Old Rewards Board Vmk Thread

that happened to me too, so I ended up deleting the ones that didn't take and then went back the second day and reshot the pic till the little mickey icon showed on there. now I have all 50 and my bronze , silver and gold award pin . found out if you take a pic and its not what you want you can delete it before you save and will not reduce the number of pics.

my question is if you put them in your photo album how do you access your album or what exactly the album purpose is in game other then just storing your pics.

pins: if there are any cast members from VMK that read these posts suggestion how about a lanyard for the women?
You can view the pictures in your album by going to your room where the album is and double clicking on the album. Does anyone have more than one room yet? Also if you get to level 2 on the pirate game do you get more than 15 credits when you win? Is there anyway to get more than 20 credits for the jungle cruise game?
pixiedust23 said:
You can view the pictures in your album by going to your room where the album is and double clicking on the album. Does anyone have more than one room yet? Also if you get to level 2 on the pirate game do you get more than 15 credits when you win? Is there anyway to get more than 20 credits for the jungle cruise game?

I'm not sure what i'm doing different but I always get 40 credits when I play jungle cruise.

Keep your finger on your down arrow so your boat will stop & you can get all of the pictures.
Finally got all the hidden mickeys!! I had to go back through and find the ONE that didn't take. :cheer2:

If anyone is interested in visiting my room, stop on by. My room's name is buzz kingdom. It doesn't have a lot, but there is a chair to sit a while.
has nyone else noticed you cannot say won or too anymore???
Very annoying!!!
Lets talk about pins........at least here we can type the not approved words

looking for pin four / pin 5 / pin 8 have all the others any clue to what these ones are and where ?

getting harder and harder to chat on there with all the won and toos taken out now
how do you know what number you are missing??
know that there are nine , the numbers on the pins I have lets me know which ones are missing , just don't know what they are or where they are
mousefan said:
looking for pin four / pin 5 / pin 8 have all the others any clue to what these ones are and where ?

Ditto! This is the list I have so far:

The Haunted Mansion 1/9
Fantasyland Castle 2/9
The Enchanted Tiki Room 3/9
The Pirates of the Caribbean 6/9
The Matterhorn 7/9
It’s a Small World 9/9

Got this from vmkfansite - "The others pins will be available once the other Parks open up (i.e.) Tomorrowland and Frontierland"

Disney, hurry up and get those rooms open!!!
eeyore74 said:
Ditto! This is the list I have so far:

The Haunted Mansion 1/9
Fantasyland Castle 2/9
The Enchanted Tiki Room 3/9
The Pirates of the Caribbean 6/9
The Matterhorn 7/9
It’s a Small World 9/9

Got this from vmkfansite - "The others pins will be available once the other Parks open up (i.e.) Tomorrowland and Frontierland"

Disney, hurry up and get those rooms open!!!

How do you get these pins. Do you have to do something or do you just have to buy them? Thanks.
On different days there have been pins for sale. There was a Lady & the Tramp pin for 1,000 credits & I went to buy it today & it was gone. :sad2:

Come see my room "mad room" My decor is getting kinda creppy!
eeyore74 said:
Ditto! This is the list I have so far:
The Haunted Mansion 1/9
Fantasyland Castle 2/9
The Enchanted Tiki Room 3/9
The Pirates of the Caribbean 6/9
The Matterhorn 7/9
It’s a Small World 9/9

Ok, I was able to buy all of these except the Haunted Mansion. I don't know if I just couldn't find it or if its' gone.
I finally got in!! My DD was fascinated so she actually played some of the games, we've had a tough time trying to get in. I think the screen name is nessa...see you! :wave2:
1/9 The Haunted Mansion
2/9 Fantasyland Castle
3/9 The Enchanted Tiki Room
6/9 Pirates of the Caribbean
7/9 The Matterhorn (it's a small world)
9/9 It's a Small World

Captain Blackheart
Shrunken Ned
Fireworks Level One Bronze Sprakler
Maleficent the Dragon
The Yeti
Esmeralda the Fortune Teller
Animal Kingdom
Silver Mortimer
Bronze Mortimer

jjohnson said:
Thanks. I had to register again. Now I'm Maid Marion.

I Maid Marion. Thanks for visiting my room - Buzz Kingdon. Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat. I was trying to help someone. Nice to see you. :)
buzzlady said:
I Maid Marion. Thanks for visiting my room - Buzz Kingdon. Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat. I was trying to help someone. Nice to see you. :)

Hey I visited you in your room! I'm radioalicat on VMK. Right after I left your room the whole thing started to get funky. Probablly because I also had the NBA playoff virtual courtside play-by-play running too.

I just thought it was funny you couldn't use TO or FOR. I really wanted to say bathroom after all the water but it won't let you do that either, lol.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your room!
I have the following pins
Bronze mickey
silver Mickey
gold mickey

1 Haunted mansion
2 Fantasy Castle
3 Enchanted Tiki room
6 Pirates of Caribbean
7 Matterhorn
9 Small World

Firework Level two silver
Shrunken Ned
Animal Kingdom
California Adventure
MGM Studios
Nightmare before xmas

not bad for two days playing
now only if we could get a lanyard hah a


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