Official "Friends of the Fort" Weight Loss Group!


I had potato chips for dinner tonight, so I guess I have to do something! :rolleyes1
I just had a regular coke :eek:

but I'm going to the fort tomorrow so maybe i will get some MK walking in :thumbsup2

since I have been home (winter break from school) I feel like I gained 10 pounds back :scared1: :scared1: :scared1:

back on the train after the new year!

good luck everyone :goodvibes
I'm hopin on the carriage ride too. I gained 3 lbs over this whole holiday season. I NEED to do something, so I am starting over. Besides, how can my kids camp outside if I'm wearing the tent!
Oh Carol you just had to go and bump this up again! I keep saying I am going to do it and I keep floundering. Honestly though count me in. My hours have gotten cut way back at work so I will have more time to excersize. I just hope I don't sit and snack the day away with all this extra time on my hands.
Where is everyone? It's already Jan 5 and nobody's posted that they started their weight loss program.... :confused3
Okay then, I'll start. I woke up this morning and forgot that I was starting a program today! :lmao: But Amanda reminded me and luckily I hadn't done anything damaging by 9:30 so I'm starting today. Just gonna try the weightwatchers program on my own and exercising. I've got my fingers crossed that this works!

Anyone else?
OK, not really any kind of plan, but back to basics.

Every bit of junk food is now gone from the house from the holidays, and started today with my lowfat yogurt and oatmeal for breakfast.

I'm just hoping to maintain what I did lose last year. I gained a couple pounds over Christmas.
I'm in a stare down with my treadmill...does that count?
Speaking of treadmills..... does anyone know of a decent/good, smaller, portable, foldable, light-weight treadmill out there? I really need to get one and I have very limited space. Thanks! :goodvibes
If I take a Brisk walk to the kitchen and only take 1 chocolate covered bavarian creme, does that count?:lmao:
Ok. I just set my weight and took the "healthy eating habits" quiz on Weight

Let the dieting begin!!!!
Way to go Ami...that's a great start! :thumbsup2

I think I need a drill sergeant to get my butt in gear. I joined Sparkpeople a long time ago and I'm doing fairly well with my eating habits but I can't seem to get my rump moving.
Hey guys! Hope you don't mind if I crash your party. I did Jenny Craig last year and did great--- until our October trip to the Fort it was all a downhill ride on Splash Mountain after that. So, after today it's back to Jenny for me. I have a membership at the Planet Fitness near me and I went once but forgot and wore flip flops:rotfl:
Ok, todays the big day for me, I actually meet the doctor today! And the insurance may actually pay for this one....:lmao: Wish me luck!
Best of Luck!

Welcome to everyone!!!! Congrats to John! Please please keep us informed every step of the way so we can go through this with you!

So far so good! Do we have an official weigh in day? Is Friday still the day to report our progress??
I assumed weigh-in is Friday so I braced myself for an initial shock as I stepped on the scales this morning...didn't realize it would send me into a coma :scared1: Hopped off and sat down and started planning. I need, really need to lose 20 pounds before mid-March. Is that unrealistic?

Calories will be no more than 1600 a day (logging into Sparkpeople), keeping fiber high, sodium low, and a 30/50/20 ratio of protein/carbs/fat.

Exercise will be no less than 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Exercise may consist of any or all: Biking, walking, treadmill, and weightlifting. If walking or treadmill, I must do at least 60 minutes at one time.

My main problem is going to be getting up and moving. It helped alot way back when I would track my minutes using a monthly goal. So I think I'll try that again. This month's goal will be 1000 minutes.

Anyone else?
About 20 people from our neighborhood started in a Johns Creek Biggest Loser contest today. A certified trainer took our weight and measurements today and we go each Sunday to weigh in. You can call in your weight if your not able to come but you have to come obviously to the last weigh in which is the most important anyway. She gave us some tips and said one of the worse things you can eat trying to lose this weight is the diet meals in a box. She said the preservatives alone will retain things you don't want. I've got about 30 pounds to lose and not really into winning it but it sure gives a reason to at least try and have some will power. It cost $20 to join and if you gain any weight you pay $2 per pound so I guess that's really a reason to stick to it. Thank God I'm not on the dining plan when we go to Disney this weekend.


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