Ok "corner stealers"... I'm calling you out... and you know who you are!

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lajones81 said:
marypops is a boy


oh boy....sorry about that buddy....

I guess names can be decieving... I mean people thought I was a boy... which by the way... I will again state.. I am not a boy

* walks back to time out corner... feeling wicked stupid * :ssst:
ch-ch-ch churro (say it like the chia pet commercial) !

How could you hate on your home-girl like that!

I do seem to get into trouble though... I should come with a "parental advisory" sticker...
You NEED that in your sig! :rotfl2: Then people will know what is coming!
BTW did this thread derail a long time ago??? :confused3
if she should have the parental control i am not even going to ask what i should as a sig

i really do not think i want to know
SorcMickey said:
if she should have the parental control i am not even going to ask what i should as a sig

i really do not think i want to know

Me either :sad2: :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1
SorcMickey said:
if she should have the parental control i am not even going to ask what i should as a sig

i really do not think i want to know

Oops! I guess the picture that you deserve was too hot to handle! Sorry, I didn't realize it would get censored! :rolleyes:
It was very interesting to see the tension in Central Plaza when I got in last night. On one corner, it was crowded with a group lead by PeachyT. On the other corner near the popcorn machine there was Irishhockey and Bezoar. There were several people who seemed to favor standing in the middle of the street between the two corners, and others who sat on benchs and just didn't care. I spent a bit of time on each corner (I'm an equal opportunity corner stander), and then moved over to the tracks to get my exercising dancing along. And finally, I played a rousing game of "You're it" with Irishhockey, Chiabob, and Ivygirl (or something like that).

Just another fun night on VMK with the DIS folk.

TLinden16 said:
It was very interesting to see the tension in Central Plaza when I got in last night. On one corner, it was crowded with a group lead by PeachyT. On the other corner near the popcorn machine there was Irishhockey and Bezoar. There were several people who seemed to favor standing in the middle of the street between the two corners, and others who sat on benchs and just didn't care. I spent a bit of time on each corner (I'm an equal opportunity corner stander), and then moved over to the tracks to get my exercising dancing along. And finally, I played a rousing game of "You're it" with Irishhockey, Chiabob, and Ivygirl (or something like that).

Just another fun night on VMK with the DIS folk.


If we could sing on VMK, it would be the new version of "West Side Story". At least we can dance the parts...
Hey, I was just trying to keep Irishhockey company, but she ran away from me!
PeachyT said:
People, people, people! Wait a minute....I just realized, we can use my degree for good here.....


First to the claim to real property:
Can you provide proof of ownership of said corner? Or proof of any tenancy at said corner? Is it true that you had abandoned said property thus allowing it's free use by any who came upon it? Also is it true that there were no signs posted indicating that the property was private property?

Next to your claims of alleged improper acts and your accusation of four VMK/Dis individuals:
Can you provided proof of the alleged PG-13 incidents of which you claim which involve all four of the aforesaid individuals?

Muahahaha!! It's good to be a lawyer!!
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Notarized proof of ownership of said corner area has been registered in the VMK Finland-based servers since 24 May, 2005. Tenancy has been established through multiple screenshots and video capture, available for review at the same Suomi servers by appointment only. Said corner area property was never abandoned nor was intent to abandon ever established; however, malicious squatters did purposely and willfully overtake the Central Plaza area with their loud noises and silly hats, making it difficult to concentrate and carry on the primary actions of VMKhood, i.e. conversing with fellow VMK denizens. This rabble has continued to drive people away through their persistent use of VMK vernacular such as "lol," "rofl," "afk," and continued use of various magic pins including (but not limited to) teleport, invisibility, pirate costume, and storm (the last two which have been obtained through questionable means that do not reflect their creators' original intent and could indicate violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998). Signs indicating private property were never put into place due to questionable zoning regulations that are, at best, unconstitutional. Regarding proof of illicit behavior involving the accused, their claims of innocence are intolerably suspicious, particularly from those wearing oversized ears. However, in light of the purely hearsay nature of that evidence, testimony from multiple individuals can be provided at the judge's behest to satisfy any inquisition. Furthermore, recent confessional testimony of one MTLott (an admitted alias) regarding his twelve-year ban from VMK should be more than enough to bring this case to the next step, should your clients be willing to go that far. My client is willing to accept a settlement of the following items:

Explorer's Boots
Space Suit (complete)
Dancing Inferno Pin
Flying Saucer Pin
Pink Bodice Shirt
Conical Princess Hat
Herbie Helmet
Haunted Mansion Room and concomitant accessories
VMK name change to CL_Irishhockey

Your move, counsel.

hagen of the English and Logic persuasion
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