Here is one of my nephews with my DD:


And, here's another nephew:


My MIL is a "Silver Chief," which means that we got to park in the closest parking lot to the stadium. Here is our tailgating set-up:




You will notice that we had a group of USF fans partying with us. Since the TCD gang is from the Tampa Bay area, we know a lot of USF fans. The USF fans showed up for this game. Good for them! They were supposed to lose by fourteen points, but they showed up to support their team. The game started at noon, so our tailgating before the game was abbreviated.

Here we are heading in to the stadium. I don't know what the problem was, but it took forever to get in. I guess FSU isn't used to having that many people show up for a football game?:


Look at all the USF fans! And, they were loud and rowdy!

DD said she saw the guy looking at the camera in the center of this photo chugging from a Jose Cuervo Margarita bottle:


Sure enough, here he goes:


It wasn't quite noon. But, as Jimmy Buffet says, it was 5 o'clock somewhere!

From what I saw going into the stadium, I thought there would be more USF than FSU fans inside, but, the FSU fans showed up too. The white out actually looked pretty cool:


The USF fans were all concentrated in this end zone:


Here is Chief Osceola and Renegade. FSU does have a cool mascot:


Here is FSU driving in for a touchdown. Unfortunately, their runner fumbled, and USF recovered the ball. FSU turned the ball over a lot.


At the half, USF's band put on a great show:


These fellows behind me were drunk, and screamed obscenities throughout the whole afternoon. If any of you happen to be their parents, you need to speak to them about their manners (but I couldn't help but laugh at a lot of what they screamed):



FSU didn't score a touchdown until the fourth quarter. Here they are celebrating. This was the only celebrating that FSU got to do on Saturday:


Here is the good old tomahawk chop. It never gets old. NOTTTTT!:


The FSU fans started to leave in droves before the game was even over:



But the USF fans stayed on and had a great time:


Congratulations, USF fans, on a great victory!

Mrs. TCD's family are Seminoles from way, way back. Mrs. TCD's mother and even her grandmother went to FSU. So, all of my out-laws are FSU fans.

Ok, first off, let me just say "I'm sorry" about this little tidbit. Wow, that's gonna take some time to sink in.

Secondly, did you really need to post pics of the tomahawk chop? Not only does it aggravate me when FSU fans do it, but I have never been able to erase the vision of Jane Fonda doing it during the World Series when she was married to Ted Turner and the Braves were playing Minnesota. Ewww.

And finally, congrats to South Florida on a great in-state victory. Seriously, for their students that win will be a great memory someday when they are old and bitter like us.
Ok, first off, let me just say "I'm sorry" about this little tidbit. Wow, that's gonna take some time to sink in.

Secondly, did you really need to post pics of the tomahawk chop? Not only does it aggravate me when FSU fans do it, but I have never been able to erase the vision of Jane Fonda doing it during the World Series when she was married to Ted Turner and the Braves were playing Minnesota. Ewww.

And finally, congrats to South Florida on a great in-state victory. Seriously, for their students that win will be a great memory someday when they are old and bitter like us.

1. Dave, actually, it has been fun to have so many FSU fans in the family, especially over the last 5 years! But it was brutal in the 90's I tell you. As you know, there are few things more obnoxious than an FSU fan.

2. Agreed on the Tomahawk Chop. It gets old fast, but man do they do it a lot at FSU games. And, I mean a lot. Except when they are getting whooped, which is what happened Saturday.

3. Agreed on the props to USF and the memories. The USF fans who were there will have bragging rights, and great memories. That is, except for the guy who was chugging the margaritas on the way in. He probably won't have any good memories ;)


p.s. I meant to mention this in my previous post. I got to watch the evening's games from a local watering hole, where I could not hear anything, and only saw bits of some games.

The FSU fans in the room were absolutely obnoxious when Tebow was knocked out. They were cheering. That was until a big USF fan spoke up and told them to stop being disrespectful. It almost turned into a brawl.

And, Auburn Fan, why were your stands so empty at the end of your game? What is up with that?

Sorry it took me a while to chime in...

Yes, what a great day for South Florida Football. What an increadible job with the backup QB Daniels.

Also, had a great day with Georgia Tech and another squeaker with UGA.
2. Agreed on the Tomahawk Chop. It gets old fast, but man do they do it a lot at FSU games. And, I mean a lot. Except when they are getting whooped, which is what happened Saturday.

Our high school team is the Warriors and Friday night we played another Warrior team. We don't do the Tomahawk Chop but they did. Over and Over and Over and Over again.

Yes, it gets old
TCD - I enjoyed seeing your pictures from FSU and the earlier ones from the Gators game too. I've only been to LSU football, but it is interesting to see other schools too.

You need to bring Mrs TCD and your tailgating gear to Tiger Stadium for some serious tailgating!

LSU's win wasn't pretty, but it was a "W". The goal line stand was awesome!

And I don't like to see other players injured, but it got me to see Tebow's momma on the sidelines with him injured. I mean, how many momma's have you seen on the sidelines of college football games?

Again, thanks for sharing the pictures!


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